"Leistung lohnt sich"

2025.01.24 08:28 Funny_looking_horse "Leistung lohnt sich"

Hier ist mein Beitrag zu der Vollzeit Diskussion. Ich bin für Teilzeit angemeldet als Lagerist im Kühllager in Tiefkühllager beim Hofer. Noch dazu habe ich einen Minijob bei Volt als Zusteller, was mir monatlich so 300€ netto bringt. Jetzt erklärt ihr mir, wie ich mir mit der Lohn keine Wohnung oder kein Auto leisten kann, weil Teilzeit angeblich was Böses ist.
submitted by Funny_looking_horse to Austria [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:28 carter_yesh Is anyone willing to do something like this?

Is anyone willing to do something like this? submitted by carter_yesh to FiveNightsTD [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:28 ayumi_ishida I Love You Longines

After months of diving into the endless flow of watches—so many great options from countless brands—I’ve narrowed it down to a very short list. While Nivada Grenchen is the other brand that caught my eye, Longines stands out as the perfect choice for my first steps into the hobby. Their rich history, timeless designs, and reputation for quality strike the ideal balance between heritage and value. Though I’m still undecided on the specific model—whether it’s a Master , Conquest , Spirit , or Heritage —I know I will own a Longines. It feels like the brand that truly resonates with me .
submitted by ayumi_ishida to Longineswatches [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:28 Academic-Box1680 Stuck in credit card loophole

hello i have hdfc credit card with a bill of 65000. due to lack of financial knowledge i took this credit card at a young age and now i am stuck in the loop of being able to only pay the minimum due or 5k more to what the minimum due. i urgently need help to understand how can i finish this credit card interest loop on me.
please, please help me out. is taking on personal loan of 60k to pay off credit card bill makes sense?
submitted by Academic-Box1680 to CreditCardsIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:28 Juulmo First prototype of the Exiles bracelet, now i only need to get the sizing right

First prototype of the Exiles bracelet, now i only need to get the sizing right submitted by Juulmo to ConanExiles [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:28 PrincessAegonIXth My flowers from Costco have lasted 10 days

I got cheated on and decided to treat myself and surround myself with beauty
submitted by PrincessAegonIXth to Costco [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:28 Spirit_Sabre I’m not sure if this counts but here

I’m not sure if this counts but here submitted by Spirit_Sabre to AccidentalComedy [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:28 rose36i Would it be weird to dm a guy who doesn't know me?

So a couple of days ago a guy followed me on my insta account I'm a bit confused on how he found my account since I haven't posted on there in a long time unless if he found me through the comment section of a random post. I don't have any pictures of myself on my account i mainly posted things that interest my collection of vintage magazines pins etc anyways the guy who recently followed me is really cute I want to eventually dm him but would that come across weird? I don't mind sending him a photo of what I look like if he were to respond to my dm but I'm nervous what if he doesn't respond
submitted by rose36i to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:28 Artistic_Addendum373 目前可不可以认为是美国社会政治撕裂的历史最高点?

submitted by Artistic_Addendum373 to China_irl [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:28 ApprehensiveSwing738 He wasn't happy that I got close

He wasn't happy that I got close submitted by ApprehensiveSwing738 to airplaneears [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:28 Regular_Street_3883 Aide crédit pourri

