Report: Kamala Harris Consulted Hillary Clinton on Dealing with Trump Loss

2025.01.24 20:40 dirtyharrison Report: Kamala Harris Consulted Hillary Clinton on Dealing with Trump Loss

Report: Kamala Harris Consulted Hillary Clinton on Dealing with Trump Loss submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:40 Dc7u GTA 5 Lamance mod menu not working 11.0 fw

hey all, im currently having problems loading the lamance mod menu through the karo host 11.0 fw. When i try to load the payload it just gets stuck on "Payload sending... please wait" and i have been waiting for about 10-15 minutes, i have tried loading and unloading the binloader server in gold hen settings and restarting my ps4 but nothing seems to work, am i doing something wrong? any help is appreciated :)
submitted by Dc7u to ps4homebrew [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:40 Formal-Leather-9197 offer takebacks

i got an offer to a programme but then received another one and decided to accept that one instead. but im wondering if i could possible take back the offer and go back to the one i originally accepted.
submitted by Formal-Leather-9197 to CityU [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:40 Available-Stop896 PASM vs SPASM in Midwest USA

I know the group in general tends to favor SPASM, but is there anyone from the Midwest or even more specifically Minnesota who daily drives their Cayman, takes it to the lake on summer weekends, who can give some advice. I’m building a GTS and I want SPASM but I don’t want to limit my driving because it’s constantly bottoming out on these shit roads or I can’t take it up north because it’s not gonna get down the road to the cabin
submitted by Available-Stop896 to Porsche_Cayman [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:40 dirtyharrison Blue State Blues - America Must Demand Change Before Bailing Out California

Blue State Blues - America Must Demand Change Before Bailing Out California submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:40 inlighternewsforreal Zine Advice- Design and Print

Zine Advice- Design and Print Hello zine publishers,
What’s the best approach for small batch zine design and print? Our needs are similar to attached quotation from Mixam— in other words this isn’t bespoke. It’s recycled, it’s small and stapled.
I have all content ready to go for the Zine and will make this a regular quarterly print for customers.
I love Mixam for printing small quantities - 100 for first run could expand - pricing is good
I also love a lot of Canva and Adobe templates
I don’t need to reinvent the wheel- what’s the best way to do this? 2 apps - one for design and one for print
Or is there a one stop shop you love?
submitted by inlighternewsforreal to zines [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:40 Sausage_Fingers Spreading for awareness

Spreading for awareness Mods, please remove if not allowed, but the LoVE Foundation has asked for the attached to be shared within DMB communities as an FYI.
submitted by Sausage_Fingers to DMB [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:40 cheque94 BEYOND WONDERLAND SOCAL

I have 2 VIP Beyond Socal tickets for sale $320 each. can show proof of purchase. can meet up in Los Angeles.
submitted by cheque94 to festivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:40 artistdies Sapphires are my favorite :)

Sapphires are my favorite :) Got the new bling from Milksapphire on Etsy, I'm in love with their gems.
submitted by artistdies to Gemstones [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:40 Blowjobs4TheHomeless A group of nerds thwart the CIA with the help of a chronic masturbator who can talk God

submitted by Blowjobs4TheHomeless to ExplainAFilmPlotBadly [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:40 Parking_War_4100 That would be quite a baby.

That would be quite a baby. submitted by Parking_War_4100 to funnysigns [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:40 Eternall_Lurker “Fifty Years”, a sequel to "Breakfast in Bed". @swinsea on tumblr

“Fifty Years”, a sequel to submitted by Eternall_Lurker to MascGal_X_FemGuy [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:40 dirtyharrison Exclusive -- Rep. Ashley Hinson on DOGE: 'We're Talking in the Trillions of Cuts'

Exclusive -- Rep. Ashley Hinson on DOGE: 'We're Talking in the Trillions of Cuts' submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:40 stellaforstarrr sometimes i do not understand why a video is getting views

sometimes i do not understand why a video is getting views like this is getting barely any engagement, why is the algorithm still pushing it, not that i'm complaining LOL
submitted by stellaforstarrr to Tiktokhelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:40 Leon1234100 How much population is equivalent to a national focus?

