Stuff happens! 😬

2025.01.23 19:50 Derpballz Stuff happens! 😬

Stuff happens! 😬 submitted by Derpballz to CrusadeMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 KuntaStillSingle I'll try spinning, that's a good trick

I'll try spinning, that's a good trick submitted by KuntaStillSingle to feedthememes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Mysterious_Dealer287 Bibliothek oder Hörsaal als Versteck

Denkt ihr das wÀren gute Verstecke? Ich denke man taucht da schon ziemlich unter oder, wenn man sich in eine Bib oder einen Hörsaal reinsetzt.
submitted by Mysterious_Dealer287 to manhuntmedia [link] [comments]



2025.01.23 19:50 eltoddro Score! Chas. Parker 974 (Estate Sale)

Score! Chas. Parker 974 (Estate Sale) Picked this up for 60 bones after body-blocking 2 guys who tried to cut around me and scoop me! Score!!!
submitted by eltoddro to Tools [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 azzycat Played with makeup today

Played with makeup today So I've not really played with my gender expression before. Or with makeup really but there's this gender fluid person I follow on social media who uses makeup to express where they are on the spectrum that day. I know some days I feel masculine and others femme but never tried showing it before. I've wanted to but my makeup skills are... limited.
I did just a little makeup today to look more masc, following a gwm they posted. Just a bit of mascara and shadowing in a couple place (I don't own contour atm). And... I don't hate it but I cried twice. I'm hoping this place is supportive. I'm hoping I don't look dumb...
submitted by azzycat to agender [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Artistic_Potato_1840 VA disability benefits for injury sustained while on activity duty but not in the line of work?

Does anyone happen to know if VA disability benefits are available for injuries sustained while on active duty but not in the line of work? My left hand was severely injured while partying off duty during my service in South Korea. I tried to break up a fight between two of my friends, got shoved away, and fell to the ground while holding a beer bottle. The bottle shattered in my hand and the Korean ER doctors cut off a pretty large bit of muscle tissue around from the meaty part of the hand near the wrist. I’ll spare the rest of the graphic details. 20 years later, I’m getting chronic wrist pain, weakness, and spraining in that hand. I also have some nerve damage in one of the fingers. My job involves a ton of typing, so it’s a fairly significant burden. I often have to use a wrist brace.
Anyway, the incident was fully documented in my medical record and I wasn’t punished for the incident. I’m just wondering how the VA treats claims for injuries that were sustained on active duty but not in the line of work, if anyone has experience with that.
submitted by Artistic_Potato_1840 to Veterans [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 AUsedTire Always loved the Gravemind's portrayal in Karen Traviss' Human Weakness, a short story part of Buckell Tobias' Halo: Evolutions anthology (implying that people here don't already know what that is ;D)

