2025.01.25 00:41 bowflowerchica Feeling defeated
I’m almost 8 weeks out from my hysterectomy and it didn’t fix my pain. I’ve been having severe pelvic pain for years now. My doctor wanted me to have a hysterectomy in February 2024 but the day before my surgery, my insurance denied it. So since I had tons of cysts all over my ovaries we decided for a oophorectomy in March (hoping that would solve it. It didn’t). So, after jumping through every hoop, my insurance could throw at me. They finally okayed my hysterectomy for December. I did have adenomyosis, fibroids and a polyp. But, I guess that wasn’t all of what was causing my pain. The doc thinks now it could be vascular issues caused by all the gyno problems. We’re gonna try more pelvic floor therapy and if that doesn’t help at all, send me to vascular surgeon… I’m just so sick of this. I’m sick of being pathetic. I’m sick of always been in pain.
submitted by bowflowerchica to hysterectomy [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 00:41 Fit_Raspberry_3606 Ethan Conrad hires Johnny Depp Attorneys. Mr. Loves Attention thinks he’s Hollywood.
submitted by Fit_Raspberry_3606 to CommercialRealEstate [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 00:41 timus9581 Additional diaphragm shear due to cantilevers.
I have reposted this with a snapshot . I need to check a rigid diaphragm cantilevered at both ends. Do I consider a net moment due to the moments from these cantilevered ends and then convert it to diaphragm shear (dividing by a distance between frames in other direction)?Then add this additional shear to diaphragm shear calculated in other direction to obtain a total shear? Can someone guide me on this? Thanks! submitted by timus9581 to StructuralEngineering [link] [comments] |
2025.01.25 00:41 Alfafa96 f20 petite latina let me make your cock leakkk
submitted by Alfafa96 to LetsChat [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 00:41 Mean-Foundation-7450 Remicade vs Biosimilar
After having a reaction to skyrizi I am getting switched to Remicade. I was just told my insurance denied it and they have to put in a request for Inflectra. I am scared that inflectra is maybe not as good or will give worse side effects just based on some things I’ve read? Also to be honest my number one fear is weight gain, is there people out there that have done inflectra that have any advice or maybe calm my nerves
submitted by Mean-Foundation-7450 to CrohnsDisease [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 00:41 unnasty_front The loaded baked potato of my dreams
submitted by unnasty_front to cookingtonight [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 00:41 BallAwkward448 What do my mains say about me!!!
I GOTTA KNOW. Kudos to anyone that knows all the cosplays submitted by BallAwkward448 to CreaturesofSonaria [link] [comments] |
2025.01.25 00:41 Ok_Peace_817 Not Minnesota too
After JHU giving me “good morning” today, Minnesota just said “good evening”. Such is life 😇 submitted by Ok_Peace_817 to gradadmissions [link] [comments] |
2025.01.25 00:41 Spirited_Chard7968 Asking for hotel recommendations on the luxury side
I’m planning to go in early May, we want a nice hotel, if you know good restaurants, please let me know, many thanks!
submitted by Spirited_Chard7968 to Quimper [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 00:41 dietcherryvanillapop Perspective needed on a bad, bad situation
Hi all. I’ve searched high and low for answers and am desperately unsure where to turn. My father died on the 14th. His death was sudden and unexpected with no succession planning. He was a small business owner who took out a 500K loan EDIL SBA in 2020 for Covid and has not paid it back… with our home as collateral. Long story short, his business has fallen apart completely before he passed and now is at a complete standstill. My siblings and I are the sole beneficiaries of his estate. His business was incorporated and an S corp. We are looking to see what our future looks like. We can not run this business successfully based on everything he did. We currently are waiting for me to be appointed executor due to an outdated will. We are all scared as we are younger and had no idea what he got himself into. He was all we had. Thanks in advance.
submitted by dietcherryvanillapop to EIDLPPP [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 00:41 mindysmind If you left the PA and found a partner who doesn’t use porn…
Where did you meet them? How/when did you discuss views on porn?
submitted by mindysmind to loveafterporn [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 00:41 Velocity1549 Did they get rid of the 100kph/60mph badge?
