Some sins are committed in ignorance of what God requires. (Acts 17:30; 1 Timothy 1: 13) While not excusing such sins, the Bible distinguishes them from sins that involve willfully breaking God’s laws. (Numbers 15:30, 31) Willful sins come from a “wicked heart.” —Jeremiah 16:12. Frequency. Therefore, he could be “an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” (1 John 2:2; footnote) Just as Adam’s disobedience contaminated the human family with sin, so Jesus’ death removed the stain of sin from all who exercise faith in him. In a sense, Adam sold the human race into sin. (John 3: 16) However, God’s standard of justice required that he not simply overlook or excuse their sins without a valid basis. ( Psalm 89:14; Romans 3: 23- 26 ) God loves mankind, so he provided the necessary legal means for their sins to be not only forgiven but also eliminated. The Ten Commandments were written by God upon two tablets of stone and then given to Moses on Mount Sinai. The record of the Ten Commandments can be found in the Bible, both in Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21. Seven deadly sins in the Bible. As mentioned before, the list of seven deadly sins in question does not appear in any Bible verse. However, a slightly different set of sins can be found in Proverbs 6:16-19, “These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, But Jehovah pardons the sins of repentant wrongdoers. ( Ps. 25:18; 32:5 ) The Hebrew expression translated “pardon” basically means to “lift up” or “carry.” We might think of Jehovah as a strong man who figuratively lifts the burden of sin off our shoulders and carries it away. As long as we follow the steps that God sets out in the Bible, we will be forgiven, since his capacity to forgive is greater than our sins. He can forgive serious sins as well as those that have been repeated many times. —Isaiah 1: 18. For example, King David of Israel was forgiven of adultery and murder. Examples of sins that can be forgiven Blasphemy due to ignorance. The apostle Paul had once been a blasphemer, but he later said: “I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and with a lack of faith.” —1 Timothy 1: 13. Adultery. If we confess our sins to God and ask Him to forgive us, He will do so. It's in the Bible, I John 1:9, NKJV. "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." What if I'm not sure of what all my sins are? It's in the Bible, Psalm 139:23-24, NKJV. The good news is this—if a person still desires forgiveness and confesses their sins, those sins will be forgiven and blotted out. As long as you are under conviction, which is the Holy Spirit’s job (John 16:8) and you want to be forgiven you are not guilty of the unpardonable sin. Consider the following Bible verses. Abundant pardon for all
2025.01.23 20:51 dwredbaker Sins of the Saints
2. What If It Were Possible for a True Believer to Be Eternally Lost?
There are those who teach that it is possible for a born again person to be eternally lost. But surely all such must fail to realize the corollaries of their teaching. The eternal security of the believer is something more than a theological quibble, it is a vital part of the saints. The final preservation of the saints is something more than a subject for religious controversy, it is a divinely revealed truth for the establishing of the heart in grace. What we are now contending for is something more than a tenet of Calvinism, it is that which is bound up with the honor of God, the efficacy of the blood of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. We now desire to call attention to some of the fearful evils which are involved in the denial of this truth. If, through sinning, a believer perished—What? Then the promises of God would be valueless. Again and again God has promised in His Word that whoever believes in His Son shall not perish but have everlasting life. If then I have believed in the Lord Jesus and yet should perish, then what? The Lord Jesus said, "All that the Father gives me shall come to me and him that comes to me I will in no wise cast out" (John 6:37). Our Lord was not here giving an invitation to sinners, nor affirming that He never turns away one who comes to Him (which of course is true and taught elsewhere), but He is declaring that He never expels (casts out) any sinner whom He has received. The next verse proves this—"And this is the Father's will which has sent me, that of all which he has given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day" (John 6:39).
If then the Father has given me to Christ, and in consequence I have "come" to Him, and He has promised that He will "in no wise" (under no circumstances) "cast me out" and that He will "lose nothing" of the "all" which the Father has given Him, and yet I should be eternally lost—then what? Of what value is His promise? Again, we read, "Being confident of this very thing, that he which has begun a good work in you will finish it [marginal rendering] until the day of Jesus Christ" (Phi 1:6). If then God has begun a good work in me and that work is not "finished" and in consequence I am lost—then what? It is not sufficient to say that God is willing to do His part providing I do mine: that God is hindered from finishing His work through my sinful conduct. No such alternative as this was present before the apostle's mind. He interposed no ifs or buts or perhapses, but declared: "Being confident of this very thing, that he which has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ."
