I hate my life

c. 808, Félire Oengusso, March 22; republished as Whitley Stokes, transl., Félire Óengusso Céli Dé: The Martyrology of Oengus the Culdee, Harrison & Sons, 1905: In some sans serif typefaces, the uppercase I may be difficult to distinguish from the lowercase letter L, 'l', the vertical bar character '|', or the digit one '1'. In serifed typefaces, the capital form of the letter has both a baseline and a cap height serif, while the lowercase L generally has a hooked ascender and a baseline serif.. The dot over the lowercase 'i' is sometimes called a tittle. Scrierea cu sau fără cratimă a unor cuvinte de felul ia/i-a, iau/i-au, să/s-a, la/l-a, mai/m-ai etc. poate crea anumite dificultăți, dacă nu cunoaștem explicația gramaticală a acestor fapte de limbă și dacă nu suntem atenți la contextul în care apar. În cărțile de specialitate, acestea intră în categoria omofonelor – cuvinte care se pronunță identic, dar se scriu diferit. Symbol Symbol Name Unicode ⓘ Circled Latin Small Letter I: U+24D8 Ⓘ Circled Latin Small Letter Ii: U+24BE 🅘 Squared Latin Capital Letter I: U+1F158: 𝕀 Regula pentru scrierea cu „â” și „î” este simplă, dar chiar și așa există persoane care nu știu când un cuvânt trebuie scris folosind „â” și „î”. Explicația: Atunci când litera se află în interiorul cuvântului, se folosește întotdeauna „â”. Atunci când cuvântul începe sau se termină cu această literă, folosim întotdeauna „î”. Exemple „â ... Deşi â este un adaos relativ recent, iar utilitatea sa contestată de unii, normele în vigoare spun că acesta apare în interiorul cuvintelor (când, conducând, vânt etc.), iar î atunci când este prima sau ultima literă din cuvânt (înainte, înapoi, a urî etc.). Regulile astea sînt o aberatie de la cap la coada; nu au nici o logica, e o baie de joc la dresa limbii române. Trebuiau ori scrise toate cu Î sau daca voiau variatie macar sa fi fost etimologica „rîu” vine din „rivus”, „rîs” din „risus” iar ” înger” din „angelus” – asta da ar fi trebuit sa fie scris „ânger”. Latin I with acute. Í, í (i-acute) is a letter in the Faroese, Hungarian, Icelandic, Karakalpak, Dobrujan Tatar, Czech, and Slovak languages, where it often indicates a long /i/ vowel (ee in English word feel).This form also appears in Catalan, Irish, Italian, Occitan, Portuguese, Spanish, Aragonese, Galician, Leonese, Navajo, and Vietnamese language as a variant of the letter "i". Ultima editare a paginii a fost efectuată la 24 septembrie 2024, ora 14:56. Acest text este disponibil sub licența Creative Commons cu atribuire și distribuire în condiții identice; pot exista și clauze suplimentare.Vedeți detalii la Termenii de utilizare.; Politica de confidențialitate I, i definition: 1. the ninth letter of the English alphabet 2. the sign used in the Roman system for the number 1…. Learn more.

2025.01.24 05:50 DaMan13-_- I hate my life

I hate my life submitted by DaMan13-_- to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:50 birdyamam Will my car get towed if I park overnight?

Will it get towed or will I just get a ticket?
submitted by birdyamam to brocku [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:50 ThisSofia Chronic Cervicitis

I had a biopsy result for HPV, I don’t have any cancerous cells, but I have 0.2-0.3 cm lesions of Chronic Cervicitis. I am freaked out, I don’t have a child yet and I want them… What can I do?
submitted by ThisSofia to PreCervicalCancer [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:50 laverty7 Do you sell dials?

Do you sell dials? I'm looking to buy the White dial with the new logo. I've just purchased the 3 link titanium bracelet and looking to complete the watch. I bought my wd007 a few weeks before the new dial was announced. Is this at all possible? Thanks
submitted by laverty7 to watchdives [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:50 Candid_Inevitable_88 My Opinion

It's unrealistic as hell whenever you shoot a Goredoll with a Gun And even Heavy Weapons and they don't even start to cry or like scream For a while and stand up in Seconds. Really takes away the immersion of the game in my opinion
submitted by Candid_Inevitable_88 to GoreBox_F2Games [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:50 Britbac 34M UK well hey there! Bored married Dad here

Just looking for someone new to chat to! Come say hi and keep me company! Im awake far too early than I need to be so I would love a little distraction!
submitted by Britbac to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:50 aarobbss housing in Maastricht 2025

Hi all!
I’ll be moving to Maastricht to study for one semester, i’ll be there from August to December of 2025.
I have been looking for housing on HospiHousing and Facebook groups, and i’m aware it’s a bit premature, but I am very wary of scams which I seem to be coming across right now.
Does anyone have any tips on housing, I’m fine with a room and a student house, preferably with other women. My budget is around 600 euros per month.
submitted by aarobbss to UniversityMaastricht [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:50 bot_neen Mueven mujeres a Coahuila; ocupan 4 de cada 10 empleos formales

Mueven mujeres a Coahuila; ocupan 4 de cada 10 empleos formales submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:50 PaduKun Game crashes at the end of the 2nd cutscene, what do I do?

