Mandatory Suicide - Slayer Cover

mandatory, compulsory and obligatory are all basically the same thing. It just means you have to do it. statutory carries a similar meaning, but indicates that is required in "statute" i.e by a law or something like that The first "mandatory" means it has to happen "they say it's now mandatory to wear masks" compared to mandated witch has the same meaning but implies that the "mandatory" thing has been in place for a period of time "they mandated that flights are cancelled did you not hear?" ObligateTo obligate is to require or to force an action upon one socially. Your obligations are all the things you must do, such as working and taking care of family. To oblige is to be grateful or to fulfill a request. "I'd be much obliged if you did this for me." "Please oblige me by doing this one thing."|@jamesaronian12 That usage is unusual to me.的同义词 Sinonimo di compulsory Required usually implies a rule is involved. For example, being required to carry ID when in a government building. It is also used in place of “needed”. “If you have a bad toothache, a dentist is required.” Obligatory is used in social settings, not really a legal binding one, or caused by a formal rule. For example, it’s obligatory to visit the relatives ... mandatory:指某事是必须做或遵守的,通常与规定、要求等相关。 例如:法定退休年龄是指每个人都必须达到的年龄才能退休。 语法详解区别: compulsory和mandatory都可以用作形容词或名词。 作为形容词时,它们修饰名词,表示该名词具有强制性或义务性。 Đồng nghĩa với compulsory Required usually implies a rule is involved. For example, being required to carry ID when in a government building. It is also used in place of “needed”. “If you have a bad toothache, a dentist is required.” Obligatory is used in social settings, not really a legal binding one, or caused by a formal rule. For example, it’s obligatory to visit the ... stata导入excel时显示error“ mandatory element ... - 经管之家 Sinônimo de compulsory Required usually implies a rule is involved. For example, being required to carry ID when in a government building. It is also used in place of “needed”. “If you have a bad toothache, a dentist is required.” Obligatory is used in social settings, not really a legal binding one, or caused by a formal rule. For example, it’s obligatory to visit the relatives ... ①It's mandatory to wear seat belts when driving. 开车时必须系安全带。 ②Voting is compulsory in some countries. 在一些国家,投票是强制性的。 区别四:语言风格不同. mandatory稍显正式,适用于较为严肃的场合;而compulsory则较为通俗,对话语境中使用较多。 例句: Synonym for mandatory Mandatory means something you MUST do. It is required. example: It is mandatory that you pay your taxes. Optional is means something you don't have to do (or have). It is not required. example: Air conditioning and power windows are optional for this car.|Yes, you are right.

2025.01.24 05:42 MatthewTheBiker Mandatory Suicide - Slayer Cover

Mandatory Suicide - Slayer Cover submitted by MatthewTheBiker to drums [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:42 Lopsided-King-7735 Good beascuit for shadow milk?

I also have another beascuit that is full CD
submitted by Lopsided-King-7735 to CookieRunKingdoms [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:42 AppleUsed5915 Cold play ticket available!!!

I have 2 Cold play ticket available for 26 jan Ahmedabad K block bay 8 For sure cheapest price
submitted by AppleUsed5915 to coldplayindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:42 div_inekana Hair- a poem (CPTSD)

submitted by div_inekana to Artisticallyill [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:42 trippekid I lost all my account data

I recently got back on Mobile legends after about a 3 month break, but when I got on all of my account data was gone. I could sign into my account and it kept my account level, but all of my friends are gone, all of my heros are gone, my emblems are gone, everything. Can someone please tell me why this happened and how to recover it? I know I don't have multiple accounts so that is not an option.
submitted by trippekid to MobileLegendsGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:42 salukihunt Property for sale and rent in Baramati - Visit Now!

submitted by salukihunt to baramati [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:42 youngsheldonfans Car suddenly making loud banging noise, need advice on how to go about it.

Recently my car (2019 VW Jetta SE) went through a few problems and I had to spend a decent amount to get the battery replaced, a pump replaced and a fuel pressure sensor replaced. Last night, the check engine light came on and I wanted to go after work to get it checked out. Upon driving back into my apartment, near the engine it very loudly started sounding like banging and would get worse whenever I accelerated. I don’t use reddit that much so I don’t know how to post the video, but according to a friend it sounds like “the bolts for the camshaft adjusters could’ve loosened and be slapping into the valve”. I have no idea if my car is safe to drive, but I’m decently far from any kind of dealership or repair shop. I’m somewhat close to an autozone, but I have no idea if they’d even be able to help with something like that. Does anyone have any opinions or anything about what I could do? The car recently hit 91,000 miles as well. Hopefully trading it in soon, but just stressed about money and being able to drive safely for the time being. Thank you so much!
submitted by youngsheldonfans to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:42 LordMatts É muito cansativo ter que lidar com as pessoas, principalmente quando algumas reações são tão desmedidas e desnecessárias.

