Anyone able to help? I only have one 3* to trade for it

2025.01.24 23:50 dryyoureyes99 Anyone able to help? I only have one 3* to trade for it

Anyone able to help? I only have one 3* to trade for it submitted by dryyoureyes99 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 princess_pink97 how could i switch up my makeup?

how could i switch up my makeup? im kinda tired of doing the same makeup everyday, i kinda wanna switch it up but idk what would suit me, i dont even know if cooler or warmer tones suit me better! helpp!! also my eyebrows grew back u can see in the pic, would thinner brows suit me??
submitted by princess_pink97 to MakeupAddiction [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 thatguy9684736255 Some lyrics get more and more relevant

Some lyrics get more and more relevant submitted by thatguy9684736255 to WhitePeopleTwitter [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 Acho0267 Why did Jinx become the most popular character in Arcane? Give me deep thought reasons...

Why did Jinx become the most popular character in Arcane? Give me deep thought reasons... submitted by Acho0267 to arcane [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 kurtwshrout Super Diamond tix for 2 tonight

Can't go, and don't want them wasted. It's an incredibly fun show!
submitted by kurtwshrout to PDXBuyNothing [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 Far_Abies_5692 🤭🤭

🤭🤭 submitted by Far_Abies_5692 to amIuglyBrutallyHonest [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 Atrooper1 Double feed issues with psa krink

lol I should’ve known what to expect but am having some double feed issues with all my mags and ammo types, every few rounds will fire and then fail to eject causing a double feed, not sure what the issue is but I feel like it’s probably the extractor, submitted a warranty claim so hopefully it goes well 😭
submitted by Atrooper1 to ak47 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 shotplacement Flakker than light?

I was struggling to get past even the first stage of the flagship on easy over maybe 20-30 runs. Last run I got my first flak mk1 and eventually a second and third. By the time I got to the flagship I was actually getting pretty lazy with power management and strategic pausing. I was basically able to auto fire through all three stages with minimal damage to myself. This seems really unbalanced..? Now it feels like every other run was just unlucky without juiced up weapons.
submitted by shotplacement to ftlgame [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 anontnous failed to verify

failed to verify i don’t understand why this doesn’t work. i backed up eatventure on the cloud 5 minutes ago
submitted by anontnous to eatventureofficial [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 holyburdz Took the leap and shaved

Took the leap and shaved I finally shaved my head, and me no LIKEY! It's not finished yet, I may take a razor to top it off but here is the comparison
submitted by holyburdz to malegrooming [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 Jgrigsby1027 2022 SCrew 2.7 Leveled on 32s

2022 SCrew 2.7 Leveled on 32s Hey everyone,
Got my truck leveled today now exploring tire options to close up that wheel gap some. The shop I took it too said I should be able to fit 35s without rubbing. What do you guys think ? It’s a 2.5in level in the front.
submitted by Jgrigsby1027 to f150 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 Terrible-Town-1349 Unplugging and focusing on what matters

I’ve spent much of the last two years trying to “find myself”. I’ve always been into reading and cinema but what I really want is to get fit and do better at work.
I’m considering pausing my reading / watching movies to focus on these two things alongside spending time with my family. I need to lose about 30 pounds and could do with furthering my career and working on my anxiety also. I don’t really know what I’m asking here - is it ok to pause “comfort zone” activities to try and redistribute focus / energy?
submitted by Terrible-Town-1349 to minimalism [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 ebrenalmodo Érzéketlen lennék?

