Don't be afraid of downgrades

2025.01.23 23:04 Standard_Plastic_231 Don't be afraid of downgrades

A lot of the WFL posts on the subs have comments discouraging taking overpay offers. They would be from 4-5 but sometimes even higher. Now, even I would usually never do an offer like that, for the sake of the post let's say its a cow.
If this persons best pet is a cow, and they are putting in the work to get richer, there is no easy way. When you are already "rich" enough 5 sharks on elve isn't worth a mid-ass downgrade, and keeping the cow would be in your best interest with the type of trading you do, that's one thing.
But for newer players, your main focus is profit profit profit. You MUST learn how to flip before anything. Take these bad pets, trade them around for less or better pets, and keep or even gain as much value as possible during this. You can flip let's say 12 bad pets worth lets say 18 sharks on elve within 1-3 days if you do it right! Once you have these better pets, your not gonna like this, but do it all over for another overpay, or trade for exotics to make neon, or profit out sparsely.
Hard to trade pets down mean as much when you are under like 60 sharks because trading isn't easy in that.
Side note, "rich" people can downgrade to every once in a while. And I mean like bad DG, not what you already do trading high tiers for piles of exotics.
I take a bad DG overpay for more mid level pets at least once a month now, both to make sure keep my flipping skills honed, and keep steady profit. Flipping is actually pretty damn easy. Just practice.
submitted by Standard_Plastic_231 to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:04 Helpful-Cow-6456 Econ 101B ( Yuriy Gorodnichenko) or Stat 134 (Adam Lucas) ??

Any experience with these classes? Which one is easier? Better professor?
submitted by Helpful-Cow-6456 to berkeley [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:04 DasNoodler Help

I'm disabled. Myself and my physician need me to be working fully remote. The position I have could be fully remote, but the department I'm in argues that an "in office" presence is required. It's not. It is a hybrid office. Most go in 3 days/week. I was able (after a long and traumatic request process) to get an accommodation for 2 days/week in the office.
It's not working. I'm sick. My quality of life is horrible and getting consistently worse. I recently took some time off over the holidays and my health and quality of life improved drastically. (I was still working my work from home days during this time, proving it's not the work itself that is the problem).
Is there anything I can do? Are there any services out there to help someone like me find employment that meets my needs? I've put my resume in so many places and just keep getting rejections. Please help
submitted by DasNoodler to disability [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:04 Jackfish2800 If we believe Jay Stratton, Jake Barber and Lue Elizondo, why can't we believe Captain Bill Uhouse, USMC? He says he talked normally with Aliens in US Military Bases

If we believe Jay Stratton, Jake Barber and Lue Elizondo, why can't we believe Captain Bill Uhouse, USMC? He says he talked normally with Aliens in US Military Bases submitted by Jackfish2800 to gettoknowtheothers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:04 Imaginary_Patient106 Affordable Mental Health Resources in Bacolod?

I'm in need of some sort of mental health help but I don't even know where to start. How do I get diagnosed? Do I see a psychologist, psychiatrist, or psychometrician?
Also, I'm a student so my budget is pretty tight—asking my parents for help is unfortunately not an option. I just want to work on myself and getting profesionally diagnosed means I'll finally know what I'm working with.
If you have any experience with this, please let me know what to do 🥹
submitted by Imaginary_Patient106 to Bacolod [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:04 Katzenheimer Here’s where to buy the PWHL trading cards in MN

Here’s where to buy the PWHL trading cards in MN I called a bunch of places so you don’t have to! Haha but seriously I hope someone else can benefit from me spending my entire lunch hour hunting them down over the phone.
Savage, Absolute Sports Cards $130
Blaine, Hitters Sports Cards $110
Hopkins, Ultimate Collectibles $99
submitted by Katzenheimer to MinnesotaFrost [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:04 Rawanmohammedd A guy best friend who i have feelings for and i don’t know what to do about the situation.