I have more than 200,000 population and the necessary technology for 2 national focus, however I can only have 1, not even 1.32 for example, exactly 1 national focus, any help will be appreciated.
submitted by Leon1234100 to victoria2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:40 No-Beyond9457 Jogos Exclusivos

Vejo muitos posts e comentários não só aqui, mas em outras redes sociais criticando jogos exclusivos, mas eu tenho uma visão diferente e gostaria de compartilhar.
Os principais argumentos que vejo hoje é: "hardware se tornou irrelevante, ganha quem fizer o melhor jogo". Eu não poderia discordar mais. Talvez para a galerinha que só jogou do ps2 para cima não faça diferença, mas quem já jogou um No More Heroes pelo controle de movimento no Wii (é uma delícia controlar os movimentos de Wrestling com Travis) ou The World Ends With You no DS (controlar dois personagens um em cada tela era muito bacana) jogou Kid Icarus no 3DS ou mesmo um Arms no Switch sabe que essas experiências em um controle normal não seriam a mesma coisa. Eu resolvi rejogar NMH na Steam é uma experiência medíocre em comparação com jogar no Wii.
Não preciso nem focar só na Nintendo, aqui em casa, a maior diversão com meus amigos e até com meus pais era jogar Kinect Sports pelo Kinect do Xbox 360, eles amavam jogar Golf, dardos e boliche.
PsVr foi uma sacada muito boa da Sony, o único console de mesa atualmente que proporciona isso, e tem experiências muito bacanas nele, a própria realidade virtual em si é outra que sofre muitas críticas e eu poderia fazer um post só falando sobre.
De Playstation eu nem preciso me limitar ao Vr, o próprio Dualsense com suas funções táteis e alguns jogos como Astrobot são uma experiência muito superior e melhores com essas funções. No próprio TLOU2 tem aquele momento que você pode tocar violão só passando o dedo no touch do controle, fiquei bobo de ver, uma feature que é "desnecessária" mas é tão legal que eles tenham colocado que a experiência do jogo se torna mais prazerosa, e isso sem falar em jogos como o Wolverine que pelos vazamentos, vai utilizar muito dessas funções também, eu nem tenho Ps5, mas fico feliz demais pelo pessoal que vai aproveitar essas features bacanas e pelo meu herói favorito ganhar mais um game, um dia eu experimento ele, e caso não consiga, fico feliz pelo pessoal. Vi recentemente que o Xbox anunciou um controle com funções parecidas com a do Dualsense, e tinha muita gente desdenhando, eu fiquei foi feliz que o Xbox tenha se inovado, teria ficado mais ainda se ele vier com mais funcionalidades que o Dualsense e jogos exclusivos para aproveitar isso ao máximo.
Outra que eu vejo é: "Mas exclusivos nem todos tem acesso" tem muitas coisas que eu gostaria de ter mas não posso também, e eu não preciso ficar com isso de "se eu não tenho, ninguém pode ter" se aquele console com aquelas particularidades me agrada mais, eu vou nele, se não, vou no outro. Quando lançou o Ps5, teve aquele problema do estoque esgotar rápido, e mesmo quando voltou, ainda era muito caro, nisso, a Internet chovia de comentários do pessoal criticando no começo jogos que saiam só para Ps5 que segundo eles "podia ter saído no ps4 também" e hoje são os mesmos que criticam o Ps5 ser um emulador de Ps4, mas é como eu disse, é o tal do pensamento do "se eu não posso ter, ninguém pode".
Aconteceu até com Realidade Virtual, quando eles anunciaram o Batman Arkham Shadow, antes de sequer lançar um trailer de gameplay do jogo, a comunidade estava dizendo que era um lixo, canalzinho dizendo que o jogo era patético por ser de vr, tipo, o jogo não tem gameplay, não tem vazamentos nem nada para opinar, mas ele é simplesmente patético porque não lançou na plataforma que você queria? "Lançou para vr, nao tenho e não gosto de vr, logo o jogo é lixo". Caralho cara, vai ser mesquinho assim no inferno.... (e por ironia ele foi eleito como melhor jogo VR de 2024).
Enfim, no geral eu também não sou totalmente a favor de exclusividade, por exemplo, comprar exclusividade de jogos, isso eu acho ridículo, um jogo que claramente é Third party, feito para ser jogado em qualquer plataforma, ter essa limitação, isso sim eu não gosto, como é o caso dos remakes de FF 7. Mas quando é uma exclusividade em que o jogo é pensado para aquela plataforma e utilizando todas as funcionalidades dela, eu não tenho nada que reclamar, algumas das melhores experiências com jogos que já tive foram com esses exclusivos.
submitted by No-Beyond9457 to gamesEcultura [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:40 Hot_Salamander_4363 Twitter and all Meta links/screenshots are now banned