If then God has promised to do this and He fails to fulfill it—then what? We reply, then, in such a case, God's Word would be like fallen man's—unreliable and untrustworthy; and, in such an event, we should no longer have any sure foundation for our faith or anchorage for our souls. But perish such a thought. Let God be true and every man a liar. If, through sinning, a believer perished—What? Then the whole plan of salvation would be overthrown. If, as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, my going to Heaven is contingent upon my continued faithfulness and obedience (instead of my faithfulness and obedience being rendered out of love and gratitude because Christ has saved me); if through my failure to remain faithful and obedient I am eternally lost, then my salvation is made to depend upon my works, which flatly contradicts Titus 3:5—"Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us." Further; if my ultimate salvation is determined by my obedience and faithfulness then I earn and merit it, and therefore, salvation is a reward, a prize won by my endeavors. But that flatly contradicts Ephesians 2:8-9—"For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."
Again, if my salvation is due in part to my obedience and good works, and Heaven is a reward for my diligence, then God is robbed of at least a part of His glory, for in that case we could not cry, "Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto your name give glory, for your mercy, and for your truth's sake" (Psalm 115:1). Once more; if my salvation turns upon me holding out faithful to the end and if through failure to do so I should be lost, then I cannot know for certain whether I shall spend eternity in Heaven or Hell until I come to die. I cannot now "rejoice" because my name is written in Heaven (Luke 10:20) and thus salvation would be a future prospect instead of a present enjoyment. Finally; to preach that a believer in Christ must hold out faithful to the end in order to be saved is to reduce the Gospel to nothing more than an offer to place the sinner on an extended probation; whereas the Lord Jesus said, "I am the Bread of Life: he who comes to me shall never hunger; and he who believes on me shall never thirst" (John 6:35). No; the believer does not produce the fruit of the Spirit and bring forth good works in order to be saved, but he does do them because he is saved. If there is no fruit, no good works, no letting of our light shine to the glory of God, it shows that such a one is yet in his sins. If, through sinning, a believer perished—What? Then the power of God is limited.
If I had a thousand dollars in bills on my person I should be afraid to carry it around and in consequence would go to the bank and there deposit it for safekeeping. In like manner I am fully conscious of the fact that I am unable to save myself, so I have committed my soul into the keeping of God. Hence it is now solely a question of God's power. It is true that I am weak, but He is strong. It is true that the world, the flesh, and the devil, are arrayed against me; but God is for me, and "If God be for us, who can be against us" (Rom 8:31)? Noah was warned of God that a flood would be sent to destroy the wicked. An ark was provided as a shelter from the coming of divine judgment. Into this ark Noah and his family entered. Having entered that ark the responsibility of their preservation devolved upon God Himself. Noah could not leave the ark for "the Lord shut him in" (Gen 7:16). The fountains of the great deep were broken, the windows of Heaven were opened and the rain descended—was the Lord able to preserve those in the ark? It was solely a matter of His power. The question has only to be asked to be answered. In like manner every believer has "fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us" (Heb 6:18) and it is now a question of God's power to keep—Is He able?
The reply is: "I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day" (2 Timothy 1:12). And again, "Wherefore he is able also to save them for evermore (marginal rendering) that come unto God by him" (Heb 7:25). Deny the eternal security of the believer and you limit the keeping power of God. Teach that it is possible for one to be lost who has previously committed his soul into the hands of the Lord, and you deny the omnipotence of the Most High. If, through sinning, a believer perished—What? Then the intercession of Christ would be in vain. Not only did the Lord Jesus Christ die on the Cross for sinners, but He now lives to make intercession for those who have fled to Him for refuge. After stating that "He [God] is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him" (Christ); the reason for this is given in the words that follow—"seeing he ever lives to make intercession for them" (Heb 7:25). After writing, "My little children, these things write I unto you, that you sin not," the apostle continues, "And if any man sins, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous" (1 John 2:1).
