Photos from 499RACING’s 24 Hours of Daytona win!

2025.01.24 13:13 michael_chubbs Photos from 499RACING’s 24 Hours of Daytona win!

Photos from 499RACING’s 24 Hours of Daytona win! So so proud of to be apart of this team. Won from pole in second split in the second time slot. Now on to Bathurst!
submitted by michael_chubbs to iRacing [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:13 GenesisOfTheAegis DPRK Foreign Ministry: "Homelessness in the United States surged by 18%

DPRK Foreign Ministry: submitted by GenesisOfTheAegis to RealNorthKorea [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:13 Consistent_Most_8955 Need advice on deciding the Best carpet cleaner

I have Dyson vacuum cleaner picks up the dust nicely but it’s changing the color so I think I need a carpet cleaner. Any recommendations??
submitted by Consistent_Most_8955 to CarpetCleaning [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:13 SparklingS0ul09 A literally till death do us part. LOL

A literally till death do us part. LOL submitted by SparklingS0ul09 to RelationshipMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:13 mhern Grenoble, France

Grenoble, France for my grassy tram fan fam
submitted by mhern to Trams [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:13 reddit_lss_20 Post event test

submitted by reddit_lss_20 to ModEventTesting [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:13 CortexThrill Počela cjelovita obnova Muzeja za umjetnost i obrt

Nakon prve faze konstrukcijske obnove koja je obuhvatila ojačanje nosivih elemenata zgrade - međukatne konstrukcije, zidova i krovne konstrukcija, zgrada Muzeja za umjetnost i obrt ušla je u fazu cjelovite i energetske obnove.
Radovi u sklopu cjelovite obnove obuhvaćaju i uređenje interijera te opremanje do potpune funkcionalnosti. Također, paralelno se odvijaju i sve aktivnosti povezane s procesima potrebnim za realizaciju projekta stalnog muzejskog postava.
Ukupna procijenjena vrijednost konstrukcijske i cjelovite obnove iznosi 56 milijuna eura od čega je iz Nacionalnog plana oporavka i otpornosti osigurano 46.7 milijuna eura, a ostatak novca osiguran je iz Fonda solidarnosti, gradskog i državnog proračuna.
Uz Muzej za Umjetnost i obrt, cjelovita obnova traje i na Umjetničkom paviljonu, dok je konstrukcijska obnova u tijeku na zgradi Ustanove Zagreb film na Novoj Vesi.
Podsjetimo, nakon više od tri godine intenzivnih radova i investicije veće od 31 milijun eura, krajem prošle godine uspješno je završen i projekt obnove Hrvatskog prirodoslovnog muzeja.
Napravljena je potpuna obnova i dogradnja povijesne Palače Amadeo, a muzejski prostori moderno su opremljeni kako bi na suvremen i atraktivan način promicali bogatu hrvatsku kulturnu i prirodnu baštinu.
submitted by CortexThrill to hrvatska [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:13 windblumchen The ability to adjust anti-alias on mobile is SO NICE. My Momo is finally able to breath without becoming blurry :'))

The ability to adjust anti-alias on mobile is SO NICE. My Momo is finally able to breath without becoming blurry :')) submitted by windblumchen to InfinityNikki [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:13 Fruit_Snacks_713 Dehydrated

Dehydrated submitted by Fruit_Snacks_713 to Sprunki [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:13 Marmelatta Ticket 7546894 , need HELP!

Ticket 7546894 , Please help sort out the problem, I can't stand it anymore and want to re-visit faceit and play there as soon as possible.
submitted by Marmelatta to FACEITcom [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:13 FitzyFarseer Much ado about nothing

Much ado about nothing submitted by FitzyFarseer to Asmongold [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:13 InitialZero 22 [F4M] anyone up for chat?

submitted by InitialZero to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:13 Condottieri_Zatara What will Zee pull out of her hat next? Midtown Exclusive Zatanna #1 variant cover by Dan Panosian!

