Swift made a mess!

3、be made from 表示制成的东西完全失去了原材料的外形或特征,或原材料在制作过程中发生化学变化,在成品中已无法辨认。 4、be made with 指“制作中用了什么东西”,be made with 还可用于抽象意义。 扩展资料: 例句: 1.Only the rough guess and estimate can be made of it. The kite is made of paper.风筝是用纸做的。 2.be made from 表示制成的东西完全失去了原材料的外形或特征,或原材料在制作过程中发生化学变化,在成品中已无法辨认。如: The paper is made from wood.纸是木头做的。 Butter is made from milk.黄油是从牛奶中提炼出来的。 啄木鸟系列10部必看经典电影推荐啄木鸟系列10部必看经典电影推荐包括:《啄木鸟电影,监狱》、《爱在日落黄昏时》系列、《致命ID》、《高压监狱》、《法国航空》、《灭火行动》,以及《Trust Us, This Is All Made Up 你好,过去式和过去分词的用法区别 1. 过去式用did表示,过去分词用done表示 2. 所做的成分不同,过去式did在句中做谓语成分,过去分词done在句中做非谓语成分,即除了谓语以外的主语,宾语,状语,定语等 make-made-made的区别make和makes作动词都表示做;制造;使得;赚(钱);成功;达成。make还可以作名词意思是性格;式样;制造;生产量。它们的区别只有两个,就是词性和读音不同。 1、词性不同。make是动词原形, Made in PRC也是中国制造的意思, PRC=People's Republic of China. 两者本质上没什么区别,我曾经有碰到过一个法国客户给我提意见如下: C: Also I would put « made in PRC » instead of « made in China » C: It's the same but has better perceived quality 二,make sb do sth的意思是“让某人做某事”,常包含有强迫某人做某事的意味,比如:Our boss made us do more extra job out of our duty. 当然,不一定表示强迫的意味,比如:what you said made me feel relieved. Your words 这个报错表示计算不收敛,实体结构已经破坏,无法继续计算。那么,我们可以从网格、增量步设置、边界条件等几个方面去检查是否合理。本文就来详细说说如何处理Too many attempts made for this increment。 3.made of用法:接不定式时的用法用在make+宾语+动词的不定式中时,动词前面不能加to,这时是“使、让某人(或某物)做”的意思。 三、侧重点不同。 1.made from侧重点:侧重于最后的制品看不见原材料。 be made of 和 be made from的区别,我是这样的来区分的: of 一般表示:···的属性;所以更多是简单材料的简单组装、变形: The table is made of wood。桌子是木质的。

2025.01.24 01:30 Most-Voice-1671 Swift made a mess!

wift lost two of my tests before I was hired. I passed the urine test without any problems because I don’t take drugs, alcohol, or anything. My previous tests, when I was at the Driving Academy, all came back negative. However, one of the lost tests, which they haven’t even told me where it is, came back positive for cocaine. And I don’t even use drugs, I don’t eat unhealthy food, or put anything strange in my body.
Please, has anyone gone through something similar? Is this something that commonly happens? What should I do now? I would really appreciate any advice or guidance on what steps I should take. Thank you!
submitted by Most-Voice-1671 to drugtesthelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 riotrhythm97 From Sea Terrace to Suite Upgrade Bids: Success Stories?

Hey Sailors! First time on VV but pretty frequent on other cruise lines.
Going on Valiant Lady with my partner in April. I booked us a normal Sea Terrace and got a pretty nice location on Deck 12 FWD. However, I already have placed my upgrade bids for some suites. I was just wondering if there's some success stories.
I placed bids for all available suites: Seriously Suite, Sweet AFT (all sizes) and Cheeky Corner (all sizes) and all offers were considered good or fair around $1000.
I avoided bidding for an XL Sea Terrace, because I heard it's mainly just bathroom space (don't care) and you could get an egg chair instead of hammock and metal railings. Didn't want to risk it.
submitted by riotrhythm97 to VirginVoyages [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 Additional_Judge5812 trying to finish arts and crafts!

trying to finish arts and crafts! submitted by Additional_Judge5812 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 Snow_Crash_Bandicoot Frustrated. Posted two popular memes in the AspieMemes sub, so the mods responded by restricting my account???

