Looking for gaming laptop recommendations

2025.01.24 13:10 rayjynx Looking for gaming laptop recommendations

Looking for gaming laptop recommendations submitted by rayjynx to LaptopDealsIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:10 Mobile_Membership_47 Ink smear?

Ink smear? I know this is pretty small and insignificant but I'm more into the coin collecting side of this so any answer's on if something so minor demands any premium? I'm not invested in this so if not I'll just spend it but im just curious.
submitted by Mobile_Membership_47 to papermoney [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:10 AgileDevelopment1425 F19 finally back

submitted by AgileDevelopment1425 to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:10 trevor1400E Would you like to tip 22%, 29%, or 36%?

Would you like to tip 22%, 29%, or 36%? submitted by trevor1400E to doordash [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:10 VictorCharles75 Posting screenshots from Ace Combat 7 until Project Aces announces Ace Combat 8, day 10

Posting screenshots from Ace Combat 7 until Project Aces announces Ace Combat 8, day 10 submitted by VictorCharles75 to acecombat [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:10 Lonely-Day-371 Testtt

submitted by Lonely-Day-371 to WhatIsMyCQS [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:10 blahblahwa Unglaublich traurig und wütend dass ich nicht früher Hilfe erhalten habe..Wie geht ihr damit um?

Hallo, Bei mir wurde mit 34 ADHS diagnostiziert. Ich war aber schon seit dem ich 20 war immer wieder in Therapie wegen einer Essstörung. Ich hab mich immer irgendwie über Wasser gehalten auch wenn es sehr schwer war aber ich wusste nie, dass ich irgendwie Hilfe bekommen kann. Durch Zufall kam ich zu einer Institutsambulanz, dort habe ich einen Psychiater, hatte auch einen Therapeuten und nach einer Weile eine Sozialarbeiterin bekommen die bei Anträgen helfen sollte.nur hat sie mir nie gesagt, was für Anträge ich stellen könnte. Am Anfang hat sie gefragt ob ich ALG2 beantragen muss aber da ich gearbeitet habe brauchte ich es nicht. Danach haben wir uns nicht mehr wieder gesehen. Dann rief ich einmal verzweifelt dort an weil ich absolut überfordert mit allem war. Der Mann am Telefon war sehr nett und hat mir eine Psych Pflege organisiert. Das war eine Frau die mit mir manchmal Termine wahrgenommen hat oder wir haben uns zum Reden getroffen. Aber dann hat sie gekündigt. Dann ist mein Therapeut umgezogen und ich stand da. Mittlerweile (2 Jahre später) habe ich ambulant betreutes Wohnen beantragt. Das hab ich iwie zufällig über Google gefunden. Und es hilft mir so sehr und macht mich wahnsinnig traurig. Das hätte ich gebraucht als ich 20 war. Als ich 24 war, nach dem Studium und auch vor paar Jahren. Warum hat mir das niemand gesagt? Nicht der Therapeut, nicht der Psychiater, nicht die Sozialarbeiterin oder die PsychPflege? Die hatten einen Menschen vor sich der nicht klar kam und nicht wusste was es für Hilfen gibt. Mein Leben wäre um einiges einfacher gewesen.. Im Sinne von, ich hätte mich nicht dauernd so allein gelassen gefühlt. Es hieß immer nur, wenn sie nicht klar kommen, dann müssen sie stationär iwo hin. Dabei ist es so hilfreich wenn jemand mit einem einkaufen geht oder zum arzt. Der mal zwischendurch fragt, wie läufts? Soll ich iwie helfen? Warum gibt es Hilfen aber so viele Menschen wissen nichts davon? Ich weiß mittlerweile dass es einige gibt denen es so ergangen ist. Wie geht ihr mit der Wut und Trauer um?
submitted by blahblahwa to ADHS [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:10 rr2488 Big chunk of this building just blew away 😭

Big chunk of this building just blew away 😭 submitted by rr2488 to glasgow [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:10 YabbazDabbaz Multiverse Genetics Moon Beam Day 55. She's getting frosty! Recommend chop is 70 Days. I'm thinking another 3 weeks. First time grower, seeking opinions, thanks!

submitted by YabbazDabbaz to Autoflowers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:10 greedyteddibiase 36 5’11 174lbs

submitted by greedyteddibiase to Physiquecritique [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:10 SapphireHeaven 250124 Jisun Instagram Story Update

250124 Jisun Instagram Story Update submitted by SapphireHeaven to Fromis [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:10 KingMD88 Tick removal tool “key” correct placement and use?

