Loving the view of these clouds over Alaska

2025.01.25 00:23 capellanx Loving the view of these clouds over Alaska

Loving the view of these clouds over Alaska submitted by capellanx to MicrosoftFlightSim [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:23 FTHBQQ My cat just vomited up this fleshy tissue. Has anyone seen this?

submitted by FTHBQQ to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:23 Malakyan Rin is gonna win, the worst timeline

First let me say that ness has a lot foreshadow to do something and I even think Charles might do a bad pass to the opponent but all of that is very predictable imo.
Rin just winning is boring and Rin winning but losing to Isagi metaphorically has been done so what's left?
Rin is gonna win but he is gonna injury himself doing so, maybe torn a ACL or something but it's gonna be something bad that will leave him screaming in the ground as the match end
Rin's football is all about destroying himself and the opponents and putting his life on the line, he is gonna win but due to his injury his bids are gonna plummet and Isagi is gonna be the number 1 and Rin will forever be the monster he couldn't beat
submitted by Malakyan to BlueLock [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:23 GrandMoffmanTarkin I’m nervous? Do I go out? There’s so many watch parties?

I’ve been watching all my games at home but I kinda wanna go out but I kinda don’t wanna jinx it. Does anyone feel the same way?
submitted by GrandMoffmanTarkin to Commanders [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:23 Ok-Bandicoot-9445 wizard!

wizard! submitted by Ok-Bandicoot-9445 to wizardofoz [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:23 Upbeat-Trainer7973 What does my music taste say about me?

What does my music taste say about me? I have quite varying music
submitted by Upbeat-Trainer7973 to statsfm [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:23 Frossils Is multiplayer worth it? Why do YOU like playing with others?

As my other post said, I've been feeling crummy irl lately and I've been bingeing NMS like crazy! I always play alone.
But seeing the wonderful community on here, I was wondering if it was worth trying multiplayer again?
When I first visited the Anomaly, there was SO MUCH happening! It was overwhelming. Then, despite being in singleplayer, a random guy showed up and followed me into an abandoned freighter. I think he was trying to help by telling me I missed stuff! But I'm not very familiar with multiplayer games in general and I couldn't figure out how to chat back and reply and ask where haha 😅
I'm also painfully shy irl. Multiplayer feels intimidating, but the wholesome conversation on here makes me thinking about trying again!
submitted by Frossils to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:23 djo_oy 【中居正広引退】で「SMAPの映像」がトレンド入り “徹底NG”だった過去VTRがテレビ各局で流れた理由

submitted by djo_oy to newsokuexp [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:23 Immediate_Young6800 Could a pact of the chain warlock give a Circlet of Human Perfection to his skeleton and just have some “attractive human of average height” as a familiar?

Source - Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a humanoid)
The Circlet of Human Perfection transforms its attuned wearer into an attractive human of average height and weight. The circlet chooses the physical characteristics of the form, such as age, gender, skin color, hair color, and voice. Except for size, the wearer's statistics and racial traits don't change, nor do items worn or carried by the wearer. Removing the circlet ends the effect.
Warlock: “This is my familiar, Steve.”
Steve: “Sup?”
submitted by Immediate_Young6800 to DnD [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:23 potopeocacapichi prices still at 300

prices still at 300 i haven't updated the game yet and my hero prices are still at 300, should i wait till i have them all to update?
submitted by potopeocacapichi to BackpackBrawl [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:23 pinkdica Bee

is anyone going to take the exam anyway???)/)/):/$
submitted by pinkdica to Benilde [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:23 seamarine_ How do I change the space generated between lines when I click enter?

Last year my computer was stolen, along with the word document of my resume. I'm trying to recreate it, but I noticed that in the old version, the spacing between lines is much smaller, despite having selected simple spacing in both. Attached is an example of the old resume vs the new one.
You can clearly see that in the second image there is a lot more space separating the bottom border of the education line from the university line and also more space between the university line and the next line.
Does anyone know how to reduce the spacing between the lines?
Thanks in advance.
desired spacing
increased space
submitted by seamarine_ to word [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:23 tdc2395 HREfunny

submitted by tdc2395 to HREfunny [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:23 EfficiencySerious200 I'm tweaking at the fact that this chapter is one of the most if not the most viewed CSM chapter, fans will say it's the most disgusting thing, but knowing how fans be like, y'all def jorking it in this chapter anyway

submitted by EfficiencySerious200 to animecirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:23 Trikkkyyy Riff master

Can i use the riff master on pc/xbox 360 for fortnite festival, clone hero, guitar hero, and rockband games
submitted by Trikkkyyy to GuitarHero [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:23 BryceM32 Dialga 2 local 098668297344

submitted by BryceM32 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:23 Possible_Relative301 This game has done things to my brain

