2025.01.24 23:51 genericusername1904 Are the Jews the Superior of the Europeans? Continued and Concluded.
UNDECEM. VII-V, CAL. DUODECEM. Certainly then there is more to discuss. Perhaps the most striking commonality and constant of Abramism is in its manifestation as Nationalism with Ethno-Supremacist Religious justification – which is obviously the bedrock of the entire thing and of which, to the ignoring of this, leads us back to the main argument of the last portion of this text, w/re: “how come the goyim support this, oh yeah that’s right, they can’t refute it without refuting themselves,” as to the strange and quite deeply ingrained symbiosis observable in Islam and Christianity as to the psychical domination of their lives, beliefs and macro-political efforts by various Jews: hating it yet totally unable to extricate themselves from it. Just to recap. I commented some time ago of the equally strange persistence of the locals in that part of the world; I do not mean to seem flippant or disregarding of the great miseries suffered there, but it struck me that the entire business resembled the Jewish Wars of Ancient Roman times albeit here the Palestinians are the Jews and the Jews are the Romans; that no matter how many times the Romans dismantled and destroyed the place that a few decades would pass and it would happen all over again until deportation of the entire population had been achieved, as genocide proved apparently no impediment. The matter I considered, of that, was of this stubbornness that is produced through Abramism; this relishing of poverty and misery against survival instinct, to have made a culture of the embrace of eternal loss from within a situation that most persons of any sense would appraise, realize the gravity of the thing, and simply leave; Miami is nice most of the year, for instance. Some would argue of that “well, observe the power of faith!” but I see no power or gain, certainly weighed on the scales against the termination of the lives of countless generations innocent of any wrong-doing who are thrust into hell, as it were, to die ignobly for a goal not of their own choosing and of no merit whatsoever, “it is my land,” they insist, and they may be lawfully correct but if the law cannot rally space marines to enforce itself in their favour then the pursuit of the thing is a matter for another day; for ones progeny, whereas to die in that moment and throw ones own children into meat grinder that the pursuit for the claims “another day” can never be made is simple unheroic madness. At the root of Abramism, as to what it was, it existed first of all in a concrete sense (not the self-aggrandizing legendarium of inept and under-achieving barbarians who invented nothing i mean but when ‘it’ as a nomenclature first appeared in real history) as an Ethno-Nationalist revolt of abject savages (on any metric of humane civilization) against a a singular world power Command Imperium which was introducing to them the benefits of hospitals and disease prevention, clean surgery, education, border security, roads, surplus agriculture, paid public holidays, massive benefit of multi-polar trade on luxury goods, clean-water, underfloor heating, corner shops and fast food, public forums and competent magistrates to adjudicate matters in a speedy length of time, religious freedom also - and the list goes on, …. what possible reasoning could exist to reject all of this other than that “all of this” showed up the local religion for being the feeble collective of do-nothings, laughably discovered to have been aggrandizing themselves as the master race chosen of the god or gods, and so was simply unbearable for those whose entire profile (see: you and your profile) consisted of the prior status quo. It is deeply interesting that this precise same rejection occurred also with Christians in the Later Roman Empire; the destruction of all the public infrastructure, collegia, guilds and so on: I think, in observing in the commonality in temperament, that so great are the lengths that the lowest sorts of persons will go to in order to maintain themselves in their limbo of error (suffering wretchedly yet maintaining verbal denial to it, seeking to scapegoat others for their failure to learn better) that every action cannot help but be a deranged outward assault – therein is the psychical subsumation by stubborn wrongheadedness (or blackest anima, if you prefer) by which the object of barbarism might be defined fully as a recognizable set of anti-intellectual course-correction-avoiding defects built up as ego armour to maintain the bloated hypertrophy of a simple-minded and unworldly idiot from submitting to those who would correct and steer him better to achieve his goals, “You cannot grow a coca cola tree by burying the tin cans and watering them; you are wasting water, land and your own time,” “No, you’re wrong! You’re the stupid one!” It is, of course, comical to encounter this mentality but perhaps terrifying and bewildering in the same instance to realize this deeply ingrained core of stubborn idiocy is responsible for so much destruction and turmoil; as: reasoning does not work on it and unless one wishes to get into the habit of simply battering such people into submission, as like a bad dog owner might beat a crazed dog until it becomes docile in his presence (yet still attacks others, oh well), then there is no effective solution to the impediment that they pose: I mean here that this is precisely why violence and genocide, rather