Maliketh got me

2025.01.25 00:40 Supraxskyline Maliketh got me

submitted by Supraxskyline to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 RealmwalkerMaps Firefly Forest (70x40)

Firefly Forest (70x40) submitted by RealmwalkerMaps to dndmaps [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Dragonkingofthestars If humans went extinct and a few thousand years later aliens came by and looked at our planet and dig through all are plastic junk: could they figure out that frogs don't have extending tounges?

So If humans went extinct we would of course leave a lot of a plastic junk behind. If aliens or something else evolved sapience and started to look through our trash, and found our very inaccurate toys and plastic tat of frogs with chameleon like stretching tounges, would they be able to find out that that frog is a figment of human imagination?
Tounges are soft tissue so there would be no fossils and indeed fossils are relatively rare so the best record they would have of old life would be human plastic that breaks down, if at all very, very slowly. But in this case the plastic is wrong, so could the figure it out?
submitted by Dragonkingofthestars to Paleontology [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 transunitycoalition Transgender Unity Rally: U.S. Nationwide Rally

Transgender Unity Rally: U.S. Nationwide Rally submitted by transunitycoalition to TransUnityCoalition [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 newbeginning786 UK

Hi I am very new at this resin craft, can you recommend resin and tools from UK. Much appreciated
submitted by newbeginning786 to resin [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Academic-Ad5667 Charlotte season 4

Anyone else notice that in season 4 Charlotte is punished by being told to clean the house and she comes up with a ‘sponge device’ where she sellotapes two sponges to a stick to clean the dishes? Was this before or after someone released the sponge stick for cleaning dishes?😂just wondering if someone stole charlottes idea or if she stole theirs for TV?😂
submitted by Academic-Ad5667 to GeordieShore [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 TopDesigner836 man’s boutta go to Rooms.

man’s boutta go to Rooms. submitted by TopDesigner836 to doors_roblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 TRAP_SQUAD87 Looking for someone to talk to

(M37)I'm looking to make me friends im from Michigan I'll tell u a little about my situation so I was recently diagnosed with general anxiety disorder and am going through a separation with my wife of 10 years i spend all my time by myself with no one to talk to and it sucks I'm just trying to find people to talk with that I can vent to or even help with whatever they got going on sometimes all it takes is having someone to talk to talk to to help someone im not looking for sympathy im just looking for friends to talk to to keep my mind off things and generally have a social life again after 10 years of marriage all my friends are married now or moved on with life so if anyone is invested in just taking about anything im free to taking with u hope everyone has a good day thank u.
submitted by TRAP_SQUAD87 to penpals [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 broman79 CSL Plasma New Donor Coupon / Referral Promo Code January 2025: Use Code U2M3CEACL4 for Additional $$$ Bonus!

Click Here:
Steps to redeem: 1. Download the CSL Plasma app on iOS or Android.

  1. Sign up or log in to your account.
  2. Find the "Referral" or "Rewards" section in the app.
  3. Input referral code U2M3CEACL4.
  4. Complete your first donation and receive a $50+ bonus!
submitted by broman79 to TheCSLPlasma [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Any_Situation4141 Weather boosted dialga! 790913118660 join ending soon!

submitted by Any_Situation4141 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Southern-Bet-6502 Need First Camera Setup Recomendations!

I’m looking for my first camera and lenses to start having fun and getting into sports photography. My budget is around $300 which I know is pretty low but it’s all I’m gonna spend for my first setup. I’m looking at getting used and I don’t care if it’s mirrorless or dslr. Brand also is not important for me as long as i’m getting a bang for my buck. I would like to have 10fps on continuous shooting mode but if not it’s alright as long as it’s like 5 or more. Please help!
submitted by Southern-Bet-6502 to Cameras [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Jolly_Conclusion5661 345221830907

345221830907 submitted by Jolly_Conclusion5661 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Thangleby_Slapdiback Practical resistance.

