Anyone who can say how long my legs are will get a personalized photo!🥰😜

2025.01.23 17:22 CSMichelle Anyone who can say how long my legs are will get a personalized photo!🥰😜

Anyone who can say how long my legs are will get a personalized photo!🥰😜 submitted by CSMichelle to Guys_w_Girls_LegsCD [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 Ainsworthxz ônibus

Rapaziada, que ônibus eu posso pegar para ir da ufes de goiabeiras para a uvv e de lá para aqui também?
submitted by Ainsworthxz to vitoriaES [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 DramaticUnit679 2v2 / 3v3 mode

Something as simple as a game mode where you’re a tag team with friends would elevate this game to another level. This would be so much fun, playing online and strategizing with your teammates on when to switch and making call outs. Which Ik sounds weird but you could call out when enemy does a wild sense or things of that nature. Which may sound dumb but I think it could have a lot of potential. Some type of DP points system would be implemented preferably. What do yall think?
submitted by DramaticUnit679 to SparkingZero [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 saurabhg89691 Traveling to Jabalpur for CMAT Exam - Looking for Company & Travel Tips

Hi everyone,
I’ll be traveling to Jabalpur for the first time this Saturday for the CMAT exam. My time slot is from 3 PM to 6 PM. If anyone here or someone you know is also heading to Jabalpur for the exam, please let me know. It would be great to have some company during the journey!
Additionally, I’d appreciate any tips for traveling from Rewa to Jabalpur and back. If you know about reliable transport options, timings, or anything I should keep in mind, I’d be super grateful.
Thanks in advance for your help! 😊
submitted by saurabhg89691 to rewa [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 Traveler_Yanagi Matching with her BF

Matching with her BF
submitted by Traveler_Yanagi to Aether_Mains [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 squidman Just got my first sister started and my friend is mad at me for some reason??

Just got my first sister started and my friend is mad at me for some reason?? submitted by squidman to Warframe [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 Kirboy709 I drew my favorite killer and his skins!

I drew my favorite killer and his skins! Also I drew whimsical c00lkidd like that because it was boring on it just being his model with a propeller hat
submitted by Kirboy709 to FORSAKENROBLOX [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 JF17_1989 Signs of wear on the frame

Signs of wear on the frame I have a Merida silex with just 200km and it’s showing this signs of wearing, and I don’t know what is causing it. I’m using the stock wheels and tyres. Anyone know what could be the problem?
submitted by JF17_1989 to gravelcycling [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 Appropriate_Lab_7664 :3

submitted by Appropriate_Lab_7664 to drawings [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 che2o2o Has this happened to anyone? Random cities fr

Has this happened to anyone? Random cities fr submitted by che2o2o to Depop [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 dalv05 Pipeline proiecte de infra in Timisoara

Mai jos gasiti o lista cu proiectele pe care administratia locala le-a demarat sau doreste sa le demareze in urmatorii ani. De mentionat ca ele se afla in diferite stadii, unele in executie sau proiectare, altele in analiza (SF sauparte din diverse strategii de dezvoltare): Ca nota personala, cred ca unele sunt fezabile pentru a fi realizate intr-un orizont de timp de 2-3 ani, altele insa nu cred ca in urmatorii 4 ani vor incepe.
Arena Eroii Timisoarei - executie (termen finalizare 2026) Pasajul Solventul - executie (termen finalizare 2025) Turnul de apa din Iosefin - executie (termen finalizare 2025) Podul Solventul - in pregatire licitare pentru PT+executie Radiala Vest - in pregatire licitare PT+executie Regenerare zona Traian - in pregatire licitate executie Regenerare Mocioni - in pregatire licitare PT+executie Pasarela Parcul Copiilor -Pestalozzi - contract semnat pt PT+executie Reabilitare pasaj strada Polona - licitatie pt PT+executie in derulare Reabilitare podul Muncii - licitatie PT+executie lansata Podul Ilsa(Isho) - in pregatire licitare executie Parcare supraetajata spitalul de copii - pregatire licitare PT+executie Parcare Bega - SF in derulare Parcare Dacia - pregatire lansare licitatie PT+executie Parcare supraetajata Eroii Timisoarei - PT Regenerare Dacia - in studii (fara SF sau licitatie PT) Culoar verde/mobilitate urbana Sagului - in studii (fara SF sau licitatie PT) Regenerare piata Victoriei - castigator solutiie de arhitectura desemnat (fara SF sau licitstie PT) Campus dual - SF finalizat Noul spital municipal - acord PPP semnat cu BM, in derulare SF Reabilitare bvd. Liviu Rebreanu - in pregatire pt executie
Acestea sunt ale primariei.
Proiecte demarate de guvern prin ministere sau de CJT:
Stadionul Dan Paltinisanu (CJT) - desemnare castigator demolare Centura de Vest (MT) - ctr semnat PT+executie Largire 4 benzi centura de Nord - SF in pregatire Conexiune A1 -DN69 (MT) - in executie (finalizare 2025) Modernizare cale ferata, sectiunea ce trece prin TM cu pasaj la Padurea Verde, Baader, Radu de la Afumati si reabilitare gara de N(MT) - in executie (termen 2026) Modernizare stadion Stiinta (Univ. Politehnica) - in executie Parcare supraetajata langa hotel TM (CJT) - in derulare SF
submitted by dalv05 to timisoara [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 JRZabowski Deosyx 316215419727

Deosyx 316215419727 submitted by JRZabowski to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 TheStartupChime The Sonos Arc is matching its best price to date just in time for the Super Bowl

The Sonos Arc is matching its best price to date just in time for the Super Bowl submitted by TheStartupChime to hypeurls [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 Few-Cockroach-5869 What would make an overpowered real-life character / MC?