So, i know this guy from uni lets call him jake. Jake and i have known eachother for ig now 3 years or so and we are really close, our relationship started by us bonding over music since he’s a producer and i just like listening to music ;). Anyways, we spoke alot about music and as time started to pass, we started to get really close but, I barely saw him in uni since he’s a year older than me so our schedules don’t really collide but nonetheless we remained really close and we’d sometimes even hangout and chitchat on discord and as time started to pass and the more i got to know him i started getting feelings for him which i always ignored and just pushed it off to the side since realistically speaking i thought there was no chance he’s like me back. Fast forward to last year 2024, april to be exact he confessed his feelings towards me and i rejected him since i am not looking to be in a relationship while im still a student and i have never been in a relationship before so i was hesitant and scared it wouldn’t last but yea it broke my heart telling him no because i have always liked him but yea we decided to just remain as friends. Fast forward to now, almost a year later since his confession we still talk but the issue is that i go through phases where i’ll be so obsessed with him and i literally can’t stop thinking about him and i feel so attached to him like everytime i go a week without talking to him my mind literally goes insane but at the same time i can’t commit to a relationship to him and i don’t have the courage to talk to him about it either because i feel like a fucking idiot because of the sheer amount of mental breakdowns i’ve had over him is just insane. Everytime i get those obsessive feelings i decide to just stop talking to him but i never actually go through with the plan. I dont know what to do with him anymore, this obsessive cycle has repeated itself every year atleast twice every since i’ve known him and itself degrading my mental health because sometimes i’ll go days just thinking about him daily or waiting for his text or texting him literally anything just to talk to him for abit and it’s actually ruining me and i feel like a dumb fuck for letting this happen and it feels like im disrespecting myself but i just don’t know what to do because he’s really close to my heart and one of the rare people that’s i’ve met in uni were i can just be my true authentic self without faking a personality so what do i do?
submitted by Rawanmohammedd to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:04 Plane-Web-2076 Una de las pocas cosas buenas que dejo el stream

Una lástima lo que pasó al final con los disparos y demás cosas que pasaron en el directo
submitted by Plane-Web-2076 to repollitos_criptidos [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:04 shottahz Flute

After update i no longer see empty spot on drop list in bestiary or in golden city dungeon for the new flute item:(
submitted by shottahz to IdleGuildMaster [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:04 Zealousideal_Gur8533 Need advice

Hi, so I am having a lot anxiety and fear about potential bugs. I was not able to find any, but did find these few black dots on my bed frame (it's a platform with storage underneath and this was in the storage part) and I read online black dots could be an indicator. For size reference these are a bit smaller than a dot made with a ballpoint pen. For context this bed frame was also in a non-climate controlled storage unit for a year that had mice... I am concerned because I had a couple itchy spots on my back. Thank you for any insights!
submitted by Zealousideal_Gur8533 to Bedbugs [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:04 darkundereyebags Schadenfreude

Schadenfreude submitted by darkundereyebags to economicCollapse [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:04 justin_quinnn A$AP Rocky Assault Trial Soon Heads to Opening Statements as a Jury Is Seated

A$AP Rocky Assault Trial Soon Heads to Opening Statements as a Jury Is Seated submitted by justin_quinnn to MusicNewsHub [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:04 Limp_Pirate4840 Trade?

Trade? submitted by Limp_Pirate4840 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:04 yt-app New Mythic Creator chibidoki Upload: Chibi RAGED and BROKE HER MODEL LOL #shorts #chibidoki #vtuber

New Mythic Creator chibidoki Upload: Chibi RAGED and BROKE HER MODEL LOL #shorts #chibidoki #vtuber submitted by yt-app to MythicTalent [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:04 MetalFeet_Doom B&H “10 Condition”

Just picked this up on B&Hs website for 100 off retail and it was labeled as a 10 condition on site (described as appears unused). Upon receiving it I noticed scratches on some of the corners as well as Missing the stock strap. I have a few big events coming up and was hoping to use the camera then but when I visited the NY Leica store was told the wait would be a month at most. In others opinion have they experienced a quick turn around now as well? I’m leaving for a trip the end of February so was hoping to have it before then. But also if others found it scratches easy anyways I guess I wouldn’t mind just using it as is
submitted by MetalFeet_Doom to Leica [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:04 zzzyyyxxxwwwvvv Big Mac Salad

Big Mac Salad Much food. So filling. Not scary on the calories.
submitted by zzzyyyxxxwwwvvv to Volumeeating [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:04 Friendly_Magazine416 What is this card potentially worth ?