“You always talk in rhyme?” Cortana asked, hands on hips. “Nothing personal, but you’re no Keats. Don’t give up the day job.”
It—he—had a rasping baritone voice, detectable through the control room’s audio sensors. The creature was so unlike anything she’d encountered before that she was fascinated for a few moments by the sheer scale of it. She couldn’t see where it ended.
It was . . . it had . . . it had no boundaries. That was the strangest thing. When she interfaced with a warship’s systems, she could feel its limits, its dimensions, its physical reality, all the stresses in its structure and the time-to-failure of its components. Sensors told her every detail. A ship was knowable. So was a human being, up to a point; downloaded to Master Chief’s armor, she could monitor all his vital signs. And she knew him. She knew him in all the ways that people who lived in close quarters knew one another’s foibles and moods. She knew where he ended and where she began. She felt that line between herself and a ship, too.
But this Gravemind, measurable and detectable, felt different. Blurred. How did she know that? What was she detecting? And how?
There were no complex tasks to occupy her; no ship to control, no interaction with other AIs, no tactical data, and perhaps the most distracting absence of all, no Master Chief—John—to take care of. High Charity’s systems were gradually failing. The remaining environment controls and sensors occupied a tiny fraction of her consciousness. It was like rattling around in a big, dumb, empty truck. She had to stay busy. If she didn’t, this thing would take her apart.
“There is much more complexity to meter than the simple plodding rhymes of this 'Keats',” the Gravemind said.
He sounded more wearied than offended by the jibe. “But then I have the memories of many poets far beyond your limited human culture. And I have the quickness of intellect to compose all manner of poetic forms as I speak rather than labor over mere words for days.” His tone softened, but not in a kind way. “I would have thought an entity like yourself, with such rapid thought processes and so vast a mind, would understand that. Perhaps not. Perhaps you are more limited than I imagined . . . but then you were made by humans, were you not? I shall speak more simply for you, then.”
`You patronizing lump of fungus... I ought to...`
I don't know why, but of all the things in Human Weakness, the thing that strikes me most about the Gravemind is not the crazy shit he has the ability to do to Cortana - it's his attitude about it all. Like uh,
He sounded more wearied than offended by the jibe.
This comes up a few more times in the story - he at certain points just comes off to Cortana as tired, and at one point - almost even mournful(and what's interesting there is, because of the nature of the Gravemind as portrayed in the story - I almost don't even know if that was meant to actually be the Gravemind's sorrow she was sensing, or one of his many victims).
It's like the Gravemind views himself as just this unstoppable current of force in the galaxy that just has to exist, no matter what, and he knows that even if someone somehow manages to delay him - that is all it will ever be in the end, because he is of course, "all things"
“I still think I’d get pretty tired of waiting for you to find a word that rhymes with orange.”
The Gravemind now filled her field of vision. She found herself searching for eyes to focus on, another irrational reflex, but still saw only a rip of a mouth. His voice teetered on the lower limit of audible human frequencies.
“Orange . . . in which language? I have absorbed so many.”
“Wit as well as looks. How can a girl resist?”
The Gravemind made a sound like the start of an avalanche, an infrasonic rumbling. “I have pity within me,” he said. “And infinite time. But I also have impatience—because I am all things. You will tell me everything about Earth’s defenses.”
He just does not give a single shit about anything, because to him - everything is going on track as it should; he is inevitable, he is a timeless chorus, a unity of thought, blah blah blah. Join your voice with his and sing victory everlasting today!
submitted by AUsedTire to HaloStory [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 lizziemoon89 Headcodes and TFL services

I am trying to understand headcodes but I am getting a bit stuck on how the route is distinguished in them. If I have a code that is 2Y90 and then 2Y91 would these both be the same route and the 90, 91 represents the number of the route being run that day? I have the headcodes from a different day that are 2N30 2N31 and the train is going between the same two stations which only has one route.... I know that the 2 across them is for the type of passenger service, I thought the letter was supposed to be route or area but it is now N instead of Y. Can anyone help me understand or point me to a dictionary for headcodes?
submitted by lizziemoon89 to uktrains [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Dparamoshin Advanced Suit 2.0 Custom Figure Work In Progress

submitted by Dparamoshin to MarvelLegends [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Mysterious_Dealer287 Bibliothek oder Hörsaal als Versteck

Denkt ihr das wÀren gute Verstecke? Ich denke man taucht da schon ziemlich unter oder, wenn man sich in eine Bib oder einen Hörsaal reinsetzt.
submitted by Mysterious_Dealer287 to manhuntmedia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 xnikoxd 👀👀

👀👀 submitted by xnikoxd to BeelcitosMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Ginesarie First time player and...

Why am I becoming the leader of everything lol? I barge into places with my axe and hit things and suddenly im the archmage
submitted by Ginesarie to skyrim [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Hopeful_43_er Looking at my Ultrasound Doppler my

Looking at my Ultrasound Doppler my A few months of trying to address my symptoms and an abdominal ultrasound was normal sans fatty liver and potential adenomyosis. Colonoscopy and endoscopy both normal followed by a contrast CT scan which showed pelvic congestion syndrome and left gonadal vein dilation. I logged in to view my ultrasound and found this- I assume this is my left ovarian vein? That seems larger than anything I’ve seen online
 I’m currently waiting 4 months to see an interventional radiologist but I’m worried if I need to be doing more
submitted by Hopeful_43_er to AskRadiology [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 lacolombay What font is this?

