Any recommendations for left hand palm key workouts?

2025.01.24 23:30 --SharkBoy-- Any recommendations for left hand palm key workouts?

Hey everyone l, I'm currently studying saxophone at University and I am needing to clean up my palm key abilities. Are there any excerpts/exercises/drills I can incorporate into my practicing to help better my technique in the left hand? Let me know and thank you!
submitted by --SharkBoy-- to saxophone [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:30 afemail these are mink tracks, right? SE Michigan

these are mink tracks, right? SE Michigan I added some photos of the possible suspect at the end :)
he was right across from the tracks and I’m pretty sure he’s the one that made them, I just want confirmation because this was my first time ever seeing one or even tracks
submitted by afemail to animalid [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:30 International-Buy982 Va Benifits payment today?

Anyone that's retired or gets a disability check from the VA get their check from Sofi today? I was told this morning that my check was pending to be cleared today but didn't. Hoping that it clears by the end of the day I stay Hawaii it's 1:30 p.m. hoping it shows up by 4:00. If anyone else got there please let me know, will give me some hope.
submitted by International-Buy982 to sofi [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:30 AlabamaDemocratMark Mark Wheeler II | Millennial Candidate for Congress

Hi everyone! 👋
My name is Mark Wheeler, and I’m a 32-year-old millennial running for U.S. Senate. I believe it’s time for fresh faces, bold ideas, and real accountability in Washington.
Here’s what I’m fighting for:

Since launching my campaign earlier this week, I’ve been blown away by the incredible support—39 amazing people have already donated, and I’ve had over 8,000 visitors to my website! This movement is growing, and it’s all because of people like YOU who believe in real change.
If you’re willing to fight the good fight, visit my website at to learn more about me and my policies.
Together, we can create a government that works for you.
submitted by AlabamaDemocratMark to PoliticalRevolution [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:30 Klingonite Some of my favorite first evers

Some of my favorite first evers submitted by Klingonite to AlchemicAI [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:30 velocity55 Day 7 - mmm….. society

Day 7 - mmm….. society submitted by velocity55 to CirclejerkSopranos [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:30 NumerousTumbleweed82 Joint claim cancel help?

As per the title, I have created a UC account (non married/ partnership etc) however when asked if this a joint account my partner has said to join her UC claim, however after reading through it afterwards this doesn’t seem right for eligibility as we do not live together so therefore surely this should be two separate claims? However when I get to the confirm details page I don’t want to submit this as it would create a joint claim and I don’t feel this is accurate after reading over it right ( internet mis-read mistake on our part). How do I cancel this without confirming inaccurate information to be able to cancel this add on to her claim and open another separately?
submitted by NumerousTumbleweed82 to universalcredithelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:30 Hntn1992 She has this, think it's like FanFix

Most likely just like FanFix so probably nothing spicy. Have to link a credit card to see page.
submitted by Hntn1992 to Carmen_Elaine [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:30 httpsickofu Any doctors here?

What are audits? Where are they held? How can med students/doctors participate in them? And what do we do in them? Do you get, like a certificate afterwards?? I have heard so much that they make a good impression (along with research and publication) if they’re on your CV. But have never seen one, neither have my parents who are both doctors
submitted by httpsickofu to pakistan [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:30 esbeee How to determine size of mixing valve

I have a mixing valve on top of the water heater. Where exactly do I need to measure to find out if it’s 3/4” or 1” the copper pipe coming out is like 0.8xx”
submitted by esbeee to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:30 Aggressive-Rock-4875 Should I go back to the doctor?

Im 18 and have been having pain for about 8 months, wasn’t as bad at first but the last couple months have sucked. Work is horrible I have to hobble around everywhere, and even sitting here at home I have to sit in an awkward position or a sense of pain will bolt right down my right leg all the way down to my toes and up to my ass cheek. I went to the doctor a couple months ago and they said you probably have sciatica and gave me a steroid shot, pain went away for maybe a week before it came back and has just been getting worse. Basically I was wondering if it’s worth going back to the doctor again, or if it’s no use and I’ll just have to live like this. I ask this because after looking through this reddits history, it seems as if nobody gets taken seriously over this and Ends up having to deal with it, I assume this would be even more the case for a (mostly) healthy 18 year old.
(Only on my right side too btw)
submitted by Aggressive-Rock-4875 to Sciatica [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:30 Excellent_Mess3011 Dartmoor

Dartmoor Awesome
submitted by Excellent_Mess3011 to dartmoor [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:30 mdoktor How do you get a house?