There's no error screen, tried to tweak the settings, quality, textures, searched online, but can't find any kind of fix.
submitted by PaduKun to MonsterHunterWorld [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:50 CelebManips Polly Jean Harvey and her mum Eva, by Len Copland, 1991

Polly Jean Harvey and her mum Eva, by Len Copland, 1991 submitted by CelebManips to OldSchoolCool [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:50 caipirina Found this beauty really cheap, first to get her battery door open in decades it seems …

Found this beauty really cheap, first to get her battery door open in decades it seems … Did not expect much given the sub 10$ price tag, but the outer shell looked very well kept, so I took a gamble. Sure enough, major leakage (yeah! Free battery! ;) ) and even with connection ext. battery pack, no life sign … so… next long weekend I will open up and clean out and see … maybe move the from shell to my working, but slightly banged up silver MJ100?
submitted by caipirina to minidisc [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:50 allokuma hmmm

submitted by allokuma to hmmm [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:50 Living-Baseball-2927 An NHL Tank Bowl for the ages!

An NHL Tank Bowl for the ages! submitted by Living-Baseball-2927 to UrinatingTree [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:50 margeauxfincho My husband called it a Bitcoin necklace when he saw it

My husband called it a Bitcoin necklace when he saw it What is the funniest alternative meaning for the famous B necklace
submitted by margeauxfincho to Tudorhistory [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:50 Far_Calligrapher_721 Gold momentum

Gold momentum Gold Momentum Update
According to 30M & H1 Chart analysis I expect prices to correct till 2764-66 Zone.
A break above 2780 will Encourage the prices to test the ATH zone 2790 above which technical level 2810 will be on Radar.
Wait for confirmations & Trade With Proper risk management
submitted by Far_Calligrapher_721 to XAUUSDFXAnalysis [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:50 PomegranateNo442 would anyone be interested if I opened commissions?

would anyone be interested if I opened commissions? this is my previous work. I would definitely make sure their are no blank colour spaces and clean lines if I sold! Just wondering if anyone is interested if they want OC Precure drawings or something like that I’m not really sure how to get into that.
submitted by PomegranateNo442 to precure [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:50 fairylights1505 why do i feel so guilty after i was the one who broke up with him?

I tried so hard to make him understand that the relationship has run its course. we both tried to make it work. he was trying and I was trying and I was still so unhappy with him. he was under the impression that if we love each other it will work out but i tried explaining to him so many times that we are just not compatible but he made me feel so guilty for it. I loved him alot but we just couldn't connect. I just wish there was a way i could make him understand that.
submitted by fairylights1505 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:50 Excellent-Oven2881 new offer im you

new offer im you submitted by Excellent-Oven2881 to bloxfruits [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:50 Sebbamerola Help! Monome norns PCB diy

Hi, i was trying to print the PCB of the Monome norns (v210330) from PCBway, but i got stuck. Basicly i was about to print the unpopulated pcb (so i think) but i wanted the populated one. From what i undrestood i can print the populated PCB from PCBway but i need the things: -the Gerber file (that i have produced in kicad) -the BOM (that "i think" i have) -and the pick and Place file (which i don't have)
Someone could share these three files? Even other versions are fine.
submitted by Sebbamerola to synthdiy [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:50 GuardianDireWolf I will make simple/mid 3d models of furries

Hair is kinda hard for me, if they have clothes they might not have them after. Humanoid and with color please.
If you dont have color and i choose you i will anoy you about it.
Sometimes i start on models and dont finish them.
Im not rigging them unless i really really like them( i still need to rig my own stuff)
If you want the blend file then just ask.
submitted by GuardianDireWolf to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:50 Temporary-Ad-8757 How to clean this tub, blue stain caused by shampoo bottle.

How to clean this tub, blue stain caused by shampoo bottle. Thank you for any advice!😊. Most of it is general grubiness but the blue dye has been bugging me. I'd also appreciate help with cleaning the corners around the top of the tub. They are made of some kind of wood and have been stained by hair dye😕
submitted by Temporary-Ad-8757 to CleaningTips [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:50 Frigorifico What's up with the pineapples?

Pineapple bobbing, pineapples in fruit baskets... And they aren't even ripe, that shit was green as fuck, and Cobel knew about the pineapples... The explanation for this is gonna be so wonderfully bizarre, I just know it
submitted by Frigorifico to SeveranceAppleTVPlus [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:50 Odd-Hunter2290 infection or irritation?

3 day old tattoo, moisturising and washing twice a day with non scented soap. it was not this red a few days ago.
submitted by Odd-Hunter2290 to tattooadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:50 Torelto_07 Watching Lights

submitted by Torelto_07 to Cinemagraphs [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:50 that_weird_k1d Joining the big origami trend :)

Joining the big origami trend :) 15 cm paper vs 38 cm paper
submitted by that_weird_k1d to origami [link] [comments]
