2025.01.24 18:29 Czech_fangirl [Art] I’ve made a mimic mug
Yeah so my ✨artistic vision✨ was that this is a mimic that is bad at being a mimic. He’s a little confused but he’s got the spirit yk.
submitted by Czech_fangirl to DnD [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:29 MarchingBandFanatic Which quarter this year do you think NAV will release his new album, On My Way 2 Rexdale, in?
View Poll
submitted by MarchingBandFanatic to nav [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:29 arisaurusrex Beschneidung - Mein größter Fehler
Mein Vater hat sich damals als werdender Arzt selbst beschnitten, als er von der Frau seines Professors einen hartnäckigen Intimherpes bekam. Er hat dies als fortgeschrittener Medizinstudent zuahuse an sich selber operiert. Er war am selben Abend bei selben Eltern zum Essen eingeladen und wurde vom in Laufe des Abends einsetzenden Schmerzes bewusstlos und fiel von Stuhl.
Die Vorhaut bewahrte er in einem Marmeladenglas in Formaldehydlösung im Kühlschrank zuhause auf.
Seine künftige Schwiegermutter kam vorbei und öffnete diesen, erkundigte sich interessiert nach dem seltsamen "Schinken" der da im Glas schwebte.
Mein Vater hat seine Vorhaut nach diesem Vorfall entsorgt indem er sie an seinen Hund verfüttert hat. Und nein ich bezweifle diese Geschichte nicht weil das 100% authentisch und typisch für das Verhalten meines Vaters ist.
Um mehr auf deine Fragen einzugehen: Er hat oft schon gesagt dass er das Ganze bereut und "würde alles geben um wieder mit Vorhaut pimpern zu können". Er hat deshalb, als ich dann als Jugendlicher eine Phimose entwickelt bzw behalten habe (weil normal bei Kindern) nicht gewollt dass ich beschnitten werde. Phimose ist ja Vorhautverengung und damit häufigster Grund für medizinisch indizierte Beschneidung. Kann konservativ durch dehnen behandelt werden und das hat er mir auch gezeigt um mir eine Beschneidung zu ersparen. Ich bin ihm dafür sehr dankbar.
Heutzutage ist ja bekannt dass eine Beschneidung weitreichende Folgen hat, was aber leider in der Öffentlichkeit kaum diskutiert wird, obwohl feminine Beschneidung großes öffentljches Interesse findet.
So werden viele Eltern und auch manche junge Männer drüber hinweggetäuscht dass eine Vorhaut sehr viel Sinn macht und unersetzlich ist.
Also die Sicht eines deutschen Arztes, meines Vaters ist dass du theoretisch ganz klar die Reize minimieren musst um die Keratinisierung aufzuheben. Möglicherweise gibt es da mittlerweile Produkte und es kann auch sein dass es dir dieser eventuell größere Aufwand auch wert ist. Wie viel Aufwand oder wie wirksam das ist, kann ich nicht einschätzen, da mein Vater sich damit abgefunden hat und persönlich eher nicht glaubt dass man praktisch annähernd aufs alte Niveau zurückkehren wird.
Ich persönlich würde dir raten dich nicht auf die Rückgangigmachung der Insensitivität zu versteifen, sondern an der Akzeptanz zu arbeiten und dabei je nach Leidensdruck auch keine psychologische (Kurzzeit)therapie zu scheuen. Du hast da aus Unwissenheit einen relativ folgenschweren Fehler begangen und hast daher mein aufrichtiges Mitgefühl. Ich weiss von einem jüdischen Kumpel dass Beschneidung viele Probleme auslösen kann - dieser bezieht seit meiner Empfehlung Viagra, weil wessen Problem aufgrund des Sensitivitätsmangels in Richtung Erektionsproblem geht.
Menschen begehen nunmal Fehler, die Frage ist nur ob man lernen kann mir Ihnen zu leben. Du hast da jetzt dein Päckchen zu tragen, aber ich will dir auch eine Perspektive geben. Ich persönlich habe aus reinem Leichtsinn mit 18 meinen linken Fuss verloren, darüber meine körperlichenund mentale Gesundheit massiv geschädigt und mein Leben um etliche Schwierigkeitsstufen erhöht. Das willst du gar nicht wissen, was da mich an komplett unnötigen Folgeproblemen heute noch täglixh schwer belastet. Hat mir meine Träume und Familie ruiniert und mein eigener Vater sagt er könne sich sowas an meiner Stelle niemals verzeihen. Pustekuchen. Ich bin drüber weg und kann mich gut leiden, auch wenn mein Leben wegen meiner Blödheit echt im Arsch ist und wahrscheinlich noch echt schwierig wird.
