Episode 3 - Fall Equinox

Hello, everyone! Would any of you please help me resize this background so I can upload it as an overlay? I’m planning to use Dara Amarie’s code for looping three-zone backgrounds, and this background must be 1183 x 700 in order for it to work. The problem I have with uploading it as an overlay is that it seems to be a little over 1MB, so it would be amazing if any of you could help me ... Hi everyone, I was wondering if you could help me. I need a fantasy/medieval bedroom for my story, here are a few images which I like to help. I need something with a bit of floor space but that’s all. I hope you can help. Google Chrome is a fast web browser available at no charge. Before you download, you can check if Chrome supports your operating system and that you have all the other system requiremen Half-Life 2: Episode One. Slime Rancher. Halls of Torment. SPORE™ Haven Park. Starbound. Heroes® of Might & Magic® III - HD Edition. Stronghold Crusader HD. Hollow Knight. Stumble Guys. Hotline Miami. Swords & Souls: Neverseen. Human-powered spacecraft. Teacup. Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms. Tetris® Effect: Connected. Into the Breach Hello! I’ve made these story planning sheets for people and I thought I could make a thread where anyone could get them. So, here it is if you’d like one. Let me know if you’d like me to add or change anything. In case you’ve never seen the Wishlist before, here’s exactly how it works. If you have, nothing’s changed, feel free to keep wishing! As you may know, we have a weekly art release that brings you new assets from the Episode art library! We try to structure our releases around themes, and what assets are bug-free and ready to go out to everyone determines that. Sometimes we do have ... YouTube Premieres let you and your viewers watch and experience a new video together in real time. Create buzz for your Premiere by sharing the watch page so viewers can set reminders, chat, and leave Where can Google Podcasts show your podcast? Listeners can find and play podcasts on many different apps and services, including: Google Podcasts website Some titles have multiple languages available for the audio track. Select the preferred audio track for the movie or TV show episode. Note: All subtitles available for the specific movie or TV show episode will be available for offline viewing. The ”'Downloaded” icon will appear below the video player when the download is complete. episode 不是强化学习的原创概念,它来自于游戏,是“关卡”的意思。 强化学习里的关卡和你玩游戏一样,就是指智能体开始玩游戏到通关或者 game over 的时过程。 另外对于电视剧,episode 就是剧集,代表一集连续剧。你们看到的 s01e01 那个 e 就是 episode。

2025.01.24 14:39 Bajileh Episode 3 - Fall Equinox

submitted by Bajileh to hymnsfortheroad [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:39 Friendship_Fries I'm sure there was a good reason for this.

submitted by Friendship_Fries to MildlyBadDrivers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:39 Swede577 Analysis | The Truth About Your Electricity Bill, Part 2

submitted by Swede577 to Connecticut [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:39 External_Program_474 trash game mode

clash of dancing lions sucks, like the cooldown is so annoying
submitted by External_Program_474 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:39 Valter_hvit M18, Just found out that I have to get circumcised:( I have some questions

M18, have had tight foreskin all my life and finally went to the doctor in September 2024. They sent me to a urologist and today I got informed that I will have to get circumsiced or leave it as it is. I chose to get circumsiced. I know there is a lot of stigma around the subject but I have some questions:

  1. Is there anyone here who have gotten a circumcision as an adult? What was it like? What should I know?
  2. Will I risk losing feeling down there?
  3. Does it look bad aestheticly? Is there a risk that a potential partner might dislike it?
  4. How normal is it? I live in Norway where it's not normal at all, but I actually intend to move to the US a couple of years from now. I hear it's more normal there. Is that true? Is it normal to get circumsiced as a baby or adult?
submitted by Valter_hvit to medical_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:39 Fabulous-Barbie-6153 Question about the Paris episode

So I listened to the Paris podcast a few weeks ago now (so it’s not super fresh in my brain), but I just discovered this subreddit so I wanted to ask this question I had while listening. After Alex found out she got HPV from Paris guy, she pushed it to the side and just wanted to forget about it, which I understand because she was embarrassed. However, she later mentioned that she still had it when she was with Matt and she kept it hidden from him for a while? Again I knew this was probably due to shame, but then she talked about how she was hoping Matt didn’t get it from her. I personally found that to be extremely irresponsible on her part..? If you have any STD and you’re seeing someone and starting a sexual relationship with them, you should disclose that you have an STD because now you’re playing with someone else’s health. And it surprised me that Matt didn’t seem to care too much when she told him? Like if i were him, I would be freaking out that she could have potentially given me an STD (knowingly!) It’s one thing if you pass an STD and you didn’t know you had it, but it’s another if you know and you don’t say anything. I know they could have used protection but the way she said “thank god Matt didn’t get it” made it sound like she wasn’t being too careful about it? Again, I understand there was lots of shame and embarrassment around it, but when it comes to someone’s health.. you have to be honest.
What does everyone else think about this? I felt it was extremely off putting..
submitted by Fabulous-Barbie-6153 to CallHerDaddy [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:39 overusedplot Do you have this flower in your store?

