2025.01.23 22:21 Sherifftruman Aluminum wiring in townhome built in 1984?
So, I am home inspector. Today I inspected a townhome allegedly built in 1984, that has aluminum branch circuits. I’ve looked it up on the county real estate tax records and it does indeed say 1984 (I figured maybe the listing was wrong). Has anyone seen a house using aluminum that late? It’s like a decade after pretty much every source claims its use was stopped. I’m wondering if the county has it wrong too, or it’s just some sort of real oddball. But if it was indeed built in the mid 70s, I need to warn my client about possible lead paint and asbestos in the ceiling spray.
And yes, there are other shenanigans going on in there with a Square D HOM breaker in a cutler hammer panel, and they did not install a ground lug, instead just crammed a bunch of random wires under a large lug on each side.
submitted by Sherifftruman to AskElectricians [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 22:21 BrainCelll Did you notice any mechanics in Stalker 2 inspired or straight up copy pasted from mods?
First thing I noticed was shared multi-location stash chest, which is just straight up copy paste from True Stalker
Did you notice anything that immediately made you think "well thats a straight ripoff from X mod"?
submitted by BrainCelll to stalker [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 22:21 Babynooka This guy randomly imprisoned my daughter and thier child
submitted by Babynooka to crusaderkings3 [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 22:21 swimmerncrash Thought you’d all appreciate the stove in this house.
submitted by swimmerncrash to woodstoving [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 22:21 lss_web_1444 Link post title 764
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 22:21 n_a_o_quero Delete bots
It’s so incredibly inconvenient that there isn’t a way of deleting the bots I made that I no longer use.
submitted by n_a_o_quero to CharacterAI [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 22:21 Takeru_Campbell Does anyone know where i could get this long sleeve denim shirt?
It has to be from a legit website.
submitted by Takeru_Campbell to mensfashion [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 22:21 lss_web_1444 Image post title 139
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 22:21 Dark_Anonimous Is Ganyu good as sub-dps?
I've heard she is, but does she work with Kaeya? I lostly play him with Rosaria, Bennett and XL in melt/reverse melt and it's been just fine till now, but if she's a good upgeade I could try pulling for her. Would she be significantly better than Rosaria?
submitted by Dark_Anonimous to KaeyaMains [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 22:21 lss_web_1444 Link post title 839
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 22:21 tropicalvibes- Sasha!
submitted by tropicalvibes- to jennandsasha [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 22:21 Fresh_Time5058 Planets on Court and Westminster St
Hi all! I've noticed on my daily commute across Court that they are what seem to be planets along a walkway.
Can anyone tell me anything about these? Do you know when or why they were implemented? Also, does it include all the planets, and are the distances roughly to scale? I love space so I'd be interested in any info any can share about this!
Attached is the google street view for reference.
submitted by Fresh_Time5058 to IowaCity [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 22:21 That_Permission_950 Buying pets for AMC!
Mainly LF legs/neon legs/potions etc, Just tell me what ur selling and NYP and I'll see what I think :)
(current budget is abt 6k cuz I wanna save a little too yay)
submitted by That_Permission_950 to AdoptMeTrading [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 22:21 naijasglock Nicki Minaj will officially be back NEXT YEAR
submitted by naijasglock to Barbz4Onika [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 22:21 HackDiablo Worth it?
submitted by HackDiablo to MortalKombat [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 22:21 genestealer_cultist Does anyone know why I still don’t have access to developer mode?
submitted by genestealer_cultist to oculus [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 22:21 caulfieldlost a sincere thank you
listen no bullshit, not seeking clout or fake internet points or silly reddit karma. hell downvote away and call me names like: asshat, shmuck, dork, f*g, cutuesday etc etc. but as a degenerate gambler whom is relatively new to this sub. i am blown away by the daily content on this sub and the fact complete strangers are offering solid insight and suggestions to help pencil dicks like me win money. and daily people are legitimately offering winners. this sub is what social media should be about, helping and guiding people vs daily bitching and complaining. thank you gents. esp to that one guy who made me bet that stars wars soccer team today -bodo/glimt. winner winner.
submitted by caulfieldlost to sportsbook [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 22:21 B_K14 Herself...
