2025.01.23 22:15 Only-Podcast ENTREPRENEURIAL FREEDOM

In this episode, Jeremy Shapiro shares his blueprint for unlocking entrepreneurial freedom. He talks about the importance of mentorship and mastermind groups and the value of cross-pollination of ideas among diverse business models.
Kindly LISTEN here: https://mirrortalkpodcast.com/unlocking-entrepreneurial-freedom/
Thank you for listening! 🧡
submitted by Only-Podcast to getdisciplined [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:15 Mayoangelbaby Reminder to take your GB out and play like when you were a kid (love letter to my most used GBC)

Reminder to take your GB out and play like when you were a kid (love letter to my most used GBC) I have a handful of fancier game boys and other handhelds, but this one is my workhorse. No-frills backlit 2.45” LCD, lovingly dinged up OEM shell, grubby buttons. Throw it in my pocket, backpack, on my beach towel… no fuss. Just spent three days hatching eggs on the beach for a shiny corsola, only had to recharge my AAs once. Sunscreen, sand, bug spray in the crevices, but I’ll give it a wipe when I’m back home from vacation… I’m covered in sunscreen, sand and bug spray too. ✌🏻
submitted by Mayoangelbaby to Gameboy [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:15 Mr_Apfelstrudel Atualizações nas Regras e Novidades do Sub!

Olá, pessoal!
A moderação do Autismo Brasil gostaria de compartilhar algumas novidades e ajustes importantes que estamos implementando para tornar o sub um espaço mais seguro, acolhedor e divertido para todos. Aqui vão as novidades:
Alterações nas Regras Estamos realizando ajustes nas regras do sub para garantir padrões de segurança e uma convivência mais harmônica. Aqui está a lista atualizada:

  1. Seja gentil e respeitoso Este é um espaço de suporte e acolhimento. Evite ataques pessoais, hostilidade ou discussões inflamadas. Trate todos com empatia e, em caso de problemas, contate a moderação.
  2. Evite pseudociência e desinformação Antes de compartilhar conteúdos informativos, certifique-se de que estão alinhados com os consensos científicos atuais. Informações enganosas ou sem embasamento não serão permitidas.
  3. Respeite o autodiagnóstico Compartilhar experiências relacionadas ao autodiagnóstico é válido, mas reconhecemos que o diagnóstico formal é um passo importante no processo.
  4. Não invalide diagnósticos de outros membros Respeite as experiências individuais de cada pessoa. Não faça comparações ou questionamentos desnecessários sobre o diagnóstico de outros.
  5. Não peça diagnósticos Relatar suas experiências é bem-vindo, mas não solicite confirmações ou validações de diagnósticos diretamente da comunidade.
  6. Não peça ou ofereça conselhos médicos Discutir experiências pessoais com tratamentos ou métodos terapêuticos é permitido, mas não solicite ou sugira medicamentos ou terapias específicas.
  7. Não publique resultados de testes online Testes online podem ser discutidos, mas não compartilhe seus resultados. Lembre-se de que o diagnóstico de TEA é complexo e requer avaliação de profissionais capacitados.
  8. Não compartilhe informações pessoais Não é permitido divulgar dados pessoais seus ou de terceiros, como números de telefone, nomes de usuário, e-mails ou qualquer mídia que contenha essas informações. Se você estiver pedindo ou oferecendo recomendações de profissionais (como psicólogos, psiquiatras ou neuropsicólogos), é permitido compartilhar apenas o nome do profissional ou da clínica. No entanto, não compartilhe números de telefone, links externos ou outros dados de contato direto.
  9. Sem clickbait, títulos vagos, spam ou postagens com apenas emojis Certifique-se de que suas postagens tenham títulos claros e descritivos, que reflitam exatamente o conteúdo da postagem. Títulos vagos ou clickbait, onde o título não representa o conteúdo de forma precisa, poderão ser removidos para evitar confusões. Da mesma forma, postagens cujo título contenha apenas emojis ou símbolos não serão permitidas, pois não contribuem para a clareza do subreddit.
  10. Sinalize corretamente os tópicos NSFW e considere a presença de jovens no sub Ao criar uma postagem sobre temas NSFW (não seguros para o ambiente de trabalho), certifique-se de marcá-la corretamente. Tenha em mente que o subreddit conta com uma grande presença de jovens, então é importante manter as postagens adequadas para esse público. Você pode contextualizar o tópico no título, mas evite descrições ou termos excessivamente explícitos ou gráficos.
  11. Proibido publicidade, marketing, pedidos de doações ou promoções de arrecadação de fundos Não use o subreddit para promover vendas, arrecadação de fundos ou solicitações financeiras. Postagens pedindo doações pessoais ou promovendo campanhas de arrecadação não são permitidas, pois não temos como verificar sua legitimidade. Essa medida visa proteger os membros do sub de riscos financeiros e evitar situações problemáticas no mundo real.
Se tiver dúvidas ou sugestões sobre as regras, estamos abertos para discutir aqui mesmo, nesta postagem! 😊
Novidade sobre os Flairs Agora, um dos flairs do sub é editável! Isso permite que vocês:
Embora esse recurso tenha sido implementado há algum tempo, só estamos anunciando oficialmente agora. Divirtam-se personalizando seus flairs!
Bate-papo Oficial do Sub Atendendo a pedidos, em breve lançaremos um bate-papo oficial do sub para quem tiver interesse em interagir mais diretamente com a comunidade.
Embora um servidor no Discord seja uma opção mais abrangente, atualmente não temos tempo hábil para gerenciar um servidor com a qualidade que vocês merecem. Por enquanto, o bate-papo no Reddit será uma alternativa mais simples e prática.
Postagens na Fila de Aprovação Algumas postagens podem acabar indo para a fila de aprovação devido ao bot que utilizamos para impedir spam e conteúdos potencialmente perigosos. Estamos configurando o bot para se adaptar melhor às necessidades do sub, então pedimos paciência. Caso sua postagem vá para aprovação, não se preocupe! Um moderador irá revisá-la e liberá-la o mais rápido possível.
Crescimento do Sub Gostaríamos de aproveitar para agradecer a todos pelo engajamento e pelas contribuições!Desde a reabertura do sub, tivemos um aumento de quase 250 novos membros e praticamente triplicamos o número de visualizações. Isso só foi possível graças à participação ativa de vocês.
Obrigado pela atenção, e continuem fazendo parte dessa comunidade incrível!Se tiverem dúvidas, sugestões ou comentários, fiquem à vontade para deixar aqui. Estamos sempre à disposição!
submitted by Mr_Apfelstrudel to autismobrasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:15 Delamainco Should this be happening on a brand new door?

