AITA for not giving up my airplane seat to a plus-sized passenger?

2025.01.24 20:41 AITAplanedrama AITA for not giving up my airplane seat to a plus-sized passenger?

So, this happened on a recent flight, and I’m still unsure if I handled it correctly. I booked an aisle seat on a long-haul flight because I get a bit claustrophobic in the middle or window seats. It was a small luxury I paid extra for since it makes traveling way more comfortable for me.
When I got to my seat, a woman who was clearly plus-sized was already sitting there. I politely told her it was my seat, and she explained she’d switched because she needed more room. She was originally assigned a middle seat a few rows back and said the aisle seat would give her a bit more space.
I get that flying isn’t fun for anyone, especially if you’re not fitting comfortably in the seat, but I explained that I specifically paid extra for this seat. She asked me again, almost pleading, saying it was really hard for her to sit in the middle seat and that I “looked small enough to handle it.”
At this point, I refused. I told her I understood her frustration but that she should speak to the flight attendants if she needed accommodations, not just take someone else’s seat. The flight attendant eventually got involved and asked if I could move, but I reiterated that I didn’t want to. They ended up moving her to a different aisle seat a few rows up, but she gave me a death glare every time she walked by during the flight.
After the flight, a woman sitting nearby said I was “cold” and should have just switched because I could’ve “been more understanding.” Now I’m wondering—should I have just sucked it up for the sake of compassion?
submitted by AITAplanedrama to AITAH [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:41 glidejanger I just heard on Philly radio that 1/3 of ticket sales have been from Washington, DC

Better be you guys.
submitted by glidejanger to Commanders [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:41 IndependenceShort489 France robichaud

France robichaud ta mariee ma queue Jai mariee ton cul
submitted by IndependenceShort489 to Spravato [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:41 GameProfessional 🏆 Game Professional | 2023 Kia K5 EX

🏆 Game Professional | 2023 Kia K5 EX submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:41 Few-Nectarine-8053 Starter problems

I've had this starter for 10 days now and it seems there is no bubbles or activity. I fed it once a day for the first week and then started twice a day because I put it on a heating pad. My house is cold so I put it on heating mat which is about 5-10 degrees warmer than the air. Any advice?
submitted by Few-Nectarine-8053 to SourdoughStarter [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:41 Jaded_Cicada_7614 Don't let the Billionaires define success. We can create our own definition of the American Dream.

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2025.01.24 20:41 GameProfessional ⬆️ Up Auto Shop | 2023 Kia K5 EX

⬆️ Up Auto Shop | 2023 Kia K5 EX submitted by GameProfessional to upautoshop [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:41 Ornage_crush There Needs To Be a Warning Label

on the dash of the CL-9 TSX saying: "Caution. use of this Vehicle has a high likelihood of turning you into an asshole."
I consider myself a very safe driver. Whem I drive my Sequoia...and even when I C5 Corvette, I rarely drove at more than the speed of traffic. I stuck to right lane(s). I drove prudently and safely. I have not had any type of ticket in 20 years...exept for when they changed the speed limit on a drove I travel daily.
The corvette is sold and the Sequoia is getting a transmission rebuild, so I'm driving my daughter's '05 TSX.
Today, my neighbor sends me a text saying:
"Dude. Saw you pulling into the neighborhood today while I was walking my dog. I literally saw your rear tire come off the road. You might want to slow down before the old ladies start bitching."
It really is true what they say about it being more fun to drive a "slow" car fast than a fast car slow. I never had this much fun in the Vette.
submitted by Ornage_crush to AcuraTSX [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:41 Liquin44 Modern Day Silo?

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2025.01.24 20:41 GameProfessional 🏆 Game Professional | 2023 Kia K5 EX Seller: jacobsmitsubishi (0.0% positive feedback)Location: USCondition: UsedPrice: 22890.00 USDBuy It Now

🏆 Game Professional | 2023 Kia K5 EX Seller: jacobsmitsubishi (0.0% positive feedback)Location: USCondition: UsedPrice: 22890.00 USDBuy It Now submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:41 GasVarGames 6MO monitor, MIO-LCD 1440p 165hz 27in

6MO monitor, MIO-LCD 1440p 165hz 27in It's barely noticeable unless it's on white background, is this fixable? What even is this and what caused it? My country is currently under a heatwave of 30ºC ambient temperature, could've that caused it?
I already called warranty and gonna bring it there for a checkup in a week.
submitted by GasVarGames to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

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Eye Color? Is it green oder
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2025.01.24 20:41 GameProfessional ⬆️ Up Auto Shop | 2023 Kia K5 EXSeller: jacobsmitsubishi (0.0% positive feedback)Location: USCondition: UsedPrice: 22890.00 USDBuy It Now

submitted by GameProfessional to upautoshop [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:41 Royal-Ad6242 What causes this

What causes this Cleaned tank filter and changed water. 3rd time this happens after about 2-3 days?? There is a plant, could it be that?
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NKD² - Titanium Marfione RL Stitch & Merrican Double Ultimatum Hollowgrind Damascus/Damascus+Titanium Epic mail call today
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2025.01.24 20:41 Visible_Rate_5988 College Essay Help

