Can US aircraft carriers survive the Oreshnik missile threat?

2025.01.24 08:36 Tirio42 Can US aircraft carriers survive the Oreshnik missile threat?

Can US aircraft carriers survive the Oreshnik missile threat? submitted by Tirio42 to MilitaryAndDefense [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:36 away-pool2 Xtu'qmal

Xtu'qmal submitted by away-pool2 to bfdi [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:36 C4tS4tt4n pensión orfandad

¿es normal que una amiga haya seguido percibiendo la pensión de orfandad después de haber cumplido 26 años?
la alargó al cumplir los 25 en 2022, los cumple en octubre, y al empezar el año escolar en septiembre de 2022, y según la legislación española que dice “se extinguirá cuando el titular cumpla los 25 años de edad, salvo que estuviera cursando estudios, manteniéndose en estos supuestos la percepción de la pensión de orfandad hasta el día primero del mes siguiente al inicio del siguiente curso académico” que sería octubre de 2023, cuando cumpliera 26 años.
sin embargo en octubre de 2024 ha cumplido 27 y sigue percibiendo la pensión, y estando en enero de 2025 sigue percibiéndola.
es común que el estado cometa el error de seguir pagándola 14 meses de más o es posible que haya algún punto de la legislación que desconozca? no ha recibido ninguna notificación sobre la suspensión de la pensión tampoco.
es posible que al no recibir ninguna notificación, no tenga que devolver el importe si finalmente se lo reclaman?
submitted by C4tS4tt4n to ESLegal [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:36 lem0n-sour and then here we are..

and then here we are.. submitted by lem0n-sour to Memes_Of_The_Dank [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:36 reddit_lss_2 test post 24/1/2025 08:35:57

submitted by reddit_lss_2 to RulesBodyOptional [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:36 VULTURES_1 Two more photos of Ronnie hanging out with Marilyn Manson. 🐐➕🐐

Two more photos of Ronnie hanging out with Marilyn Manson. 🐐➕🐐 submitted by VULTURES_1 to FallingInReverse [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:36 reddit_lss_2 Remove Post Test for 24/1/2025 08:35:35

submitted by reddit_lss_2 to qa_automation_posts [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:36 RealOregone Elon Musk makes Holocaust jokes after Netanyahu defends him as ‘great friend of Israel’ | World Israel News

Elon Musk makes Holocaust jokes after Netanyahu defends him as ‘great friend of Israel’ | World Israel News If it's true it's really poor judgement. This world is not heading towards a golden age in the darkness. Conservatives strength is in taking the moral high ground.
submitted by RealOregone to conservatives [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:36 AguywithHIV Willies from different factions spawned in small buhurt

Willies from different factions spawned in small buhurt submitted by AguywithHIV to HalfSword [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:36 Superb-Avocado-8131 There's no people and all my stuff is there

There's no people and all my stuff is there submitted by Superb-Avocado-8131 to introvertmemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:36 MinimumFix887 Struggling with Essay Writing – Any Tips?

Struggling with Essay Writing – Any Tips? 😭
Hi everyone,
I’m a college student, and I honestly feel like I’m drowning every time I have to write an essay. 😩 I have no idea how to structure my ideas, let alone make them sound coherent. My professors keep saying “just follow the format,” but I’m sitting here like… what format??
Every time I try, I either run out of things to say, or I write so much that it doesn’t even make sense anymore. How do you all manage to stay on track with your essays? Are there any simple techniques or tools that can help a beginner like me?
Also, how do you make sure your essays don’t sound too basic or repetitive? I’m open to any advice—seriously, anything helps at this point.
submitted by MinimumFix887 to PencilAndPage [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:36 strawberry199x BPI Credit Card | Express Start Program

