2025.01.24 11:21 Vast-Customer-2221 Estafas telefonicas
Es tan facil poder robar dinero solo con los datos de una cuenta rut? Lo digo porque tengo conocidos que han sido estadados solo con datos de transferencia, han perdido todo hasta su cuenta de ahorro
submitted by Vast-Customer-2221 to chileIT [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 11:21 Madagascar003 Ryosuke and Emma Green have one thing in common
Both are concerned about Kanata's future as a professional driver.
Let's start with Emma Green. She's been in love with Kanata since their time together at RDRS. She was one of the first people to see his immense potential. The way she praised Kanata in front of her personal assistant Hayato shows that she hasn't stopped keeping a close eye on him and that this love runs very deep. She clearly feels he's wasting his talent by taking part in MFG, and wishes he'd aim for greater peaks. Right now, she's looking forward to his return to the UK so she can compete in the professional scene alongside him, and also win his heart.
Let's move on to Ryosuke, MFG's Executive Organizer. From his point of view, the experience Kanata has gained in MFG in the space of one year will be beneficial to his career as a professional driver. He sees no need for Kanata to remain with MFG for another year, in which case he will lose out on the many opportunities that are opening up for him. That's why he advised him to win the final race at Atami Ghost, so as not to have any regrets, and then return to Europe to compete against real motorsport professionals.
In short, Ryosuke and Emma consider that the overall level of MFG drivers is too low, that most of them are mere amators. They both want to see Kanata compete against real professionals. Even if Kanata returns home after the competition, he will leave behind a lasting memory and legacy in the minds of MFG fans and riders alike. Drivers like Shun Aiba, Nozomi Kitahara, Mai Sakurano and Sena Moroboshi have had the honor and privilege of observing his driving technique at first hand, and have made great progress thanks to him. It's to be expected that for next season's MFG, these drivers will incorporate elements of Kanata's technique into their own to further improve and produce much better performances.
submitted by Madagascar003 to MFGhost [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 11:21 PrestigiousEnd3753 On the same page about the why breakup must happen however not over he wish to give it another shot.
We are both in love with other people. That we have cheated on with during our 3 year relationship. We both know we are playing games. And we hurt each other consciously and subconsciously. We forgive each other however neither one of us can set in motion a breakup or disconnect. I’m at a point that I hate him. And he knows it. Yet he believes that we can work through this. My patience is only capable or 3 months or so until I’m ready to cut ties. And he makes promises that he doesn’t keep but feels like he’ll get it right this time for me. What do I do?
submitted by PrestigiousEnd3753 to Anarchy101 [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 11:21 Few_Bumblebee_5370 does she hate me now?
last week i went to a club and met a girl..we had fun so we made plans to go to a different club together,i got really drunk and we make out couple times(i’m a girl too)and now i feel really bad because it’s such a weird thing to do 😭
anyway in the morning i sent her a msg saying i had fun and she left me on seen,should i send her another one saying i was really drunk and didn’t mean to do that??
submitted by Few_Bumblebee_5370 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 11:21 Renatus_Bennu 77% of Nigerian women use skin-lightening products — FG
submitted by Renatus_Bennu to AfricaVoice [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 11:21 Poutcheki Un voisin malmené suite à une prédiction de charlatan à Mbour
submitted by Poutcheki to Seneweb [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 11:21 HaRabbiAtta The FSM GP Bot - test it out and let me know.
submitted by HaRabbiAtta to pastafarianism [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 11:21 Estuary_Accent Varian drawing. His design is satisfying to draw
submitted by Estuary_Accent to Tangled [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 11:21 Moon-Zora Cafe con wi fi ?
Estoy buscando un lugar donde pueda quedarme un rato que tenga cafe e internet, algo parecido a Star Bucks en BSAS pero no veo ninguno, me recomiendan algún lugar para ir con la laptop? Como hice check out del airbnb y faltan varias horas para que tenga que tomar el vuelo.
