All right.. which one of you did this?

2025.01.24 23:40 Conscious_Nobody_520 All right.. which one of you did this?

All right.. which one of you did this? submitted by Conscious_Nobody_520 to phonelosers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:40 stargirlllllllllll Che significa questo comportamento??

Scusate lo sfogo ma mi sento veramente tanto confusa e questa situazione mi fa soffrire. In pratica io sono stata lasciata quattro mesi fa dopo una relazione di 2 anni e mezzo. Il mio ex mentre mi stava lasciando mi disse che voleva che restassimo amici perché non voleva perdermi, perché non riusciva ad immaginare una vita senza di me tutto questo con le lacrime agli occhi. Io in quel momento chiaramente ero molto agitata (anche perché non mi aspettavo assolutamente che mi lasciasse) gli ho risposto male, lui cercava di abbracciarmi e io mi allontanavo. I giorni dopo io l'ho implorato di tornare insieme, sono corsa sotto casa sua a piedi, gli ho spiegato tutti i motivi per cui i problemi di cui ha parlato si potevano risolvere ecc e niente. Allora piano piano sono riuscita a distaccarmi con estrema difficoltà ma ha iniziato ad andare meglio dopo il primo mese assolutamente orribile in cui abbiamo litigato più volte. Abbiamo fatto no contact e io in qualche modo ho recuperato un po' di equilibrio mentale e mi sono sentita pronta per essere sua amica. Io ora lo so che non si dovrebbe essere amici degli ex ma specifico innanzitutto che siamo stati migliori amici per due anni prima di fidanzarci quindi questo rende tutto molto più doloroso, ma poi, cosa ben più importante, lui soffre di depressione e ha tentato il suicidio a Natale e io volevo stargli accanto nonostante tutto e cercare di capire i segni prima per evitare che faccia cazzate di nuovo. Comunque io lo vedo veramente tanto freddo, gli scrivo sempre io per prima e mi sembra che non gli faccia piacere sentirmi. Ma allora il senso di stare tre ore a piangermi dicendo che aveva paura che lasciandomi mi avrebbe persa??? Stava fingendo? Io non lo capisco. Lui dice che ci tiene ancora a me e mi vuole ancora bene ma di fatto non lo dimostra. Inoltre ci siamo visti tipo una settimana fa e ci siamo abbracciati per dieci minuti e mi ha detto di essergli mancata tantissimo, poi il gelo dopo in chat. Ripeto che il pensiero di non saperne più niente di lui mi mette troppa ansia perché vorrei almeno sapere se è vivo o no
submitted by stargirlllllllllll to psicologia [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:40 Ill_Researcher_5653 Anyone know what year this is?

Anyone know what year this is? submitted by Ill_Researcher_5653 to Silverado [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:40 RainDapper4182 3 day hole in itinerary

Hi all,
Going to Japan in 2 weeks. Tokyo, Hakone, Osaka, Kyoto and then have 3 days that we haven't decided on yet. We originally thought maybe we would go to Nagano and visit the snow monkey park but I'm not sold on this idea as I'm unsure there would be enough there to keep us interested for 3 days.
Could anyone recommend somewhere that's reasonably easily accessible from Osaka and back to Tokyo. We would love somewhere where we could experience some nature without renting a car or taking long bus rides. We thought the Japanese alps might be a ciol place to go. Open to any suggestions though!
submitted by RainDapper4182 to JapanTravelTips [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:40 TopWave2195 Cash turned 11 weeks yesterday 😭

Cash turned 11 weeks yesterday 😭 submitted by TopWave2195 to CaneCorso [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:40 Prudent_Aardvark_247 Where can I get Single-Breasted Frockcoat?