Frustrated. Posted two popular memes in the AspieMemes sub, so the mods responded by restricting my account??? Posted two pretty popular memes in the aspiememes sub. One got 8,200+ likes and had 127 comments, the other got 6,000+ likes and had 66 comments.
Seemed pretty good. Got some discussion going. Talked to other people. They related. Didn’t feel so alone as I normally do with this stupid condition. It was nice to speak with others who shared similar experiences.
I thought everything went well. The posts were not controversial and did not break any rules. They were not removed or muted.
So last night, I went to post another meme and found that my account was now restricted. I could no longer post anything new. I can only respond to my posts or other people’s posts.
Now I get an error message when I try to post. I messaged the mods, but they aren’t responding for some reason.
Sorry. This is all just very frustrating to me and makes no sense. It feels like the same thing NT bullies would do to me in school whenever I’d do anything the other kids would like. A bully would see me and the other kids having fun and purposely do something awful to me to ruin it.
submitted by Snow_Crash_Bandicoot to AutisticPride [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 Accomplished_Rice_60 Should i upgrade? 5 year old pc (3 years since upgraded only cpu).

https://no.pcpartpicker.com/list/DXJfh7 i mostly game
I got an 2k monitor but i also dont get about most fps as i can or resolution to max settings for my monitor. I guess i want something highmid range. Im from Norway, and thinking about upgraded cpu and gpu. Thinking about buying 5700x3d or just go am5 (guess its alright to buy am5 now instead of buying 5700x3d if im not skipping am5). And 5700x3d right now is 280dollar, and 7500f is 180dollsr which is argueable exactly the same, but gotta upgrade mb and ram, but if im going to do it anyways, may aswell do it now right? 7800x3d is 550dollar uff, 9800x3d is 580dollar so nobrainer that over 7800x3d. But still x3 times price of 7500f (my brain really likes to save money xD).
Idk about gpu, dont need anything amazing as i mostly play competitive games at 1080q but sometimes i play rpgs and aaa titles. Maybe 5070ti or wait to 9k amd? Or aim for a decent sale on 7800xt or something similar?
Appreciate any comments, my head spinning around with all the decision....
submitted by Accomplished_Rice_60 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 ThatDickyBoi SCD characters with the most aura?

SCD characters with the most aura? submitted by ThatDickyBoi to IntelligenceScaling [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 Aware-Way-6158 no more updates to ps vita?

im on 3.74 . isnt vita sonys latest native handheld? i wish they would still support it
submitted by Aware-Way-6158 to vita [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 Kerjen Book recommendations?

Could people recommend books, preferably ones that take place in Cabot cove?
submitted by Kerjen to murdershewrote [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 Shmackpackp Need a fleet?

If anybody is looking for a fleet for the upcoming fleet cup shoot me a message on here or Xbox; ObiKushKenobi66 fleet name is PBJ ProBattleJoes. Im on every single day and need some more people to game with.
submitted by Shmackpackp to WoWs_Legends [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 te0bz Open lobbies

Hey everyone, I absolutely love doing open lobbies as me and my dbd duo friend currently work opposite shifts at work. I stream all the games and play open lobbies with chatters if anyone wants to come along drop me a username and I can add you or message me in my chat :)
submitted by te0bz to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 justagirl644 I’m so scared I don’t like it

Hi hi I don’t really know what to say I don’t wanna go too into detail on the situation as I am trying to keep it seperate from my regression but my ex is a big meanie and she has all my stuff. She finally agreed to letting me have some of my things but not all 🙄 but I wanna ask her to give me back my dummies (pacifiers) I have over £300 worth in customs and I hold them near and dear but I’m scared she won’t give them to me. When I left I had two on me as I had one in my bag and one on my person but still not the point that is the first issue is all my little gear and stuff like that the 2nd is that while I move I’m just going to keep my stuff at my mums she doesn’t know about my regression and I’m scared she’ll find my dummies if my ex does give them back. I had dummies in the past when I lived with my mum but the whole situation is different and I cannot hide them where I did before because of a lot of the changes that have been made to the house since. I’m scared I am not embarrassed of my regression and am quite open to speak about it but my mum don’t understand that stuff and is so close minded 😭
submitted by justagirl644 to ageregression [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 DisciplinedEngineer Statics Tutor (engineering)

I only tutor Statics.
I’m familiar with Hibbeler’s 15th edition (latest) and with Beer & Johnston’s older editions.

submitted by DisciplinedEngineer to tutor [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 Big_Tumbleweed2374 306482240608 deoxys defense form

306482240608 deoxys defense form
submitted by Big_Tumbleweed2374 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 hairyharryoh7 Friend Code

Looking for friends! Friend code: 1067755777BJ
submitted by hairyharryoh7 to MSMfriendcodes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 Hdawg_20 How does time card fraud work with night shift?