than prosperity and felicity, is the continual outcome for such persons; both individually and societally – demonstrated obviously in numerous presently untreated psychological disorders and throughout much of known history (when observed in our context here), that is: the inviting of violence against themselves (preferring a bloodied-nose) by their refusal to admit being wrong. What I am getting at is this: that the ‘mentality’ of the Abramism is not the creation of this ‘stupor’ (petty idiocy in a thing brought about by inexperience in the thing is the natural state of creatures prior to worldly experience to learn a thing) but instead the reinforcement it; that it brings forth from the “tiniest mustard seed” the worst qualities of Humankind as like that “this mentality” is born first there in the first response of denialism or “closing the eyes towards some obvious thing which has just been proven in front of you to be true” and thus may be cauterized immediately in the first expression of that obstinate denialism - denialism toward admitting some obvious basic error I mean, but which without correction only grows then from there into greater atrocity. I do not think the reality of the psychological makeup of barbarism has dawned on many civilizations, that it is a species of envy foremost and that it is childlike; looking up at the world as like through a fish-bowl and seeing little of the mechanics of how anything is done; then: created out of a desire for own-self-assertion which otherwise flounders in the presence of learned skill: in many ways I think they are “trying to impress us, trying to reach our level” by putting on the play-act of being equal or superior, and it may well be at least partly our share of the culpability if the situation is handled poorly, as: we are the superior party and so they look to us to lead, even as they are shy to admit it, to organize their lives for them which we are oftentimes entirely unhappy to have such a burden forced upon us – with this arousing their anger, as like, I mean, the child acts out to get the attention of Father even if the attention will likely be entirely crushing. This particular point of “needing help but being too proud to ask for it” is highlighted, of course, during the actual time of the Early Roman Empire; (although evidence of this exists as far back as Sulla and Pompey in the deal which bequeathed Egypt to the Roman Senate) letters to Tiberius Caesar exist from vassal and allied kingdoms and republics out-right begging him to send Imperial Procurators to put their economies in order, manage their production, rid them of pirates, bandits and civil division, build this and this, and so on, a world in disorder suddenly shown example of Correct Form then crying out to uplifted in the same manner, crucially: with an Imperial Power capable of doing so. This is contrasted not very much at all with the Jews, I think, as although this text takes a very dim view of Abramic culture and one might expect me to say here “oh, it was all wonderful – apart from them” it must be reminded that many of the Jews and the better of them were entirely on board with the Romans, I have written previously of my own conclusions of “Christianity as Revolutionary Judaism to Save The Jews from their Own Religion (or whatever the title was decided)” which is all apt to be mentioned here, but that the same problem of massively attractive civilizing influence also aroused the extreme animosity of those elements within the society who knew that their ‘religion’ could not stand up in open contest for hearts and minds of their own people versus the enlightened attitudes of Roman Polytheism which had produced such bountiful quality that simply could not be found to have existed for them at any point in time – whilst, at the same time; hammering in the nail of the contention, their own religion was constituted quite alien by comparison to the universalistic polytheism of most of the world and so indeed very little civic or intellectual or philosophical space existed by which the dew-drop-nosed priests of one side may have become friendly with the dew-drop-nosed priests of the other side. Of that contention, the strangeness of it, it does not escape my notice that the composition of this particular constitution would have always been so alien to the neighbours and so designed, from the very beginning in the legendarium, in order to hold that alienness in place; to the outcome of animosity and failure to ever come to kinship I mean, so as to force the first Jews into that position from the earliest times. There is a danger to adopt an overly aetiological bias to this piece of evidence of course, although it has escaped no-ones notice either that we find persons claiming to be Hebrews hard at work butchering another lot of persons claiming to be Hebrews in the same area of land today as in their holy books, but I say it would be more of a proof of “this what Abramism was from the very beginning” if the affair hadn’t been so stage-managed by the European Christians (so eager in their own delusions to have their Mithridates fly down and fuck them). Certainly the constitution, however, of the form taken by Abramism as it crapped out goyish copy-cat versions of Religious Ethno-Supremacism was and obviously remains so entirely inimical to the natural disposition of much world; dragging down Men to a base state and declaring anything superior in any area at all will be ‘demonic’ (although they appropriate this from its