Hi everyone,
I'm looking for the frockcoat, but it must be single-breasted.
but all stores [including online ones, ebay, etsy...] sell only double-breasted ones. of course I know that DB is more popular than SB when it comes to frockcoats.
If I can I want black one (I'm making my avater and its outfit should be frockcoat. I want information about the texture and comfort), but when there is no Black SB one, I will buy the other colour.
Do any of you know where can I get single-breasted frockcoat?
submitted by Prudent_Aardvark_247 to VintageFashion [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:40 wealthparlay Chart looks terrible

Any person looking at that would think this was just a pump and dead forever. But we all know what's coming in this market. Only a matter of time before it wakes up. What makes any other non utility coin worth more? The "just buy $1 worth" won't go away. As long as there are believers that we can get there, we eventually will.
submitted by wealthparlay to 1DollarTo1DollarSol [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:40 Informationno5371 05d0cbb5e9d9f161738f4132fe8f58b45064faef9e852cafbcc55dfb021432d671

Send dick please and thank you F22
submitted by Informationno5371 to AbbychampNSFW [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:40 BrilliantBother9830 Who in South Florida wants a Maybach

Who in South Florida wants a Maybach You saw it here first folks, don’t deal with dealership douches. The most exceptional customer service experience possible is awaiting
submitted by BrilliantBother9830 to mercedes_benz [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:40 STDTechnician Sexual tension

Sexual tension Sorry I know this video is older but oh my god the second hand embarrassment I had watching it. They’re definitely fucking, right?
submitted by STDTechnician to JennyIsALiar [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:40 Long_Replacement_476 ENCUESTA GUERRERA

Hola guerrero! Si eres boxeador y resides en España haz click en la siguiente encuesta.Muchas gracias.-> Está encuesta solo tiene un carácter informativo
submitted by Long_Replacement_476 to boxeo [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:40 Calsefir [iPad][2008] DnD inspired Hero Adventure Game

Looking for a game I played on my parents iPad as a kid where I controlled a party of 4 characters to battle enemies.
Each character had a different class and abilities that could be learned through leveling up.
I remember a monk, mage, witch, rogue, archer, witch, paladin, and bard.
submitted by Calsefir to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:40 Mountain-Pudding Bitte um Hilfe bei "Vollzug der Fahrzeug-Zulassungsverordnung (FZV)"

Hallo alle zusammen,
hier ist irgendwie ziemlicher Mist passiert und so richtig werd ich aus dem Schreiben und diversen Telefonaten nicht schlau.
Kontext Zuerst etwas Kontext. Ich habe Ende letzten Jahres einen Leasingvertrag für ein Neufahrzeug unterschrieben. Die Lieferdauer des Fahreuges war für ein paar Wochen angesetzt. Damit das Fahrzeig für mich einsatzbereit gemacht werden konnte, wurde ein Unternehmen mit der Zulassung beauftragt. Ich musste ledigliche eine sofort eVB zur Verfügung stellen.
Bei Check24 habe ich eine derartige sofort eVB erworben, dann wurde das Auto damit zugelassen und Check24 hat auch vermerkt, dass die eVB zur Zulassung benutzt wurde. Das Fahrzeug war nun zugelassen und bis zum 10.01.2025 versichert.
Check24 hat mich dann auch per Mail über die Zulassung informiert und noch so geschrieben "Klicken Sie hier, um nach einer passende Folgeversicherung zu suchen". Das hab ich gemacht, hab eine Versicherung mit der Sparkasse abgeschlossen, die ab dem 10.01.2025 gilt und hab dann auch von Check24 die Information bekommen, dass meine Versicherung bei der Sparkassen ab dem 10.01.2025 "aktiv" sei. Weiterhin stand bei Check24 im Portal, dass der nächste Schritt wäre, dass die Sparkasse mir den Versicherungsschein zuschicken wird.
Das neue Auto hab ich dann am 17.01 in Berlin abgeholt und bin dann ~250 km damit nach Hause gefahren.
Am 22.01 hatte ich bei der Sparkasse angerufen und nach dem Versicherungsschein gefragt. Hier wurde mir dann plötzlich erklärt, dass meine Versicherung noch nicht aktiv wäre, weil ich die eVB noch nicht zur Zulassung eines Fahrzeuges benutzt habe. Long story short, ich hätte wohl einen Versicherungswechsel beantragen sollen und nicht irgendwie einen "Neuvertrag" oder was weiß ich. Der Neuvertrag würde wohl irgendwie nicht gehen, wenn das Fahrzeug bereits zugelassen ist. Das hatte also zur Folge, dass ich seit dem 10.01.2025 unbewusst keine KFZ-Versicherung hatte und die Sparkasse mir erst mit dem Einreichen des Fahrzeugscheins den Vertrag ändern und meine Versicherung "aktivieren" konnte.
Mit anderen Worten, ich habe eine Versicherungslücke vom 10.01.2025 bis zum 22.01.2025, habe das Fahrzeug seit dem 17.01 und bin somit auch unversichert auf öffentlichen Straßen gefahren.
Ein Fehler meinerseits war mir nicht bewusst, da ich an keiner Stelle von irgendeiner involvierten Partei darüber informiert wurde, dass der Vertrag falsch oder der Versicherungsschutz nicht aktiv wäre. Aber gut, das ist noch eine andere Geschichte.
aktuelle Situation Das eigentliche Problem ist aktuell das folgende Schreiben, was ich bekommen hab.