Oi, pessoal...
Sei que não é de muito bom tom analisar a si mesmo, já que existe uma tendência natural a uma autoimagem distorcida. No entanto, tentarei ser o mais sincero possível no que diz respeito a mim mesmo.
Pessoalmente, considero-me uma pessoa razoavelmente equilibrada. Recebo muitos comentários sobre o quanto aparento ser tranquilo e extremamente calmo, algo que, acredito, reflete a verdade. Isso não significa que sou perfeito ou que acerto sempre. Mas sigo uma regra pessoal: não prejudicar ninguém, porque não quero que ninguém me prejudique.
Tendo isso em mente, tenho o hábito de não levar os comportamentos alheios para o lado pessoal, mesmo quando, muitas vezes, são claramente direcionados a mim. Tento agir com compreensão e misericórdia, pois entendo que somos todos humanos, carregando fardos pesados — seja por causa de dias ruins ou até mesmo de uma vida inteira difícil. Reconheço que todos nós temos limitações e defeitos, que precisam ser aceitos e perdoados. Da mesma forma, desejo também ser perdoado e aceito pelas minhas próprias imperfeições.
Entretanto, confesso que estou chegando ao meu limite de tolerar tais coisas.
Tenho passado por uma fase extremamente difícil. Divórcio, depressão, ansiedade, demissão... Diante disso, meu instinto tem sido me isolar. Porém, percebo que até mesmo essa tentativa de fuga do mundo parece incomodar as pessoas. Tudo que tenho feito nos últimos meses é fugir do mundo, passando a maior parte do tempo dormindo com a ajuda de remédios. E ainda assim, mesmo pagando as minhas contas sozinho e lidando com minha falência pessoal sem pedir ajuda a ninguém — nem para coisas pequenas, como emprestar um desodorante —, sou visto como um “filho da puta” que não se importa com nada, nem com ninguém.
Reconheço que algumas das minhas atitudes podem parecer egoístas, mas elas nascem da necessidade de autopreservação. Sei das cicatrizes que precisei curar sozinho, escondido na minha caverna, e isso moldou quem sou hoje. E, ainda assim, jamais são ações que prejudicam outras pessoas.
O que realmente me incomoda é a forma desproporcional como as pessoas reagem aos meus posicionamentos — ou à falta deles. Minhas escolhas, em sua maioria, são voltadas à neutralidade, ao isolamento e ao silêncio. Se estou com problemas, prefiro me recolher. Mas isso, aparentemente, causa desconforto nos outros. As pessoas acham que sou indiferente ou que não me importo com elas. Como se eu me sentasse e pensasse: “Vou ignorar essas pessoas de propósito.” Não é isso. Estou apenas deixando o tempo passar.
Psicologicamente, caminho dentro do que chamam de apego evitativo. Minha bateria social é fraquíssima, e minha capacidade de demonstrar afeto ou sociabilidade é limitada. Sei que ninguém é obrigado a ter empatia ou a permanecer na minha vida se sou tão "sem beneficios". Inclusive, diria que realmente eu nem mereço amigos. No entanto, o que me deixa mal é perceber como as pessoas se irritam comigo apenas porque escolho ficar na minha caverna. Que mal real estou causando a elas ao me isolar?
Tenho plena consciência de que sou uma pessoa difícil de lidar socialmente. Minha autenticidade e senso crítico, somados à minha capacidade de estabelecer limites e dizer “não”, contribuem para isso. Admito que o “não” é desconfortável de se ouvir, mas não consigo entender por que isso afeta tanto as pessoas. Se eu digo que não quero beber um suco, mesmo que ele seja delicioso, num dia quente, por que isso é um grande problema?
Esse é apenas um exemplo abstrato. Mas lembro de situações reais, como quando digo que não gosto de praia e não quero ir. Meu Deus, parece que cometi um crime! Me olham como se eu tivesse dito que deveriam interditar todas as praias do mundo, quando, na verdade, é apenas sobre mim. Não gosto, não vou. Pode ir você.
São coisas aparentemente banais, mas, ao longo da vida, percebo como esses “nãos” acumulam julgamentos e me fazem ser tratado de modo diferente. E, honestamente, isso tem me deixado cada vez mais irritado. Não estou pedindo para o mundo entrar na minha regua, então porque eu deveria entrar na régua deles?
submitted by LordMatts to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:42 FletcherTechies46 Push today, win tomorrow!

submitted by FletcherTechies46 to MotivationalPics [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:42 muunbo How to install MicroPython on ESP32

Hi pythonistas, I made a tutorial and video on 2 different ways (GUI and CLI) of installing MicroPython on an ESP32. Hope it's helpful to those of you who want to try out hardware/embedded projects while leveraging your Python skills. Feel free to me ask any questions/clarifications here if you'd like :)
submitted by muunbo to Python [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:42 Rinaaahatdog Cafe Racer turned Scrambler

