Unders are my enemy lol

2025.01.23 21:10 Parlayslayer Unders are my enemy lol

submitted by Parlayslayer to fanduel [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 EfficientShine3047 Maternity leave side gig?

I have never worked from home and currently work for a super small company that more than likely cannot provide any paid time off besides what I’ve got banked. I do have a bit of savings but as the breadwinner in my family, we need to be able to cover expenses while I am recuperating. I’ve got loads of experience in customer service and other areas. Are there any legit companies or places to look?
submitted by EfficientShine3047 to WFHJobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 PermissionOk402 Someone doesn't approve of my pajama pants.

Someone doesn't approve of my pajama pants. https://preview.redd.it/kj8q0r2v6tee1.jpg?width=2003&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4b7412dced995d13c4a625cde00e4f23906e3a3
submitted by PermissionOk402 to corgi [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 RegularKnee2826 Your story on how you found God!

Hello fellow Reddits!! My name is Salena and I am in the process of starting a brand new YouTube channel for telling people’s stories of how they found God! I am not a person with a million followers so this would be a brand new platform. However, that being said, everyone’s story that I read will get shouted out and I will tell listeners where to find their page or pages so they can follow you. If you are interested in starting this journey with me, please email me at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing and telling all of your amazing stories!
submitted by RegularKnee2826 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Extension-Buy-2633 Random sketches (snoot/wani)

Random sketches (snoot/wani) submitted by Extension-Buy-2633 to SnootGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 MidLyf Goggle Ads Search Campaign Help

Hello, based on some expert advice, my wife switched from a smart campaign to a search campaign. The smart campaign, despite aggressively managing negative keywords (retroactively) kept dinging us for wildly unrelated services at super high cpc. We switched to exact match because broad match was still charging us for silly unrelated searches.
The issue now is while we chose to increase sales/bookings since we are a service business and wanted to reduce nuisance clicks. For conversions we chose website bookings and phone calls. Our account says we’ve gotten conversions of 233 clicks/interactions and 524 raw leads with a CTR of 10%, yet no appreciable increase in calls or bookings. To the expert eye does this appear to be something we’ve done wrong in setting up the campaign?
Our cpc is down and we aren’t getting charged for people searching for a restaurant when we are a skincare business anymore, but the bookings aren’t materializing. Our ads have callouts, high quality images, descriptions to match the ads, cta etc., essentially everything we were told must be present to have a solid ad.
Appreciate any insight you can give. I tried to get phone help from google and the automated voice said they cannot offer that service to us.
submitted by MidLyf to googleads [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Nateyrr Deoxys Defense, 2 local with pp - 9971 2645 3948

submitted by Nateyrr to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Keemstart Rockstar is NOT ready

People always say rockstar will share information when they are ready to share it, but here is the kicker.... they are simply not ready. The game looks unfinished from the leaks and they went literally radio silent for 1 year. If i was investor i would be really MAD for this so my thoughts are that they will announce a delay on take two meetings for 2027 financial year ( fall 2026).
Rockstar takes pride in the quality of the games they provide which is understandable.so this is why they will delay it to deliver the best open world game of all time.
submitted by Keemstart to GTA6 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 DCFan389 full view of Puppy J on a white background (2)

full view of Puppy J on a white background (2) submitted by DCFan389 to PuppyJGallery [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 theepowerranger Shopping here is the WORST!

I mean like I just don’t get it!! It shouldn’t take 45 minutes to pay for 1 Item!! 16 registers but only 2 of them is operating! ridiculous company I need corporate phone number so this can can change. I love Marshalls but omg they need to fix these stores because it looks like a goodwill now. Maybe Ross is the better option
submitted by theepowerranger to TjMaxx [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 FeatherFlickr Nothing like a kitten hug to make your day

Nothing like a kitten hug to make your day submitted by FeatherFlickr to Awww [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 nogames4aaron Why is everything murky

Why does every question asked answered in such a way that it only causes more confusion? Maybe it's all me. Maybe I'm not equiped to deal with and sort through Reditt for answeres? That is a good possibility. I was hoping to be able to find out who the person was that is behind all the love bombing I get on other apps. Why I was led to Reddit in the first place? All kinds of questions that I was hoping to find the answers to. I was hoping to be able to find a person to love and who loves me. I read all kinds of posts. Its really incredible how many posts I can relate to. Some of them sound like they are written by me or someone I used to know well. I've contacted more authors than I care to admit to and many have contacted me. Nearly every person I've contacted and had similar stories eventually turned out to not be part of my story. But there are others that lead you along a path of breadcrumbs pretending to be your person or someone close to your person. But when it comes to identifying themselves they go silent or flat out refuse to acknowledge being the person you thought they were. Every answer comes in as murcy as possible with just enough truth to keep you wondering. What a bunch of shit this place is. And if by some outside chance you are on hear looking to connect with me . I say Shame on you for wasting yours and my time. You think making a game of clue out of thisbis how a relationship is repaired? You need to reevaluate what you want in life. I know what I want and it's not games played with my heart!
submitted by nogames4aaron to LettersAnswered [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 RevRagnarok [2020/1st Gen] Storage Area Under Shifter

Has anybody poked around under that storage area under the shifter? I am thinking about trying to open that area up to get a little more storage and was wondering if anybody has peeked under there.
submitted by RevRagnarok to KiaNiroEV [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 solrosenbergv1 That’s gonna kill me, that’s real

