
2025.01.23 21:10 DayPounder Sad

Sad submitted by DayPounder to FortWorth [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 GeoTheGeode They're here woo!!

They're here woo!! submitted by GeoTheGeode to Beyblade [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 eesdesessesrdt Cake day today

Cake day today submitted by eesdesessesrdt to whenthe [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Nic657 App Notification sound

I’ve come from iPhone 11 Pro Max to iPhone 16 Plus and I can’t figure out how to change the notification sound on specific apps? I like being able to tell the difference between app notifications without looking at the phone! I used to have different sounds for TikTok, Insta and WhatsApp
submitted by Nic657 to iPhone16 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 WaveParty1444 Gracias a todos: los que dieron y los que acompañaron

Hola gente
Gracias a todos los q dieron sangre y a los q se interesaron tambien
usuario u/Foxste graciass x donar con tu novia
Pero hoy mi viejita hermosa de mi alma partió
Su ultimo suspiro fue al lado de su marido (mi viejo) con el que estuvo 3 años de novia y 48 de casados donde pude ver ese amor que siempre se tuvieron. Mi viejo hacia todo por ella y nosotros
Ella tenia parkinson desde el 2019 (probablemente de antes pero no diagnosticado)
Y en los ultimo5 meses avanzó muy fuerte, por lo cual en un mes ya no era la misma persona
El domingo la llevaron por una escara y cuando la vi me pregunte "cual es el sentido de prolongar la vida de alguien q no solo no va a mejorar sino empeorar"
Ayer, cuando la fui a cuidar (la habian pasado a habitacion comun) y al verla como estaba le pedi a Dios que por favor no sufra mas y se la lleve
Ella no se merecia este sufrimiento pero la vida es injusta (pretender q la vida te trate bien xq eres buena persona es como pretender q un tigre no te coma porq eres vegetariano)
Cuando llegue al 5to piso, apenas pongo un pie en la sala de espera, veo q mi papa salia con los ojos llorosos.......(se q solo lloró cuando el se despidio de su padre, y cuando fallecio mi primo)
Mi viejo me dijo "se fue".....asi que lo abracé, rompi en llanto, mezcla de alivio por saber que no sufre mas, y tristeza porque se fue mejor
Pedi verla, le dije lo que mi corazon me dicto, le di como de costumbre un beso en la mejilla, frente, cabeza y uno en la mano y le agradecí por TODO lo que hizo por mi y mis hermanas (y mucha gente mas)
Ella fue lo mejor que me paso en la vida (teniendo yo una vida bastnate jodida creanme)
Si tienen padres como los q yo tuve/tengo (buenos, presentes, amorosos, etc) abrancelos, denle besos, diganles que los aman....yo siempre lo hacia con mi vieja y lo sigo haciendo con mi viejo
Abrazo grande, me sorprendieron la verdad preguntando por donar
Yo cuando hice el post de donar sangre para mi mama pense q no le iban a dar bola
submitted by WaveParty1444 to Rosario [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Just-Ad44 juana la loca merengue,tipo john,john salchichón

es la primera vez que lo pruebo,me parecio riquisimo,la galleta de abajo es bien compacta y chocolatosa,tiene bastante DDL y es rico y blandito,el baño está OK,todo esto en conjunto con el merengue queda una especie de conito en forma de alfajor por decirlo de una forma,con una base dura y mucho blando arriba cubierto en chocolate.lo unico el precio,$3950 2 unidades en la shell con 50% en la 2da unidad,suponiendo que estén $3000 cada uno es carisimo.en la foto se salio un poco el baño y la michi va de yapa
submitted by Just-Ad44 to Alfajor [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Efficient_Unit_6334 Jumpman bag

Jumpman bag submitted by Efficient_Unit_6334 to AllChinabuy [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 carloscorona02 Chi interpreta bianchetta e una sua amica (Camilla o Lucrezia ) con foto?

submitted by carloscorona02 to tiktokersITA_ [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Anthyrion Zum Abschluss des abends ein wenig was zum schmunzeln

Zum Abschluss des abends ein wenig was zum schmunzeln submitted by Anthyrion to ichbin40undSchwurbler [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 sumg Looking for a general purpose Laptop

Total budget (in local currency) and country of purchase:
~$1000 USA
Are you open to refurbs/used?
How would you prioritize form factor (ultrabook, 2-in-1, etc.), build quality, performance, and battery life?
Not interested in 2-in-1. Intending to mostly used plugged in, so battery not a huge concern. I do have some interest in a decent build quality, as my current laptop is a HP 17z Laptop and the case is a bit on the cheap side for my taste.
How important is weight and thinness to you?
Thinness doesn't matter at all. Weight only slightly matters.
Do you have a preferred screen size? If indifferent, put N/A.
I would not go below 16". I currently have a 17" screen and would prefer that size if possible.
Are you doing any CAD/video editing/photo editing/gaming? List which programs/games you desire to run.
This will be used from general web browsing, video streaming, and light gaming (indie games and older games).
If you're gaming, do you have certain games you want to play? At what settings and FPS do you want?
I generally play games on moderate to low graphical settings and do not care strongly about reaching higher graphical settings.
Any specific requirements such as good keyboard, reliable build quality, touch-screen, finger-print reader, optical drive or good input devices (keyboard/touchpad)?
I am not interested in a touch screen, and have little interest in most the add-ons that might be found on a laptop. I do have a preference for top-mounted speakers if possible.
Leave any finishing thoughts here that you may feel are necessary and beneficial to the discussion.
I looked on the HP site today and see they are having a flash sale on some of their laptops. I am wondering if it makes sense to purchase something at these prices. I am looking at either another HP Laptop 17 or HP Envy 17 and wondering if I should go with either of these or if there are other brands I should be looking at. As stated above, I currently have a HP Laptop 17, and the technical performance that it has provided has largely been sufficient for my needs . However, I am mildly dissatisfied with quality of the case of the laptop, and wondering if upgrading to Envy is worth the expense.
submitted by sumg to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 X6qPlayer Ihr wollt nicht so enden wie dieser dicke Junge? Kommt nach Kantenhaus, hier gibt es keine Noten.

