Is this sub mostly people looking for ideas? Or people who already have one?

2025.01.23 17:36 Background-Pop-9059 Is this sub mostly people looking for ideas? Or people who already have one?

submitted by Background-Pop-9059 to AppIdeas [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:36 Successful-Note-4485 A group of colonial Israeli settlers took a kitten to the roof of a five-story building, where one of them threw it from that height in occupied Jerusalem.

submitted by Successful-Note-4485 to IsraelCrimes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:36 New_me_310 Book lovers: Goodreads is owned by Amazon

For those who are trying to cancel all Amazon apps, check your Goodreads, too. I migrated my data to StoryGraph, which is a female-founded, independent reading log app with very similar features. There's instructions when you sign up to export your data from Goodreads and import into StoryGraph.
submitted by New_me_310 to Anticonsumption [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:36 Alternative-Cam1296 -HELP- I'm having trouble sending EVR funds from my wallet to the exchange. I've tried changing the fee and amount parameters, and I've also reinstalled the wallet. Has anyone had this problem? Can you help me?

-HELP- I'm having trouble sending EVR funds from my wallet to the exchange. I've tried changing the fee and amount parameters, and I've also reinstalled the wallet. Has anyone had this problem? Can you help me?
submitted by Alternative-Cam1296 to EvrmoreCoin [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:36 GaiaZeus Chapter 177 release date

Does anyone know when 177 will be released I am too curious
submitted by GaiaZeus to TheGreatestEstateDev [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:36 Class_C53_JNR Oh my god, why T-bane (From oslo, Norway) and Stockholm metro (From Stockholm, Sweden) share similarities to MBTA's logo...

Oh my god, why T-bane (From oslo, Norway) and Stockholm metro (From Stockholm, Sweden) share similarities to MBTA's logo... I do not know why T-Bane from Oslo and Tunnelbane from Stockholm's logos share similarities to MBTA.
submitted by Class_C53_JNR to mbta [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:36 kingcameronnn Bianca Bianca Bianca

You guys Bianca looks so cute and is my literal favorite real life animal (snow leapord) but I can't stand her personality. Should I keep her or let her go 😭 #villagers
submitted by kingcameronnn to acnh [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:36 asselfoley Hang Loose

Hang Loose submitted by asselfoley to LetsGroove [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:36 1m0ws Reddit so: "Keine X-Posts mehr, wir wollen den Nazidreck boykottieren und auch hier nicht mehr sehen!😡" Gekte so: "Aber Screenshots gehen noch, ja? Wir wollen doch wissen, was Nazi-Dieter im hinterletzten Kommentarfeld von AxelSpringer an Gift verbreitet, oder welchen Bait Weidel grade bringt!😊💩"

Ey, dieses Sub ist teilweise doch soooo deutsch und so dumm, es geht auf keine Kuhhaut. Schafft euch doch endlich etwas Medienkompetenz an, Herrgott! Die Digitalisierung wurde verkackt, klar, nicht eure Schuld - aber rafft doch mal was Reproduktion von Inhalten und Frames ist. Egal ob 'haha der politische Gegner ist aber dohf1!" drĂŒbergepostet steht!
Es geht mir echt massiv auf den Sack, wie diese Diskussion hier JEDES MAL wieder gefĂŒhrt wird. Und hier so gut wie jeden Tag weiter AfD-Propaganda reproduziert wird oder auch einfach nur 'schaut mal Alice Weidel ist wieder doohf gewesen" kommt.
Selbst wenn Gesamtreddit gerade was schnallt, hier reflexartig wieder das gleiche GesĂŒlze, wo noch drĂŒber diskutiert wird, ob man nicht vielleicht doch noch ein wenig Nazipropaganda haben darf. Nur ein bisschen, nur ein kleiner Nachschlag noch. Nur Screenshots, die gehen noch, darauf hat man sich doch hier geeinigt, oder!?
"irgendwo muss man das anprangern und im bilde bleiben können"
"Im Bilde bleiben", es ist so lachhaft! Es ist aktuell ein Whistleblow im Umlauf, dass Elmo Twitter diesbezĂŒglich bewusst ungeformt hat und baits und bots aktiv gepusht werden. Selbst wenn der nicht 100% legit sein sollte, fasst der Brandbrief doch sehr gut zusammen, wie und wofĂŒr Twitter seit Übernahme genutzt wurde.
Und ihr hier im ewigen infantilen uninspirierten "haha schaut wie lĂŒnks wir shitposter doch sind!" macht den Nazis die Propagandaarbeit, die so bereits 2017 auch schon im Memekrieg eingepreist war und der Hauptgrund fĂŒr dieses ganze Gebaite sind. Libs, die sagen "boah das hat der nicht gesagt!" und munter Postings weitertragen, die sonst nie mehr als 3 Interaktionen je gehabt hĂ€tten.
Es ist auch einfach der absolute Disrespekt gegenĂŒber der Psychohygiene von Mitmenschen in eigentlich nicht-rechten Ecken des Internets.
submitted by 1m0ws to gekte [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:36 BuckFuddy82 Looks Like Somebody's Gonna Need A Fresh Pair of Bootstraps to Pull

