2025.01.24 08:36 HornyDiggler Self defence
submitted by HornyDiggler to MujicoCity [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 08:36 Rough-Pudding5139 Why does Colletes hypercharge super sometimes crash the game
So I was playing the boss game mode and switched to collete on insane and Used a hypercharge super on the boss but the moment my super was used the game crashed. Supercell plz fix this
Possible reasons for it:
1.I aimed the super at the boss: When I was hypercharged and after aiming my super I used it and my game crashed and this happened in 2 games and when trying to capture the crashing I just used it on air far away from the bot and it didn't crash
2025.01.24 08:36 SeveralCase8555 First Icon pick in this FC
I was sad because of zero TOTY on my team so I decided to try luck with an Icon pick submitted by SeveralCase8555 to fut [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 08:36 NoZombie2069 Early morning food options at AeroMall Pune
Which food outlets are open at 5am at the AeroMall? Also, how long are the immigration queues at Pune Airport? Which terminal building for international departures?
submitted by NoZombie2069 to pune [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 08:36 Youbunchoftwats Gammons - when will you realise that everything you hate is your own fault?
What none of you gammons seem to comprehend is that if your defective gammon genetics hadn’t have been with us all of these centuries, none of this would be needed. No DEI, no Wokery, no anti slavery laws, no anti sexism laws, no anti ageism laws, no anti semitism laws, no anti homosexuality laws.
This splendid country rewarded one of its greatest minds, Alan Turing, pioneer of computing and code cracking, by making him take drugs and driving him to suicide for the heinous crime of being gay.
This is all your fucking fault, so quit whining you snowflake cunts. I’m sick of your shit.
submitted by Youbunchoftwats to Divisive_Babble [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 08:36 agentenuvaifazeenada I Keep Receiving Unwanted Emails On My Desktop
I am receiving unwanted emails from Reddit despite having deactivated the option to receive them. Why is that?
submitted by agentenuvaifazeenada to help [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 08:36 Savings-Supermarket8 13, 19?
I'm at 13, 19 but can't find the switch to disarm the trap. I found it at the other location but can't find it here...what gives? Also, does it matter which trap you disarm first? submitted by Savings-Supermarket8 to wizardry [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 08:36 Responsible_Role890 WHY are the girl Devs ALWAYS HOT we need more!
Managed to get $Tank coin dev to show their face on tele and damn we need more women to start coins. Bring back pump live!
submitted by Responsible_Role890 to Memecoinhub [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 08:36 NicoTrcht Prêt étudiant
Voilà je viens de finir mes études et je me pose une question concernant mon prêt étudiant.
En 2023, j’avais souscris à un prêt étudiant au cas où je n’aurai pas eu assez d’argent pour finir ma scolarité , et pour éviter de me retrouver dans la merde. Cependant j’ai réussi à ne pas toucher à cette somme et actuellement je ne sais pas si je dois la rembourser dès maintenant ou si j’attend le terme prévu initialement.
J’ai soucis à un prêt de 8000€ avec un taux de 1,8% par an (hors assurance) et l’assurance est à 2,67€ par mois il me semble. J’y ai souscris sur 7ans et cela se terminera le 10/05/2030. J’ai placé depuis le début cet argent sur un Livret A pour qu’il soit disponible tout en rapportant un minimum (donc 3%).
Et ma question est la suivante : est ce que je ferai mieux de rembourser à la banque des maintenant cette somme ou alors j’attend de la rembourser sur les 5ans à venir ?
submitted by NicoTrcht to financestudents [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 08:36 Beeejum W: Plans H: Caps & other plans to trade
Looking to complete my characters plan log. Have plans from EVERY event! don't be afraid to ask i have A LOT of plans and of course good ol fashioned caps. Sorry no leaders to trade.