Should this be happening on a brand new door? Brand new fiberglass door. I see this on some of my 30 year old windows but never saw it on my old door.
It’s been between 5 and 25F the last few days.
Is it result of a leak or normal condensation?
submitted by Delamainco to Home [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:15 karim2k من يملك البنوك في تونس ؟

من يملك البنوك في تونس ؟ submitted by karim2k to Tunisia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:15 Longjumping-Aide648 Stashes in Dayz.........

Hello I have question: Is it safe to hide wooden crates inside thick bushes in forest near spawn town?
submitted by Longjumping-Aide648 to DayzXbox [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:15 Kevdes93 Finished some vintage Plague Marines

Finished some vintage Plague Marines Found a box of the old monopose boys recently and finally got the last one finished up. Decided to do all of them differently and i finished them off with some real deal Goblin Green paint that I save for oldhammer stuff. I'm particularly fond of the Glooming Lord, Black and Green is a great combo.
submitted by Kevdes93 to deathguard40k [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:15 Racochejl271 Downswing, I might go insane

I am playing live low stakes cash game for a profit around 1 and 1/2 years. I make decent money on the side. Last 3 sessions, around 25 hours played, I feel like I ve been cursed by poker gods. My strategy against rec players when I make a strong hand and they seem like they like their hand as well Is to bloat the pot and ideally overbet/go all in on turn so they still have hope to hit their draw and usually they will not fold even when the price Is not right for them. Nothing new under the sun. Stacking recs 101
Just a few hands from my last session, very similar to 2 previous sessions.
Plo Hero TTJJ Villain QQT7 Turn T677 We go all in River Q
Holdem Hero T2 Villain KK Flop T72 We go all in and run it twice First He hits backdoor flush Second runnout T72QQ counterfits my 2 pair
Hero A9 Villain JdQd Turn A962 diamond flushdraw, hero 2.5x pot bet jam, villain calls, hits his flush
Best made hand playing 4 or 5 handed Texas holdem for 9 hours is two time trip aces and I time set of 66. No fullhouse last 25 hours played. Only premium pair in last 25 hours of playing are QQ 1x, JJ 2x. I did not win one all in pot, despite being way ahead, besides one hand, where I just had an A and flush draw and villain had 2pair. The thing Is most od the time we play shorthanded, so you on average play more hands per hour. I play in a casino, do I dont think I am being cheated.
Guys, is this normal? I lost around 1000 BB in pots where my equity was at least 70%, but in most spots at least 80% or more. On the bright side I am only down 2 buyins (around 400BB total, since I was able to play marginal spots pretty well. Still I can't shake of the feeling when I jam villain will suckout, but I still jam all in anyway.
submitted by Racochejl271 to poker [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:15 CinematicFlight Yes!