What would make an overpowered real-life character / MC?
  • You can only choose one quirk/power from one series/story in each domain (first picture)
  • You must explain how each power works with real-life science, math, technology or engineering.
  • You cannot pick a powequirk from the provided restrictions:
Marvel: Scarlet witch, Infinity stones, Dormammu
DC: Darkseid X-Men: Dark phoenix, Apocalypse
JoJo's bizzare adventure: Star Platinum, The World, Killer Queen Bites the Dust, Golden Experience REQIUEM, King Crimson, Made in Heaven, C-Moon, Tusk Act 4, D4C and D4C Love Train, Wonder of U, Soft and Wet (Go Beyond), Cream, Ball Breaker, Notorious BIG, Heaven's Door
submitted by Few-Cockroach-5869 to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 Honest-Delivery8652 Chem leaks?

submitted by Honest-Delivery8652 to leavingcert [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 TheStartupChime Google’s mobile search results are dropping the ‘breadcrumbs’ from URLs

Google’s mobile search results are dropping the ‘breadcrumbs’ from URLs submitted by TheStartupChime to hypeurls [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 PizzaCrescent2070 How do you feel about Zedd?

I loved his music back in the late 2010s but I just don't vibe with his new works. I only listen to his early works (Clarity and True Colors) because a mixture of nostalgia and the punch it had.
I only heard that he released a new album in 2024 just now because I didn't bother to keep up due to how mid he's been. I don't even know if Telos is good or not or worth checking out.
submitted by PizzaCrescent2070 to fantanoforever [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 JimCripe GLOVES OFF: Fed up Jim Acosta CRUSHES Republican on air

GLOVES OFF: Fed up Jim Acosta CRUSHES Republican on air GLOVES OFF: Fed up Jim Acosta CRUSHES pro-Trump Republican on air
submitted by JimCripe to PoliticalVideo [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 Ill-Pitch-2020 does the show adapt the books like the films i know that they dont do silence of the lambs because of it getting cancelled but do they adapt the other 3 books

title says it all
submitted by Ill-Pitch-2020 to HannibalTV [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 jpinoniemi For the Coyote Tan fans

For the Coyote Tan fans New color for Honda, I immediately thought of Leatherman Coyote tan
submitted by jpinoniemi to Leatherman [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 TheStartupChime Google is giving IT more control over your Chrome extensions

Google is giving IT more control over your Chrome extensions submitted by TheStartupChime to hypeurls [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 Rdmink Bookish box darkly march pick?

Does anyone know what the darkly pick is for march? When they announced January and February they said they’d announce the march pick at a later date but I have not seen any updates on what the pick will be. I wasn’t sure if I’ve missed the announcement or if they still haven’t said anything yet.
submitted by Rdmink to fairyloot [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 GallifreyanGeek HELPING IN TEXAS: Looking for effective ways to donate time and/or money to help the immigrant community in Houston or Texas at large.

I apologize if this is not the right place to post a request like this. Please let me know and I'll delete it if it isn't.
I'm not part of the immigrant community, I don't have much money nor am I a lawyer or bilingual, but I do live in Houston and I know Texas is about to become one of the ground zeros for the new administration's "immigration policies".
So, I've been researching how to best support my local immigrant/undocumented communities here in Houston (or even Texas at large.) I'd like to focus on local efforts aside from the big national orgs that have a lot of name recognition. I've found a few legal defense funds, like the Houston Immigration Legal Services Collaborative, but I'd also like to find any other campaigns, efforts, mutual aid requests, or organizations that are smaller (or maybe flying under the radar...) and less known that need help.
I just highjacked the top comment in the top post on houston about recent immigration news to ask this as well, but I thought coming directly to the community would be a good idea. So, I'd be immensely grateful if any of you could point me to resources that have been the most helpful to you, your loved ones, and your communities in a crisis. (AND any orgs that are actually scammy and/or harmful to your community.) Or even some small actions that an average person can do to help.
Thank you for your time, please stay safe.
submitted by GallifreyanGeek to UndocumentedAmericans [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 Weary-Bad6688 mechanical engineering

why is there only a Meng course for mech engineering?
submitted by Weary-Bad6688 to Imperial [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 Interesting_Sell2552 Should I come out to my grandparents now?

I’m currently 6 months on hormones and slowly coming out to my whole family. I currently live with my grandparents going to college. I hope to be an RA so I can have my own space. They seem pretty neutral and very anti trump. They actively know the struggles of queer people at least from the perspective they are being targeted currently. I don’t know where they truly stand at a personal level. I just know they believe gay people and trans people deserve to be treated equally.
submitted by Interesting_Sell2552 to asktransgender [link] [comments]