J'aurais besoin d'aide pour une situation assez particulière. J'ai signé n'importe quoi à l'époque, et je possède donc un crédit immobilier à taux variable 2,75 % variable +2 -2 sur 20 ans pour un montant de 108 000 euros. J'ai déjà 5 ans de fait, et remboursé 33 000. Reste 15 ans, avec le déclenchement de la partie +2-2 à partir d'avril 2026. Fin en 2029. L'écart dans les dates vient du fait qu'il y a eu un différé avant le véritable début car construction dans le neuf.
Je sors d'une sévère dépression durant laquelle je savais très bien qu'il fallait que je change ça, mais j'étais enfermé dans un état d'esprit où je ne faisais absolument rien, de toute façon rien n'avait d'importance.
C'est évidemment extrêmement idiot avec le recul, parce que si je comprends bien je suis passé à coté de taux très bas et ça a remonté depuis. Mais tant pis, je voudrais maintenant allez de l'avant.
Je précise tout ça mais je part un peu dans l'idée que je ne dois absolument pas raconter ça à mon banquier où un autre, sinon je serais catalogué à risque (?).
Ça, c'était pour les mauvaises nouvelles. Sinon, j'ai 34 ans, célibataire, je gagne en moyenne 3000 euros net avant impôts, avec la "sécurité de l'emploi". Un autre, on va dire, bon côté, c'est que je n'ai quasiment rien dépensé depuis des lustres. J'ai un livret A avec 25 000 ainsi que 90 000 sur assurance vie et 9000 sur PEA.
Je voudrais transformer mon prêt que je considère comme "pourri". Actuellement, selon la formule, s'il passait en variable, il serait à 4,75 %, le maximum. Comme mentionné plus haut, je voudrais le changer avant la période de taux variable qui débute début 2026.
Je sens bien que ça va être humiliant d’aller voir des banquiers qui vont se dire en voyant ça que je suis une énorme poire. Baste.
A votre avis, qu'est ce que je dois faire ? Allez tout de suite courir les banques pour trouver un nouveau prêt, ou attendre que les taux redescendent pour au moins rester à 2,75 % ?
L'absence de renégociation, je ne sais pas encore trop comment je vais l'expliquer, mais est ce que les assurances et autres font que je peut peser avec dans les négociations ?
Merci pour vos avis.
submitted by Regular_Street_3883 to VosSous [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:28 Ancient-Tooth-9166 WINTER VANLIFE in SCOTLAND | LOCKED OUT of our van in the Scottish Highlands!

WINTER VANLIFE in SCOTLAND | LOCKED OUT of our van in the Scottish Highlands! Any vanlifers in here? Share your adventures!
submitted by Ancient-Tooth-9166 to TravelVlog [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:28 dadronic I would leave too...

I would leave too... submitted by dadronic to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:28 Sara630 Phone cases

I currently have an iPhone 15 plus. I found a case I really like but it only comes in the 16 varieties. Will a 16 pro max case fit my 15 plus? I’ve tried to google it but all I can find are answers about the 15 pro max cases
submitted by Sara630 to iphone [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:28 calipleasure Whole body and extremities get tingly/become weak after physical activity now?

Posting this to see if anyone else experiences this as a POTS symptom or if I need to search for other answers.
I got diagnosed with POTS by my PCP and prescribed 0.10mg fludrocortisone (Florinef). Honestly, florinef has been amazing - my heart rate is controlled and I no longer feel light headed/have palpitations. However…
I can expect by the time that I get into bed at night for my entire body (mainly legs and arms) to be tingly/weak. It is increased if I had a physical activity that day such as working out or walking. A huge trigger is when I go to a deep stretch class at my yoga studio, the tingly feelings are extremely amplified after that. Does anyone else experience this to any degree? It almost feels like I get ‘restless leg syndrome’ all over my body now. Are my muscles just not used to stretching? I’ve had a consistent workout routine for years so it’s not from de-conditioning.
And if you do feel this, what do you do to mitigate it? It’s not painful but it feels weird and distracting. I’m already drinking 2-3L of water a day with two LMNT packets and I cut out alcohol six months ago. Thanks!
submitted by calipleasure to POTS [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:28 Right-to-choose Interview with Intimidation, Oi! Core from USA

Interview with Intimidation, Oi! Core from USA submitted by Right-to-choose to punkrock [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:28 Interlocutor1980 5th aid convoy departs for Kurram amid tight security arrangements: official

5th aid convoy departs for Kurram amid tight security arrangements: official https://www.dawn.com/news/1887376/5th-aid-convoy-departs-for-kurram-amid-tight-security-arrangements-official
submitted by Interlocutor1980 to PakLounge [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:28 abjinternational Global tennis boss wades into speculation the Australian Open could be taken over by China or Saudi Arabia

Global tennis boss wades into speculation the Australian Open could be taken over by China or Saudi Arabia submitted by abjinternational to sportsnewstoday [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:28 LettuceMinimum9379 Lissa

submitted by LettuceMinimum9379 to PinayUpgrade [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:28 Equivalent-Agent410 Don't gamble!

