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2025.01.24 23:19 arturnotfound New sneakers soon, opinions?
They look good, but the detail is missing imo, too basic submitted by arturnotfound to travisscott [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:19 Irene0fAthen Greek Mythology RP interests you? Heres a good rp discord server
We are a Greek Mythology RP taking place in ancient Greece. We have fans of EPIC the musical, Percy Jackson/CHB, Hades the game, Hadestown, TOSA, Lore Olympus, or actual mythology. All is welcomed!
2025.01.24 23:19 epicboy0981 roses are red, I don't think I'm dead,
submitted by epicboy0981 to rosesarered [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:19 HiradC Some questions
Couple thoughts.
Has anyone ever tried using tritilyte(sp?) Bombs on dreadnoughts? Would require some specific timing but wondered if it would work well. Seeing as if you get a good spawn usually a solo can complete the event itself.
Also I keep seeing a message that a blocked user has sent a message. I do block the odd person if say they have open mic not on comms and have lots of obnoxious background noise (can hear their game more than mine) but I've checked profiles and had this on players I don't have blocked/muted. I'm on xbox, any idea why this happens and if I can do anything to fix. I play plenty of crossplay games, have xbox privacy setting that allows crossplay and get messages from people on pc and xbox come through. I don't know if I'm actually playing with people on steam etc?
submitted by HiradC to DeepRockGalactic [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:19 returnoftheK1nG For sale in Acme, PA
submitted by returnoftheK1nG to CrackheadCraigslist [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:19 1_The_Zucc_1 why is it usually jay alone when live?
as far as i know the band is jay and dan, but any live performances are almost always just jay. why is that?
submitted by 1_The_Zucc_1 to crywank [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:19 Even_Serve6268 Warning !
Hey everyone just a heads up theres a lot of immigration lawyer scams going on right now with everything thats happening! If someone reaches out or you find a lawyer online do your research specially with pro bono lawyers they are scamming people out of thousands of dollars.
submitted by Even_Serve6268 to immigration [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:19 nirghata Face structure and stuttering
Essentially, the fat deposits on my face are placed weirdly. I’ve been sucking in and biting on my cheeks + tensing my facial muscles constantly since age 11. I think that contributed to my stutter - haven’t been able or willing to rest my face for fear of looking like a potato.
I’m booking a plastic surgery consultation soon. Hopefully by summer this issue will be solved, and then I can focus on speaking without simultaneously being worried about how my face looks!
submitted by nirghata to Stutter [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:19 beatboxlover912 Imam samo zanat zavrsen i to mi stvara problem u zivotu
pozdrav svima,
Kao sto sam naveo u naslovu, imam samo 3 godine srednje skole zavrsene, iako mi to ne pravi problem u zivotu u smislu posla, novca i slicnog, pravi mi problem u smislu kontakta sa ljudima.
Toliko ljudi me gleda kao niže od sebe, samo zbog mog obrazovanja, iako za sebe smatram da sam "relativno pametan".
Znam dosta stvari sto se tice informatike, muzike, grafickog dizajna, video produkcije, automehanike, auto elektrike, elektroenergetike itd. Ali opet 90% vremene ne dodjem u situaciju gdje ljudima mogu pokazati da imam znanje i da je ta bijedna diploma sto imam samo rezultat lošeg drustva i losih zivotnih izbora.
Ovo mi ne bi pravilo toliki problem da nisam dosao u situaciju gdje majka moje cure njoj stalno pere mozak kako ne bi trebala biti sa mnom zato sto sam ja neskolovan, necu joj priustiti dobar zivot, i zauvijek cu biti "seljak" bez skole.
To me stvarno povrijedilo i evo vec 3 dana samo mislim o tome i ne znam kako da pobjegnem od toga, takodjer moja trenutna raja je sva na fakultetima, ispija kafe, ide po klubovima, dok ja sam kompletno ispao iz igre i imam osjecaj kao da mi je 90 godina.
Znam da vrijedim i znam vise nego sto taj papir pokazuje, svaki posao koji sam radio sam zakucao, u zadnjoj firmi kojoj radim sam sef smjene nakon 5 mjeseci staza, i to ne mislim da bih sebe podigao i nekog spustio, nego samo zato sto mi je samopouzdanje propalo u zemlju, pogotovo odrastajuci u Sarajevu gdje niko vise ne zeli da radi neki "seljacki" posao, nego svi zele da su "guzonje", tako kad ja dodjem i kazem radim kao vozac, magacioner, prodavac, komercijalista, svi me gledaju kao da sam najveci levat u BiH.