I read online I need to talk to Salamasina and start a quest called on solid footing but when I speak to her she just says how do you do and see you around. I've beat the main game at this point and can't figure out what I need to do to start this conversation. Any help?
submitted by mdoktor to PlayTemtem [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:30 wutangnmambo Vending machine getting stuck

When a film has a scene where the vending machine gets stuck/fails to drop the item, how do you make sure it gets stuck?
submitted by wutangnmambo to Filmmakers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:30 shhhh111113 Will these fit a talaria sting ?

Will these fit a talaria sting ? submitted by shhhh111113 to Talaria [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:30 DutchTimeLordBean Shane when you leave him alone with the baby

Shane when you leave him alone with the baby submitted by DutchTimeLordBean to StardewMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:30 ENTPoncrackenergy Those of you who have been banned from reddit what were you banned over?

submitted by ENTPoncrackenergy to RandomThoughts [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:30 Daek64 Jun Kazama (Daek64) [Tekken]

Jun Kazama (Daek64) [Tekken] submitted by Daek64 to Fitmoe [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:30 NYIMOD Game Thread: Philadelphia Flyers (22-21-6) @ New York Islanders (19-20-7) Jan 24 2025 7:30 PM

Game Thread: Philadelphia Flyers @ New York Islanders Jan 24 2025 7:30 PM Gamecenter
UBS Arena
Stuff will go here when the game starts... maybe... I'm actively doing development
This was created by a bot. For issues or suggestions please message u/NYIMOD.
Last updated: 2025-01-24_18:30:09.890766-05:00
submitted by NYIMOD to NewYorkIslanders [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:30 Joshlfc18 Monsters in my basement
submitted by Joshlfc18 to JuiceWRLD [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:30 cytotec-panama El gas en una nevera no se consume ni se "gasta" como un recurso, pero cuando falla o "se pierde", suele deberse a problemas específicos en el sistema de refrigeración. Aquí tienes las razones más comunes: 1. Fugas en el Circuito de Refrigeración Las fugas son la causa principal de la pérdida de gas

El gas en una nevera no se consume ni se submitted by cytotec-panama to outletzonecol [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:30 gay4woman My sister sent me this

My sister sent me this It scares me
submitted by gay4woman to gravityfalls [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:30 newprivate_nut Be the Change

We’ve gone through a lot in this subreddit… and it feels like for sure the next four years are going to be rough… potentially really rough.
But Be the Change. Take Actions that help Seattle and greater Seattle area.
Beatnikdan heard across swastikas in a park in Issaquah… He took his spray paint and immediately covered them up! Kick ass!!!
For sure keep reporting, that’s critical for this sub…
but if you can, help make our unique beautiful area filled with the best people around even better!!!
submitted by newprivate_nut to Seattle [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:30 Livihen0330 Columbia SPS (Strategic Comm)

Hi everyone! I was recently admitted to Columbia SPS for an MS in Strategic Comm. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this program they would want to share? Did you find it worthwhile/beneficial? Is the faculty good and accessible? Any insights would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
submitted by Livihen0330 to GradSchool [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:30 Ok-Valuable2154 18 Tf4f/Tf Yandere looking for another Yandere to obsess over and keep

Hiii cuties, I’m looking for someone I can mutually obsess over and keep in my arms forever, and I do mean obsess. If you haven’t thought about or come up with a theory on kidnapping me then you aren’t as obsessed as I will be~ You will have nearly my every waking thought and every drop of my love.
Chubby girls, goth girls, emo girls, nerdy girls, all are welcome’ <333
Dm me or comment~<3
submitted by Ok-Valuable2154 to r4rYandere [link] [comments]