Right lads, how in under God could the GAA Catfish find the time to run her operations? Honest to God, from what I read she's a full time job as well. Where does she get time to create other personas? I can hardly manage my own life, never mind creating more!! The level of detail, creating family and friends circles for people who don't even exist. It's completely unbelievable!!
submitted by B_K14 to ireland [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 22:21 pizza-parker-9 New limited menu info?
Anyone have the scoop on what these Valentine's Day/Captain America special menu items will consist of? I tried clicking on the link in the most recent newsletter and it only had a photo, but no description of what the food/drinks will be.
submitted by pizza-parker-9 to AlamoDrafthouse [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 22:21 Accio_Diet_Coke Inovie:labosud lab normal values
Can anyone assist me in finding the electronic version of the lnovie-Labosud reference ranges or lab normal values for hematology and urinalysis panels performed by this lab in France?
I have a research subject who has redacted documentation with only critical values noted and I cannot process them without having the reference ranges for normal ranges.
I have searched the internet for hours and translated everything I can. I am lost.
submitted by Accio_Diet_Coke to labrats [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 22:21 whatsbeneficial CRA claims I owe them a significant amount, going back and forth for 18 months
Hiya, just looking for some general advice, emotional support, and hopefully reassurance that this whole endeavour is utterly ridiculous.
I was living in Vancouver for about 6 years until March 2022 when I moved back to Germany. I filed my taxes in 2023 for the taxation year 2022 and must have made a mistake (don't do your taxes in the middle of the night when you're high af).
In October 2023 I got a notice of assessment with regards to "Non-business foreign taxes paid" and them asking for a bunch of information. I provided it in time and with due diligence.
Then, another letter in November 2023, pretty much asking for the same information again by a different auditor. I again provide it all in time and with diligence.
The next letter in January 2024, claiming that I didn't respond to the previous letter lol. A few days later, the next letter, saying they'll change my return. By then, they claimed I owe them a bit over 20k CAD (I had an ok salary, but nothing that could justify that much).
6 months of silence, then another letter, again asking for the same friggin information I gave them 3 times already. And of course it's a new auditor again (number 4). The problem now was a classic dead lock situation: The CRA wanted to see my german 2022 tax return, and the german "Finanzamt" wanted to see my Canadian Tax return. Neither exist because they're blocking each other.
Anyway, after 15 failed attempts I was finally able to speak to the auditor. Ironically, he told me something along the lines of "Oh well, ya know, this happens all the time. People move away from Canada, get into a tax issue, and move on. Technically, if you don't plan to return to Canada and don't pay, nothing much is gonna happen.". Well, at least there's that. Obviously I wanna be on good terms with the CRA so I'm not giving up. I compiled a 72 page document, providing all my sources of income, all tax relevant documents, foreign exchange conversion tables, work contracts, the whole shebang.
Silence! For months! I call auditor number 6, and he was like "oh yeah, we'll get that sorted. I'll look at your documents this week and get back to you in two weeks tops".
Two days prior to writing this post I received letter #6 in the mail, saying they partially accept my adjustment proposal, but in a way that doesn't reduce the amount I allegedly owe. So, I now contacted https://advancedtax.ca/ in Vancouver, hoping they can help me get this sorted.
By the end of this I'll probably will have paid half of what I allegedly owe them in translation fees for german documents, tax accountant fees, long distance calls, and express mail.
What a shit show.
If you made it until here, thanks for reading and let me know what you think.
submitted by whatsbeneficial to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 22:21 larrybeattie Crohn's Meal Planning
Oops - forgot to ask for direction or suggestion re Crohn's diet. We have a list of foods but we need a sense of a balanced meal plan.
Thank you
submitted by larrybeattie to CrohnsDisease [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 22:21 Ecstatic-Total6632 Three Bulky Bears
Hello everyone is anyone willing to playtest our game thats linked above. I will provide you with a steam code so you guys can play test the whole game. Lmk. Please comment critiques or anything helpful about the game below thank you!
submitted by Ecstatic-Total6632 to playtesters [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 22:21 rocha129 When do they usually announce the lineup?
First time considering and trying to get a grip of timelines and dates but won’t make any decisions until the lineup drops
submitted by rocha129 to nnmfestival [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 22:21 Saucerboy22 0 business travel
2024 recap. How did you guys do? submitted by Saucerboy22 to delta [link] [comments] |