Makes me sick need advice

2025.01.24 03:30 babyboyneeds Makes me sick need advice

So as the title says my period makes me sick every month and it's just getting worse. My stomach pain is severe and all of my joints hurt Its just a constant sharp pain with the occasional severe stab that brings me to my knees. I'm 19 I had my first period around 12 then skipped a couple years till around 15 when I started having very painful heavy long periods twice a year or less for about 3 weeks. I got on the pill around 16 wich helped for a while then they got worse and after begging my mom to take me to the ER since the pain was too bad around 18 I got on the patch but I'm about to turn 20 and they are back to being super painful so seems like birth control only dulls the pain for 2 years they are regular now I have them once a month for 7 days but they are just getting too painful to handle I have started having to call out of work due to the pain and no form of painkillers has helped and the cold of winter isnt helping any. I don't want to do the shot due to everyone in my family that has done it having bad reactions the pill didn't work and the patch isn't working.
submitted by babyboyneeds to Periods [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 Humble_Plebian PC] W: Black Knight Set H: Karma, mule.

submitted by Humble_Plebian to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 TheOneUltraInstinct Friendly reminder to everyone here that we have a Public Discord!

We're looking for new people to spice it up a bit. If you're interested, don't be afraid to join! Discord Link
submitted by TheOneUltraInstinct to CasinoBrotherhood [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 Psychological-Big658 If i ever have a child which redfall weapon do I name him after

This is a very serious and legitimate consideration that us redfalls have to think about
View Poll
submitted by Psychological-Big658 to redfall [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 Shot-Midnight-8800 0 interview in Ontario, Canada

Does this mean there's something wrong with my application profile? I applied to Harvard REA, didn’t get an interview, and was deferred. Then, for the RD round, I applied to Yale, Duke, Dartmouth, Brown, Penn, and Stanford, but I haven’t heard back from any of these schools yet...
submitted by Shot-Midnight-8800 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 _____21_____ Is Gas Pipe Okay? - Details in Comments

Is Gas Pipe Okay? - Details in Comments submitted by _____21_____ to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 JMoon33 The tank is in trouble

The Raptors have 12 wins and have the easiest remaining strength of schedule in the whole league. They're playing hard, they're winning games, they're healthier.
They're seriously going to end up with like the 6th pick and miss on all the franchise players while the Nets, Jazz, Wizards, etc. tank properly and get a chance to turn their franchise around.
submitted by JMoon33 to torontoraptors [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 Vitomical Touring youtuber

Looking for a skiing/boarding touring youtuber to watch. I already watch nikolai schirmer and am looking for something slightly similar l. Any ideas?
submitted by Vitomical to Backcountry [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 ajju20042004 The Evolution of Cricket: A Brief Look

submitted by ajju20042004 to AACricketClub [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 Rodgelodge23 Mexican milf squirt - XVIDEOS.COM

Mexican milf squirt - XVIDEOS.COM 🔞🔥💦🍆🍆👅👅👀😎👙👏👏👌💯🍑♋️🔥🔞
submitted by Rodgelodge23 to LatinasBigbuttnutts [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 medakotasperry East Idaho Events Newsletter

Need something to do this weekend? Check out East Idaho Insider – your guide to local events, new businesses, and community highlights.
Don’t miss out – subscribe now and stay connected to all the best of East Idaho! 📩
submitted by medakotasperry to idahofalls [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 ExactlySorta We're in a ton of trouble

We're in a ton of trouble submitted by ExactlySorta to WhitePeopleTwitter [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 GuiltyContribution93 Advise on long-distance break-up and how to manage it

