My Winter food

2025.01.23 21:10 beautifully_uniqueme My Winter food

My Winter food ❄️🧣🤤
submitted by beautifully_uniqueme to decentfoodporn [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 sozer-ali Kemalpaşa Airfel Servisi

submitted by sozer-ali to trservisler [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 shadowdog000 Could it be clogged? Have this issue for days now.

Could it be clogged? Have this issue for days now. submitted by shadowdog000 to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 sozer-ali Bornova Airfel Servisi

submitted by sozer-ali to trservisler [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Eliza-mai-foley AITAH for calling out my sister and her sweet 16( not mine but my friends)

I (24f) have a love hate relationship with my sister that I will call Emily. When she was 8 and I was 16, she got diagnosed with cancer. That's what family thought anyway. You see before the test, I overheared her talking to the docter asking to fake the results to say that she did have cancer
I was shocked but kept the info to myself.I had a recording divice so i recored on that. Since then she has been the golden child. For example, I got a game boy for Christmas that year I got a game boy and she got a guitar (what she asked for) but she threw a fit because mine was " better" than her £200 guitar. I always knew the truth but never sniched.
This year was her sweet 16 and when she didn't get a car she screamed "IM GOING TO DIE SOON AND YOU DONT EVEN GET ME A CAR" that's when I lost it. I stood and said. " I have somthing to tell you all" I went upstairs and got the old device that I hid away. I played there convsation and the family was shocked. Some are saying I was wrong to do that on her birthday while others say that people deserves to no the truth
submitted by Eliza-mai-foley to AITAH [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Normal_Audience2194 No snow runner?!?

So i recently got the mojave grom replaced steering servo and the saver. Now another issue i found is driving in snow it gets kicked in the steering linkage. Which doesn't allow the dam thing to turn right. Would anyone know a way to get rid of that
submitted by Normal_Audience2194 to arrma [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 RSPS_317 Brand New Custom RSPS 2024 FREE DONOR RANK - Lookup SnowRSPS

Google SnowRSPS you'll see a known RSPS that is open 24.7
Claim infinity prayer donor rank & big armer bonus that is donateable only. If you see this you qualify!
customrsps #runscape #07scape submitted by RSPS_317 to runescape_servers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Lolaloller Sudden bleeding after 6.5 years

I've had the mirena coil in since September 2018 and the general guidance in my area is the mirena coil can stay in for 8 years.
I've had a few episodes over the years of light spotting, but currently experiencing proper bright red bleeding for the first time. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and knows the cause?
submitted by Lolaloller to Mirena [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 not_ya_wify Update: 8.1 Elysia's new gear was indeed buffed! However her damage is heavily SO dependent and if AR is turned off, her old gear is better

submitted by not_ya_wify to Elysia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 kaskimigeriversene The Weeknd Hurry Up Tomorrow albümünü erteledi. Evet gene.

The Weeknd Hurry Up Tomorrow albümünü erteledi. Evet gene. Bir sonraki cuma (31 Ocak'ta) yayınlanması planlanıyor.
submitted by kaskimigeriversene to hiphoptr [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Mr_Shudder 2 People from NZ looking for a weekend or Monday game

Hi there, me and my partner are both keen to get back into a long campaign as our last one stopped. Happy to play online or in person.
submitted by Mr_Shudder to DnDLFG [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 palletwoodcamper [ Country Love ] The Ranchers Daughter by PWC ( Music Video )

[ Country Love ] The Ranchers Daughter by PWC ( Music Video ) submitted by palletwoodcamper to aiMusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 ImpossibleSock300 Furry_irl

Furry_irl submitted by ImpossibleSock300 to furry_irl [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 XSaraXPoeX We're Having Gay Sex

We're Having Gay Sex submitted by XSaraXPoeX to lesbianmedia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Sea-Estimate-4075 Finally found a solution for heel slipping in skates!

Despite a professional fitting, heat molding, heel pinching, and heel lock lacing, I was still having issues with slippage when jumping or pointing my foot. Bunga pads helped a little to cushion the irritated area, but did little to keep the heel in place. I ordered some gel heel guards from Amazon with fairly low expectations, but they ended up being the perfect solution. At last, my heel stays securely in place and I can skate pain free! :) There are many options but I’m attaching the one I ordered. Hopefully this will help someone who’s having the same issue
submitted by Sea-Estimate-4075 to iceskating [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 2_Blue Driver Received An Awkward Tip For Delivering A Woman's Grocery Order

Driver Received An Awkward Tip For Delivering A Woman's Grocery Order submitted by 2_Blue to Equivocal_News [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 peter-pickle Determining which FHD screen is in a used p53

I wanted to buy a 500 nit FHD instead of the 300 nit. Is there a way to check bios/windows/lookup with serial number to tell which screen a p53 has? Buying online so I can't just eyeball it and say "wow, that's bright".
submitted by peter-pickle to thinkpad [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Big_Reindeer_88 Has anyone hit the stop point in the story yet?