Do you have this flower in your store? https://preview.redd.it/vi6aoxvpdyee1.jpg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99148f7df35038622f5399e1f93eb2773094e222
This unlocked flower appeared out of nowhere and I was ABSOLUTELY SURE that I had unlocked everything in the store. I tried to click "unlock" but the app doesn't bring me anywhere where I could buy it and I cannot find it in the store scrolling!
Do you have this plant unlocked? Is my app bugged? Is studying 10 hours a day leading me towards insanity to the point that I am starting to see things? lol
submitted by overusedplot to forestapp [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:39 superman7515 Speed concerns accelerate to social media conflict in Milton

Speed concerns accelerate to social media conflict in Milton submitted by superman7515 to slowerlower [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:39 Maleficent-Hat-9473 Helpme plzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Hi my skin is acne prone skin but i dont have major acne mild acne plus white head and dark head Plus very dull skin with dark spot which i hate Suggest good fachwash/cleaners And extra tips you want to give Plz
submitted by Maleficent-Hat-9473 to skincareaddictsindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:39 Zestyclose_Travel_98 Tankar kring framtida utveckling av Fingerprint Cards B?

Någon som har tankar kring bolagets framtida utveckling? Har valt att gå in med en liten investering i bolaget efter gårdagens värdeökning mest för skojs skull. Ställde mig då frågan hur utveckligen kommer se ut framöver och kom till slutsatsen med hjälp av en teknisk analys som indikerar en svag utveckling inom en fallande trendkanal på medellång sikt, vilket också signalerar ökande pessimism utifrån ett investeringsperspektiv. Bolaget jobbar även med att diversifiera sin verksamhet genom att introducera nya teknologier och applikationer, efter en minskad efterfrågan på deras huvudsakliga produkter. Så kanske värt att hålla några månader? Någon som också haft koll på bolaget som kan dela med sig av deras uppfattning och tankar? Trevlig helg!!
submitted by Zestyclose_Travel_98 to ISKbets [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:39 Primary-Proposal-372 Meu irmão gastou os 20 mil da faculdade em uma memecoin, e agora nossa família está lidando com isso

Oi, pessoal. Aqui é a irmã mais velha do garoto que gastou os 20 mil reais que meu pai deu para pagar seis mensalidades da faculdade de Medicina em uma memecoin. Sim, é isso mesmo. Não vou mentir, minha cabeça ainda está girando com tudo isso.
Meu pai só descobriu porque ele começou a estranhar o comportamento do meu irmão. Ele estava muito calado, mais recluso do que o normal, e evitava falar sobre a faculdade. Meu pai achou que ele estava com dificuldades no curso ou algo assim, mas ficou preocupado de verdade. Então, no meio da preocupação, ele postou naquela mesma comunidade do Reddit (sim, essa história está toda aí para quem quiser acompanhar). Algumas pessoas nos comentários alertaram que talvez tivesse a ver com a postagem de um garoto que havia perdido os 20 mil em uma memecoin. Foi assim que meu pai conectou os pontos e descobriu a verdade.
Quando meu pai confrontou meu irmão, ele desabou. Admitiu que investiu o dinheiro em uma criptomoeda que prometia retornos absurdos, mas que acabou sendo só mais uma dessas "memecoins" sem valor real. Ele perdeu tudo. Foi um misto de desespero, vergonha e arrependimento. Meu pai ficou arrasado, mas, no fundo, acho que já esperava que fosse algo assim, dado o comportamento estranho do meu irmão.
Eu nem sei o que dizer sobre isso. Por um lado, fico muito brava com ele por ter sido tão irresponsável. É muito dinheiro, dinheiro que meu pai deu com sacrifício para investir no futuro do meu irmão. Por outro lado, dá para ver que ele realmente se arrependeu e está sofrendo muito com o que fez. Não sei como ele vai contar isso para a faculdade, como vai se organizar para resolver as mensalidades, mas isso agora é um problema que ele mesmo vai ter que resolver.
Acho que o que me pega mais é o impacto emocional disso na nossa família. Meu pai está tentando não demonstrar, mas sei que ele está devastado. Meu irmão, por sua vez, parece que carrega uma nuvem de arrependimento constante. Eu não sei se ele aprendeu a lição, mas espero que sim. Essas "promessas fáceis" sempre têm um preço, e ele aprendeu isso da pior forma.
Por enquanto, é isso. Meu pai está tentando lidar com a situação da melhor forma possível, e eu estou tentando dar o suporte que posso, mas também tentando deixar claro que meu irmão precisa assumir as consequências dos seus atos. Se vocês têm histórias parecidas ou conselhos, adoraria ouvir. É um momento complicado para todos nós.
submitted by Primary-Proposal-372 to farialimabets [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:39 vanbrosh How I open-sourced my secret access tokens from GitHub, Slack and NPM and who of them cares about it | Vue & Node admin panel framework

submitted by vanbrosh to programming [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:39 TranslatesToScottish Hospital Window View

Hospital Window View submitted by TranslatesToScottish to Sizz [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:39 Incubus-Dao-Emperor What Would Demi-Human Race would You Choose to Play as in YGGDRASIL?