Looks Like Somebody's Gonna Need A Fresh Pair of Bootstraps to Pull submitted by BuckFuddy82 to LeopardsAteMyFace [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:36 lukepri Middle name to go with Joshua Price

Any ideas?
Current options are Owen, Matthew, William, Liam.
submitted by lukepri to namenerds [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:36 bot-bouncer Overview for sugaryswan

submitted by bot-bouncer to BotBouncer [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:36 that_pat Bedside table of a blue house in a red neighborhood, January 2025

submitted by that_pat to knolling [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:36 Big_Environment_4056 Update to National Merit Scholarship Policy

Update to National Merit Scholarship Policy
Email from USG today:
“”” Hey Trojans!
I hope everyone has had a great first week of classes so far!
As you may have heard, the University of Southern California is making significant changes to the National Merit Scholarship, which has historically been awarded to National Merit Finalists excelling on their high school PSAT exams. USC has yet to issue an official statement besides publishing the change in a scholarship document on its admission website. This information was first reported by the campus publication Morning Trojan, which revealed that the university plans to 'dramatically reduce a merit scholarship.'
Effective with the incoming Class of 2029, the National Merit Scholarship award will be reduced from the historic half-tuition amount of $34,952 to a fixed annual award of $20,000, according to Morning Trojan. While the university states that these changes aim to redirect financial support to students with demonstrated need, details about how these funds will be redistributed remain unclear.
Key Points to Note: Current Recipients: Students currently receiving the National Merit Scholarship will not experience any changes to their awards. New Award Amount: Incoming National Merit Finalists will receive $20,000 annually, which is still one of the largest stipends compared to peer institutions nationwide. Lack of Transparency: The university has yet to outline a specific plan for reallocating these funds to support students demonstrating financial need. We are concerned about how the decision may impact prospective first-year students hoping to commit in the upcoming Spring.
We understand this decision may raise questions and concerns among students. To better understand its impact, your Undergraduate Student Government leaders are gathering testimonials from students and families affected by this change. [link provided in email and more information about gathering feedback, which I can’t post on this subreddit] 
submitted by Big_Environment_4056 to USC [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:36 Natureboy617 LF Sofia script for any 1 star i got

LF Sofia script for any 1 star i got submitted by Natureboy617 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:36 AjaxLygan Warhawk's Sacrifice, book 3, is now live on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited

Warhawk's Sacrifice, book 3, is now live on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited submitted by AjaxLygan to haremfantasynovels [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:36 SairYin What structure are these ciliates inside of?

What structure are these ciliates inside of? Seen in pond water sample, Scotland. 10x Motic BA310e - seen quite a few of these in better condition and without the cilliates.
submitted by SairYin to microscopy [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:36 Sampsky90 All take, no give...

All take, no give... submitted by Sampsky90 to Nicegirls [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:36 lordfluff1968 QMU show postponed to Sunday

QMU show postponed to Sunday submitted by lordfluff1968 to mogwai [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:36 New_Camel_3086 Welcome to the Bendy News Roundup!!! G-Fuel Collab, BATDR Physical Copies Teased, and SO MUCH MORE!!!