12/03 Applied for BPI CC 12/06 Rejected. Express Start Program was offered. 12/09 Went to BPI branch to continue Express Start Program application. 12/27 Nagreflect na sa BPI account ko yung Credit card 💖 01/14 Called CS and nagrequest nalang ako ng branch pickup. 01/16 Nagpunta ako sa branch and wala pa. Binigyan nila ako ng phone # mismo ng branch para doon nalang ako magfollow up. 01/17 Nakareceive ako ng text from BPI na for dispatch na sa branch and within 5 banking days marereceive. 01/19 Received a tracking #. 01/23 Nagtext ako sa branch if andon na ba yung card kasi yung tracking # hindi naka-indicate kung delivered na ba o hindi pa. 01/24 Nagtext yung branch na andon na yung card ko and nakuha ko na rin siya. 🙂🙂🙂
ang tagal ng delivery kasi dumaan ang mga holiday. pero okay lang. ang ganda ng customer service ng BPI. kahit tumawag ka or yung mga empleyado nila sa branch, aasikasuhin ka talaga.
submitted by strawberry199x to PHCreditCards [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:36 SourceConsistent6234 supreme coverstitch tracksuit - $41

supreme coverstitch tracksuit - $41 submitted by SourceConsistent6234 to CNFANSlink [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:36 Kinaso_ Was shocked to see this on the shelves of hobby off so soon

Was shocked to see this on the shelves of hobby off so soon the set just released so i had to get it
submitted by Kinaso_ to BocchiTheRock [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:36 Conscious-Spend-2451 Need a good question bank for advanced.

Had my jee mains paper yesterday. It went well, I probbaly will get 250+ (attempted 280). Now, I want to begin prep for adv. My chem was really weak, so I had been focusing on mains, from last few months. Now, I want to pivot to adv. Maths is decent. Physics is also decent but a bit rusty, due to mains prep. Chem mostly mains level ki hai in last few months.
I want a good source that has full syllabus coverage, which I can complete fully till adv. Books are also fine. I don't want 200+ questions per chapter due to time constraint. Also, I haven't solved many adv pyqs.
Now, I want to solve lots of questions, complete removed topics of mains and revise syllabus using adv pyq+notes. So, I am looking foir a source of adv relevent questions.
submitted by Conscious-Spend-2451 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:36 Due_Sun3513 Život u Zagrebu - da ili ne?

Nisam previse aktivna na Redditu, zadnjih par dana citam sve vise i vise postova i vidim da se okrecu svakakve teme pa sam odlucila podijelit svoju agoniju. Već skoro pola godine živim sama u Zagrebu. Imam 20 godina. Izvanredni sam st. (ova grupa iz nekog razloga ne dozvoljava tu rijec), predavanja su dva puta tjedno - petkom i subotom. Inace sam iz manjeg mjesta 70ak km dalje od Zg, a nije da ne mogu ić autom. Samo traje od jutra do mraka, trebalo bi plaćat smještaj.
Troškovi življenja - živim sama, u vezi sam na daljinu i dečko mi pomaže sa stanarinom tak da ja od 620€ stanarine plačam 320€. Njemu je to neisplativo, ali se ne žali. Radim da zaradim, ne uspijem uštedit jer faiks jako puno košta, privatan je i mislim da je jedan od najskupljih u RH (jbg). Mjesečna rata je 440€, ali imam sreće da pola financiraju moji tak da ja plaćam 220€. To i stanarina ti je već 540€. Hrana je abnormalno skupa, još k tome volim šopingirat. Treba platit i neke račune i male gušteve ko što su pretplate na Netflix, Spotify, al to je fkt jeftino, al se nakupi. Već sam s tim troškovima + ovo gore u minusu za 600€. U hranu uračunaj barem 250€. Ne znam kak, al eto, ne živim na Woltu pa mi nije jasno. Koja kava, jedan izlazak s frendicama… Plaća mi trenutno treba biti 1200€, s tim da mi oduzumaju od plaće kad odem na pre da va nje, a i sad će bit dosta manja jer sam mijenjala posao i krenula sam radit novi usred mjeseca. Kad to sve platim na početku mjeseca, do kraja mjeseca moram prezivljavat sa 300€, kaj je fakat teško. Znam da je nekim ljudima teže, al ne doživljavamo svi sve jednako.
Sad si razmišljam jel to stvarno vrijedno tog da budem u Zg sama (doslovno), idem od posla do posla, prilagođavam se dečkovim posjetama na tjedan dana mjesečno (auslender). A kad on dođe volimo imat svoj prostor, a ne da sad on bude kod mojih staraca samnom tjedan dana doma, a ovak i onak su njegovi udaljeni 40 min pa nije da se mozemo svaki dan vozikat jedan drugom tih tjedan dana, a bitno nam jer se ne vidimo po mjesec dana!
Super strana toga - obožavam svoj mir - mogu kuhat kaj god, bed rottat bez da mi neko sere o tome, nist ne radit ili ic gdje god bez da mi neko zabada nos u to. Kad sam doma za vikend ne prođe ni pola sata već se mama i ja posvađamo. I to nije bilo kakva svađa, to je koma i užas kaj se onda događa u kući narednih nekoliko dana.
Problem mi je i to da svi oko mene uspiju uštedit, a meni 60% plaće ode na fax i stanarinu, kolko još na hranu možete si mislit. Danas intenzivno razmišljam o povratku kući, da uštedim, možda kupim svoj auto, priuštim si gušteve i manje se stresiram oko svega. Samo doma baš i nije neka prilika za zaposlit se. Hoću si kupit faking Apple Watch i trebam štedit 6 mjeseci za to, apsolutno prejadno! I još me peće savjest kak si mogu to dozvolit, a žalim se da nemam. I evo još ga nisam kupila. Ako bi neš našla ne znam ni koliko mi se isplati plaćat npr. neki stan, a stanarine su znatno manje nego tu. Opet tu uvijek bude mjesečna rata fa-iks-a.
Baš me zanima jel netko prolazi kroz sličnu situaciju, ili jeje, jel imate neki savjet možda? Da me nagovorite da mi je ovo trenutno u glavi i da bi mogla požalit vraćanje kući.
submitted by Due_Sun3513 to askcroatia [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:36 caydcash New Player here, I keep hearing about these lightspeed bundles.