If you had to choose, what demi-human species would you choose? For me personally; I lean towards Trolls, Ogres, Giants so I would likely go with a Troll mostly because of the regeneration they have. But on the other hand, Ogres don't get enough love so I might just experiment with an Ogre Build in YGGDRASIL for a while before changing to a Troll Build.
Total Level: Level 100
Race: Troll
Job Levels: Toll Troll (15), High Troll (10) and Troll Lord (5)
Karma Value: Neutral
Job Classes: Dark Knight (5), Valkyrie: Spear (5), Fighter (10), Knight of Jötunheimr (10), Weapon Master (15), etc (55)
HP: 100
MP: 45
Phy AK: 98
Phy DEF: 87
Mag ATK: 86
Mag DEF: 99
Items - Shooting Star Rings and Marathi Warrior Armour (divine-class armour set) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marathi_people#/media/File:Maratha_Armor.jpg , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marathi_people#/media/File:Maratha_Armour.jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marathi_people#Martial_tradition / World Item: Ahura Mazda / Spear: a Divine-class spear infused with Lapis Lazuli gems called ''Yi Da Maharaja ''.
(Alternatively my YGGDRASIL Character Build would be a KickboxeKi Master Mountain Troll build in Safavid Qizilbash Attire)
submitted by Incubus-Dao-Emperor to overlord [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:39 elmastergamer76 Xdxd

Xdxd submitted by elmastergamer76 to MomazosBeelce1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:39 nottherealslash [29/M] UK - Paging anyone who's bored and a little bit weird

I'm 29M, happily married, living in Liverpool but originally from down South. Looking for some people to chat with on this full January day. Maybe you just want to talk today, or see whether this might go a bit further to a longer term friendship. People from all over the world welcome. Bonus points if you're British, Irish, or a French speaker (as I'm learning).
Some things to get you started on me:

There's plenty more to learn about me and I'd like to learn about you too. I will talk about basically anything, whether it be deep and complex or simple and mundane.
Drop me a message and tell me a bit about yourself.
submitted by nottherealslash to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:39 bextaxi How is the updated Weight Watchers app?

I did WW last year for a bit and saw great results, but honestly, I was white knuckling and wasn't in the best mindset for it, and ended up gaining it all back after only doing it for a month. Now I'm doing better and thinking of signing up again, especially because of the additions to the app.
Are there really macros? I know it was talked about for a while, but when I was doing it, everyone was still saying that they weren't getting it on their app.
I also really like that oatmeal is back to zero points because that's my go-to breakfast. Any other new zero point foods that you guys are enjoying?
submitted by bextaxi to weightwatchers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:39 DarkKirby14 The Legend Of Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom #10: Zora Mending

hello everyone, DarkKirby14 here and with me here today is the next edition of The Legend Of Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom. If we're to get Dradd and Kushara on the same page, it seems that we'll have to help deal with the problems their off-tune music created and help to save their fellow Zora
playthrough to this point: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4019v4jZh_l6D1n2E_b4siwNP_MbKxmy
submitted by DarkKirby14 to gamingvids [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:39 TammysPainting Bath Time, 8x8 inches, oil on canvas

A little painting of my distinguished gentleman that is fresh off the easel.
submitted by TammysPainting to painting [link] [comments]


submitted by ChampsTalk to DutchKickboxing [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:39 lss_web_1444 Link post title 657

Link post title 657 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:39 True_Series_3632 Oligarchy in Action...

Oligarchy in Action... submitted by True_Series_3632 to oldandcranky [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:39 Impossible-Cattle746 I’m not gonna use this

I’m not gonna use this Ring in 2025 with a $5 Meal Deal! Stop by for a medium hot or iced coffee and two Wake-Up Wrap® sandwiches — all yours for $5 through 02/04.
submitted by Impossible-Cattle746 to DDoffers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:39 PrithvinathReddy If you had the chance to nominate only one movie from your "personal Criterion Collection" for an Oscar (in any category), which movie would you choose?

submitted by PrithvinathReddy to criterion [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:39 hung-likeanat34 Why????

Why you hate me so much now? why do you look at me in discuss what is so wrong with me you don't even want to breath the same air as me?
submitted by hung-likeanat34 to UnsentLettersRaw [link] [comments]