Tick removal tool “key” correct placement and use? submitted by KingMD88 to VeterinarianAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:10 morkovka2497 How is BNB Chain Slowly but Surely Gaining Momentum?

BNB Chain is gaining traction, with daily active users surging to 6 million in 2024. Key growth drivers include its dominance in Web3 gaming, advancements in AI applications, and strategic incentives like gas fee rebates and token rewards.
What do you think are the key factors driving BNB Chain’s steady momentum? What initiatives or tools do you think the BNB Chain community can develop to ensure this growth remains consistent? Please share your thoughts and comments, I'd be happy to compliment my article with community members' feedback. Read the full article on observers.com.
submitted by morkovka2497 to bnbchainofficial [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:10 BetterCallSaul1995 Ministar financija najavio Fiskalizaciju 2.0: "Bit će to jedna administrativna giljotina!"

Ministar financija najavio Fiskalizaciju 2.0: submitted by BetterCallSaul1995 to financije [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:10 Patient-Pipe4623 Good morning , I drew pirate princess Vivi.

Good morning , I drew pirate princess Vivi. submitted by Patient-Pipe4623 to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:10 Present_Soft1528 The Way Shed - Training Montage (every good story needs one)

#TheWayShednanigans #TaikyokuBudo #Tanren
submitted by Present_Soft1528 to TaikyokuBudo [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:10 DeliciousIntention50 Had so much fun with this one

Had so much fun with this one This is one of my favorite childhood movies, and getting to put it together felt like it healed something in me! Wish they had one for Coraline!
submitted by DeliciousIntention50 to lego [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:10 reddit_lss_1 Post title: 24/1/2025 01:09:48

Post title: 24/1/2025 01:09:48 submitted by reddit_lss_1 to lssAuto [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:10 Nero3k Bracelets yay or nay for older guys

Bracelets yay or nay for older guys 55m pretty good shape. I’m going to be venturing back into the dating world eventually. Long story, wife passed way.
I’m trying to up my look. I’ve got a pretty good handle on the clothes and footwear part. It’s the accessories that I’m not sure about. I’m a serious watch guy so my left wrist is always occupied. I’ve been looking at bracelets. I don’t know if it comes across as too much as old guy trying to hard. Plus, do I wear it on my opposite wrist?
What about rings on the right hand? Not much of a pinky ring kind of guy.
This is the bracelet style that caught my eye.
submitted by Nero3k to mensfashion [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:10 Significant-Day-8665 Sideways couch boops 😂😂😂👉🏼 👃 🥹❤️

Sideways couch boops 😂😂😂👉🏼 👃 🥹❤️ submitted by Significant-Day-8665 to boopthesnoot [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:10 MisterKrane Overgrowth Pillars [45x60] [Weird] [Geometric]

Overgrowth Pillars [45x60] [Weird] [Geometric] submitted by MisterKrane to battlemaps [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:10 Adventurous_Face6120 Help struggling alocasia

Hello,I need help on how to proceed with this alocasia melo. It used to be in soil but was repotted due to horrible root rot. In the last few weeks it tried to grow a new leaf, but after I came back home (I was away for a week) I came back to the entire top of the plant rotted... I don't know what happened. After having cleaned all the squishy bits of I'm left with this... the leaf is very yellow and I don't know if I should just chop it off a this point. Does someone have suggestions on how to proceed with this?
submitted by Adventurous_Face6120 to alocasia [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:10 lobernowe Anson Calder Promo Code for January 2025

Follow this link for Anson Calder Promo Code for January 2025. Access the latest deals and promotions by visiting the link, featuring a constantly updated list of coupons, promo codes, and discounts.
submitted by lobernowe to MementoOffers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:10 astralangelll Building an Astral Projection Community on TikTok! Follow @astralalicia ✨

Hi everyone, I have made a new tiktok account to share my books worth of experiences with astral projecting and astral travelling. It's @ astralalicia if you would please follow I'm really trying to build a community as I have narcolepsy and experience such crazy stuff daily in my naps. I hope this is allowed I just want to engage with fellow APers and those interested in these topics on my videos and it's a new account so It's hard. Having narcolepsy means this is the only positive I can take out of it so building a community on tiktok would mean a lot to me <3
submitted by astralangelll to AstralProjection [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:10 SmartRepair688 Can someone clarify what “Agency Office” means? Regarding the Memo and 50 miles from existing agency office…?

Pretty much can DOI personnel use VA office as “Agency Office” or like can a USDA personnel use an office that belongs to a FAA facility?
What does an Agency Office actually refer too?
submitted by SmartRepair688 to fednews [link] [comments]