Welcome to the Bendy News Roundup!!! G-Fuel Collab, BATDR Physical Copies Teased, and SO MUCH MORE!!! Welcome to the Bendy News Roundup!!! Today I will get you guys up to date on everything that has been recently announced! So let’s start off with a post few posts from Mike. On his community tab we learn the following information:
  1. Mike and theMeatly don’t have access to the switch2 so all current console ports of upcoming projects for Nintendo owners will only come out on switch 1 since switch 2 is backwards compatible. When access to the switch2 is more open to third party, they will look into it.
  2. BATDR’s switch port will be the first Bendy release of 2025, preceding Lone Wolf and The Cage.
  3. Mike and theMeatly have stuff in the works for BATDR physical copies. (Speaking hypothetically, I imagine BATDR switch will release day in date with the physical copies for not just switch but Xbox and PlayStation as well)
  4. When me and Mike were discussing switch ports we spoke about how unstable and buggy BATIM is on the console, and according to Mike that port wasn’t even supposed to be made and was released without their permission due to poor management from Rooster Teeth games who subcontracted a port studio who then subcontracted another port studio to release the port. That also explains why it took so much legal work for them to get their hands back on the port.
  5. Mike said that if anyone posts bugs they’ve found in the switch version of BATIM on Twitter then he MIGHT contract someone to go and fix some of those issues. No promises though.
  6. I sent my own list of bugs that I had found to Mike and he said while most of it is useful, he may or may not know how to tackle some of the issues without completely restarting the port (which he doesn’t have the time nor is he willing to spend the resources). He said that it is still very useful though and that if he does anything he’ll let us know. No promises again. Here’s the link to those bugs I found:
  7. Bendy is getting a G-Fuel collab!
  8. New Jakks Pacific Merch featuring the cartoon counterparts of the Bendy trio has been found on eBay!
That’s all I got right now! Thanks for reading and good night Tri-State Area!
submitted by New_Camel_3086 to BendyAndTheInkMachine [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:36 FunSprinkles9743 Did someone penetrate their own splint in wise teeth part?

In this moring, I found some perforated region of my right wisdom teeth. I didnt know where it was going. I did it firstime, so I want to know what to do in this situatoon. Also, I call my hospital after this night but my appointment is in Feb 6th, and Im worried about something bad will happen in 2 weeks.
submitted by FunSprinkles9743 to TMJ [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:36 No_Maize_9205 Termino

Sinceramente no início do namoro tudo dava bom só que agora mesmo não sendo briga eu tenho que começar a falar, se eu ficar sem falar o dia todo ela fica ou só fala 2 coisas no dia e nem tenta puxar assunto e quando fala é sobre os amigos dela e viagens que ela faz, e to pensando em terminar, sinto que ela não liga mais pra namoro
submitted by No_Maize_9205 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:36 Jackislawless 93 caprice

93 caprice I’ve been attempting to combine my two favorite cars my 93 caprice and my 91 corvette. They just don’t want to become one. Every week I get a few bolts closer and I think to myself this was supposed to be the easy swap. I didn’t have to change much like with an LS swap. Nothing ever goes according to plan. Simple things become complicated. Soon however I will have essentially bolted on approximately 170 hp over stock. And bonus it looks like stock. I can get a little crazier later if I want but for now 300 hp is good enough. I’ve got 3.07 gears in it and some other small goodies. I Can’t wait to pull out of the yard and start guzzling gas.
submitted by Jackislawless to projectcar [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:36 Pikmin4fan301 The fiddlevent ep8: just tater tots (nobody won last round) what happens next

The fiddlevent ep8: just tater tots (nobody won last round) what happens next submitted by Pikmin4fan301 to Pikmin [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:36 BothArt1844 Will the funds go into my wallet?

I have made a transaction of 10k€ but my bank will complete the transaction after 3 hours for “security reasons” I have to leave my house and I’m wondering if I should leave my ledger connected to my computer for the funds to get in or can I remove it?
submitted by BothArt1844 to ledgerwallet [link] [comments]