Let’s get her grill back!!!

为何std::vector::push_back不检查参数的地址是否在自己容器范围内? 7 个回答 STL deque里,如果数据本身是个struct,是否可以直接通过指针去访问struct里的元素? Windows10 有business editions 和 consumer editions 版。其中每个都有 专业工作站版,可这2个专业工作… 因为最近一直在开发一个google play镜像网站,调研了国内外大部分的google play镜像站,正好在这里做一个总结。 提及比较多的,OneNote、 FlowUs息流、Notion、Flomo、印象笔记,还有哪些好用的呢?你是如何选择的? 刚好最近比较系统的研究了一下HTTP协议里GET和POST方法的区别,以下内容摘抄自我的博客:HTTP协议中GET和POST方法的区别 - Sunshinevvv's Blog ,本文记录了我的探究历程,没有耐心的童鞋可以直接翻到最后看结论:语义之争。 已有一个新的参考文献模板,如何将其导入到Endnote中使用? backbone这个单词原意指的是人的脊梁骨,后来引申为支柱,核心的意思。 在神经网络中,尤其是CV领域,一般先对图像进行 特征提取 (常见的有vggnet,resnet,谷歌的inception),这一部分是整个CV任务的根基,因为后续的下游任务都是基于提取出来的图像特征去做文章(比如分类,生成等等)。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 如何解决打开everything时总是提示“你要允许此设备对您的电脑进行更改吗”的问题。 Aktualne notowania akcji na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie (GPW), statystyki, wykresy. Sortuj tabelę po branży lub przeglądaj alfabetycznie.

2025.01.24 03:01 Thr0wawayAcc0umt Let’s get her grill back!!!

Let’s get her grill back!!! submitted by Thr0wawayAcc0umt to FireEmblemHeroes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:01 StormNStuff Love

Love submitted by StormNStuff to PerlerBeads [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:01 The_Biblical_Church Why do some members drink caffeine?

What could possibly be the justification for it? Caffeine has been discouraged throughout the entire history of the church. When the Word of Wisdom was written, tea and coffee were the only sources used for caffeine; this means that the Word of Wisdom was effectively a ban on caffeine. Why do you drink caffeinated soda and energy drinks, brethren?
submitted by The_Biblical_Church to latterdaysaints [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:01 6675636b5f6675636b Peter, why would someone wanna edit this file?

Peter, why would someone wanna edit this file? submitted by 6675636b5f6675636b to PeterExplainsTheJoke [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:01 Frank_Sforza A hearty congratulations to the newly elected and installed Monarch and Officers of Simba Grotto M.O.V.P.E.R. May sympathy and good fellowship prevail always!! #Grottoesinternational #ESGA #Simba #Grotto #MOVPER #Travelingatthespeedofgrotto #Freemasonry #itscalledbrotherhood #sharetheexperience

A hearty congratulations to the newly elected and installed Monarch and Officers of Simba Grotto M.O.V.P.E.R. May sympathy and good fellowship prevail always!! #Grottoesinternational #ESGA #Simba #Grotto #MOVPER #Travelingatthespeedofgrotto #Freemasonry #itscalledbrotherhood #sharetheexperience submitted by Frank_Sforza to GrottoMOVPER [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:01 Annual_Profession591 I lost some post that I sent to US and I've gone to make a claim, they always tell me its insured for £250 but when I've submitted the claim it says you can only claim up to a value of £50, whats this all about?

I dont understand, they tell you its covered up to £250 but its telling me I'm only covered up to £50, how is that even possible? Its always been £250 hasn't it? Whats going on? I've just lost £300 in the post and Royal Mail want to give me £50 are they taking the michael or what?
submitted by Annual_Profession591 to royalmail [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:01 cemysce CPU advice for backup server? (10 24TB drives in single RAIDZ3 vdev)

I'm building a backup server and specing out a Storinator Q30, running TrueNAS Scale.
I have mostly figured out my drive configuration (10 or 11 Seagate Exos 24TB SATA drives in single RAIDZ3 vdev) and how much RAM (256GB) using various calculators and guides, but I haven't been able to figure out my CPU requirements. These are the 3 lowest/cheapest options I have with that Storinator:

This will only be used as a backup server, not running anything else. So I'm only concerned about the CPU usage during monthly scrubs and any potential resilvering.
submitted by cemysce to zfs [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:01 bot_neen Martín Anselmi se va de Cruz Azul por la puerta de atrás

Martín Anselmi se va de Cruz Azul por la puerta de atrás submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:01 InvertIntrepid Struggling with lick glaucoma from 8 months

My dog has severe lick glaucoma and nothing seems to be helping, he is not very disciplined, can lick with cones as well, it starts to get better and then gets bad again in 3 paws. The vet has been medicating him for 8months. Tropical ointments& medication. Please help I am too stressed out now.
submitted by InvertIntrepid to AskVet [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:01 NunchiDreamer Tense/tight ankles