It's all well and good to do some slacktivist shit and call it resistance. Sweet. You called Trump a dick online.
The thing is that there will be some real world atrocities committed at the hands of the current Fascist administration. What can we do to really resist? What can we do to stymie their plans? What can we do to fuck up the machinery that will drag us into Fascism?
I don't know the answer to that.
Yesterday I told a colleague of mine who was brought across the border by his parents that if he and his family need a bolt hole, they are welcome in my home.
We need to organize. We need to fight. We need to resist. How can we do so in an effective way?
submitted by Thangleby_Slapdiback to esist [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Svahman1 One of my favorite LP covers / local artists

One of my favorite album covers (and albums) ever - Garrett T Capps & NASA Country’s “People are Beautiful” from here from San Antonio. Anyone else that can recommend any local artists from your neck of the woods that don’t get the recognition they deserve?
submitted by Svahman1 to vinyl [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Kind_Significance619 Will someone do the math for me lol.

Okay no picture included since I'm going tomorrow, but I'm going to Wings and Rings. I have a really hard time reading the nutrition info because I'm poorly coordinated. Will someone who has spare time do the math for me?
* Buffalo cauliflower wings mild heat (there's no number of wings on the website, but most likely 6/8 if I could choose)
* Small ranch
* Parm garlic aioli fries
Tysm for those that make up for my lack of coordination!
submitted by Kind_Significance619 to CalorieEstimates [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 dumpsterfire629 Why do so many people have archangel Bradley

I was looking at my teams deck and I keep seeing archangel Bradley alot of the time they are befor area 9 so how are yall getting him earlier
submitted by dumpsterfire629 to SouthParkPhone [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Fabulous-Introvert Is there anything you wish you could dig deeper at?

For example I came across this obscure European game and because of how grounded and close to reality it was, I wanted to know if it was inspired by history and if so, what kinds of history or what aspects of history. Can you even email the developers to ask them such a question?
submitted by Fabulous-Introvert to autism [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 aaanonomous Waiting for a sub to send something tonight 🥱

I’m sure all of us dommes could use a nice treat tonight ;) drop your payment option(s) and let the subs work
submitted by aaanonomous to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 polikler Guys this was my first ai and İ really proud with my self. I really wonder what you think about my first ai. Bytheway this ai for your daily problem. If you could tell me your thoughts, it would make me very happy.
submitted by polikler to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Jazzlike-Air2717 Pilate boards 15 percent off for new customers :)

Hello :) I’m selling Pilates boards at a lower price compared to some stores. You can perform various abdominal exercises and crunches on this board. It includes a 2cm knee pad to prevent knee injuries and a mobile app that offers new workout experiences. If you’re interested, please DM me. I’ll provide you with a code that offers a 10-15% discount for new customers. Let me know. I want to help those who are hesitant to visit the gym.
submitted by Jazzlike-Air2717 to personaltraining [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Revent10 marraige license question

who do i address the money order to for the mail in application? want to be 100% certain I'm doing this right before I send it off
submitted by Revent10 to alaska [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Morally_bankrupt7117 Looking for a sauce or a marinade recommendation

So I really wanna make a steak and peppers dish, I know the Chinese version usually uses a peppercorn sauce, but that doesn’t really sound appealing to me, does anyone have any recommendations on what could go well with that? I also like spicy food so a spicy marinade may not be a bad option either. I just don’t know which one to pick.
submitted by Morally_bankrupt7117 to AskCulinary [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 MkrsCrossbones Doctores y su irresponsabilidad con el tiempo de las personas

No sé si les pase igual que a mí, tienes cierta cita con algún médico a una hr determinada y te hacen esperar hasta 2 o 3 hrs por qué el pinche doctor está ocupado, no hay nada que me encabrone más que perder tiempo así...entiendo que surgen imprevistos pero de 5 consultas, 4 son así, vayas con el que vayas, que de plano no piensan en el tiempo de la gnt o de a tiro les vale madre?
submitted by MkrsCrossbones to mexico [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 Ok-Flower3153 Swedish Culture

After rewatching YR have questions about Swedish culture and what 16 year olds experience. For example, are parents really that tolerant and let boyfriends/girlfriends sleep over at 16? What about sex education? I only remember the mention of birth control once, when Sara asks August if he has a condom. Also, what is drinking culture like? Alcohol seems to be readily available at Hillerska. Then there is The Palace. Is it on school grounds and it’s fine to party as the students do, unsupervised? One more - what about driving? Wouldn’t some of, at least the third years, have licenses and likely their own cars? I was thinking about this because of Sara. Thanks!
submitted by Ok-Flower3153 to YoungRoyals [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:40 vSpacedd Anyone else having fun with the shotgun changes?

Anyone else having fun with the shotgun changes? submitted by vSpacedd to Crossout [link] [comments]