What will Zee pull out of her hat next? Midtown Exclusive Zatanna #1 variant cover by Dan Panosian! submitted by Condottieri_Zatara to zatanna [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:13 baldef Swirl baby swirl

Swirl baby swirl submitted by baldef to wine [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:13 Zelo_UK Need some football freinds

As title reads need some football friends as current mates arent interersted in the sport. Be it 5 a side 7 a side indoor football doesnt have to be in a league or anything seroius even a kick about at a pitch or whatver just want to play as it has been a long time. im 22 by the way
submitted by Zelo_UK to WinchesterUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:13 Pr0f1l3Alpha Man has identify crisis after being gunned down, stops a guy who got possessed by his boyfriend/enemy from stealing his life force.

submitted by Pr0f1l3Alpha to ExplainAFilmPlotBadly [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:13 Haunting_Future_8020 Help with GPU (fps)

I have a pc with amd ryzen 5 3400 g + 1660 super with 16 bg ram. It’s about 4 years oId. I only play pubg. I often get down to like 15-20 fps. I just found a cheap used 2070 super. Would it make since to buy and use that? Or is the ryzen 5 3400g to weak? would It even boost my fps. Thank you for your help 😊
submitted by Haunting_Future_8020 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:13 Overseer_Toaster Bellona Skin?

Is anyone else missing the jade dragon skin for Bellona in smite 2?
submitted by Overseer_Toaster to Smite [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:13 Average_Catnap4 How do I get rid of this tab on taskbar?

How do I get rid of this tab on taskbar? submitted by Average_Catnap4 to WindowsHelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:13 Alive-Championship23 30M here

30M here How bad it is? Some1 plz give me some hope
submitted by Alive-Championship23 to palmistry [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:13 PaKeVapes What upgrades/accessories I should go for next?

Hey RooftopTents! 👋
I’m looking to make my hardshell popup as comfortable and functional as possible for all-season adventures, but I need some advice on what upgrades to prioritize next. Here's what I’ve been thinking about:
1. Luxurious Mattress, Some Topper or extra padding

2. New Ladder and Mounting Points 3. Insulation Pod / Inner Liner 4. Diesel Heater Setup 5. Anti-Condensation Mat I’d love to hear your experiences with these upgrades or any suggestions for things I might be overlooking. What’s been the best upgrade you’ve made to your setup? Thanks in advance for any advice!
submitted by PaKeVapes to rooftoptents [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:13 flux_underscore Lola, A.K.A; Sister Mary Clarence

Lola, A.K.A; Sister Mary Clarence We’ve just picked this gorgeous little girl up from a rescue last weekend.
She came to us with the name Wanda (why?!) and had Winnie written and crossed out in sharpie pen on her cat carrier. Naturally, we landed on Sister Mary Clarence after kicking around other female names beginning with ‘W’ and getting to Whoopi.
We think she is on the run after witnessing something that she shouldn’t have (she hasn’t come out from under the bed) but can’t sing to save her life… 7 out of 10 cat so far…
submitted by flux_underscore to britishshorthair [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:13 Gold-Novel-7400 Waaree Renewables

Waaree Renewables What should I do ? Genuine advice needed pls
submitted by Gold-Novel-7400 to NSEbets [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:13 Traditional_Set_4062 Please help me .

Please suggest a time table for me I am in 12th pcm and want to score more than 90 percent in boards .
submitted by Traditional_Set_4062 to CBSE [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:13 SeaRadiant7409 MY BOARD BUILT a new stadium...with 1/20 of the seats 🫠

MY BOARD BUILT a new stadium...with 1/20 of the seats 🫠 So my board to congratulate me on staying in division 2, decided it would be best to move to a new stadium from our old 28k we are on a 2k seater... i averaged 7k and was full against the big 3 teams in portugal, i needed that revenue, it will basically kill my carrer here
submitted by SeaRadiant7409 to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]