I started tap class as an adult two years ago and I absolutely love it! I'm currently in intermediate.
I'm in physical therapy right now for an old foot injury that affected my ankle mobility. I only noticed it when I started taking ballet but it doesn't affect my tap too much. The problem is that with this PT I'm working on strengthening my ankle which is good, except the strengthening is causing me to tighten my ankle muscles too much to where my teacher is actually noticing it's affecting how I tap. I also have almost no core strength because all my dance focus has been on my legs and feet. So with the lack of core strength I'm actually using my ankles to balance and stabilize myself. I stretch before class, shake my ankles out, all the stuff, but I don't know how to retrain my body/ankles. I would love some additional advice. I know I need to strengthen my core but it's my least favorite thing to work on and I have no motivation the second my abs start hurting after a few crunches.
submitted by NunchiDreamer to TapDancing [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:01 Lunar_Rainbow_Pro peace

peace submitted by Lunar_Rainbow_Pro to meme [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:01 Icethief188 LETS GOOOOOOOOOO

submitted by Icethief188 to InfinityNikki [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:01 mahdi036 Current safety situation in Beirut?

I was wondering how’s the current safety situation in Beirut, especially around night time like 12am? And how is it in different areas like dahye for example. Also if someone does get robbed or something who would they call and are they reliable?
submitted by mahdi036 to lebanon [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:01 NoCommute New remote job at Coursera

Coursera is hiring a Senior Product Designer
NoCommute is a daily newsletter with just-posted remote jobs. To get hundreds of jobs like this sent to your email 5x a week, subscribe here.
submitted by NoCommute to NoCommute [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:01 Dazzling-Smell-2908 How the killing of Yahya Sinwar shattered Israel’s narrative | The Listening Post

How the killing of Yahya Sinwar shattered Israel’s narrative | The Listening Post submitted by Dazzling-Smell-2908 to TheRealHamas [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:01 jackiebbragg Plastic in the oven !

Help! I accidentally melted plastic in my oven. I got the rack clean but my oven still has a burning plastic smell when turned on.
No plastic dripped in the stove, only got on the rack itself.
submitted by jackiebbragg to CleaningTips [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:01 pic2022 [G915 Lightspeed] Better keycaps

Please, I beg you, make better keycaps for this keyboard that has EVERYTHING on the key light up with rgb. I seriously cannot fathom why you would only make the main letter light up. I don't know where every punctuation is. This is ridiculous and the only thing I hate about this keyboard.
submitted by pic2022 to LogitechG [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:01 SadPandaQ Bilmem ki neden böyle oldu ?

Bunu niye yazıyorum bilmiyorum. Belki de ihtiyacım var. Çok uzun süredir yalnızım. Anlatamadım kimseye derdimi. Kimse anlamak zorunda da değil. Çoğu kişi okumayacak bile. Yine de yazmak istiyorum. Bir insan neden sevgiye bu kadar muhtaçtır ? Sevgisizlik bir insanı ölüme neden getirir ? Çok uzun süredir melankoli halindeyim. Sonum ne olur bilmiyorum. Hayatım çok inişli çıkışlı. Bunu ne zaman okursunuz, okurken ben nerede olurum. Bilmiyorum. Tanımadığınız biri için endişelenmeyin. Kendimi öldüremeyecek kadar korkağım. Belki de değilim. Bilmiyorum. Son olarak şunu söylemek istiyorum. Etrafınızdaki insanları sevmekten korkmayın. Bu gücü küçümsemeyin. Şu hayatta daha önemli hiç bir şey yok. İstediğiniz kadar başarılı olun, paylaşacak kimseniz yoksa boşa. Kendinize iyi bakın.
submitted by SadPandaQ to intiharetme [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:01 mutantdustbunny I can't quantify this job in order to do it...

It's like this job changes even if you try to lock in on a strategy.
The algorithm has mood swings.
It's dehumanizing to ask someone to do a consistent work, when availability of work is inconsistent.
Even if you develop a strategy, there isn't enough demand for you to stay inspired long enough.
It just feels like too much changes chaotically about this job, in order to comprehend a repeatable pattern you can follow to just settle into doing it and making $.
Today you can make $35, following your best strategy.
Tomorrow you will make $200 barely wanting to do it.
Whatever you do, is predetermined by the algorithm.
submitted by mutantdustbunny to InstacartShoppers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:01 walkdownzoemachete Demetrious Johnson stopped by Looksaikongdin Gym in northern Bangkok for a sparring session with Rodtang

submitted by walkdownzoemachete to ufc [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:01 olga_dr Spotted in LA 👀

submitted by olga_dr to 911FOX [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:01 dogman2416 Single live now

submitted by dogman2416 to pissypetersontellall [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:01 Dark-Phoenix-1 Any online fix?

So I downloaded the game from fitgirl repacks and I'm trying to figure out how to go online Please help
submitted by Dark-Phoenix-1 to dbxv [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:01 airwrecca Gamepass on Xbox and pc?

So my bf and I play under his gamepass but on Xbox we are able to switch between his activision account or mine. I just downloaded cod on my pc through the gamepass but I can’t figure out how to link my activision account to it, it automatically logged his in. Is there any way to switch it?
submitted by airwrecca to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:01 RileyRoo22 Meow ☺️😻

submitted by RileyRoo22 to AustralianFemboys [link] [comments]