Just wondering how far it goes. I’m currently on the hit list to face Midnight Cinderella and noticed a lot of the cars and upgrades are reliant on beating her.
Is there more rivals to face after this point?
On a side note, so glad Genki have done this. Takes me back to 20 odd years ago. Forgot how dirty the Rolling Guys can be.
submitted by Big_Reindeer_88 to tokyoxtremeracer [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Touchgetmejetfire Can Elita's Alt be her copying the powers of her opponents?

Can Elita's Alt be her copying the powers of her opponents? submitted by Touchgetmejetfire to Transformersnemesis [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 gabadabberboo I loaf you!

I loaf you! submitted by gabadabberboo to Breadit [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 dermebfeb Help is at your fingertips

I wish we were all impervious to depression, but theres strength in accepting we are not. If you cant speak with me or a family member please keep in mind a quick google search will find your local mental health hotline. Ive used the lifeline service in Australia in the past
submitted by dermebfeb to TheReachOutInitiative [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 ZealousidealAd377 New atomizer doesn’t fit

Left is my original atomizer, I broke it and bought a replacement.
The replacement does not fit 😩
submitted by ZealousidealAd377 to puffco [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Comfortable_Set_7256 A new player has entered the ring?!

A new player has entered the ring?!
  • 407 (Scotty): True Hidden Jester
  • Hero name: Scotty The Kid
  • Power:
    +, Pyrokinesis (User can generate, shape, and control fire, which results from a rapid oxidation process that releases heat, light, and reaction products. Flames, the visible manifestation of fire, are influenced by the material being burned, external conditions, and the user’s level of control. This power allows the user to create fire spontaneously, even in the absence of natural fuel sources, and sustain it indefinitely through sheer will. The intensity, temperature, and color of the flames can be manipulated, with variations reflecting changes in fuel composition or impurities, such as magnesium producing white flames or copper generating green ones)
  • Skill:
    +, Peak Human Condition (Scooty physical characteristics is greater than that of even an Olympic level athlete)
    +, Master Martial Artist (Scooty is one of the finest human combatants on Earth, his skills honed to such a level even superhumans and armed adversaries can be overpowered by them. Except… HIM)
    +, Genius Intellect (He is an expert interrogator, and has a very logical mind; he is able to create plans and strategies to effectively take down his opponent. Scooty is a master escapologist, marksman, pilot, thief and impersonator, having masqueraded as various identities for infiltration)
    +, Parkour (He is very good at navigating his surroundings to doing parkour)
  • Technique:
    +, 407 Illusion (By refracting light from the heat, he can created mirages of himself)
    +, Sweeping By (By using fire manipulation to turn invisible. One can hid his figure by refracting light from the heat, turning invisible. Still, if it was learned even further, it could create a mirage)
    +, Phoenix Howl (Unleashes an devastating orange-colored flame that can change to a white color, and it can become brighter and brighter before it became a blue color. The longer it use, the hotter it gets)
    +, Fast Pace (By using fire to embed it into himself, one's speed would increase dramatically enough to seemingly cause one's body to "disappear." It was simple, but it wasn't easy to master it as a movement wasn't just simply charging forward like a boar. The change of direction, obstacles, and various other things. One needs to think about all of that before one can master this fire-movement power)
    +, Heat Sight (Similar to Fast Pace, it also supported ability, but it was for eyesight. While there wasn't much effect, it helped them to see people through their bodies' heat. Even if there was an obstacle that made them unable to see their targets, their targets were hiding, or had the ability to hide their presence, they could see them with this heat sight)
    +, Bullet Speed Control (By manipulating the fire inside the bullet, he is able to accelerate the speed of the projectiles, which in turn increased the damage taken)
    +, Trajectory Control (By controlling the fire on the bullet, he could control the trajectory of the bullets he shot through his firearms, allowing him to injure his targets from any given angle and from longer distances, and it could also be combined with Bullet Speed Control)
    +, Acceleration Ya Boi (After enhancing the speed of a bullet, he created small pellets inside the said bullet, which broke the outer shell apart and hit the opponent in rapid succession) +, Ricochet Control (By helding any gun and pulling the trigger, the bullet can flew into anything and rebounded off a surface, increasing its power and velocity. Moreover, it launched itself at the target from various sides and different angles at the same time, giving the opponent no time to react)
    +, Heat Disruption (By absorbing all kind of heat even a bullet. The bullet itself wil get slower and slower the closer it get to you until it has lose all of it momentum. And because of this any firearms that contain fragment of heat is render useless against them)
  • Favorite weapon: Cowboy rope, Revolver.
  • Fighting style: Kung fu, Boxing, Capoeria.
submitted by Comfortable_Set_7256 to Vanossgaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 zouis_narry How are you <3

submitted by zouis_narry to zouis_narryniall [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 FriendlyAd4461 Best resources for DSAT?

submitted by FriendlyAd4461 to Sat [link] [comments]