I can't find anyway to purchase them. I've checked in game and on the webstore. If it matters I havn't unlocked any relics yet but I'm working on it!
submitted by caydcash to SWGalaxyOfHeroes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:36 Old_Birthday_9861 any tech pros?

Hi, i have an old pc with Asrock B360M motherboard installed and i was wondering if i could add an m.2 nvme ssd in because i need more storage. do you think it would support?
submitted by Old_Birthday_9861 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:36 mtbohana Yamaha Animated Track Map - Anaheim 2 2025

Yamaha Animated Track Map - Anaheim 2 2025 submitted by mtbohana to supercross [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:36 Weitesgehend Baselland: Früherer FDP-Chef wirbt für Mindestlohn und erntet Kritik: «Das ist ein No-Go und muss Konsequenzen haben» – Welche Konsequenzen hatte die Einführung des Mindeslohnes in Basel vor 2 Jahren für euch?

submitted by Weitesgehend to basel [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:36 ProfessionalCap4210 Was watching a scene on YT about (imo the goat) spectacular Spider-Mans return because everywhere I try and watch ATSV it's either glitchy or costs money and I never realised that E-1048 Peter was in the back

Was watching a scene on YT about (imo the goat) spectacular Spider-Mans return because everywhere I try and watch ATSV it's either glitchy or costs money and I never realised that E-1048 Peter was in the back submitted by ProfessionalCap4210 to Spiderman [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:36 invictus_exe Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes Yes I do need to get the coat dry cleaned
All together this entire fit was less than $100
Old Navy, Target, Goodwill and TJ Max lol
submitted by invictus_exe to mensfashion [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:36 Barchie_is_endgame Has Daniel ever covered Simple Twist of Fate? Would love to hear his interpretation 💕

submitted by Barchie_is_endgame to danieldonato [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:36 tomatostreet Yes or no?

Should I integrate toe kicks into my kitchen? I am building a two inch concrete counter so quite a bit of wait for an over hang if I don't need one.
submitted by tomatostreet to OutdoorKitchens [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:36 Annual_Ad_9508 Can that person see this?

Can that person see this? So I was taking a screenshot of the profile picture of a coworker and the picture got blocked so that I wasn‘t able to do so. Will that person get a message that I tried to take a screenshot?
submitted by Annual_Ad_9508 to whatsapp [link] [comments]