I’ve been threatened to be reported for time card fraud and I’m wondering how that works. As I understand it, time card fraud is altering one’s shift to earn more money or doing something other than work while on the clock (please correct me if I’m understanding that incorrectly).
I work the night shift at a hospital, and I’m the only one with my job title in the entire hospital at night. I can get all of my responsibilities done during the first half of my shift which leaves me with nothing to do but wait and be prepared. Besides my normal tasks, my only job is to be on standby and be ready to respond to an emergency when needed. My boss has not given me any extra tasks or projects to fill my time, so half (or sometimes most) of my shift is me sitting around doing nothing. I can’t be low-censuses and I can’t leave early because I’m the only one with my particular role in the hospital and I have to be ready to respond to emergencies. One of my day-shift counterparts (there’s like 7 of them during the day) wants to get me in trouble for not doing anything while on the clock, citing time card fraud. Does she have any legitimacy behind her threat?
As a follow up question, given my situation (not having work to do, but not being able to leave), would doing homework once all of my work is done also be considered time card fraud?
submitted by Hdawg_20 to legal [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 bluebelles29 How to accept your growing up and there’s no going back?

The other day, I was hanging out with a childhood friend, and we started going through old pictures and videos we had from elementary school. She had all these random videos of our classmates, and we even came across a video of my elementary school crush—who, at the time, was literally everything to me. We were laughing and reminiscing, but then it hit us: this was 12 years ago. We’re 22 now, but it all feels like it happened just yesterday.
It’s such a bittersweet realization that those times are really gone. We’re adults now, and there’s no going back. Even my family feels different—my relationship with my parents and siblings has changed. I still try to picture my parents in my mind as they were in their late 30s, but then I stop and realize, no, they’re in their 50s now. They’re older, and it’s this bittersweet reminder that time doesn’t stop for anyone.
We used to have big family reunions and parties, and now those barely happen. No one gets together anymore, and everything just feels so different. It’s not just about my family or childhood friends, though—it’s like the world itself feels different.
My life is great right now, so this isn’t about being sad or depressed. It’s just this overwhelming feeling of realizing how much has changed and how those moments and people I hold onto in my head are gone for good. It’s not a bad thing, necessarily—it’s just hard to process sometimes.
How do you come to terms with the fact that everything changes—the people, the relationships, the world—and there’s no going back? Would love to hear how others deal with this.
submitted by bluebelles29 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 AnnaL111 Rehome thread

Can we start a re🏠 thread of top tier 🪞 bags????
submitted by AnnaL111 to OGRepladies [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 Klay_toss Does anyone actually use layer 3 functionality on their layer 3 capable switches?

I'm fairly new to Unifi and am having one heck of a time trying to configure my 24 pro HD. Not looking to do anything fancy. Just want to have it handle all intervlan routing with each vlan having their own SVI and then forwarding only external traffic through to the UDM pro.
Problem is I can't seem to find any guide on how to do this... every guide I've seen only shows a router on a stick config where the UDM pro does all of the routing and the layer 3 switch essentially acts as a layer 2. Is this the ideal setup for majority of people?
submitted by Klay_toss to Ubiquiti [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 Ok-Excitement8544 Es posible cambiar el protagonista?

Es posible cambiar el protagonista como tal? e estado intentado cambiar de belle a wise para las "citas" pero me cambia siempre a belle, hay alguna manera de cambiar tu proto principal?
submitted by Ok-Excitement8544 to ZZZ_Official [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 HealthCareful391 Akira's Lambo value

Does anyone know the exact make and model the lambo Akira won was? I'm curious how much money he's going to make out of it, and we don't know whether that Lamborghini is worth 200k or if it's worth 1 million, is there any car enthusiasts in here that can make an educated guess?
submitted by HealthCareful391 to BeastGames [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 customfabricated Homemade press brake powered by harbor freight jacks - works great!

Homemade press brake powered by harbor freight jacks - works great! 63 inch wide 40 ton press brake built in my personal shop with the help of my homemade cnc plasma cutter.
Some specifications listed below: • Adjustable hydraulic jack locations - jacks slide side-to-side for optimal positioning dependent on work piece width • Spring compensated and adjustable gauge rods for consistent and accurate repeat bends. Compression springs prevent damage to the gauge system in the event that the stop point is exceeded • Upper and lower bending dies built from cold rolled 1018 for a typically higher material hardness than the workpiece • Adjustable width bottom die assembly using two 1.5 inch diameter cold rolled solid round rods • Bending blade that can be cut into fingers to allow for box and pan bending operations. Ability to make custom dies that slide into the 3/4in tang slot • Hydraulic jacks plumbed together for simultaneous operation but can also be operated individually for level adjustment • Adaptable, adjustable, modular, and easily repairable design utilizing minimal welding of components onto the main frame
submitted by customfabricated to Tools [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 Alternative-Owl7459 Earth store stop

Earth store stop submitted by Alternative-Owl7459 to aispacegirls [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 DunningFreddieKruger IT'S HAPPENING

IT'S HAPPENING submitted by DunningFreddieKruger to KingstonOntario [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 popcron1 galactic family by me

submitted by popcron1 to Marvel [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:30 Fresh-Valuable4640 Give Bob Greg a voice headcannon and i'll give yours one (If i can find a good one)

submitted by Fresh-Valuable4640 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]
