Check UW after tourneys

t2:影驰金属大师、华硕tuf、七彩虹uw、电竞判客x3、铭瑄电竞之心、技嘉魔鹰、技嘉雪鹰. t3:七彩虹战斧、耕升炫光、映众超级冰龙、盈通樱瞳水着、pny 掌控者、技嘉风魔、微星万图师. 排序标准:主要是散热规格,辅助供电规格 UW的硕士,你还是要看专业吧。我有2+2的学生(国内山西某大学,国外综排100多的大学),华大西雅图的ME录取,国内gpa3.3,美本gpa3.8+。今年一个美本学生,生物申生物,华大西雅图录取,gpa3.68。 其他专业,CS专业的硕士,华大西雅图只录本校的。 uw和wustl两所学校在全国榜单和世界排名里各有优势,你能指着全国排名说uw垃圾,然后再指着世界排名说wustl不行吗? 这显然是不对的。 UW和WUSTL各自作为公立和私立中很不错的学校,有不同的王牌专业和不同的教学研究方向,再加上US News全国排名和世界排名不同的侧重点和评分标准权重,一个重 ... 《刀剑神域Alicization》完结之后,再出是什么番,现在小说情节写到哪里了,爱丽丝之后刀剑走向是什么 根据国际惯例,紫外线指数(UV Index)是一个无量纲的物理量,用于描述太阳辐射在地面上产生的紫外线强度等级。 在主流发达国家,例如比如美国,就采用助理教授(Assistant Professor,AP)→副教授(AssociateProfessor)→教授(Full Professor)→讲席教授(Chair Professor)的职称体系。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 本人被uw录取,但是未定专业,目标cs,我听说cs专业非常难进,我是个来自三线城市的学生,编程基础的话就是会做个noip提高组第一题差不多能过个apc… 显示全部 UW (University of Washington)本科是一种怎样的存在? - 知乎 安全验证 - 知乎

2025.01.24 00:20 Acmarkley Check UW after tourneys

Turned BH off for tourney yesterday. Completely forgot to turn it back on for my farming runs. Was completely shocked to see my farming runs netting 1/5 of what they usually do and couldn't figure out why until a couple minutes again. Lost out on a good 8b😅
submitted by Acmarkley to TheTowerGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:20 SharksFan4Lifee If I want full 100W charging in the US, I can just use a step up transformer, right?

I have a OP13 with the charger that came with it in the US. I understand that with normal US voltage, it maxes out at 80W charging, but at the higher voltage used elsewhere in the world, it will do 100W.
I see posts of people buying the official dual port charger just to get 100W charging in the US.
But really you just need something like this, correct?
I plug that into the wall, then plug my charger into that, and voila, I'll have 100W charging in the US. Correct?
submitted by SharksFan4Lifee to oneplus [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:20 taffyluf Fear of Recurring Turmoil at Jobs

I am about to leave my chaotic workplace (luckily I'm in a 6mo contract) and about to venture on a new permanent role.
Current Job (6 months) - Half of our staff has been made redundant - Workload has increased a lot for me and to others - Management sends out a 'positive' message how they have a lot of new exciting things they want our team to take on (more work but less staff to actually do the work) - I'm working overtime no extra pay and sometimes fear coming to work the next day wishing something bad happens to me - I'm still quite junior into my role but I feel that I've been pushed into the deep end, although I am grateful for the experience..
Previous job (6 month) - salary is very low - I did actually enjoy this but the role wasn't aligned to my career ambitions
Previous previous job (6 month) - mass redundancy and similar to current job - too much work too little time and management just cares about the money - pushed into the deep end - eventually the company went into administration and I was made redundant too, jobless for nearly 6 months whilst looking for a job
Old Job (2 yrs) - mass redundancies and too much work for a small team and again same as the above
I am scared that my future job may look the same a few months in. Part of me blames myself, like maybe I need to be more organised and resilient to be able to handle the amount of workload or be able to stand up for myself and say NO.
I know the companies internally have changed since COVID, but as I'm quite early in my career, I don't know if this is wholly due to COVID and/or bad management, or partially myself? Is this normal? I do try to make good out of bad situations such as redundancies, I see this as leverage to gain more experience into a higher level role but because I've experienced these similar situations a few times I fear my future job will look the same. If this isn't what was considered normal, do you think a time will come for things to be normal again? Is this the new normal? What does a stable job look like?
Sorry if this isn't the correct place to post. Thanks
submitted by taffyluf to jobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:20 Icy_Entrepreneur6163 I dont know if i already posted this but does anybody have a good guide on how to get cheats working for MW2CR like noclip or god Plz help

I've been able to get cheats working for the OG but for remastered the files are written a little different so it dosen't work. Anybody got any advice?
(the Og game is in steam while the remastered is from battle net)
submitted by Icy_Entrepreneur6163 to COD [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:20 MemeFoxyy Blessed

Blessed submitted by MemeFoxyy to furrymemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:20 iracebeth Anyone know what mod is this outfit?