submitted by Moon-Zora to Bariloche [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 11:21 Grandidealistic Found this on my local shopping website :)
submitted by Grandidealistic to transformers [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 11:21 Poutcheki Assemblée : Les députés de Takku Wallu débarquent avec des tenues particulières (vidéo)
submitted by Poutcheki to Seneweb [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 11:21 Pavadinimasredditui Maisto kainos
Nėra pati įdomiausia tema, tačiau pamačiau straipsnį (https://www.delfi.lt/verslas/verslas/pristate-analize-kaip-kilo-maisto-kainos-siemet-prognozuoja-brangima-120080412), kad palyginus su 2020 m. maisto kainos pabrango 50% (ir žada brangti toliau). Nuolat stabiliai brangstant produktams gal nėra taip pastebima, tačiau prisiminus savaitės krepšelio kainą 2020 m. ir dabar, pasijaučia nesveikas skirtumas. Ar mes jau nieko su šituo nebegalime padaryti (suprantu situaciją pasaulyje, nereikalauju kainų tokių, kaip anksčiau, bet adekvatesnių), ar čia vartotojų problema, kad nėra protestuojama/ reikalaujama pokyčių? Kodėl gamintojai visus pabrangusių žaliavų/ produktų kaštus perkelia kompensuoti vartotojams ir patys nepadengia bent dalies? Gerai jei dirbi ir uždirbi, tačiau nemanau, kad pensininkai turėtų laukti kol prekės borderline išeis iš galiojimo, kad taptų įperkamai nukainotos. Kodėl mūsų maisto kainos didesnės nei kitose Europos šalyje (lyginant su vidutiniu atlyginimu)? submitted by Pavadinimasredditui to lithuania [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 11:21 Downtown_Ear_1106 *in Kratos' voice* : Boi
submitted by Downtown_Ear_1106 to HadesTheGame [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 11:21 Laj3ebRondila1003 To any game devs and/or publishers that see this. Please make a recommended and required specs chart for each of the 3 popular resolutions (1080p, 1440p and 4K).
The spec sheets today are fucking useless. It's like a console preset.
"1080p / Low / 60 fps". What if I want so play at 1080p max settings?
IDK pay your CM or graphic designer a bit more I'm sure he can whip up 3 charts instead of one if you want to.
And if you need upscaling or frame gen for certain hardware to run the game, put it in the minimum specs with an asterisk and not the recommended and put the minimum requirement to hit the aforementioned performance natively. The people looking for recommended specs are most likely looking to run the game comfortably, not with upscalers and frame gen, that's an added bonus until these technologies become barely noticeable in terms of hardware cost, artifacts and latency which is not happening anytime soon, and the people looking for minimum requirements probably do not have the hardware to run these solutions comfortably.
submitted by Laj3ebRondila1003 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 11:21 Poutcheki Air Sénégal : Un vaste réseau de fraude autour des billets « Staf...
submitted by Poutcheki to Seneweb [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 11:21 West_Definition3036 How do I fix this black flickering around electric aura ? Skyrim pc
submitted by West_Definition3036 to skyrim [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 11:21 Efehia Done!
Finally finished. Did this really small partial one right after, before I dive headfirst into the next, bigger canvas. submitted by Efehia to diamondpainting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 11:21 ASICmachine Is now the right time? (x-post from /r/Cryptocurrency)
submitted by ASICmachine to CryptoCurrencyClassic [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 11:21 cristinalves Brian Cox to play 18th century Scottish economist Adam Smith, known as the father of modern capitalism.
Here’s the link to the article: https://variety.com/2025/theatenews/brian-cox-make-it-happen-edinburgh-international-festival-1236284384/ submitted by cristinalves to SuccessionTV [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 11:21 KaotikJumper What are your opinions on this screenshot?
https://preview.redd.it/j3tc9ofrexee1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a3fc7660e2fd8f2f0243e35de7c02198ea2525c I think I am getting better at this game, but I would like to get more insight from you guys, so I can know what can I do to improve even more. Thanks a lot in advance for your feedback :) submitted by KaotikJumper to CitiesSkylines [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 11:21 Ezz_EsLam77 المستشفيات النفسية
لو حضرتك حاسس انك مش كويس او بتمر بأزمة نفسية او حاولت تأذي نفسم او تأذي غيرك
ارجوك توجه لاقرب مستشفى نفسية واكشف واتطمن على نفسك
متقولش الطب النفسي غالي في مصر ونصب والدكاترة همهم انهم يلهفوا فلوسك
مستشفيات كتيرة في مصر اتطورت وبقت بتتبع معايير عالمية في الطب النفسي وما زالت بأسعار رمزية ودكاترة ممتازين ومعاملة محترمة
انصح بمستشفى أحمد عكاشة في الدمرداش مستشفى بمستوى عالي واسعار رمزية
ولو عندك مقدرة مادية وحابب تروح عيادة خاصة .. حمل Vezeeta وشوف اقرب طبيب ليك والناس بتشكر فيه واحجز فورا
ارجوك متسيبش نفسك للمرض النفسي واتطمن ❤️
submitted by Ezz_EsLam77 to CAIRO [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 11:21 Aggravating_Ad_9416 Titan tv man needs some ibuprofen
submitted by Aggravating_Ad_9416 to skibiditoilet [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 11:21 Fun-Specialist-5507 Dc4 charachters sexualities and identity from the show atm or said in greetings!
submitted by Fun-Specialist-5507 to DisventureCamp [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 11:21 Urscart38 “Well, hey! Whatcha all doin’?”
submitted by Urscart38 to adamdriverfans [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 11:21 ryogadan Herbert on Schumachers' advice to Verstappen: 'Would stick with you.'
submitted by ryogadan to Formula1_world [link] [comments] |