In common with numerous other subbreddits, please note that due to recent changes to Meta's terms of service specifically allowing hate speech against LGBT people, and Elon Musks Hitler salute links to Twitter and Meta are now banned on this subreddit.
submitted by Hot_Salamander_4363 to londonlgbt [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:40 Fluid_Shift_5386 WHO freezes hiring, restricts travel after US withdrawal

WHO freezes hiring, restricts travel after US withdrawal submitted by Fluid_Shift_5386 to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:40 thehealthytreatments Imagine seeing your perfect smile before the process even begins! That’s what Barbara experienced with our Digital Smile Design at Thehealthytreatment 🌟

Imagine seeing your perfect smile before the process even begins! That’s what Barbara experienced with our Digital Smile Design at Thehealthytreatment 🌟 submitted by thehealthytreatments to DentalVeneersColombia [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:40 WarBlogle Podcast #20: Auburn Gets Terrible Road Treatment, ESPN’s College Gameday is Coming, and a Rant on Scared Fans

Podcast #20: Auburn Gets Terrible Road Treatment, ESPN’s College Gameday is Coming, and a Rant on Scared Fans submitted by WarBlogle to warblogle [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:40 HeyZeGaez I don't understand Assassins Creed 3

I haven't finished yet but am on sequence 8 but so far
this game is bad. I have never been so bored in my life.
I don't care about any of the Templar targets. Aside from just barely Thomas Hickey and Charles Lee himself. Hickey cause he was annoying in the prologue and Charles Lee because he's the only one Connor actually has motivation or desire to kill
And Connor is forcibly and lazily shoe-horned in to every single major event in the American Revolution despite neither I the player nor Connor the character wanting to help the revolutionaries.
It just feels like both Connor and I are being blatantly used to achieve exclusively their goals for no reward.
There's practically NO side quests. The world is empty and boring. And the writing is god awful. Things just happen and people just say things because the plot has to happen. Yes, I know that's "how stories work" but I mean they seemingly have no motivation or defined character.
This was the game I was most excited for and now I honestly don't even want to play anymore.
Also glad to see 3 started the trend of ripping you out of the Animus to do basically nothing for 20 minutes before saying "Hey you should get back in the animus." Thanks. I could have just stayed there.
Don't get me wrong. I love Connor, he's been one of my favorite protagonists so far but he's so horribly fit in this story. He should not have been front and center meeting every American historical figure every 2 seconds.
The Assassin's are presumably dead in America Connor should have been operating totally in the shadow of the revolutionaries, uninvolved but present. He also should have been given more motivation to actually kill the Templars. Yes they wanted his land and killed his mom but he never seems particularly upset by that. He expressed more desire to murder Charles Lee when he beat him up in the woods as a kid than the entire rest of the game.
Also the weirdly unexplained qualms Connor has with killing his father whom he never met and never knew Connor existed, who was presumably at least by extension responsible for his mother's murder.
There should have been and hopefully there maybe still is a point where Connor splits off from the revolutionaries and refuses to work with them because they've just been using him.
Like Connor doing the Boston tea party was okay and at minimum made sense
When they had Connor be part of Paul Revere's midnight ride my immediate reaction was "This is stupid and sucks"
Idk gang. Am I missing something?
submitted by HeyZeGaez to assassinscreed [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:40 BillNyeTheTacoGuy Ironically influencer lifestyles are philosophically ideal. Basic and luxury needs can be met by sharing experiences with others

submitted by BillNyeTheTacoGuy to HighThought [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:40 13WITTLE13 My pc keeps frezing

Whenever I'm on fortnite and press windows either instantly or a few seconds later everything freezes, my USB ports stop working and the only way to fix it is to hold down the power button on my pc case and then turn it back on. It only happens if in on fortnite but no other games or apps. Also my pin said it doesn't work anymore and needs to be reset but one I click the button to reset it nothing happens.
submitted by 13WITTLE13 to pchelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:40 social-throwaway-24 SHOT week items from Walther

SHOT week items from Walther
Just came over email
submitted by social-throwaway-24 to Walther [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 20:40 jalexander519 DIALGA NOW! 6144 9208 2987 ADD FAST 5 MIN LEFT!

submitted by jalexander519 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]