After declaring: "It is God that justifies. Who is he who condemns?" the apostle continues, "It is Christ that died, yes rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us" (Rom 8:33-34). The question then resolves itself to this: are the prayers of Christ on our behalf effectual? The Lord Jesus Himself answered this question when He said, "Father, I thank you that you have heard me. And I know that you hear me always" (John 11:41-42). An illustration of the value of Christ's intercession is seen in the case of Peter. Knowing that Satan desired to have him that he might sift him as wheat, He said to His follower, "I have prayed for you, that your faith fail not" (Luke 22:32). That His prayer prevailed was demonstrated in the sequel. Peter's self-confidence failed him, his courage failed him, but his faith did not. As soon as the Lord looked upon him after his denial, he went out and "wept bitterly" (Luke 22:62) and a few weeks later we find him in the open streets of Jerusalem boldly contending for the faith. If the "effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much" (Jam 5:16), who can estimate the value of the intercession of the Righteous One? Deny the eternal security of every believer and you repudiate the value of Christ's present intercession. Declare that through sinning a believer may perish and you discredit the advocacy of our blessed Mediator.
Teach that it is possible for a saint of God to apostatize--and you contradict the plain testimony of Scripture. If, through sinning, a believer perished—What? Then already the believer is robbed of his assurance. As we have already said, if our ultimate salvation depends upon our continued faithfulness and obedience, and through failure to render these we are lost, then salvation is a future prospect and none can know whether he shall spend eternity in Heaven or Hell until the hour of his death. Hence assurance of a perfect salvation based upon the promises of God becomes impossible. In such a case the believer in Christ must live in daily fear lest he fail to render unto God the required obedience. No longer can he say, "We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose" (Rom 8:28), for he knows not but that he may commit some sin which shall cause all things to work together for his everlasting destruction. He is unable to say, "For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature [which includes Satan], shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Rom 8:38-39), for some unfaithfulness on his part may separate him. In a word, he is robbed of all present peace and sense of security, and is in bondage to a servile fear. How different is this to the teaching of the Holy Scriptures! Much more might be written in amplification of what we have said above, but we trust we have argued at sufficient length to show something of the fearful evils which are involved in and follow from a denial of the eternal security of the believer. Were we to close here (as, unfortunately, some do when treating of this subject) we should fail to insist upon the believer's responsibility; we should be setting a premium upon sin; we should be encouraging loose living, and be in great danger of turning the grace of God into lasciviousness. What then are the consequences of a believer's sinning? Having considered the negative side, we turn to the positive.
submitted by dwredbaker to OldPaths [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:51 Reasonable_Ebb4808 I passed in 85 questions
Hi everyone, I took my exam on the 1/21, received my license the next morning, and received the passing from Pearson vue today. To study I used Uworld, Mark K, Dr. Sharon, and simple nursing.
Uworld was very beneficial, it looks very similar to the actual test. I used 50% of the qbank and would always try to go over my rationals even for correct answers. I also did about 6 CAT exams and would score difficulty levels ranging from 1.06-1.34, scoring in the 70s. I went over Mark K lectures a couple of times (lecture 12 is really helpful). I used Dr.Sharon klimek reviews on YouTube, she has really great practice questions. I also used simple nursing for the nclex review videos to brush up on some of my weaker areas and did a couple of his practice questions.
On my test I got a lot of prioritization questions, such as what patient you would see first, what med you would give first, or what intervention you would do first. I also got questions on what meds I would clarify. There were a couple case studies and a lot of SATA.
Good luck to any future test takers!!
submitted by Reasonable_Ebb4808 to PassNclex [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:51 SactoKid I think from time to time, we need to take stock. I know I do.
I would hope to hear from somewhere longtimers, and definitely from some newbies.
How has your life with diabetes changed over the years? I'm really wanting to hear how it has progressed for the better with the advancements in treatment relating to living your daily life.
For the newbies. Have you ever thought about what your routine would lool like if you had to boil syringes and sharpen needles?
For the longtimers, do you ever have nightmares about having to keep blood sugar and daily food diet logs? Again.
Have some fun with this. I know there has to be some crazy stories out there. I think everyone would love to read about others experiences. I know I am looking forward to it.
submitted by SactoKid to diabetes_t1 [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:51 BallsackInvestigator Advice
I'm trying to find the right spot to post about renting a parking spot from someone in Vail/Avon until mid April.