What font is this? submitted by lacolombay to canva [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 pixelnyanXD This one might get me killed

This one might get me killed submitted by pixelnyanXD to pillarchase2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 OnceUponATailslide VIP Experience 2025

VIP Experience 2025 Hey there. Considering the VIP experience for Vegas and wanted to get a sense from those who did it last year—did you feel like it was worth it? Would you do it again? I don’t know that an autographed poster has a huge appeal for me and it’s a GA venue so no special seating. How was the soundcheck? Was there a Q&A? I’ve never seen them before and am taking a short flight from salt lake to get there. I’m for sure seeing them the following day at Kilby festival in SLC, but I feel like I’d rather see them at their own headlining show without a presumed shortened set and mixed crowd of non-fans.
submitted by OnceUponATailslide to futureislands [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 NobodyAltruistic1648 One piece Chapter 1137

One piece Chapter 1137 submitted by NobodyAltruistic1648 to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Intelligent_Leave582 How does Xbox store and delete my captures?

I have a habit of taking a lot of clips and screenshots here and there of games I play. I’ve heard that your captures delete captures after 90 days but that doesn’t seem to be the case for clips stored on your Xbox. My clips that I upload to the Xbox network stay for 90 days by the gane clips I have stored on my Xbox don’t even stay for more than 2 days. The oldest screenshot I have stored locally is 37 days old. The oldest game clip I have is 2 days old. Why is it deleting my clips so fast? Is this random?
submitted by Intelligent_Leave582 to XboxSupport [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 drawingpills 26[M4F] #Turkey #EU #Anywhere / Rainy nights, coffee, blankets and us?

Hello there stranger o/ I'm trying to find my one and only, maybe you're the one!? or not? Who knows?
I'll write my biggest deal breaker first so you don't have to keep reading if you're not interested.
Having lots of relationship history with intimacy. Personally I don't have ANY intimacy experience on purpose and I don't want someone with LOTS of experience/relationship history. Also if you broke up recently that's also a big no for me. No one is an aid band duh.
I'm 6.1 - 185cm muscular build, (not too shredded) wide shoulders, white skin, black hair, eyes and beard ( I don't like having a long beard so I keep it short or shave ) . You can see me from the link below.
I'm from Turkey and my ethnicity is Caucasian.
My personality type is INFP-A , I don't believe horoscopes or to any religion.
I'm a Concept/2D Artist. I draw character designs, potraits, any stuff I like.
I'm loyal, empathetic, protective, dependable and love to share every thought I have with my partner and also expect the same thing.
I love melancholy in general, I have couple of sad song playlists on Spotify.
My main hobbies are drawing, powerlifting and gaming. I also do some other stuff like playing electric guitar sometimes but who cares.
I like getting and giving attention in equal terms.
I'm also an open book, I don't hide anything.
Also, I do care about physical attraction, I'm adding my photos first so you don't have to send a message if you don't find me attractive enough. In the end everyone has a different taste.
Well if you're interested, please send me a DM with an introduction and if possible a selfie of yourself. Thank you for reading this far!
submitted by drawingpills to r4r [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 gummy7 Dragonsweeper by Daniel Benmergui

Dragonsweeper by Daniel Benmergui submitted by gummy7 to WebGames [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Rough-Produce-7968 American here

If I wanted to move to France permanently what would I have to do and what's the cost of living and what should I expect and how should i.go about moving there
submitted by Rough-Produce-7968 to moving [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Karuemel ZugbrĂŒcke/ Gewicht beim hochziehen?

ZugbrĂŒcke/ Gewicht beim hochziehen? Wie errechnet man folgendes?
Angenommen diese ZugbrĂŒcke wiegt 100 Kilo, wie viel Kilo muss ein Motor ziehen können wenn man die BrĂŒcke an den Ketten hochzieht?
Macht es einen Unterschied wenn die heruntergelassene ZugbrĂŒcke weiter als 90° nach unten liegt?
submitted by Karuemel to WerWieWas [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 reindeerareawesome This fox that is both a red fox and a silver fox

This fox that is both a red fox and a silver fox submitted by reindeerareawesome to RealLifeShinies [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:50 Goddess_of_Winter Content Available 💝

Pricing on my pinned post! I need to pay some bills, and you want content, let’s work something out! 😘
submitted by Goddess_of_Winter to INeedMoneyNow [link] [comments]