Anyone know what mod is this outfit? What's the name of the mod for Shadowheart's dress and Astarion's suit in this screenshot? 😭😭 Thanks in advance
submitted by iracebeth to BG3mods [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:20 Gkdkgdhkdkgckgd Has this been done before? If not, what do i do with it?

Made this tonight but im wondering if this has been done before? If so, ill delete. If not, what do i do with it? Thank you in advance 🙏
submitted by Gkdkgdhkdkgckgd to LostRedditor [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:20 Narrow-Grocery-3199 Need a third name for the third baby !!!

Two boys and one girl. Names we like and are set on is Maia / Maya & Milan. Can’t think of a name for the second baby boy.
Please help !!!
submitted by Narrow-Grocery-3199 to BabyNames [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:20 BroMandi [Dick's Sporting Goods] VRST Men's Pinnacle Polar Fleece Full Zip Hoodie (Pewter or Slate) $19.98 + Free Shipping [Deal: $19.98, Actual: $98.00]

submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:20 blahblahsnahdah Ollama is confusing people by pretending that the little distillation models are "R1"

I was baffled at the number of people who seem to think they're using "R1" when they're actually running a Qwen or Llama finetune, until I saw a screenshot of the Ollama interface earlier. Ollama is misleadingly pretending that "R1" is actually a series of differently-sized models and that distillations are just smaller sizes of "R1", rather than what they are which is just some quasi-related experimental finetunes that Deepseek happened to release at the same time.
It's not just annoying, it seems to be doing reputational damage to Deepseek as well, because a lot of low information Ollama users are using a shitty 1.5B model, seeing that it sucks (because it's 1.5B), and saying "wow I don't see why people are saying R1 is so good, this is terrible". Plus there's no misleading social media influencer content like "I got R1 running on my phone!" (no, you got a Qwen-1.5B finetune running on your phone).
submitted by blahblahsnahdah to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:20 lunacomet My Pain Management Dr's PA wants me off of my pain medication

Hi everyone, I'm so incredibly upset and discouraged by my pain management appointment today. I was wondering & hoping if anyone had any suggestions for how to approach the situation with my medical team. So I've been prescribed Hydrocodone (5mg twice daily) for years by my pain management Dr.
I wasn't aware, but the office had scheduled me with my Dr's new PA. I figured this wouldn't be an issue, so I ended up seeing his new PA. Unfortunately, the appointment went terribly. This PA was incredibly dismissive and condescending about my chronic pain, saying I'm too young to be on the hydrocodone in the first place. I stayed calm and tried my best to explain that I have been on the medication for YEARS and how beneficial it has been for me. I have been able to function on a daily basis without debilitating pain.
She decided that she would lower my dosage to only once daily instead of twice. Saying that she would like to look into some "natural" options because I have tried nearly almost every other non-opioid medication.
As you would imagine, I am more than upset about my appointment today. The scheduling team also decided to make my next appointment with this PA again and it sounds like this PA wants to start treatment instead of my actual Dr.
I'm not sure how to further approach the situation, I would truly hope to see my actual pain management Dr instead, who has always been understanding, kind, and compassionate about my individual situation. I'm worried if I try to cancel this upcoming appointment and if I try to see my Dr. it would look desperate to this PA. I don't want to be discharged as a patient completely. By chance does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you so much :(
submitted by lunacomet to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:20 elledoubleyouu i'm a newbie & need desperate rental lawn advice.

i'm a newbie & need desperate rental lawn advice. hello! new to the sub, recently moved into a rental home in los angeles with a yard. the ownelandlord has no real guidance for me on the yard maintenance, and it's on me to diagnose and remedy.
we have sprinklers set up, but i'm pretty sure they are not working considering the grass is dying?
pics from when we toured jan 5, then jan 11 our move in and now. we are about 5 miles from the fires, ash was coming down for about the entire time we've lived here. so i am not sure if that is impacting the grass at all. any tips or guidance would be appreciated - i don’t know where to begin!
submitted by elledoubleyouu to lawncare [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:20 x-Hero_0f_Hyrule-x 21m Looking for new friends