I tried the employee facebook page where people look for housing but my post isn't getting approved. Does anyone have any suggestions for getting the word out about finding a place to park? My next idea is just going door to door and asking poeple if they'd be interested in renting their spot for the season. Open to any suggestions!
submitted by BallsackInvestigator to vail [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:51 Mulcias Dog drooling but only around weekend
Hello fellow dog lovers. I'll try to keep it as short as possible. So... last year we fought my dogs immune system that instead of taking care of ear inflammation decided to attack the brain - Prednisone treatment, currently at 1,25mg twice a week probably for life. Everything went smooth until he started to drool like crazy. We got informed that Prednisone treatment don't cause any side effects like that and it might be some dental issue. Diagnosis was right - one tooth was broken so it got extracted without any complications. After the stitches came off drooling is happening again but... only around the weekends. From Monday to Thursday he's completely fine but around Friday/Saturday he's literally leaking until Sunday. It's been 3 weeks like that and we don't know where to begin. His blood is fine, his teeth are fine, scan of his head came out fine. We currently have no idea what to do really. His saliva is consistency of water - it's not sticky like it should be, doesn't smell at all but it just keeps dripping like crazy. Any advices what to check more?
submitted by Mulcias to DogAdvice [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:51 costco_pm_alerts 1 oz Gold Bar PAMP American Buffalo (New In Assay) in stock!
Price: $2799.99 ($2687.99 after cashback)
Spot: $2752.90/ozt
Premium: $47.09/ozt ($-64.91/ozt after cashback)
submitted by costco_pm_alerts to CostcoPM [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:51 StillTryingToDecide Looking for some feedback / suggestions on how to proceed with my employer regarding my wages.
I work for a large company in my state - CA. My employer is also a subsidiary of a nationwide company.
Last year it was called out in a company wide HR meeting how they determine people’s wages. This was a voluntary meeting so I don’t believe many attended, nor are familiar with the information. I believe my wages do not reflect the information provided so I brought this up to my supervisor who advised she would send it to HR for review.
In short, my employer has a 3 tier scale. My wages match the lowest tier which I don’t believe is reflective of my experience or performance. I believe I should be at the top tier (this is supported by my annual reviews over the last couple of years and feedback I receive from my direct supervisor and team members).
Over the course of many months I met with several people up food chain and also provided what I believe to be supporting evidence that I am not a lower tier employee.
During those meetings I requested they provide specific information if they believe I was a lower tier employee - such as skills/experience needed that I don’t possess, performance issues, etc. I was told by one of the upper managers that my request was reasonable and she would provide me with that information.
I still have not been provided that information and I’ve asked several times. I’m met with ‘we’ve gone over this with HR and they advise your wages are appropriate, reflect your experience and performance, and aligns with those on your team.’
I’m not sure how to proceed. We have documented HR wage information for the entire company and the specific requirements for each tier. How can they not apply that the same pay logic to myself/team, but apply it in other departments? This is starting to feel like discrimination.
This is where I think my employer is at - if they adjust my wages, they’ll be required to review and adjust my entire team’s wages to ensure we’re on the same playing field and since no one else is bringing it to their attention they’re just blowing me off. (I believe most people on my team perform at least at the mid tier, if not the top tier so it would be a large amount of money if they decided to reevaluate everyone.)
I’m sure some of you might think I’m full of myself and don’t believe I’m performing at the top tier like I’ve mentioned. Please give me the benefit of the doubt. This is one area where I’m confident in my abilities.
Thanks for your help!
submitted by StillTryingToDecide to EmploymentLaw [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:51 SportsTechStyle MacBook Air vs HP Omnibook Flip Ultra vs Lenovo Slim 7i Aura Edition vs MacBook Pro
I am looking to get a new laptop for the following purposes:
2025.01.23 20:51 NoCombination489 Help with my Betta Fish, what’s wrong with him?
This is Bow, named him that because he is colorful like the rainbow. :) He’s my office fish
For a week now he seems lethargic. Had him for 2 months now.
Water chemistry is perfect , I’ve been to the fish store. Temp is perfect.
First month of his life he was in a 1.5 gal tank he loved it. Swapped to a 5gal tank last month and everything’s been fine.
But then we had a super cold weekend …
But he was at the counter , kind of near windows. Maybe the temp dropped a bit at night but it always remained the same 76-78 in the green on the thermometer even in the AM when I came to work temp reads right.
He’s got a heater
I moved him into my office instead due to the drafty windows. To see if that would help (it’s been a week now he’s still doing the same stuff I thought the cold was an issue I just don’t know now )
However he’s still acting funny. Wasn’t eating so I bought Vitachem he’s still not that interested but will slowly bottom feed now. Please help! I’m worried Bow will die soon
He just hides at the bottom all the time. I’ll go near where he is and he’ll swim to another hiding spot. He’s never been like this. Idk how to help him.
I also have a snail in the tank with him and he’s been fine with it. Now Gail the snail is more active then the fish. 😢😢
submitted by NoCombination489 to bettafish [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:51 HoarseNightingale Question about lab sleep studies
I know that none of you are insurance experts or even in the US but I have a question someone might be able to help with.