Vergib dir, die Wahrscheinlichkeit ist eh hoch dass du eine Partnerin finden wirst die nach Heirat und Kindern wesentlich weniger Sex will als du, also räum dem einfach weniger Wichtigkeit ein. Du stehst kurz vor dem Eintritt in eine Lebensphase in der Sex erstmal rapide an Bedeutung verliert, sobald du eine eigene Familie hast.
Das mag jetzt alles schwierig klingen aber die Zeit wird dir helfen.
Alles Gute.
submitted by arisaurusrex to Kopiernudeln [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:29 MrLectromag Ukraine's intel chief says North Korea is about to double its artillery systems in Russia's war to nearly 500 guns
submitted by MrLectromag to UkrainianConflict [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 18:29 CaptainPeppy The recent osrs drama reunited my high school friends
So as you all know, the whole controversy about osrs memberships blew up and spread across the internet recently. I never thought much of it at first, but eventually, one by one, my old high school friends started talking about it in our long forgotten group chat. Most of us hadn't touched the game in years, and we never really had the time to game together anymore.
Well, we ended up playing again. Together. I know the whole thing was supposed to boycott the game, but honestly, it brought us closer than ever. We all set up goals on what skills we want to get 99 in and what PVM content we want to learn. To commit to our goals we all bought 1-year memberships since it was cheaper than paying monthly. We've been running 5-man raids together at the Tombs of Amascut ever since and having a blast.
So, we thank you, the osrs community, for sparking this unexpected reunion and bringing this wonderful game back into our lives. I guess it's true that you never quit OSRS, you just take long breaks.
submitted by CaptainPeppy to 2007scape [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:29 bbh1nz 💵🎉 $𝟮𝟬𝟱 𝗜𝗻 𝗖𝗮𝘀𝗵 𝗕𝗼𝗻𝘂𝘀𝗲𝘀 ✅️
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Chime $100
2025.01.24 18:29 Mean-University5281 Stuff abt my crush in class because my friends aren't available to listen
My friends have training and aren't available to listen and im quite literally jumping around like a child and giggling. I feel like a little girl and oh my god he is amazing. We sit together in class and first it was always me talking to him but now he is the one starting conversations instead.
I had a necklace of my country on it, none noticed it except my 2 friends but he noticed it and asked what country it was. I know its a small gesture but he is so adorable and his smile omg.
I was running late to class and didnt have time to put on my bracelet and i was struggling to put it on, HE PUT IT ON FOR MEEEEE. He is the best.
We had cooking class and our kitchens were right infront of eachother, he asked me how it was going and his friend and my other friends who dont know i like him immideatly started shipping us. He then said "what im just asking how its going" and then i said "we are classmates we talk its nomal" and then my friend says "your the only girl in class he talks with" I melted right there and then oh my goddd.
I was bored in class and started to draw him and it was horrible and i was dying of laughter in his face and he got msd at me. He is so cute when he is mad. Theres so much more but atp i think i will melt if i continue typing.
I cant imagine myself with anyone else he is perfect, i cant find any other guy attractive i get disgusted when a guy other then him tries anything with me.
ALSO today in class i sat with my friend and i had my phone on my desk. He came behind me and was so close to me and took my phone without me noticing, i turned around and looked up to him and said "what are you doing" AND OH MY GOD THAT STUPID SMILE OF HIS IS SO ADORABLE I CANT
submitted by Mean-University5281 to teenagers [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:29 ilovekickrolls Stream Arash - Tempation (Yetixz Bootleg)
submitted by ilovekickrolls to hardstyle [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 18:29 Zealousideal-Cat3185 First avoidant relationship.