Hey there! My name is Hero (preferred name). I'm just looking for some people to talk to. Gender or sexuality doesn't matter just please be over 18, and fair warning if it matters I am Pansexual. I like playing video games and watching anime, I'm active almost all the time. I'm looking for some new friends who might live close to me or people to let me bother them 24/7. I'm an open book and I'm not shy about anything so feel free to message me. Please say in your message that you saw this post. Add me: hero_2003
submitted by x-Hero_0f_Hyrule-x to discordfriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:20 Por7o FRENCH Ads / Content in Germany

Hey guys, I’m currently test driving a G9 performance in Germany from a German dealership and I’m really enjoying it and considering buying one. One thing I noticed is that on YouTube or Disney+ or Amazon? It seems that he uses friends as like the country I’m in at least on YouTube and Amazon I get ads in French and also on YouTube on the front page. It shows me videos With French content. is this like due to the dealership or is the SIM, They are using registered in France how can I change it?
submitted by Por7o to Xpeng [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:20 Anal_Crust 3 week old only lasts about 10 minutes in the crib before crying.

Even after a big feed where she's obviously stoned out of her TITS and milk dripping down her chin, we put her in the bedside crib when she falls asleep and she only lasts 10 minutes there.
She first starts grunting and straining, then twisting and turning and kicking and then full blast crying. Then we have to take her out.
Unbelievably she sometimes wants another feed, or she just falls asleep on our chest. Then we put her in the crib, and the same thing happens again. Grunting, demonic noises, farting and crying.
Soother doesn't help.
I would like to let her cry and not touch her for 2 hours. She needs to get used to the crib, because she'll be using it for the next 6 months. The mother says that's too cruel. But we need to sleep or else we'll die from exhaustion and then nobody will be able to feed the baby.
Any tips for making a 3 week old sleep in her crib and stay asleep for more than 10 minutes?
It feels like she sleeps 1 hour a day.
submitted by Anal_Crust to BeyondTheBumpUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:20 Less_Celebration_677 Ducati

Ducati From work today a I saw this elegant majestic looking creature she's always covered but today she had nothing on 🥰🥰
submitted by Less_Celebration_677 to Ducati [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:20 tikyboy999 Can someone help with directions?

Can someone help with directions? I just got transferred to shujin academy and uh I need to find a ginza line I'm so lost I'm not from here.
Also I keep seeing this app I tried to delete but just keeps coming back, is it a virus?
submitted by tikyboy999 to Persona5 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:20 Ddontsueme third time informing of donations

thrid time informing us to donate during mentoring. At this point i dont even wanna complain. heres smt funny : the slides said : 3. What if students are overly-enthusiastic in carrying out acts of kindness? which i find funny the slides also said 1.QR code is for donations below $200,000. For donations of $200,000 and above, please
wow such high expectations 😂
submitted by Ddontsueme to nush [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:20 cacain119 Cinnamon pancake House – Naperville, Illinois – $10.17

Shady’s back, back again. This time I got a waffle, two sausages, eggs, three rolls, and a large container of baked potato soup. She even threw in the bacon and cheese to top the soup with. 🥹
submitted by cacain119 to toogoodtogo [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:20 AnxiousRemove Glad Canada got their $3

Glad Canada got their $3 submitted by AnxiousRemove to dhl [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:20 NonyaFugginBidness Elite Shepherd Puppy?

Just saw this in the black market. Anyone have experience buying this? Is it worth the 175 purple chips? Are there good odds of getting the mans best friend trait?
submitted by NonyaFugginBidness to LastDayonEarthGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:20 vicelordjohn White cats are special creatures

submitted by vicelordjohn to WhiteCats [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:20 No-Alternative7997 Is now a good time to get back into the game?

I’ve taken a long break from this game (since July of 2024) and I’m wondering if now would be a good time to get back into it. Idk if maybe the games in a bad place or a good place? Also if there’s anything worth noting that I’ve missed would be great to learn about.
submitted by No-Alternative7997 to Seaofthieves [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:20 GarbagePailPunk Was there a members stream today?

Peace and love thanks in advance.
submitted by GarbagePailPunk to h3h3productions [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:20 pedranda_ What's the best way to get a lot of coins?

I feel like I'm constantly running out. I had lots in 24 because I sold most of my TOTY dupes, which were worth a ton, but the amount you get for selling seems significantly reduced this year.
submitted by pedranda_ to MADFUT [link] [comments]