Don't gamble! It took me 38, yes 38 mascheranos to get him from red to gold. I used them in ones and twos and I know it is my mistake, but I was adamant on ranking him up with 1 or 2 mascheranos. Now I've learnt my lesson 🥲 I hope ya'll learn from my mistake 😭
submitted by Equivalent-Agent410 to EASportsFCMobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:28 RateWild6099 The problem with Hasselblad X2Ds for Free

Hasselblad is a legendary name in the world of photography. However, recent marketing strategies—specifically giving away cameras to YouTubers and influencers—might inadvertently be diluting the perceived value of its products. Here’s why this approach could hurt their brand in the long run and why a better strategy could be to lower camera prices instead.
The Prestige Problem Hasselblad has built its reputation over decades by producing iconic cameras, many of which were used to capture groundbreaking moments in history—think NASA’s Moon landings. This exclusivity and premium positioning have justified their high prices. However, when these same cameras are handed out to influencers who may not embody the sophistication and mastery traditionally associated with Hasselblad, the brand’s prestige begins to erode. It’s the equivalent of giving away designer watches to TikTok stars who casually flaunt them in unboxing videos; it diminishes the product’s allure and aspirational value.
Free Cameras Don’t Equal Authentic Advocacy When YouTubers receive free cameras, their reviews often lack the authenticity that seasoned photographers value. Viewers are savvy and can discern between genuine enthusiasm and content that feels like paid promotion. Even if the YouTuber genuinely loves the camera, the mere fact that they didn’t purchase it creates a psychological gap. Audiences are left wondering: Is the product truly worth the investment, or is it just being hyped because it was free?
The Perceived Value of High Prices One of Hasselblad’s key selling points has always been its exclusivity. People buy into the brand not just for the cameras but for the statement they make. A Hasselblad owner is seen as someone who appreciates and invests in the best. However, giving away cameras for free undermines this exclusivity. If influencers get these high-end tools without paying a cent, it makes paying customers question why they’re shelling out tens of thousands of dollars for the same product.
An Alternative: Lower Prices for Wider Appeal Instead of relying on giveaways, Hasselblad could explore a more customer-focused strategy: lowering prices to make their cameras more accessible. This doesn’t mean compromising on quality; rather, it means strategically broadening their market without diluting their brand.
Here’s why this could work:

Reclaiming Brand Integrity By lowering prices and focusing on creating cameras that photographers genuinely aspire to own and can realistically afford, Hasselblad would preserve its brand integrity. This approach would prevent the perception that their products are only valuable when handed out for free to influencers. It would also build trust with paying customers who want to feel that their investment is worthwhile and exclusive.
Conclusion Hasselblad’s decision to give cameras to YouTubers might seem like a savvy marketing move on the surface, but it risks cheapening the brand’s value and alienating its core audience. A better approach would be to recalibrate their pricing strategy to attract serious photographers who will cherish and advocate for the brand organically. By doing so, Hasselblad can maintain its reputation as a leader in high-end photography while expanding its reach in a way that feels authentic and sustainable.
submitted by RateWild6099 to hasselblad [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:28 Yolol234567 any ideas for animation practices i could try on this thing?

any ideas for animation practices i could try on this thing? submitted by Yolol234567 to animation [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:28 brokenandsuffering If you are in and around working internet, watch it, savour it, you will never see anything like this ever again.

If you are in and around working internet, watch it, savour it, you will never see anything like this ever again. submitted by brokenandsuffering to CricketShitpost [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:28 meem111 Taxi services with car seat, need advice, has anyone tried this?

I’ve come across a few online like Kidmoto but they seem to be obscenely expensive. I’m just trying to get from union station to South loop.
I know I can the the orange line from Quincy but traveling with a toddler in winter I don’t want to be walking so much and prefer door to door service.
I considered buying the ride safe harness/vest to be able to use regular ride share but I’m not sure it’s worth it
submitted by meem111 to AskChicago [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:28 Gold_Gamer2136 Frogmen posting

Frogmen posting submitted by Gold_Gamer2136 to peopleplayground [link] [comments]