He did the usual. Acted like the perfect person for like a month, did a one 180. Kept moving the goal post and making excuses of why he didn't want to be with me and then my dumbass actually believed he just needed more time or to work things out. He did this until the 5 month mark. He seemed like a nice person and I really liked him so I trusted that he wasn't leading me on. Then he told me he did want a relationship at first but his health issues were too bad and he just wanted things causal. I was upset bc I really liked him, started crying but saying "it's okay if you don't want to be with me". He ended up calling me later changing his mind AGAIN and now saying he talked to his roommate and he was just afraid because his health issues were soo bad. Then he started some bullshit where he kept bringing up his health issues and how he wasn't sure all the time. I told him that I didn't mind his health issues but that also it really hurt me when he did this bc it felt like constant rejection, and like I had to beg him to be with me. Eventually I got pissed and almost called the whole thing off, I sent him a long angry text. But he apologized and defended himself and my dumbass decided to believe him. Leading us to getting together. But I wasn't even happy it felt so wrong, like I had to beg him to be with me. Turns out I was right. Only two months later he breaks up with me over video games. The whole time we were together he would refuse to do anything with me but play video games or watch movies. He wouldn't even go out to eat with me, and I was always the one driving an hour to him bc of his health issues since I was trying to make things easier. But not only would he limit our activities to only two things he only ever wanted to play the games he liked. He even introduced me to some games I ended up liking and I would try to play those and it still wasn't good enough bc he would change his mind and not want to play them anymore. Obviously it was rough and I was always acting bored and disinterested with the lack of options. So that's why he broke up with me. Or at least that's what he claimed. I think it's bullshit and I tried to get him to admit that he just never really liked me but when I confronted him he claimed I was trying to force him to be in a relationship with me??? Which is the part that pisses me off the most. Like I'm literally complaining about how horrible you treated me and yet you are so narcissistic you think that's my attempt at getting back together???? I got more evidence that I was right bc unfortunately I do really like him (God knows why) and so I tried to be friends with him. Turns out he left me to get right into a relationship. It didn't work out but then he quickly got into a new relationship. And he admitted to me that the way I always felt about him is the way he feels about this new man. So basically I was a place holder bc he meet him before he meet me and him rejecting him was the only reason we got together. He also went to a bar with the new guy, the same bar that I asked multiple times to go to and he wouldn't, he is over coming his fear of driving to meet up with this new guy and is really excited to go on dates with him even though he always refused to go on dates with me. And it's fine that he never liked me but I'm so fucking pissed he took advantage of my trust and good faith and never even respected me enough to just tell the truth. But of course he didn't because he probably loved having a naive dumbass that he could just drag along as an ego boost. I'm so angry, insecure, and I feel like I can't trust people anymore. My mental health issues peaked to their most extreme when we were together and I'm still no longer as stable as before we got together. I thought it was a coincidence at first but I don't think so anymore. But he gets to just lie to me for 8 months and then have his happily ever after. The worst part is I still get the urge to text him. He is a horrible selfish person but yet I miss him. I wish I could have more self respect. I'm tired of letting him control my life and make me miserable. There's more but this is getting so long.
submitted by Zealousideal-Cat3185 to BreakUps [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:29 WhoIsBstep Bstep - Sophtware Update (2020)
submitted by WhoIsBstep to beats [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 18:29 iiammaje can someone give me a workout split ?
so i’ve been going to the gym but lately i’ve been feeling lost, my main goal is to grow my glutes and shrink my stomach, im already doing a calorie deficit!
submitted by iiammaje to workout [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:29 Howtobefreaky Possible to set a custom remote stream bitrate limit on server side?
So my goal is to let users watch most 4k streams, specifically of webdl movies, but not let them direct 4k remux movies, because sometimes their internet can't handle it and it chokes, and I worry about their data caps, as most people where I live have Comcast with a 1 TB upload speed.
I set my remote stream bitrate limit to 40 mbps but Plex still transcoded a 4k movie with about a 25 mbps bitrate down to 1080p. This surprised me and I made sure that my user had his internet streaming limit set to unlimited. Honestly I would be fine with going up to 60 mbps, but on the server side Plex only lets me set a maximum of 40 mbps before going up to unlimited. Is there a way to set a custom limit?
submitted by Howtobefreaky to PleX [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:29 Coaching_Toni Worauf achtest du am meisten wenn du einen Coach suchst ?
Ich arbeite derzeit daran wie ich mich auf den sozialen Medien positionieren kann. Mir ist super wichtig authentisch rüber zu kommen, gleichzeitig frage ich mich nach wem oder was Personen suchen wenn sie sich ein Coaching wünschen (Themengebiete wie bspw: berufliche Neuorientierung, Entscheidungssituationen) Happy to hear your thoughts !
submitted by Coaching_Toni to cologne [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:29 Feisty-Health9804 What could be done to improve Britain?
Constantly seeing negativity about Britain and how it is going down the pan. What do people think would actually improve the country?
Personally I think we need to move away from cars as the main mode of transport. My short 5 mile commute can easily take 30-40 minutes in the morning due to so much traffic. If I was able to cycle in it would take me a-lot less time and stress me out a hell of a lot less. Cycling in my local area however is very dangerous due to the tight, congested roads. I would also need a place to store my bike at work, however the boss has never responded to my request to park my bike.