I just finished my admission essay, but I’d like a few people to critique it and let me know what you think
submitted by Visible_Rate_5988 to CollegeEssays [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:41 GameProfessional 🏆 Game Professional | 2020 Aston Martin DB11 V8 $244K MSRP

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2025.01.24 20:41 Sherman140824 Irritability after cardio

Could there be a pathological reason for this? I can't run more than ten minutes, which means I'm out of shape. I have irritability that lasts for the whole day afterwards.
submitted by Sherman140824 to PeterAttia [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:41 GameProfessional ⬆️ Up Auto Shop | 2020 Aston Martin DB11 V8 $244K MSRP

⬆️ Up Auto Shop | 2020 Aston Martin DB11 V8 $244K MSRP submitted by GameProfessional to upautoshop [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:41 wolfstryder 5800x3D + 7900 XT lifespan

I know this kinda a stupid speculative question, but I’m interested in what others think on the subject. I have a 5800x3D and a 7900 XT. How long do you think this combo will last at playing 1440p games at a high framerate? Upgrading the 7900 XT down the road is easy, but upgrading the CPU is going to require a platform switch as it’s the best gaming cpu for the AM4 socket. I was hoping I could make it to at least 2029 :)
submitted by wolfstryder to radeon [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:41 Business-Low-3317 what is going on with my skin??

what is going on with my skin?? please help. ive been going to DRS about this and nobody has been able to help me. my eyelids get swollen, itchy, painful and extremely scaly. I get patches of this on my neck, and now on my chin. I couldn’t stop itching my chin and now it is leaking some sort of fluid. someone pls help i’m at my wits end
submitted by Business-Low-3317 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:41 Best_Independent_263 Dolandırıldım. Ne yapabilirim?

3 hafta önce çamaşır makinamız bozuldu ve kardeşim Google'den bir servis şirketi aradı ve biz onları vestel şirketini sanıyorduk ama değillermiş.
Perşembe gününde almışlar ve pazartesi günü geri getireceğiz dediler ama şu ana kadar getirmediler. Arıyoruz onları bu 3 hafta çok zamanlar cevap vermiyorlar ve yüzümüzde kapatıyorlar ve ya açtığı zamanda bize bağırıyorlar neden bize arıyorsunuz diye. Ben biraz önce Google ilk kere onların numarasına baktım ve öğrendim gerçek bir şirket değilmişler ve insanların cihazları alıp onlara diyorlar 1 , 2 ve ya 3 parça bozuk yaptıracağız diyorlar ve çok para alıyorlar ve bir kaç gün sonra cihaz bozuluyor ve bir daha cevap vermiyorlar. Bize ilk bir motor bozuk demişler sonra 2 tane olduğunu söylemişler ve 9 bin istemişler ama şuana kadar para almadılar sadece makine onlarda.
Ve "Şikayet var" sitesinde bir sürü insanlar orada yazmışlar bu şirket dolandırıcı ve Şikayetleri az önce gördük ve öğrendik.
Evimizde kameralar var ve onların yüzüleri belli olması lazım ve arabasıları da ve mesajlar var.
Ben yabancıyım ve yeni Türkçe öğreniyorum o sebeple yazma hatalarım olabilir. Neyse ben sizden öneri ve tavsiye istiyorum
Ik the answer will be call the police but I probably wrote to just get it off my chest and guys I can't take anything and my exam is tomorrow morning so please I don't need no bad comments at all especially rn.
submitted by Best_Independent_263 to Turkey [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:41 Pretty_Psychology188 Werteinschätzung Goldmünzen

Werteinschätzung Goldmünzen Kann mir jemand bei der Identifizierung und Werteinschätzung der beiden Münzen helfen? Besonders zu der linken „Bad Rappenau“ Münze habe ich keinerlei Informationen gefunden. Auch nicht mit Bildersuche. Ich bin für jede Hilfe dankbar
submitted by Pretty_Psychology188 to Muenzen [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:41 BlessedwithaBurden Buyback complete for 1/2 of my sisters loans

On a previous post,i shared that I submitted a buyback request for 10 months on my sisters behalf on 2/15/2024. The notice with the buyback offer came on 12/9/2024 (it was a good offer, for the record), and she submitted the payment on 12/13/2024 to MOHELA. She designated the payment to the specific loan listed in the buyback offer (the other loan she has wasn’t eligible yet due to consolidation). Today at 2:01pm EST, she received the letter from Student Aid saying she was forgiven. Her loan is currently still reflected on StudentAid and Mohela, but I assume that will come later according to other success stories.
NOTE: while MOHELA hadn’t communicated that her loan had been forgiven, her tax statement loan interest seemed to reflect the paid off amount (I.e. it said she paid $XX,XXX in student loan interest when she’s been in forbearance almost the entire year — only made 2 or 3 payments in 2024 due to SAVE program).
submitted by BlessedwithaBurden to PSLF [link] [comments]