Érzéketlen lennék?
Sziasztok, kicsit hosszú leszek de megpróbálom érhetően.
Van egy unokatestvérem aki egy éve meghalt rákban, neki van két 20-on éves gyereke. Nekünk alapvetően egyáltalán nem volt szoros a kapcsolatunk, pedig egy városban laktunk majdnem egy évtizedig. Én költöztem fel Budapestre 10 éve, ők már régóta itt laktak. Én sajnos nem tudtam elmenni a temetésre, külföldön voltam munka miatt. Előtte 10 éve beszéltem a családdal utoljára, kölcsönösen nem volt meg így az érdeklődés tudjátok, meg mivel az én közvetlenebb családom nem Pesten lakik, tök távol éltünk egymástól, külön nőttünk fel, így alig tudok róluk valamit. És most jön az izgalmas rész.
Van egy másik unokatestvérem, aki ma írt nekem, és kicsit sérelmezte, hogy én miért nem keresem és tartom a kapcsolatot az unokatestvérünk gyerekeivel, holott mi egy városban lakunk, így mi találkozhatnánk. Ez az unokatestvérem nem itt él, ő ott lakik ahol én is felnőttem, az ország másik felében, viszont ő volt a temetésen meg találkozott többször is gyerekekkel, meg volt hogy ők külön találkoztak, ahova engem nem hívtak vagy nem értem rá. Ezt egyébként kérdeztem, hogy miért nem hívtak el, de érdemi választ nem kaptam. (Heti 40-50 órát dolgozom, mellette egyetem)
Na már most ugye kifejtettem fentebb, hogy mennyire távolinak éreztem őket, így őszintén persze, hogy sajnálom az édesanyjukat, de nekem nem feltétlen jutott volna eszembe, hogy keressem őket vagy érdeklődjek felőlük.
Aztán ebből kerekedett egy óriási vita, ahol kifejtette, hogy szerinte én mennyire nem vagyok empatikus és le💩om a családot. Főleg hogy együtt kellene érezzek velük szerinte, mert hogy az én édesanyám is korán meghalt. És hogy amúgy a gyerekek nyitottak lennének rám, ezt neki mondták, és hogy milyen rég találkoztunk, erre mondtam hogy persze akkor találkozzunk, írhat nekem akármelyikük. Erre meg azt írta nekem, hogy szerinte nem nekik kellene keresniük engem, hanem nekem őket.
Érzéktlen lennék, amiért nekem nem jutott eszembe megkérdezni, hogy mi a helyzet velük? Egyébként amikor az én anyám meghalt és költöztem fel Pestre, akkor én sem kaptam tőlük segítséget vagy támogatást, amit nem is vártam el, mert meg voltak a saját dolgaik meg problémáik. Csak akkor nem értem, hogy visszafele ez miért elvárás? Attól még, hogy annó ők nem kerestek attól én még kereshetem őket az tény, nem oda akartam kihozni a történetet hogy bezzeg ők sem kerestek.
submitted by ebrenalmodo to csakcsajok [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 Such-List680 31 f, 5'7 159 lbs, 11.5 weeks pregnant with 100.6 fever

Hello all, I am going through some type of chest cold I caught at work, currently have a fever of 100.6 and I'm pregnant 11.5 weeks. I messaged my Dr but I'm scared I won't hear anything because its the weekend. I took a Tylenol but I don't know if I should go to urgent care or wait to hear from the Dr? I'm non smoker, only taking prenatal vitamins and this one Tylenol
submitted by Such-List680 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 CryptographerAfter81 My friend eats falafel wrap like this

My friend eats falafel wrap like this submitted by CryptographerAfter81 to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 pppppppppppppppppd The 'devastated' Rwandan karate expert father who was helpless to stop Southport killer son Axel Rudakubana become obsessed with extreme violence - and is now in hiding with his family

The 'devastated' Rwandan karate expert father who was helpless to stop Southport killer son Axel Rudakubana become obsessed with extreme violence - and is now in hiding with his family submitted by pppppppppppppppppd to unitedkingdom [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 curiouslydelirious Gurney modwood (composite) deck and this faint line has appeared down the middle of each board?

Gurney modwood (composite) deck and this faint line has appeared down the middle of each board? Anyone have any ideas what’s going on here? Hopefully this is ok for this sub.
submitted by curiouslydelirious to AusRenovation [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 ftmlucxs Everyone in us

Thought i just reiterated what john said in the penultimate episode of last season, for everyone in the US
“Its is important to find your silver linings where you can find them “
“you are the helpers, and that help can take many forms”
“your city it belongs to you too”
“you might well be exhausted,confused,scared and running on fucking fumes right now, which is understandable, but you might actually be surprised just how far you can still get on fumes”
Keep fighting america most of the world is with you. DONT BE LIKE GEMRANY, KEEP FIGHTING IT.
submitted by ftmlucxs to lastweektonight [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 FungirlieGrower [FO]Just finished this pattern that I made

[FO]Just finished this pattern that I made I made this pattern using PC stitch
submitted by FungirlieGrower to CrossStitch [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 throwawayaccoun46 Grooming

I suspect I’m being groomed what should I go to be taken seriously?
submitted by throwawayaccoun46 to findareddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 Almikiwi Vocês também estão com medo da quantidade de vazamento de dados ultimamente?

submitted by Almikiwi to PergunteReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 AGENTE_PERSEUS The khatun design is incredible

The khatun design is incredible It's even interesting that her gauntlets have claws (just like Astrea's) and that mask is awesome
submitted by AGENTE_PERSEUS to forhonor [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 Expert-Aioli-7423 Octopus girl🐙💧

Octopus girl🐙💧 This was inspired by a character my friend made, I hope everybody like's it!
submitted by Expert-Aioli-7423 to AnimeART [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 SafeConclusion5711 Can someone find a one-to-one

Can someone find a one-to-one submitted by SafeConclusion5711 to cnfans_jerseys [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:50 Ok-Wealth-2163 iOS store

Sooo I’ve heard the game is getting back to the App Store! Whenever that happens u bet I’m gonna redownload in a heartbeat♥️🖤
submitted by Ok-Wealth-2163 to SchoolGirlsSimuIator [link] [comments]