Yes! submitted by CinematicFlight to FitGirlRepack [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:15 MiserableCompote5667 TIFU by letting my step uncle live in my room

So some background my grandpa met a girl years ago and her son has been a family friend. So basically I let him sleep upstairs on cold nights and it's been in the 20s and below so he basically took over my room this guy has mental disorders and makes himself the victim in every situation also has to put himself in every conversation example: if I sit his ps4 on the floor he will yell and bring it up all the time not damaged or anything. I need help getting him out he did leave because he felt alone because me and my brothers left him behind in a minecraft world but my brother invited him back into my room so me 16M is sharing MY BEDROOM with my 30M uncle I just wanna kick him out of my room but don't know how TL:DR my step uncle won't leave my room because it's cold outside
submitted by MiserableCompote5667 to tifu [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:15 10ballplaya work from home

work from home submitted by 10ballplaya to billiards [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:15 Pale-Cardiologist150 Chat gpt got jojes guys

Chat gpt got jojes guys submitted by Pale-Cardiologist150 to playboicarti [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:15 paladin-painter [For Hire]

I have huge experience in digital art,. I have made art for over a dozen of games, some of them are published on Steam, other are visual novel publishe on P atreon, others are table top games.
I also made ove ra dozen book covers.
My artwork can be seen in these folders, each contains many images, you can scroll through the different pages at the bottom of the screen.
Characters https://www.deviantart.com/paladinpaintegallery/88555747/dnd
Backgrounds https://www.deviantart.com/paladinpaintegallery/88557077/backgrounds
Weapons https://www.deviantart.com/paladinpaintegallery/88557349/weapons
Animals https://www.deviantart.com/paladinpaintegallery/88557729/animals
submitted by paladin-painter to HungryArtists [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:15 OddAd8508 How is this playlist for MERN stack?

How is this playlist for MERN stack? https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDzeHZWIZsTo0wSBcg4-NMIbC0L8evLrD&si=3_GGKknLS7XU0Rbt
If you have any better suggestions then please tell me as i am not a complete beginner so please tell me different resources and the pros and cons you experienced.
submitted by OddAd8508 to Btechtards [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:15 MrUnlucky213 What money-based still trees are the best?

What are the best skill trees that require in-game currency and which should I spek into to buff my characters stats. First hardcore playthrough btw
submitted by MrUnlucky213 to outside [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:15 Level_Television3469 What Companies would you like to see on Bluesky?

Just wanna know, I'm only waiting for Nintendo.
submitted by Level_Television3469 to BlueskySocial [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:15 binflower2092 I appear to be able to send an anonymous message to someone. Is it truly anonymous?

It looks like I’m able to send someone an anonymous message. I am not referring to being able to post to groups but an anonymous message. Does anyone know if it’s truly anonymous? Or does it link back to your account?
submitted by binflower2092 to facebook [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:15 Holden_me Designs for some of my characters

Designs for some of my characters I'm not much of a designer but I designed some for my stories as I'm a writer and they're all gods. Which one looks the best? What do you think they're personalities are?
submitted by Holden_me to GachaLife2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:15 8XUS how should this be interpreted (for ‘heavy love’)

how should this be interpreted (for ‘heavy love’) submitted by 8XUS to odetari [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:15 Specific_Security_88 Some ocs I made

Some ocs I made submitted by Specific_Security_88 to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:15 holybananas005 John Kean-Designed 25,000 Sq. Ft. Mansion in Old Westbury, New York!

John Kean-Designed 25,000 Sq. Ft. Mansion in Old Westbury, New York! submitted by holybananas005 to PriceyPads [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:15 cinnabun_puff My first time with pouring :)

My first time with pouring :) It was fun!
submitted by cinnabun_puff to PourPainting [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:15 Emergency_Seesaw6948 Book Recommendations

I'm looking for novel recommendations around 4th-6th grade reading level about kid(s) that struggle to make friends but end up succeeding. Kiddo likes Fantasy/Sci Fi/Adventure.
submitted by Emergency_Seesaw6948 to Homeschooling [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:15 Cuntlipsmcgee69 Please don’t be scared of the hairdressers

I’ve been suffering with hairloss for the past year, and it has decimated my mental health. My hair used to be thick, long and my crowning glory. Over the past year I have lost 70% of my hair and in turn the thought of going to a hairdressers has petrified me. Today I faced my fear and went to get a subtle balayage and haircut and it’s the first time in a year I have any semblance of confidence back. I was going to cancel my appointment this morning through fear, but I can’t remember the last time I was this happy with my hair.
submitted by Cuntlipsmcgee69 to TelogenEffluvium [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:15 Alive-Focus4390 Request for support/guidance

Hello everyone,
I am currently facing a challenging situation. I have been in the US since October on a B1 Visa. Unfortunately, I am not as financially stable as I would like to be, and I need to determine if I can manage the asylum process independently. I am a qualified lawyer and recently graduated with an LLM from the UK. I wish to apply for asylum on political grounds.
While I can read and make a case for myself, I would greatly appreciate it if anyone here could review some of the documents I might submit. I’m mindful of the fact that I haven’t handled something like this before. I am in a dire financial state at the moment, but I could offer a minimal payment if possible. I have been charged fees that I simply cannot afford.
I have also been advised to pursue a spousal visa, as there is someone I have been seeing. I am hesitant to discuss marriage at this stage because they are not ready. If there is a pro-bono lawyer or someone knowledgeable to support here who could assist me, I would be extremely grateful.
Please let me know if you can help. Thank you.
submitted by Alive-Focus4390 to USCIS [link] [comments]