Sehr geehrter Herr ****,
der Landkreis **** erlässt auf Grund § 51 Abs. 4 FZV folgenden
  1. Sie haben für das Fahrzeug mit dem Kennzeichen **-***** unverzüglich eine gültige Versicherungsbestätigung (elektronische Versicherungsbestätigung zur Übermittlung) zum Nachweis über das Bestehen einer Kraftfahrzeughaftplichtversicherung oder die Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil 1 (Fahrzeugschein) und die Kennzeichen des Fahrzeuges zur Entstempelung vorzulegen.
  2. Sofortvollzug der in Ziffer 1 genannten Maßnahe wird angeordnet.
  3. Kommen Sie Ihrer Verpflichtung gemäß Ziffer 1 unnerhalb von 5 Tagen nach Zustellung dieses Bescheides nicht nach, wird die zwangsweise Außerbetriebsetzung Ihres Fahrzeuges (Einziehung der Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I/Fahrzeugscheib und Entstempelung des Kennzeichens) durch Vollzugsbedienstete vorgenommen.
Was ich hier jetzt daraus erlesen kann ist, dass ich eine gültige eVB vorlegen soll (ja, nein, vielleicht?). Hier stellen sich mir nun folgende Fragen
  1. Welche eVB? Die sofort eVB, mit der das Fahrzeug zugelassen wurde oder eine eVB von meiner neuen Versicherung (der Sparkasse)?
  2. Muss das Fahrzeug auf Grund der Versicherungslücke nochmal abgemeldet / entstempelt und dann zum Versicherungsbeginn neu zugelassen werden?
  3. Sind hier 5 Werktage gemeint? Oder wirklich 5 Tage (sprich Freitag, Samstag, Sonntag, Montag, Dienstag)?
  4. Wo soll ich diese eVB überhaupt vorlegen? Beim Landratsamt? Bei der Zulassungsstelle in der Nähe?
Weiterhin befinden sich auf dem Schreiben einige Hinweise am Ende, einer davon ist der Folgende:
Wir weisen darauf hin, dass der Betrieb eines nicht versicherten Fahrzeuges im öffentlichen Straßenverkehr eine Straftat darstellt, die gemäß § 6 PflVG mit einer Freiheitsstrafe / Geldstrafe geahndet werden kann.
Was kann da auf mich zukommen, wenn ich nun knapp 265 km unversichert gefahren bin, trotz dass ich nichtmal wusste, dass meine Versicherung nicht aktiv war?
Ok viel Text und viele Fragen. Ich würde mich über jede Antwort bzw. über jeden Hinweis / Tipp freuen, da mich das ganze schon stark verunsichert.
submitted by Mountain-Pudding to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:40 Sun_of_the_beachh When druid is coming ?

