Take two because Reddit was being weird. Looking for advice to switchn into PM from strategy (advertising)!

2025.01.24 05:45 Tiny-Anything4919 Take two because Reddit was being weird. Looking for advice to switchn into PM from strategy (advertising)!

Hello lovely and smart PMs!
I am looking to transition out of the poorly paid world of creative advertising in the next couple of years, and would love to be a PM as I'm assuming there are better career progressions & remunerations, particularly in tech (please tell me if I am wrong tho lol).
I have a degree in psych and econ, good with numbers and have had account management/relationship management experience - both external and internal srtakeholders.
I need to know if I should work on doing a course or getting on some specific type of projects, or even just being aware of how I can sell my experience. Hopefully my 6 years in adland has not been a waste (my biggest insecurity lol).
Please help and any advice appreciated!
Bonus if you are based in Melb, Aus x
submitted by Tiny-Anything4919 to ProductManagement [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:45 Real-Requirement-677 엘사가 된 소녀 🥰❄️

submitted by Real-Requirement-677 to Mogong [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:45 nativevhawaiian Funeral processions in the area

I have a question. There are quite a few funeral homes in St George and surrounding cities. I've attended quite a few, including my own mother's who I had to plan. I noticed you never see formal escorted funeral processions in the area. A few funerals I went to, they had an informal procession lead by the hearse and family limo with hazard lights, however no police escort and other individuals in the procession wouldn't use their hazards. Absolutely no etiquette was observed and other cars felt free to cut us off etc (which is understandable, we had no escort). When my mom passed, I asked our funeral director about a formal procession and he said they're not allowed in the city of St George. I asked him what if I hired off duty police officers to escort and he said they won't allow it. Kind of a vague answer. He said basically the hearse goes 25 miles per hour with hazards and were welcome to follow with our hazards but we can't go through intersections in one line, etc. Now that I think back I've never actually seen escorted processions in Southern Utah ever. Washington, Hurricane, etc. I sent a letter to the mayor and the city council member who owns a funeral home in town and they just ignored me. It's seemed like everyone was tongue in cheek about it. What would be the reason for this? In the Bay area where I'm originally from, Oakland specifically, a much larger area and insane traffic, the county sheriff's motorcycle unit escorts processions, with the purple flags, the hearse with the flashing lights, the whole nine yards. I'm wondering, and don't mean it offensively, does it have anything to do with the LDS culture? Does the LDS culture from upon that kind of thing? It seems odd that the city council member who owns a funeral home is unwilling to give an answer. Anyway, I have been wondering about this since my mother's funeral in 2022.
TL:DR - Why don't the funeral homes in St George do formal escorted funeral processions and does it have to do with the LDS culture?
submitted by nativevhawaiian to stgeorge [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:45 AK_h3re Stop dictating what other people should/should not post here.

This sub has been nothing short of amazing for many, including myself. The updates and suggestions shared here are incredibly valuable. Nobody dictates what should or shouldn't be posted—there are clear rules and moderators to ensure posts align with the community's policies.
Some users post reviews, others share rants about poor theater experiences, behind-the-scenes insights, edits, or even outright criticisms. And that's okay. If you dislike something, downvote it. If you need to vent in the comments, do so. But you do not have the right to control or tell what others should or should not post.
Many people genuinely enjoy engaging with the community in their own way. If you feel this sub is becoming too much like Instagram, that's your issue. Simply stop engaging with posts you don't like, downvote, show your anger and frustration in the comments and move on—this point cannot be stressed enough.
I've had people try to tell me that the posts aren't "worthy enough" to be in this sub, what kind of elite complex is this. Again, me or you don't dictate the worth of the posts here, we, as a collective do...upvotes, comments and masses do. Keep posting, keep the community active, we need all kinds of posts and engagements on here.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
submitted by AK_h3re to MalayalamMovies [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:45 curious_panda_420 Feeling my Wheaties.

I have just beaten my first black ox Beatle and I so happy 😁 two lady bird larva did some damage to it too, but an insect hammer, weevil sheild, and an insect bow w/ salty arrows at the end🥳🥳. Side note: I think it's cool the Beatle has a different fighting soundtrack🥰🥰
submitted by curious_panda_420 to GroundedGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:45 Interesting-Bit-865 BUILDER LUX 36 x 60 Tempered Glass Frameless LED Bathroom Mirror with Front and Backlight ,Stepless Dimmable Wall Mirrors with Anti-fog,3 Colors,LED Vanity Mirror(Horizontal/Vertical)

BUILDER LUX 36 x 60 Tempered Glass Frameless LED Bathroom Mirror with Front and Backlight ,Stepless Dimmable Wall Mirrors with Anti-fog,3 Colors,LED Vanity Mirror(Horizontal/Vertical) submitted by Interesting-Bit-865 to Mirrorsforsale [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:45 Donebeinghuman Guess I'll starve

Guess I'll starve submitted by Donebeinghuman to meme [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:45 Medical_Nail7459 AIO - wood burning stove and a 4 yr old

I’m going to preface this with I am currently 6 mo pregnant so I’m not sure if I’m being overly emotional. I have a just turned 4 year old who runs/dances/leaps around a lot. We will be staying at my father-in-law’s house for 5 days who uses a wood burning stove that is located right next to a couch and near the kitchen table. As it is a wood burning stove, the entire thing becomes extremely hot. I am worried about this for my daughter. She falls around constantly (she’s covered in bruises, not in an abnormal way, but she is very active). The house is very small. I don’t want her going near the stove or being alone in the room with it. I’ve worked in acute care settings (one of which had a burn unit) for 15 years and so I know how quickly accidents can happen and what can come of them. I voiced this concern to my husband and he told me I am being unreasonable and overreacting and children need to learn to listen. She follows the rules well but she’s only 4 and gets distracted easily. This makes me more concerned because I know I will be the only one with eyes on her and, being pregnant, will need to go to the bathroom fairly often. Am I being crazy?
Cross posting on Mommit
submitted by Medical_Nail7459 to Preschoolers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:45 uncl3bob H: GP accelerated nozzle plan. W: 150 leaders.