original meaning quite deliberately i think, knowing that it refers to the ‘dumb rabble’ of an Athenian Democracy and the Demagogic fop politicians they crap forth themselves - and that they are themselves in this manner entirely the ‘demons’), which returns us to the earlier points of “opposition to logic” as the commonality which produces civic destruction of the physical bricks and mortar and of the psychical nature of the social qualities which are pinned-into-place in unworkable conditions: Religious Ethno-Supremacism is ultimately the battle-standard of all Abramism, it is thinly veiled with paradoxical pretences of their cult/s being ‘universal’ (which they are obviously not; despite their own lies it is both shamanism and then polytheism that share that title in true history), whilst dysgenics and the treachery of arousing compassion when they are unable to be violent then being violent the moment they can has been the mode by which they have spread ruin and misery across virtually our entire species in a war against Humanity itself; indeed it is incredible to me to know that where real history of deep lessons and achievements in the ancient world of the Pagans ought be is this layer of plastic cheese borrowed from the Hebrews by which the descendants of Pontic astronomers and Etruscan physicians and Epirot centurions, in their wretched incarnations today as Half-Men; as like feeble dogs put by side and measured against timber wolves, are so deluded into believing to be the apex of wisdom. Astounding. Unbelievable that Man has not by now torn down these religious building and learned these lessons centuries ago. I am sure I have said this many times, and by now bore the reader with it entirely, but it never ceases to astound me how almost honeycomb in its uniformity is the cognitive structure we face in the ignorant Man (in general but also in our context here), as like the work of insects in a closed pipe somewhere who have evolved bereft of worldly sun and moon, wind and rain, entirely alien to the complexity of reality that they might merely “pretend” a thing was so and find nothing at all troubling with going off under the assumption to tumble down a flight of stairs for having made-up in the mind that a hand-rail would save them. It is perplexing to me ‘how’ such a cognitive structure could ever have evolved on our planet or indeed on any planet as it is so hotly oppositional to the plain deductive capacity inherit to the physiology by which our truly ancient ancestors came down from the trees and fathomed the uses of a thousand disparate plants. That this thing may be defeated merely by adjusting the firing trajectory however; that: as fast as the error was produced as fast as it may be corrected and seemingly entirely peripherally, gives me some image of Hope – albeit the more Augustan version of that concept perhaps, if anything at all. If not, then I am fair content. Let Man be the sex slave cum livestock of Monsters from Outer Space who were never held back in their development by such trifles as our species deludes itself with, it is of little consequence – my epitaph will be that of a Man in a good humour. Valete. UNDECEM. VII-V, CAL. DUODECEM. PREVIOUS https://preview.redd.it/jwqfnxwj41fe1.jpg?width=649&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=066d6c6f7c72431a01eb1ee0501edb27ba9e098a submitted by genericusername1904 to 2ndStoicSchool [link] [comments] |
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I know some side effects are normal, but I’ve heard side effects are less with Tirz?
I am 5’4, female, 210 pounds and always hungry and craving. I am looking for inspiration, and hope with Tirzepatide.
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Apologies all if this does not fit. On a cruise this evening it was announced the aircraft carrier JFK was being towed to scrap. Thought perhaps this sub may know the right place to post. Apologies Canadian here but toured it with my family and late father in the 90s and have fond memories as I’m sure others may. Also sorry for the quality. Wasn’t expecting to see her. submitted by traveling-flamingo to navy [link] [comments] |
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Any recommendations on great online programs?
Online isn’t ideal, but it’s my only option as I need full time employment and New Orleans universities only offer masters in performance.
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Log: https://mclo.gs/QtQhWhF
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This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
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getting nothing but circles?
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2025.01.24 23:51 Alyred Corsair DDR5 Titanium temperature specifications?
Hi all, I'm looking for the safe temperature ranges on both the 2x24 8000 (CMP48GX5M2X8000C38) and the 2x32 6400 (CMP64GX5M2B6400C32) DDR5 Titanium memory kits. I've noticed the 64Gb kit is rising up to 69 degrees after around 20 minutes of running OCCT Extreme, but doesn't seem to go any higher. No errors detected at the timings and settings I've got configured (manually tuned to 3:2 6200 32-40-40-76) but the 48gb kit (tuned down to 6200 as i was getting more stable and higher speeds from it) was topping out in the high 50's.
Haven't been able to find them on Corsair's site or elsewhere on the web. Appreciate anyone pointing me in the right direction. Thanks!
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