Star ballons bouquet x3
Platstiform ornaments green
Honeycomb ghost
Honeycomb jack o lantern
Honeycomb ribbon bell
Honeycomb spider
Honeycomb ghost
Open sign
Junk yard fountain
Large ulracite shard
Moth display cabinet
All pumpkin carving plans and stands
submitted by Beeejum to Market76 [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 08:36 SourceConsistent6234 BLACK AIR FORCES - 18$
submitted by SourceConsistent6234 to CNFANSlink [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 08:36 Siilveriius The Lord of the Rings: The Third Reich
submitted by Siilveriius to Asmongold [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 08:36 ajju20042004 Basketball: It's Origin
submitted by ajju20042004 to Nba2k22 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 08:36 Ok-Discount-5327 Gifts for people
I have been visiting a restaurant frequently over the four weeks I was here in July and again this trip. Is there a gift that would be appropriate/ appreciated to get for the two workers that have always helped me? I leave for America soon and do not know if I will be back, but I truly appreciate everything these two have done for me.
submitted by Ok-Discount-5327 to Ulsan [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 08:36 Vovtrix Does anyone know what this means?
submitted by Vovtrix to Brawlstars [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 08:36 HippieDingo Gross ads
Why does your "cozy" game have so many ads with a multiple-time alleged sexual abuser? I dont want to see losers showing up in ads and it makes me hate the game
submitted by HippieDingo to GoGoMuffin [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 08:36 ElectricalAerie2284 Disney diddly don done it again
submitted by ElectricalAerie2284 to h3h3productions [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 08:36 that_1_league_playr Current Clara post re-farm, not fully satisfied but it's a big improvement anyways, using her with Sparkle HuoHuo and Tingyun
submitted by that_1_league_playr to ClaraMainsStarRail [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 08:36 Confident_JUHJA Supercell, fix your damn game
I'm so tired of this bullshit. There are no excuses, how many errors have come to fruition in the past year? Every update, there's always something wrong, e.g: the matchmaking glitches, the ranked boost glitches, the just Kash - pizza slice glitch, the spike healing bug and many more that Im not going to state right now. Now, we have this error that keeps occuring in robo rumble, where it restarts the game and doesn't save the robo rumble match progress. My problem isn't fully that itself, but the fact that there are always errors in your game. Please do something about this shit, and make it a good job at that submitted by Confident_JUHJA to Brawlstars [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 08:36 orange-cookies [T92] Impossible to get 3 stars of excellence
Usually, my strategy was to install “Advanced Reload” to swap between HE and AP shells whenever enemies would get close so I can deal ~1,100HP damage with an AP shells. This usually works most of the games. But to be able to consistently get a 3,200+ average damage every game is insanely hard. I know you guys hate arty. So I attached some stats from some of my good games. Enjoy. submitted by orange-cookies to WorldofTanksConsole [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 08:36 Hybridjosto help with how to fill in self assessment to claim tax relief on pension contributions charged at high rate.
My employer doesn't offer salary sacrifice and I need to claim back tax relief as I understand it has all been charged at a higher rate. Im getting lost on the self assessment website form - can anyone help with which sections I need to complete?
submitted by Hybridjosto to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 08:36 Any-Expression-4403 Similar websites like Art Crimes.com?
can you guys recommend me sites similar to Art crimes where i can view graffiti from all over the world
submitted by Any-Expression-4403 to graffhelp [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 08:36 airbender5885 Need Suggestions
My father had recently undergone an open heart bypass surgery, which is the best health insurance i can opt for him??
I heard most of the companies will not accept to assure health insurance for people who undergone heart surgery in India. Suggest me if you know any..
submitted by airbender5885 to HealthInsurance [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 08:36 zachhuyber Posted my 1st Ed Lugia on Ebay. I’ve had this card for years…
submitted by zachhuyber to PokemonTCG [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 08:36 hmemoo How do I post an open to work update as LinkedIn seems to think I’m hiring people!?
For some reason LinkedIn seems to think I’m a recruiter and it’s only giving me options to find new internal roles, post job listings, showing that I’m hiring new candidates??
I’m only starting to use LinkedIn and it’s not letting me post an update to be open to work!
I can’t post photos here but if you look in my recent posts I’ve posted in another subreddit what I mean.
submitted by hmemoo to linkedin [link] [comments]