Hvala Bogu cura mi je znatno normalnija od svoje majke, tako da nemam problema s tim, ali idalje me boli kad cujem to od svoje buduce punice
submitted by beatboxlover912 to bih [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:19 HonkMafa Spinach fork shrimp pile
submitted by HonkMafa to shrimptank [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:19 throwaway1987- Would you sell part of a boxset individually?
My friend wants to buy Ferris Wheel On Fire by Neutral Milk Hotel. It's my least favorite from them, so I'm considering it. It can't be bought individually so I'd have to buy a whole new boxset to get it again.
I don't know if it's an autism thing but I also feel guilty not having a full boxset anymore. Should I sell it?
submitted by throwaway1987- to teenagers [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:19 HurshySqurt Give y'all one guess as to which neighborhood is my favorite
submitted by HurshySqurt to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:19 Unlucky-08 Uvita question.Best things to do outdoors? Things to avoid? There’s any places to go dancing or good places to eat?
I will be going the first week of February!
submitted by Unlucky-08 to CostaRicaTravel [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:19 RainbowTeachercorn Someone has a leak in their roof because their LL is a cheapskate.
What he doesn't realise is that the silicone is a bandaid fix at best. It deteriorates in the sun and will already be letting a small amount of water in, probably causing mould in the ceiling. But it's fine, he saved the cost of fixing the roof properly and will probably try to keep the bond or blame the tenant for bot informing him of the leak! submitted by RainbowTeachercorn to shitrentals [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:19 Branco1988 Gratefull for this message (translation below)
Hello all,
First post here and thought I'd share this little gem. For context, I've been trying to be there for my neighbour who struggles with anxiety (and more). Today he gave me this "little" gift as a token of his gratitude, and I'm gratefull in return.
The translation:
"Dear neighbour,
Thank you for being so kind and helpfull while I confront my little fights with fear. Your help with throwing out the trash, your kind words and supportive conversations have ment a lot to me. As a token of appreciation I've made this little 3d printed trashcan to symbolize how your kindness has lightend by burdens. It's a small reminder of how much I appreciate your support.
With sincere gratitude"
How nice is that!?
Have a great day ya'll.
submitted by Branco1988 to gratitude [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:19 cobycoby2020 FKA Twigs Esexua listening parties?
Kind of a stretch but is there any going on this weekend? Ty in advance.
submitted by cobycoby2020 to DCGaybros [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:19 AnAverageName_ Arcane is actually about how bad Jinx is when it comes to using explosives, despite being what she's known for
submitted by AnAverageName_ to arcane [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:19 nerdy8675309 Soft Mutton Chops
Tried mutton chops and noticed that the look is very.. conditional. It fits certain atmospheres and you need to dress for the beard, rather than the beard compliment your dress. I think this is a nice in-between. Something that's different than a short beard, long beard, or stubble. Stands out without having need to be a Film Star, biker, or civil war veteran. submitted by nerdy8675309 to beards [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:19 manogrande Random Noble from house Kuznetsov. "May We Never Sink"
2025.01.24 23:19 Informal_Result_6379 Well, Well, Well
submitted by Informal_Result_6379 to trippieredd [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:19 queerclara I don’t demand submission—it’s the natural order of the universe. and you, sweet feet freak, are just fighting destiny by denying yourself the pleasure of worshipping a findomme so perfect in every way
submitted by queerclara to findommes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:19 Miss_Red_Vegan Heading to a friend’s bday party
submitted by Miss_Red_Vegan to Missredvegan [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:19 Electronic-Box7927 How is like living in Trumps presidency?
submitted by Electronic-Box7927 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 23:19 Eagru Bought a magazine demo disc from April 2000 that contains a very old Counterstrike demo!
3rd image is my full collection of special rare counterstrike discs submitted by Eagru to counterstrike [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 23:19 milessupshur Coyle Fanart ⚡️
art by me. Please don’t reupload! submitted by milessupshur to OutlastTrials [link] [comments] |