What is this card potentially worth ? Hey everyone I've pulled this miscut/misprinted card and was wondering how much it could be worth ?
submitted by Friendly_Magazine416 to PokemonCardValue [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:04 CockroachDouble7705 Guy thinks we have an absolute understanding of medical science.

Guy thinks we have an absolute understanding of medical science. submitted by CockroachDouble7705 to confidentlyincorrect [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:04 Shot-Doubt8554 Does anyone know why video on export get 20 second of emptiness on the end? How can I fix it?
submitted by Shot-Doubt8554 to VSDCFreeVideoEditor [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:04 ellistonvu Why do the horns face backwards?

Doesn't that defeat the purpose?
submitted by ellistonvu to trains [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:04 sabimi78 Trading ssbd backpack

Trading ssbd backpack submitted by sabimi78 to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:04 puddletownLou Can landlord give my social & credit info to 3rd party without notice?

I'm in Oregon & rec'd an alert that New York company checked my credit. When I called the number listed, it refused the call. I thought it was fraud and reported it. After investigation, I found out my Oregon landlord used this company to check my credit 2 years after my move in. Landlord never notified me this New York company now had my credit informaation. Is this legal?
submitted by puddletownLou to CRedit [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:04 kmz27 Vasto - Take Back

submitted by kmz27 to hardstyle [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:04 anxious_annie416 Having a monumental hard day

My ex most probably has BPD, I'm suspected quiet BPD. My ex started distancing himself about two months ago and we broke up a couple weeks ago because he didn't want the pressure of me waiting for him to feel like he was well enough to be with me. He says I shouldn't want to be with him; he wants me to be free if I meet someone else.
I feel like I'm dying. I would so much rather be with him in commitment only and give him all the space he needs. No amount of screaming and crying is relieving this pain. I don't understand how he could abandon me. I don't want anyone else. I don't want this life or routine without him. He's gonna be going out with friends and some girl with the most obnoxiously spelled name is gonna start talking to him and he'll be incredibly adorable about it because he won't realize she's flirting with him until she gives him her number. And then he'll move on and forget about me. He'll rationalize that I'm better off without him. I don't want to hurt myself in any way, but it hurts so much, I just don't want to exist, I don't want to be conscious. He says he loves me and he still wants me, so why, why doesn't he want to even see me. I want to call him and unload all of this and ask him, is it just that HE wants to be with someone else? I could almost accept it better if that were the case, that he's lost feelings or wants someone else. He loves me, but he's actively choosing to abandon me. It's like he thinks he's saving me from him, but I'm so profoundly hurt.
This is just a rant I have nowhere to put all of this. I can't call him and talk to him about it, it would just make him feel worse and drive him further away. I can't talk to friends because they'll say I should want more for myself than commitment in name only and sure, maybe so, but if we both love and want each other, don't we deserve to just be together?
submitted by anxious_annie416 to BPDrecovery [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:04 MrFrostPvP- CDPR General Meeting - Marketing for Witcher 4 starts sometime 2025?

CDPR General Meeting - Marketing for Witcher 4 starts sometime 2025? As we know CDPR has a general meeting like usual back in December 2024, there was resolutions and statements in particular which have a bearing on Witcher 4 and other future CDPR projects.
Statement From the CFO was that he believes 2025 will have a bearing on their 2025-2028 incentive which they target 4 Billion PLN which converts to 1 Billion USD (Net Profit btw not Revenue). This makes me believe 2025 will begin marketing campaign for Witcher 4 possibly later on the year alongside possibly starting with the Lynx Medallion Merch which gets shipped out around April and CDPR seems to take big care in the Lynx Medallion Merch. Or this could mean something else like CDPR advancing and announcing their other projects.
What do you think CDPR has planned for 2025 which would play in motion with this incentive?
submitted by MrFrostPvP- to Witcher4 [link] [comments]