Because my sleep issues are likely hypnic jerks even if I also have apnea I'd like to do a lab study, but I have IBS flares that frequently keep me up at night and I'm not sure how to prevent there being problems with the test. Has anyone had a test issue like this and had to quit the test? I'm wondering if the insurance company would allow me to have a second one if that happens.
submitted by HoarseNightingale to Narcolepsy [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:51 FlamerNZ Launching: AI Centric DCS Server - Victor Romeo Sierra
Hey Fellow Pilots,
We're excited to invite you to our DCS Server, Victor Romeo Sierra (or VRS for short). Whether you're a seasoned pilot or just starting out, our community is ready to welcome you to our new SkyNet AI (Red Game Master) vs Human Players (guided by SkyEye AI AWACS) PvE dynamic long-term campaign.
Victor Romeo Sierra - VRS [Dynamic AI Driven Campaign]
XSAF SkyNet: Based on the leading-edge DCS code written by Pravus for the XSAF community, we have added and enhanced various features including:
CTLD (Complete Transport Logistics and Deployment): Transport crates and troops, build units, capture airfields and hold strategic positions. Combined Arms is also enabled for ground unit positioning.
CSAR (Combat Search and Rescue): Fly safe! VRS limits the number of lives per airframe, however pilots can be rescued to recoup lives by signing up for CSAR duty.
SkyEye AI AWACS providing an AI SRS Airborne Early Warning And Control System to ensure you keep your SA while in the heat of combat. Jump on SRS 251AM/133AM/30FM and say “Focus
Welcoming Community: We pride ourselves on being open and supportive to new and veteran pilots alike.
VRS Discord: Connect with fellow aviators, share tips, and coordinate missions on our active Discord server. It's a great place to see who’s flying and learn the quirks of the server in voice chat.
At present, the campaign is excellent for fixed wing pilots, however as the majority of us are rotor wing enthusiasts (hence the name), we plan to adjust the mission to favor shorter flights and more things for Attack Helicopters to shoot at in the medium term.
Since this campaign is in active development, and even we (the server admins) are still learning all the ins and outs, bugs are expected and feedback is warmly welcomed as we improve the experience for everyone.
Ready to take off? Join us at Victor Romeo Sierra:
Good hunting,
Shifty 1-1 | FlamerNZ
submitted by FlamerNZ to WingmanFinder [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:51 LUCR4T1V3 Explain the lore
Wait can someone actually explain like the lore of this sub. Like how did the Man and Jonkler memes start and what do they mean? submitted by LUCR4T1V3 to BatmanArkham [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 20:51 ILiftVid Legal strategy to partially avoid FIFO capital gains tracking index by using different ETFs over time?
If in my country of residence, capital gain taxes (CGT) are always taxed based on FIFO, but I switch every few years to another ETF tracking the same index, if I want to sell I could sell the more "recent" ETF and in principle reduce the CGT when compared to individual stocks. Is this correct?
Using S&P 500, for example if I buy today I500 (the synthetic one, I like it) and in 5 years it is 2030 I switch to buy VUAG, then in 2035 I want to sell some, I can sell the one with less gains (in principle that would be VUAG) - whereas if I just keep buying I500, if I want to sell in 2035 I will always be taxed according to the one bought in 2025.
If this is correct, then diversifying the ETFs one acquires (within reason) is better than just piling into the same one.
Also, for individual stocks with different classes (only GOOG and GOOGL comes to mind), this should also work, yes?
submitted by ILiftVid to eupersonalfinance [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:51 kietbulll Found an Ant-Mimicking Spider (Myrmarachne Spissa) in a park
Sorry but this little guy moved non-stop so I had no other choices but one-shot him. I wish he had been stayed still for just a few seconds for the focus stacking to be done… Panasonic G9 Mark II PRO & OM SYSTEM M.Zuiko Digital ED 90mm F3.5 Macro 2:1 IS PRO + Godox V860 III O + Diffuser submitted by kietbulll to spiders [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 20:51 KickinAP1985 Three’s a crowd (southern Michigan)
submitted by KickinAP1985 to birdpics [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 20:51 Similar-Yam6095 中共國經濟增長的龍頭,廣州和上海已經徹底垮塌,寫字樓、店舖,大部分都空了!