That’s gonna kill me, that’s real submitted by solrosenbergv1 to IThinkYouShouldLeave [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 fiwiks How to give away 1b coins

Haven’t played this game in like 2 years and now I have 1b give me a cool idea to give it all away or I’m just gonna go to a random end lobby do 80 dragons and drop all the loot I get
submitted by fiwiks to HypixelSkyblock [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 ParzivalsQuest Perplexed by high readings right after falling asleep

I didn’t have a great dinner or lunch last night to be fair, but this happens every night regardless of what I eat. I tend to spike right after falling asleep and stay high-ish all night, but my midday BG is in the 70s-90s all day. I’ve experimented with different foods and can’t find a rhyme or reason.
Also, I sleep on my non-sensor arm very consistently lol
submitted by ParzivalsQuest to stelo [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 shortsandhoodies 33f looking for long term reading buddies.

Hi. 33f looking for long term reading buddy. Here's a few books/genres I want to read.
Genres: YA. Top of list because right now I want some easy and not have to think too hard about right now Classics particularly from 1700-1900 Gothic Novels Non-fiction Sci fi Fantasy
Books: The Turn of the Screw by Henry James Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro Any thing by Jane Austen. The lion, the witch and the wardrobe. The Magicans by Lev Grossman The legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask by Gabr Durham Days at the Morisaki Bookshop by Satoshi Yagisawa Before I let go by Marieke Nijkamp
I am open to other suggestions too.
submitted by shortsandhoodies to Book_Buddies [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 bred_Teleportation I HATE THAT I HAVE AN IDEA OF A LOBOTOMIZED SHRIMPO AU!!!!!!!

so pretty much, shrimpo got abused by his toon handler when he wasn't mean, but since shrimpo still ended up expressing emotions around the other toons when the handlers weren't around, the toon handlers lobotomized him so he could only express anger. he could still FEEL other emotions, but he couldn't express other emotions.
but then after a few years, shelly got fed up with shrimpo always going "I HATE X" and "I HATE Y". so she lobotomized him to take away his ability to express anger (she was unaware of the fact that anger was the only emotion he could express), making him pretty much emotionless (he's still able to feel emotions, but he just can't express any of them).
submitted by bred_Teleportation to Shrimpo_Mains [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 airbus_a320flyer Cas ggn front

Upto 4 tickets at mrp, f2f as I'm attending.
submitted by airbus_a320flyer to Tickets [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Low_Engineering8921 ELI5 Body Temperature and illness

Im hungover. My body temperature skyrocketed about 15 minutes ago and I knew I was about to vomit. Always happens. Immediately afterwards, full body shivers and absolutely freezing. I also always experience a spike in temperature when I'm having diarrhea.
What's going on there? Why does illness affect body temperature so much?
submitted by Low_Engineering8921 to explainlikeimfive [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 SeaFoamMarigold The good news is we're stuck at $4.20. The bad news is we're stuck at $4.20

submitted by SeaFoamMarigold to BBAI [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 External-Cold8659 How long does John cena retirement tour last

I thought it was at wrestlemania 41 but other people say it’s in December when is it
submitted by External-Cold8659 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 SvetAndroida Češi, pozor! Voyo bude prudce zdražovat. Kolik si připlatíte?

Češi, pozor! Voyo bude prudce zdražovat. Kolik si připlatíte? Česká streamovací platforma Voyo po 14 letech zdražuje\ \ Týká se to jak České republiky, tak i Slovenska\ \ Půjde o navýšení o desítky korun\ \ \ Voyo je v Česku druhou nejoblíbenější streamovací platformou a při započítání slovenských předplatitelů má už přes 700 000 pravidelných uživatelů. TV Nova, pod niž spadá, by přitom do roku 2026 chtěla dosáhnout 1 000 000 předplatitelů.\ \ Platforma nabízející přes 2 000 filmů a pořadů přitom láká nejen svým obsahem, ale i cenou. Ta totiž už od roku 2011 zůstávala na stejné úrovni a pro mnoho lidí byla velmi příjemná. Což teď končí. Už na podzim totiž TV Nova oznámila, že Voyo zdraží, a to jak pro Čechy, tak pro Slováky.\ \ \ \ Slováci už platí víc\ \ U našich východních sousedů už ke zdražení došlo. Základní předplatné tam stouplo z původních 5,99 eur na 7,99 eur (asi 200 Kč). Prémiový tarif Voyo Maximum, který obsahuje také sportovní zápasy a v Česku není dostupný, zatím nepodražil - stojí pořád 11,99 eur (asi 300 Kč).\ \ Češi zatím platí pořád stejně, ale ... celý článek si můžete přečíst na https://www.svetandroida.cz/voyo-zdrazeni-cesko-slovensko/?fsp_sid=8762
submitted by SvetAndroida to androidCZSK [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 sono_Pablo C'è qualcuno in questo subreddit che conosce Omori?

Omori,è un videogioco horror-psicologico sviluppato da Omocat,qualcuno di voi lo conosce o l'ha giocato(come me).
submitted by sono_Pablo to TeenagersITA [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Giraffewhiskers_23 What’s your favorite band and why?

submitted by Giraffewhiskers_23 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