I swear I saw it before and there are plenty of things online talking about it. Now it's gone from my achievements list. I don't mean I had it and it disappeared, I mean that it is removed from the list entirely.
submitted by Velocity1549 to Zwift [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 00:41 Complete_Wealth_2058 Sourdough l3rd loaf
Any feedback would be wonderful!! This is my third loaf, I fell in love with baking sourdough loafs! I have been working on my scoring. submitted by Complete_Wealth_2058 to SourdoughStarter [link] [comments] |
2025.01.25 00:41 Stock_Abrocoma_9387 bikes in paris
submitted by Stock_Abrocoma_9387 to streetphotography [link] [comments] |
2025.01.25 00:41 livingtool Indiana Jones pinball in Cordoba, Argentina, in 1994
Hi everybody!
I am 46 years old and live in Argentina. In 1994, I was 16 in High School, had 1 year left of school, and we often skipped school and go to an old lady's house, which had a couple of arcade machines (I remember Captain Commando, Street Fighter, Pit Fighter and a few others) and ONE PINBALL.
That pinball was Indiana Jones, the Pinball Adventure.
Now, checking online, I see there were 12.700 units sold.
My question is: what are the ODDS???
I live in a fairly small city, in a 3rd world country, and the year after of this machine being released, there is one in excellent condition in an old lady's house who basically sold arcade plays to 15-17 years old teenagers.
Anyway, at the time (1994) I didn't thought much of it, but now, reading and finding information online, I have this "mistery" of how I got to play with one of the best pinball ever made.
Thanks for reading and any information will be greatly appreciated.
submitted by livingtool to pinball [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 00:40 Ashamed_Economist_55 Finished my first Lostbelt! ...I may be slightly traumatized 😭
I realized pretty quickly what saving PHH meant for the Lostbelt world, but the sequence of events breaking it down to Ritsuka made me cry way harder than I thought it would 😭 Patxi!!!
I'm both looking forward to and slightly terrified of what the next Lostbelt will bring, wish me luck!
submitted by Ashamed_Economist_55 to FGO [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 00:40 nichoherrera The Judgement of Maat, Nicho Alexandria Herrera, Ink on Paper, 2025
submitted by nichoherrera to ArtHistory [link] [comments] |
2025.01.25 00:40 JosYc24 LF shiny Impidimp w/parting shot. Open to more stuff.
Blue circle are POGO. I got more personal shinies, if youre looking for something else. submitted by JosYc24 to PokemonHome [link] [comments] |
2025.01.25 00:40 Unbelievablefun1234 Design App for iPad
I am interested in learning a little CAD. This would be at the “below hobby level “ sort of learning! I just want to poke around in my spare time. The question I have though, are there any apps that can function on an iPad without the Apple Pen? My iPad doesn’t support it. ( I think )
submitted by Unbelievablefun1234 to FreeCAD [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 00:40 Competitive-Photo216 Is Housing Expensive
View Poll
submitted by Competitive-Photo216 to montrealhousing [link] [comments]
2025.01.25 00:40 girth___worm [Phonk] Pour4 - I REPRESENT
submitted by girth___worm to soundcloud [link] [comments] |
2025.01.25 00:40 An-SPD-Fan This was strange...
A truly strange match, no doubt about it. Maybe there might be something different if Hitler becomes chancellor when Braun is president? submitted by An-SPD-Fan to RedAutumnSPD [link] [comments] |
2025.01.25 00:40 Human_Egg1098 Please Help Identify (Lambert Bros, Girard-Perregaux, Caravelle)
1 Lambert Bros. 2 Girard-Perregaux 3 Caravelle Can you please help identify? Do you think these vintage watches are worth anything? submitted by Human_Egg1098 to Watches [link] [comments] |
2025.01.25 00:40 30phil1 What do you do when you can't access your therapist?
I've been doing pretty well lately but my therapist has been on strike for about 15 weeks and I'm starting to notice my mood getting significantly worse lately. (For context, here's a super good article about the strike.) I've been resisting going to a scab therapist because it feels like I'd be both betraying my values and that I'd only be speaking with someone who will leave once the strike ends.
With that said, on paper, I'm actually doing quite well. Here's what I have been doing:
2025.01.25 00:40 TheGamerPandA Zelda Retail and Acekard2i direction ?
Hi I’m completely out of the loop with 3ds my 3DS has mainly just been used as a DS in its entire lifetime because I had a Acekard 2i that could play DS/Dsi/3ds games. So I only had 7 retail 3DS games i played aside from DS filled AceKard.
3DS XL is on this firmware: 3.1.0-6E
Where do I go from here with the 3DS XL ? Would retail 3DS games like the Zelda game work on this firmware. Last I remember was that the updating 3DS firmware would ruin my Acekard.
submitted by TheGamerPandA to flashcarts [link] [comments]