Internship struggles

2025.01.24 23:48 DazzlingExchange7526 Internship struggles

Sorry for the bit of a rant
I'm a Finance student in my Penultimate year from a target school. I've starting to lose my hope of ever finding an Internship here in the UK whilst my classmates are all happily being picked up one by one by bulge bracket companies. I'm get that since I'm a foreign student it's naturally going to be hard but is it so hard to acquire any form of internship to gain some work experience because I genuinely hope to stay and have a career here in the UK and I have been applying since late July last year and I keep on getting rejected at different stages. Any helpful tips as to how do I turn things around or any experienced redditors can tell me what am I doing wrong.
submitted by DazzlingExchange7526 to FinancialCareers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:48 gaeldk Book 01 forgotten files scp : finish \0/ ... book 02 20%

submitted by gaeldk to Gaeldk_my_Infiniverse [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:48 SilverYourTongue TOOL - The Pot but with AI-generated images for each lyric

I think "you" would find this cool.
submitted by SilverYourTongue to UnsentMusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:48 juggalofredz261 WCIF the jeans, download to sfs is dead, anywhere i can get them?

WCIF the jeans, download to sfs is dead, anywhere i can get them? submitted by juggalofredz261 to sims4cc [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:48 New-Tax-8799 Crime in Canada

Crime in Canada submitted by New-Tax-8799 to CanadaWideNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:48 OUHelperBot a237

submitted by OUHelperBot to ouhelperbot_testing [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:48 FairyHeartGaming101 What is one that you HATE that everyone else likes?

submitted by FairyHeartGaming101 to Vocaloid [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:48 reddit_lss_1 Image Post Title 24-January-2025 23:48:00

Image Post Title 24-January-2025 23:48:00 submitted by reddit_lss_1 to lssAuto [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:48 SkullkidTTM Lil Uzi Goat

Lil Uzi Goat submitted by SkullkidTTM to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:48 ShareIllustrious4567 Love me some pramz

Love me some pramz submitted by ShareIllustrious4567 to pillslover [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:48 Commercial_Heart1623 Copycat Mei Fun & Thai Chicken Recipes

I ate pretty good Mei Fun at a Chinese food buffet today. It seemed to only have fried egg and maybe scallions in it, but it was really flavorful. Also I had amazing Thai Chicken which was fried with some sweet sticky sauce on it. Does anyone have recipes to make them at home?
submitted by Commercial_Heart1623 to seriouseats [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:48 crikeyoverlanding Check Out This Sweet 1st Gen Tacoma!

Check Out This Sweet 1st Gen Tacoma! submitted by crikeyoverlanding to toyotaoffroad [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:48 bronxBombers1994 [WTS] Jordans Sz 9 $95-345

[WTS] Jordans Sz 9 $95-345 +$5 for east coast shipping & +$10 for west coast shipping
submitted by bronxBombers1994 to sneakermarket [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:48 Logical-Note-5744 Soy un pedazo de mierda horrenda y pobre

Por eso casi no salgo de casa, soy tan horrendo que mi cara parece un aborto de Satanás, gracias a esta mierda no puedo tener pareja, a lo ultimo me tocará gastarme la plata en carñosas, dos veces al mes, soy tan horrible que hasta mi personalidad introvertida, feo pobre y introvertido, antes tenía ganas de matarme pero veo que la vida es bonita, ya que no me quiero quemar en el infierno, ¿algún concejo de verdad de gente que ha ligado siendo feo? , porque yo no lo he concegido, quiero comentarios de verdad y no disque la personalidad o el carisma, comentarios de verdad que me pisen más los pies en la tierra, como hombre usted está condenado a estar solo, por favor concejos realistas
submitted by Logical-Note-5744 to Colombia [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:48 TheKimulator Not sure where to post this, but I remember reading r/conservative right after January 6. I was curious how their reactions evolved after the pardon days ago.

Not sure where to post this, but I remember reading conservative right after January 6. I was curious how their reactions evolved after the pardon days ago. submitted by TheKimulator to facepalm [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:48 YamikuSenpai Mysterious "MAREDA" Trumpet

Mysterious Did anyone ever hear of a brand called "MAREDA"? Its a trumpet for hand sale in Germany. Nothing online
submitted by YamikuSenpai to trumpet [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:48 Juh47hudisdababy All hell naw sport bro is stealin plankdoor’s catchprase

All hell naw sport bro is stealin plankdoor’s catchprase submitted by Juh47hudisdababy to Spunchbob [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:48 frustrated164651 The urge is strong today!

I'm on my 6th day and all the withdrawals and anxiety are gone and now I'm sitting here really fighting taking some shots. I don't have any in the house so I'm ok but man it's Friday night at that time and it's so hard to take my mind off of it and I just want be inebriated. I never really drank for the taste. A few shots of vodka and I feel good so I can't even go get a non-alcoholic beer to trick myself. I'm antsy bored irritated. I miss the feeling so much. I'm not going to do it because I know what's going to happen but man it's hard as hell to tell it to shut up right now.
submitted by frustrated164651 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:48 _AESIR_22 Look who I found on my way to Uni

Look who I found on my way to Uni submitted by _AESIR_22 to MobileLegendsGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:48 dragonhunter42 Flowers by あずしお

Flowers by あずしお submitted by dragonhunter42 to lostpause [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:48 Batorian Flambae Fan Art

Fan Art by ray.
submitted by Batorian to DispatchAdHoc [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:48 Aggravating-Strike38 God forbid a boy has needs

God forbid a boy has needs submitted by Aggravating-Strike38 to LetBoysBeManipulated [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:48 Mill-House_ For lack of better words, I’m looking for an “item-dropping” mod

Hopefully this isn’t confusing but basically, let’s say you have a stack of 5 of any one particular item; you know how you can drop them 1 by 1 onto the ground automatically? But if you have more than 5 of the item, you wouldn’t be able to automatically drop them 1 by 1 without manually moving the slider down to 1 first. I’m looking for a mod that would allow me to automatically drop stacks of more than 6 of an item, 1 at a time, without manually moving the slider down to 1. I hope this makes sense lol it sounds confusing but if you understand what I’m trying to say here, does such a mod exist?
submitted by Mill-House_ to SkyrimModsXbox [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:48 LunyPop como irritar um jogador somente com uma imagem

como irritar um jogador somente com uma imagem cheguei tão perto do sol como ícaro, pelo menos peguei 2 fragmentos
submitted by LunyPop to StardewValleyBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 23:48 Reasonable_Hope_7987 Why are you hated

So I'm looking for a faction to make my first army and I'm liking the space wolves because vikings are awesome but I'm confused why there so hated by fans of warhammer. I don't really see a reason so I thought I should just ask you guys firsthand-why are you so hated?
submitted by Reasonable_Hope_7987 to SpaceWolves [link] [comments]