Ihr wollt nicht so enden wie dieser dicke Junge? Kommt nach Kantenhaus, hier gibt es keine Noten. submitted by X6qPlayer to Kantenhausen [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 xxmaru10 Freelance artist available with experience in concept design and illustration, contact me via DM if you wish. Portfolio in the comments!

Freelance artist available with experience in concept design and illustration, contact me via DM if you wish. Portfolio in the comments! submitted by xxmaru10 to artcommissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Odd-Let9042 Kill the newsletter not working?

Hi, I have many feeds produced by Kill the Newsletter, and they haven't been updating since this morning. Do you have the same problem?
submitted by Odd-Let9042 to rss [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 NoahartXD Some of the MCYT drawings I've done at school...

Some of the MCYT drawings I've done at school... This is over the last 2 weeks, and is about ¼ of all of them.
submitted by NoahartXD to SolidarityGaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Worldly-Client-7599 Salary Estimate (NSA)

Hi everyone,
I'm a recent graduate and am *hopefully* getting my FJO from NSA soon. I have been told that I will be on the TLMS pay scale and that these salary calculations are based on experience & education primarily. I currently have a total of 16 months of experience in the field that I will be going into which will be accounted for in my experience calculation with a bachelors of science in computer science.
I was wondering if someone more knowledgeable than me can help me calculate an estimate on the salary and what's recommended to negotiate to. Alternatively, if I could be pointed in the right direction on where to find the requirements for each grade, that'd be great!
Thank you all in advance!
submitted by Worldly-Client-7599 to usajobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 DifficultRing5692 Pac-12 Members (& Associates) Football Recruiting Rankings

How do future Pac-12 members and potential members stack up in the finalized 2025 Composite Recruiting Rankings?
While this would be the solidified "best of the rest" outside the P4, Much rides on the tails of two schools on the Mississippi River and Nevada courts.
Other observations...Rice outperformed its Texas counterparts, but Texas State elevating to the Pac-12 would likely do enough to put them as the recruiting favorite, but a top class education is hard to turn down as the old Pac-12 knew so well.
Final observation...only 1 four-star out of the 14 schools. There are 400 composite four-stars and 399 committed to schools outside of this list. Without blue chip talent, it's hard to project all but mediocracy from this bunch, with the yearly run by one of the top dogs trying to defy the odds.
Assuming we took the top 12 schools on this list (or substitute dog water North Texas you pansy), plus Gonzaga and another basketball only (i.e SMC, Wichita St), that'd be a 14 team dogfight with strong rivalries future and past. No four-stars in football is crazy tho...
submitted by DifficultRing5692 to Pac12 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Early_Mycologist9092 1987.

1987. submitted by Early_Mycologist9092 to fnafmeme [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 BusySelection6678 Opened Robinhood Account

First time investing, and I placed $500 in my Robinhood account. What do you guys recommend I do. I am willing to take a little risk.
submitted by BusySelection6678 to investingforbeginners [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 SourceConsistent6234 KAPITAL SHORTS - 29$

KAPITAL SHORTS - 29$ submitted by SourceConsistent6234 to CNFANSlink [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 iiNotaNingen Trading 4000 Robux for 2240 Genesis Crystals Top-up

Trading 4000 Robux for 2240 Genesis Crystals Top-up Place a shirt/pant/gamepass on sale for 4000 robux, I will purchase it in exchange for a 2240 Genesis Crystals Top-up (i.e Codashop)
DM me if interested :)
My current balance
submitted by iiNotaNingen to crosstradingrblx [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 smehere22 BMO Harris refusing to cooperate with debt consolidation company

submitted by smehere22 to debtfree [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Zairy47 I never aim when playing as Archer

I never aim when playing as Archer submitted by Zairy47 to DragonsDogma [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 VisionCapture247 Travel Alert: Scottish Citylink Service

Scottish Citylink has announced service cancellations tomorrow due to severe weather.
Full details for which routes are affected now available.
submitted by VisionCapture247 to VisionCapture247 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Storm-WBS Any nad news today?

What happend today? Why down? Any new? Thanks
submitted by Storm-WBS to OceanPower [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 vpvibes SOTW Token

Does anyone know what the SOTW Scheme tokens do? Have 2/3 from challenges but must have missed what they are used for.
submitted by vpvibes to CollegeUltimateTeam [link] [comments]