submitted by uncl3bob to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:45 PerfectlyCromulent89 🎶 Mom, it’s broken! Mom, it’s broken! Mom, it’s broken! Mom, it’s broken… 🎶

🎶 Mom, it’s broken! Mom, it’s broken! Mom, it’s broken! Mom, it’s broken… 🎶 S02E07
submitted by PerfectlyCromulent89 to TheSimpsons [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:45 Fallz5 Replaced motherboard but whenever a turn on the pc the 4 red led lights flicker on and off but boots up to windows perfectly fine then stops flickering

I don’t
submitted by Fallz5 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:45 B3P Mishap adventures in Zion

> Be me, first time playing Honest Hearts > Crew gets attacked > Everyone dies > I kill the attackers and press on > After finding around 10 locations on the map I start to wonder where the hell everyone and everything is > More bugs, animals, and tribal people attacking me > More junk, less ammo, no music or dialogue > "Man this DLC kinda blows" > Finally find Joshua > Joshua tries to kill me >"https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=fallout+nv+why+is+joshua+attacking+me"
Followers-Chalk never spawned? Literally sunk 2 hours running around Zion trying to find all the points of interest in hopes I'd find a NPC or something. I reverted to a save I took right before I started the DLC. This time Followers-Chalk spawns. DLC already 100% better.
submitted by B3P to falloutnewvegas [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:45 Ok_Industry8601 Aitah for spending $200ish on shoes instead of going to a theme park with my boyfriend?

Currently, I (23f) live paycheck to paycheck and so does my boyfriend/roommate (34m). We have a kid so it’s hard to pay bills. He’s been wanting to go to a particularly “Potter” theme park, but I’m not really into that since I never read the books. Instead, I bought a nice pair of shoe for myself and now I can’t afford a ticket. I said that if he wants to go so bad, he can go alone or with one of his friends. Was that too insensitive?
submitted by Ok_Industry8601 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:45 uncl3bob H: GP accelerated nozzle plan. W: 150 leaders.

submitted by uncl3bob to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:45 ExtensionBuddy9943 Event bartender

Know of anyone hiring special event bartenders in the area? Looking for something on call just to pick up here & there. Thanks in advanced 😊
submitted by ExtensionBuddy9943 to brevardfl [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:45 juansaaa Mississippi bill would create bounty hunter program to hunt undocumented migrants

Mississippi bill would create bounty hunter program to hunt undocumented migrants submitted by juansaaa to politics [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:45 Riorbreakriz I still need a doctor for my pirate crew

submitted by Riorbreakriz to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:45 freaky1310 Everyone meet Gimli!

Everyone meet Gimli! After months of lurking in this subreddit, finally my wife and I also welcomed a little guy in our life! He already won our hearts after just a couple of hours! 🫶🏼
submitted by freaky1310 to Dachshund [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:45 rose_vinez The Euthyphro Dilemma and Morality

I am taking a philosophy class this semester and we just read the dialogue between Socrates and Euthyphro.
The dilemma is: is the pious loved by the gods because it is pious, or is it pious because it is loved by the gods?
are morals inherently good because a god says that they’re good, or are they good because they are inherently good?
if a god’s command is based on something being good, then a god is separate from morality and therefore contradicts the idea of there being a god.
the whole argument just seems pointless. the way my brain thinks is that morality just simply does not come from a god. it is a human social construct (possibly animals but we cannot know that at this point in time) determined by the majority of a population where most believe that a person/figurative person has been deemed the most rational by a population and therefore determines what is moral. as for the person being a “god”, why does morality have to be under the category or the divine, religion, and spirituality? why not a social construct created through the stories of religion? morality is just another tool in the human handbook created by humans. god is just a human social construct, morality is just a human social construct..
however after thinking further…i realized that everyone has different morals so why are some different than others? especially if there’s a god, wouldn’t the god make it so that everyone follows their rules?
my professor made the argument that morals change as well. we used to think that slavery was morally correct and today we don’t. i thought..who determined that? society.
they also made the point of their being different gods who don’t agree. Hades disagrees with Zeus. which one determines who’s morals the correct morals?
hopefully this makes sense but i’m curious what others think.
submitted by rose_vinez to askphilosophy [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:45 Interesting-Ease-636 [Xbox] [ds3] let's kill each other back and forth for vertebra shackles

submitted by Interesting-Ease-636 to SummonSign [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:45 TimeGas9727 Her lips

Her lips submitted by TimeGas9727 to rhegan777snark [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:45 SamiTheSlowSnail Resignation?

Can anyone tell me if resigning from a job forces the game to send save data to the server? Searching for the answer doesn't provide results, and I don't want to do anything before knowing if it does or not.
submitted by SamiTheSlowSnail to WorldNeverland [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:45 No-Listen-4065 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by No-Listen-4065 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:45 Mysterious-Jaguar960 Cool photos of Thomas during the alive tour

Cool photos of Thomas during the alive tour You can see Thomas’s face a little pit through the holes And the second one he’s clearly listening to something through built in headphones or something
submitted by Mysterious-Jaguar960 to DaftPunk [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 05:45 safeandsound1999 “No one should be proud of being from there!”

“No one should be proud of being from there!” just some more antisemitism on tiktok… trying to manipulate that jews are indigenous from europe when we aren’t
submitted by safeandsound1999 to AntisemitismOnInsta [link] [comments]