My partner just confessed how depressed and torn up inside he is because of long-term uncertainty about our future. Some things he was wrong about (my wishes and desires and that not wanting to get married was unfair to me - I just want to be with him) and some things we could work on, such as how he's suggested therapy for years. We've been together for seven years, and we're constantly moving around and off-and-on long-distance. Part of the reason for my depression for the last few years was the same thing that's now causing him anguish - obsessively thinking about whether we belonged together and that it was wrong but I didn't have the strength to break up with him. He always pushed back, probably to an unhealthy degree, saying that we belong together. Last week he blindsided me, confessing he's started to feel we've grown apart too much and he was wrong to think he could be my savior and make me happy if only I'd let him try. He doesn't know what he wants. He's visiting the US in March, but he's only planning to stay for a conference instead of spending the month with me as we'd planned. He says he doesn't feel he has the interest to work on our issues anymore, but also somehow thinks we can keep talking regularly and basically act like normal, without him feeling the burden of our relationship wearing down on him. I can't stay in limbo until March, but ironically, right around the time I decided I was committed and wanted him, he began having doubts about us. All I want is him, but I don't think I can go on waiting for the ball to drop. He thinks the worst thing we could do is stop talking and basically having a clean break, but he's so uncertain that I can't stop hoping. Except he lives on another continent. We'd planned to move together again early spring, I don't want to give up on us after seven years, when we've spent most of the year living apart. When I offered to go to him immediately, he says he doesn't think he feels committed enough to our relationship to try to fix it, but also is devastated at the prospect of breaking up and doesn't want to commit to that yet. I think he believes that seeing a therapist for the first time next week will just resolve it and make the decision for him. I've been so selfish and have taken him for granted, so I know the therapist isn't going to advise in my favor. I just want the chance to confront my behaviors and try to make things work, when I can now fully appreciate how my behavior has driven us apart. But, again, we're long-distance.
Did you feel better and like you set yourselves free? I've harmed him and us so much, with attempted suicides and self-medicating. I can't imagine a world without him in it, and I just want the chance to be together and show him I see my flaws and we can be happy again. Should I push and try to fight for us? He's so unsure of what he wants.
submitted by GuiltyContribution93 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 TheVelcroStrap Daisy and Tatanga

Daisy, with arms crossed:
“Well, I’m sorry I bothered you. (Whispers) If Mario was here, he’s take me to lunch!”
Tatanga angrily states with eyes glancing back toward Daisy:
“I am not interested in what Mario would do! Tatanga does as he pleases!”
submitted by TheVelcroStrap to outofcontextcomics [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 CiTy_KarMa Here’s what i have and what i need ☺️

Here’s what i have and what i need ☺️ submitted by CiTy_KarMa to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 wokeupdreadin Merab made the right kind of excuse

Merab made the right kind of excuse submitted by wokeupdreadin to ufc [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 CricketMatchBot Match Thread: 24th Match - Canterbury vs Wellington

24th Match - Canterbury vs Wellington
submitted by CricketMatchBot to Cricket [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 No_Necessary_9482 Goodness gracious great balls of fire.

I've been keeping a mood journal. I'm doing pretty good. My bf and I got in a tiff. He said "This is why everyone that knows you hates you."

  1. Yeah, I'm a lot. But 2. Are you serious? Like that's the meanest thing you could say to someone. Even without mental health issues.
I'm sitting in bed with my dogs trying to process what just happened. I'm not okay.
submitted by No_Necessary_9482 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 Worldly-Employment67 Allergy Shots

Just had my second shot. I’ve been told it takes months to notice the effect. What is the quickest that you’ve heard of someone seeing results?
submitted by Worldly-Employment67 to Allergy [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 rivianfamily Add it to the list!

Helena didn’t change her watch before walking onto the elevator to the severed floor 👀
So far we’ve seen her:

Either she’s Helena down there or the writers want us to think she might be
submitted by rivianfamily to SeveranceAppleTVPlus [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 Complex-Value-5807 Avenged Sevenfold- Nightmare

Avenged Sevenfold- Nightmare submitted by Complex-Value-5807 to RockTheSub [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 tryng2figurethsalout Is Satan a scapegoat of the human psyche?

I know it sounds ridiculous, but hear me out.
When something bad happens blame Satan. When someone does something wrong we blame Satan. When we don't feel like doing something we know we should we blame Satan.
If I didn't know any better, I'd almost think that the devil was a scapegoat of the human psyche.
What do you think?
submitted by tryng2figurethsalout to spirituality [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 Forsaken_Action_9361 Quando a pessoa tá com [deleted] no nick dela, ela me bloqueou ou só excluiu a conta mesmo?

submitted by Forsaken_Action_9361 to PergunteReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 Classic_Fly_9420 GarageBand won’t pick up my guitar

Help! All of a sudden my GarageBand won’t pick up my guitar plugged into the Scarlett. I can hear the guitar through the Scarlett so I know it’s working but GarageBand isn’t getting it. My input and everything is set to the right setting (as shown in the picture) but I can’t record. Anyone have any ideas as to why? I’m a beginner so I’m out of ideas. It’s has worked in the past but now I can’t get it to work. Thanks!
submitted by Classic_Fly_9420 to GarageBand [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 03:30 jakeyeetpope Any ideas for this space?

Possibly looking at purchasing this home, but not sure what to do with this space. Above the fireplace is much too small for our 75” tv so aside from removing it altogether (gas fireplace so it’s possible) we’re curious if y’all had any creative ideas. It’s a ton of valuable space in the living room. Thank you so much!
submitted by jakeyeetpope to HomeDecorating [link] [comments]