submitted by Sun_of_the_beachh to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:40 No-Organization1828 Badminton or Lawn Tennis

F 26 sat and sun free ako. Around malolos po sana na lf kasabay o gustong maglaro. Let’s G. Thank you. Busy po kasi mga friends ko hehe.
submitted by No-Organization1828 to BulacanPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:40 BJT02 Architects not touring the UK

Does anyone know why Architects haven't toured the UK for a couple of years?
I saw they didn't last year despite a European tour and this year they have a European tour up until June but no UK dates.
I read somewhere they hadn't been round here since 2022.
submitted by BJT02 to Metalcore [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:40 CamelMother5715 swapping

LF side uni swaps mostly, or party pot offers
submitted by CamelMother5715 to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:40 b3from01 MAJOR F DELAYS

MAJOR F DELAYS Going uptown, the F train was having major major major delays. Someone (I think) got struck at Lexington Ave/ 63rd Street so it set us back for a while. The announcer was making clear and concise announcements. From 14th St to 34th, the train moved slowly and stopped every now and then, but after 42nd, things started smoothing over. I’d say over 30mins of delays. THEEENNN the train started going mad slow when we left 57th because there was a train ahead of us. So maybe another 10-15mins…. What an evening
submitted by b3from01 to nycrail [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:40 osenhor_mariposa Muié bunita

submitted by osenhor_mariposa to desenhos [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:40 Cylinks_owo If this hits your feed pls say yes ;w;

If this hits your feed pls say yes ;w; submitted by Cylinks_owo to vtubers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:40 Separate_Payment_838 Should I (F 23) ask my best friend (M 23) if he secretly likes me (in romantic way) and if he thought about dating me?

Hey, everyone! My best friend and I have been friends for almost 6 years. In this time we had a lot of ups and downs but we were always there for each other. I extremely value this friendship, because he is an amazing person. Currently, I am living in another country and he can not visit me there (because he needs a visa).
I started thinking about asking him this because I was worried that I might be asking why he is not dating other girls. He is not gay for sure. Yes, he has really low self-confidence, even though he tries to hide it by making jokes out of it. But yesterday one thing happened after I started thinking about it.
We were just casually chatting and laughing out of some stuff and then we had such a dialog: Him: I am thinking about how to make you come back faster. Me: To marry me? 😂 Him: This is actually not a bad idea. And then two kids and a cat. Me: Ahahaha, it would be funny if it actually happens in few years. Him: *sending me a Reels where is written "POV: The universe finally sends you a healthy relationship but they are long-distance"* Me: Ahahahha, lol Then we just started to make more jokes about us being married. After he continues. Him: Let's make an agreement that if we do not get married till 24 y.o., we will marry each other. Me: I will have a birthday in 2 weeks. Him: Yeah, true... Me: Till 30? Him: Deal
After this conversation, I just started to overthink and I am curious should I ask him about liking and dating me or not? Because the whole conversation looked like a big joke, but something looked wrong (or probably I am just overthinking). What should I do?
submitted by Separate_Payment_838 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:40 ttuzecan Myth busted: Healthy habits take longer than 21 days to set in

Myth busted: Healthy habits take longer than 21 days to set in submitted by ttuzecan to NaturalNutrition [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:40 okamanii101 Does this outfit look good?

Does this outfit look good? submitted by okamanii101 to InfinityNikki [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:40 adhd_exploring Best Friends

Best Friends Freyja and the three big dogs that adore her.
submitted by adhd_exploring to Siamesecats [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:40 SnooCupcakes8607 Confused about UF

In the past decade, no student from my (in-state) school has been rejected in the top 15% with 1480+. This is like 50+ kids in a row accepted. I got rejected today, first in history from my school in this bracket. (1560 SAT and val)
Why did this happen? I don’t think there was anything fundamentally wrong with my application, so I’m feeling really confused, especially about their EA process.
submitted by SnooCupcakes8607 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]