I would also like to see less paperwork/form filling. I feel especially in the past 10 years the amount of personal admin people need to do has just skyrocketed, with the forms asking a constant stream of questions, often unrelated to what you want to do. I was bought up advising to keep a lot of my personal affairs private yet everyone everywhere seemingly wants streams of information which is often unrelated.
submitted by Feisty-Health9804 to Britain [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:29 Desperate-Bank-364 Got an internship offer at KPMG
I got an internship offer at KPMG for Winter 2026. I’ll be a senior by then. I’m very excited I got a internship offer by KPMG, but I have a situation. They gave me 2 weeks to decide to accept or decline. I have internship interviews with EY, RSM, Baker Tilly, and other firms. Should I accept the offer and still interview at the other firms? Any tips or help would be appreciated.
submitted by Desperate-Bank-364 to Accounting [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:29 Own_Lingonberry3139 How do i change colors of widgets?
The Google Clock and Spotify seem to have the same colors, Orange look. wanted to change them but i cannot find an option to do it. I am using a Honor M6Pro with MagicOS9.0
submitted by Own_Lingonberry3139 to AndroidQuestions [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:29 Potential_Bee_6121 I have a question
I know the Gunn verse is a different universe than the comics and since it's a different take, does that mean no matter who is casted that's not how the comic character would canonically look like if they were real? I honestly hope not because I like to imagine them myself. I'm still a bit new to this Gunnverse thing.
submitted by Potential_Bee_6121 to DCcomics [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:29 Euphoric-North600 One of my favourite panel
submitted by Euphoric-North600 to LobotomyKaisen [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 18:29 Correct_Regret_1984 I'm scared but also ready
Hello, I'm scheduled for a hysterectomy on February 13th, total but ideally keeping my ovaries. My surgeon believes he can do it outpatient laparoscopicly but I have had a few weird things that might complicate things and I was wondering if anyone else has had similar? I'm 40, childless by choice but I also have a golf ball sized fibroid that would have made it difficult to conceive. I have had PCOS since I was 16 or 17 and was put on birth control for that. In 2017 I had Roux N-Y Gastric Bypass and one of my doctors concerns is my intestines and any fusion that may have happened due to the surgery scar tissue. I'm pretty sure I have adenomyosis and probably endometriosis as well. My periods started getting really heavy and painful after my surgery and when I had a copper IUD placed. I had that removed in March of this year due to being in pain and when they did the pelvic ultrasound before they noticed the IUD was now in the wrong place. They put me on Nexplanon after to test it and oh my freaking god I bled for months straight. I finally got that devil stick 😂 out of me last Friday but when my OB-Gyn was doing a last appointment pelvic exam he noticed that my uterus had tilted backwards because of course it would. An ultrasound confirmed it yesterday so I'm just waiting on the results from that. I think for some reason I'm most scared of having an 'open' abdominal surgery. I'm very active as I teach yoga almost every night, but my desk job is currently WFH.
LONG STORY SHORT...HAHA...Has anyone had anything I mentioned. How was recovery, etc? I'm ready for this bitch uterus to evacuate the premises, but I'm also scared.
submitted by Correct_Regret_1984 to hysterectomy [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:29 Familiar_Doughnut_92 “Light the fireplace and fetch my slippers, Synful is preparing pumpkin soup for supper” - Spettrocat (life at Chateau Goliath)
Ex-2b2t, now exclusively on pANARCHY submitted by Familiar_Doughnut_92 to PanAnarchy [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 18:29 Particular-Poet-9180 Adept audio ADS12
submitted by Particular-Poet-9180 to hometheatersetups [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:29 BillDingProduct Where can I hire someone to grab two chairs from Palm Springs and bring them to me in San Diego?
Found a great craigslist deal and would love to avoid the 5 hour round trip drive. Must be some college kids with trucks who do this stuff?
submitted by BillDingProduct to asksandiego [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:29 Ella_blue25 مطاعم اسكندريه
ايه المطاعم اللي مفوتهاش يا شباب اسكندريه؟🙏🏻 و احسن مكان مشويات و فطير شرقي و سمك🫱🏻🫲🏼
submitted by Ella_blue25 to AlexandriaEgy [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 18:29 MommyCamillaHatesMe MSPaint Baldr working at the airport
submitted by MommyCamillaHatesMe to FireEmblemHeroes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 18:29 astr0_24 no money yet
So my financial aid covers for the most part except that i owe $600 which i currently don’t have. i have a hold on my account for no enrollment or diploma since I haven’t paid the amount yet. I keep getting messages telling me to pay today by 1PM but i genuinely don’t have the money and the middle class scholarship should be helping with the rest but we haven’t gotten that either. does anyone know what to do or know if i will be dropped if i don’t pay by 1pm today?
submitted by astr0_24 to csuf [link] [comments]