Henlo! Magandang araw!
Nakakuha na ako ng aking brum brum. I was this post. (Thank you sa insights!)
Now opkors, marami na nagsasabi na ang susunod nito ay yung pag-modify ko kay Dmitri.
I want to ask for inspirations for Scrambler modificiations, baka pwede niyo ishare din mga bebis niyo dito.
Ride safe, everyone! <3
submitted by Rinaaahatdog to PHMotorcycles [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:42 Educational_Exit_129 Free Cases for Limited Time

Free Cases for Limited Time submitted by Educational_Exit_129 to cs2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:42 EarthEmail Extreme weather failing to encourage political climate action, says activist Luisa Neubauer

submitted by EarthEmail to EnvironmentalNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:42 EarthEmail Nature lovers urged to take part in UK bird count amid fears over climate and disease

Nature lovers urged to take part in UK bird count amid fears over climate and disease submitted by EarthEmail to EnvironmentalNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:42 yayeeetchess Why did my ChatGPT say that 😭

Why did my ChatGPT say that 😭 I was just asking ChatGPT some questions about poker and what happens if I have a quad. Did not know it was toxic like that 💀
submitted by yayeeetchess to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:42 baseballmal21 Gotta love that IV spike from DFV on another 4-day trading week like 4/5 of his last posts on X

Above numbers in the post are for clients that hired MWV, LLC to aquire as many shares as possible for them with the addition of more money.
submitted by baseballmal21 to DeepFuckingValue [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:42 smoothering Photography for kids party

Photography for kids party submitted by smoothering to AmateurPhotography [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:42 YezzaBezza Looks crazy but I made a mute bucket so I can play in my room without a practice mute

Looks crazy but I made a mute bucket so I can play in my room without a practice mute I am a college student and I just started wanted to play more often without going to a practice room. It works surprisingly well, and because it is tied to the ceiling it allows for full movement while playing. And most importantly no resistance.
submitted by YezzaBezza to trumpet [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:42 Human_Weekend4195 An Ode to Tall Women

Sitting down in a beautiful restaurant Soft lights simmering, I looked across the room and locked eyes with a clear blue-eyed boy with a smize
He smiled with dimples, Those blue eyes twinkled He stood up to approach me And barely reached my knee
I went shopping with a friend And found the most beautiful Pair of shoes, cherry lip gloss red But in the heel, a heightened tread
They went with my dress I wore them to dinner And in the picture, Specifically in the back, I was a fixture
Walking through the airport Pulling laden bags behind A grayed man approached me And said, “You must play basketball. You’re as tall as a tree!”
Though my legs are long And my reach is far I don’t play your game, How loud must I proclaim?
I don’t fit on a bed, Jeans? You mean capris. Always too fast, two steps to one Oh, what must I do to atone?
submitted by Human_Weekend4195 to Poem [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:42 EarthEmail Swarm of jellyfish swimming in bioluminescence looks ‘magical’ – but it’s a warning sign

Swarm of jellyfish swimming in bioluminescence looks ‘magical’ – but it’s a warning sign submitted by EarthEmail to EnvironmentalNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:42 iceewienerzz Va question about all of this rto and eo stuff.

My wife is a 20 yr va benefits supervisor; she loves her job and has always loved what she does. More and more in the news, I am concerned for her; I can tell she is as well, although she hides it well. Can I please have some words of encouragement? Light at the end of the tunnel.
submitted by iceewienerzz to fednews [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:42 peyton_Dude What’s the longest you’ve gone without eating ?

submitted by peyton_Dude to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:42 Jombhi What's keeping you from sleeping like a baby?

submitted by Jombhi to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:42 MediumIntroduction43 L1A Opportunity and Questions

Hi all,
I work at a Fortune 100 company in the U.S. as a People Manager and have been with the organization for the last five years. Recently, my company approached me with an opportunity to go abroad, set up a team, and live there for a year. They’ve assured me that after a year, I could return to the U.S. on an L1A visa under the Multinational Manager criteria.
I’m currently on an H4 EAD (I was never picked in the H1B lottery) and do not have an H1B visa. If I return on L1A, I could potentially file for EB1C and get a Green Card sooner than my spouse, who has an EB2 priority date of October 2023.
However, I’ve heard the EB1 backlog is growing, and getting a Green Card through this route may take longer than expected. Based on my estimated timeline, my priority date for EB1C could be around January 2027.
Given the current immigration situation, I’m wondering:

  1. Is pursuing this opportunity and the L1A route a good move
  2. Are there any risks or downsides to returning on an L1A visa
  3. With my timeline, is it realistic to expect a Green Card within 5–7 years through EB1C?
I’d love to hear thoughts, advice, or insights from those in similar situations. Thank you in advance for your input and guidance!
submitted by MediumIntroduction43 to immigration [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:42 Outside_Breadfruit15 Tips?

First time doing this but was wondering how to finish my project later. Should I use a clear nail polish? My stones are foggy from b7000 glue
submitted by Outside_Breadfruit15 to Rhinestoning [link] [comments]