submitted by Similar-Yam6095 to GTok_CN [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:51 aarbear23 $5 Auction - (SS01 x SS02) x Sharxx Blue 🦈 - Whole Plant 12”+ - Ends Jan 24 1 PM MST
Up for auction is (SS01 x SS02) x Sharxx Blue! This is a really interesting cross that has shown both glaucous features along with a glowing green. Super pretty piece. Whole plant is up for auction! Auction starts at $5, $5 increments please. 5-min no snipe. Will ship bare root(or can ship as root ball if preferred) Winner pays 🚢 calculated by location. Lower 48 preferred, heat pack available for $5. Auction ends Jan 24 at 1:00 PM MST! submitted by aarbear23 to sanpedrocactusforsale [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 20:51 Money_Lab6782 Classic Indy races on gt7 rank?
Anybody else want these types of races in the game wouldn’t it be fun mini coopers vs big v8’s or cobras and jaguars e types with Aston martins. Just like at the Goodwood revival.
Is there anyone that host these races on the open lobbies I would love to partake! Have a good one fellas
submitted by Money_Lab6782 to granturismo [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:51 Still-Union-2528 I'm starting to loose it
This game that i paid $200 for is just making me lose my mind, i cant even get into the air after over an hour of nothing but issues, i try to load into a flight in my F-22 and face nothing but issues.
First, before i even start the game, i try to put a mod into the community folder, and spend 15 minutes trying to find it (I'm not going to complain about that because that is just pure skill issue on my side)
attempt 1 of loading into the flight
I load into the F-22 and start my battery, my avionics and everything come on and it takes 5 tries to close my canopy because it just doesn't work, i then try to go to my weapons (that's the mod i installed) and my avionics become frozen, and i can't do anything with the screens.
attempt 2 i restart the flight and get back into the cockpit. This time my canopy in stuck closed and every single button in the cockpit is inoperative. I try to turn my battery on, nothing works.
attempt 3 i restart the flight one more time, and its the same issue, nothing works.
attempt 4 Finally, i just return the the main menu and try to load into the flight again. it starts to load, and the game just straight up crashes.
I don't think this is Top Mach Studios fault. I have pretty much the same experience in any MSFS2024 plane. And I'm just using the F-22 as an example, it works perfect in 2020. so Microsoft, please i just want to enjoy the game
submitted by Still-Union-2528 to MicrosoftFlightSim [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:51 Longjumping-Plan9910 Finishing seams with zig zag stitch
Does the length of zig zag stitches matter when finishing the seams? From what I’ve read online it’s usually 1-1.5cm but my sewing machine can only adjust the width but not the length of them. It’s running on about 5mm, are they stable enough for overcasting the edges? My fabric frays quite easily when I pinch the edges so I’m a bit worried.
submitted by Longjumping-Plan9910 to SewingForBeginners [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:51 aw1219 Top 21 Paid Survey Panels - Workersonboard
submitted by aw1219 to DailyIncome [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:51 macrossmaster 2015 p5 Pump Repair Story
Hey all, just finished a week or two of wrangling with an older P5. The pump had one hose break off at the pump and I didn't want to buy a new pump at $250 or whatever it was. Went to eBay, bought an almost identical pump from 2018. Plugged in the new pump, tried to activate it with the app, sure enough it's locked down to someone else's bed.
I opened both pumps, wrote carefully on each wire clamp thing what order they should be in on both, removed the "motherboard" from my bed, placed it in the new ebay'ed pump, plugged it all back in, and back in business. Can't say it'll work for every bed or every model, but considering the pump was $94 on eBay, it was worth it to me.
The wireless wasn't working for years, so I got a WiFi extender, used that to create a 2g(?) network, got the repaired pump to connect to it, download new firmware, and that got fixed too.
Hope this helps some of you who might be in the same boat.
submitted by macrossmaster to sleepnumber [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:51 ActiveAd8119 here's bendy "full stop punctuation" fan-art
submitted by ActiveAd8119 to IncrediboxSFSG [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 20:51 babishkamamishka Does this colour blue work for a true spring?
I'm pretty unsure and need advice! submitted by babishkamamishka to colouranalysis [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 20:51 DavidDank Multiple HomePods in a room?
So I have 2 HomePod mini’s in my room at the moment (one on each side of the bed) and considering adding a HomePod 2 in the front next to my tv. Am I able to have all 3 paired to my Apple TV in my room? Probably a noob question. Super new to the Apple ecosystem life. Lol
submitted by DavidDank to HomePod [link] [comments]