This game has done things to my brain For the past 2 weeks+, i've been playing this game everytime i have a free time. I genuinely cant stop thinking about this game. When im busy all i can think about is "when this is over you can play more mahjong". The thing is i cant ever win!!! Whenever i was close to winning, i cant find the tiles i was looking for. When i riichi-ed, the game gave me tiles that was obviously in other people's hand, forces me to discard it and proceed to lose. I think im in hell and mahjong is my torture device cause i kept on losing yet i cant stop. One time when i was sleeping i dreamt of losing a mahjong game and i woke up with dried up tears. One time i was playing mahjong and then i finally won, i let out the loudest scream ever my mom thought i was possessed. Even when im writing this all i can think about is that one guy who made me from 1st to 4th in all last (pic not related). idk if i should seek help or play again to win
submitted by Possible_Relative301 to mahjongsoul [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:23 Xzer08705 Visited my hometown and found shadowless Charizard(I think)

Visited my hometown and found shadowless Charizard(I think) Visited my hometown and found a binder of Pokemon cards. Just started researching a bit. Also if it is what I think it is. I really wish 11 year old me wouldn't have played with this card and used a better protector for it.
submitted by Xzer08705 to PokemonCardValue [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:23 Either_Hurry_4949 Reddit se me hizo adicción en pocos días

Ya no rindo igual que antes, me la paso aquí peleando por puras tonterías con gente que ni conozco. Cuando finjo ser mujer cachonda me invaden de penes en el chat. Cuando cuánto algo real y serio me tiran hate y me engancho. Ahorita debía entregar un reporte de mi trabajo pero llevo como 5 horas en Reddit nada más alegando tonterías.
Que debo hacer sin tener que desinstalarlo? Les ha pasado igual? Como lidiar con esto si me encanta el argüende y la alegata
submitted by Either_Hurry_4949 to ayudamexico [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:23 llDevTheRayll How many references do you get?

How many references do you get? Some are from my personal life so you wouldn't get it. I just found out you can do this last night lol
submitted by llDevTheRayll to btd6 [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:23 mvcuchiaro O que fazer? Transição para uma carteira Boglehead

Sou um investidor com alguma experiencia já, invisto desde 2019, trabalho no mercado desde o mesmo ano, mas só recentemente descobri a filosofia boglehead, estudei bastante e concluí que ela se alinha tanto ao que acredito em investimentos, quanto ao que acredito pra vida: simplicidade, tranquilidade, e eficiencia.
No entanto, tenho uma carteira de investimentos que é 100% composta de fundos de investimento tradicionais. Essa carteira segue a seguinte alocação estrutural:
22,5% de fundos de crédito privado
40% de fundos multimercado
30% de fundos de ações
7,5% de fundos “antifragilidade” - metade em dólar, metade em ouro
Como podem imaginar, à exceção dos fundos de crédito, dólar e ouro, todos os outros cobram o famoso 2% de taxa de administração + 20% de taxa de performance.
E eu cansei disso. Apesar da parcela alocada em fundos de crédito ter rentabilidade consistente acima do CDI, e da parcela em multimercados até ter entregado bem nos últimos tempos, a parcela em fundos de ações foi construída quando tinha muito menos conhecimento e experiencia, e escolhi 2 fundos que não são dos melhores. Estou tomando -35% nos últimos 2 anos nessa parcela, e não é o prejuízo que me incomoda, é - além disso - pagar um custo altíssimo por uma relação risco x retorno pior que qualquer ETF de bovespa ou s&p da vida…
Apesar do prejuízo na parcela em ações, a carteira não ficou no vermelho mas teve uma rentabilidade de apenas 6% em 24 meses.
Agora estou pensando em montar uma carteira bogle, com basicamente LFTB11 (30%), B5P211 (30%) e WRLD11 (40%).
Enfim, o que fazer? Vale a pena resgatar tudo e montar a carteira bogle? Resgato somente a parte que tá positiva e deixo os FIAs quietos pra ver o que acontece?
Montar uma carteira 100% separada não é exatamente uma opção pq levaria um tempo significativo pra chegar num patrimonio relevante, então preciso resgatar ao menos uma parte da carteira atual.
submitted by mvcuchiaro to BogleheadsBrasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:23 Opening-Physics6439 Good gift?

Hey guys! My partner is about to be promoted and I wanted to get him something to celebrate. I’ve been scouring the internet for nice rocks glasses (we went out to eat and he commented on wanting xl rocks glasses like the ones we had at the restaurant) but I can’t find any that are really spectacular. He is a huge old fashioned guy, and sazerac is a close second. I’m looking for a unique gift. Any suggestions?
submitted by Opening-Physics6439 to whiskey [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:23 wipeoffthatsmile New antioch work in progress.

New antioch work in progress. submitted by wipeoffthatsmile to TrenchCrusade [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:23 Various_Subject2979 You know you need that Tesla referral!

Get up to $1,000 off the purchase of a Tesla with my referral link.
submitted by Various_Subject2979 to teslareferralcode [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:23 YHNS Weekly Promo 1/27

submitted by YHNS to DaysofOurLives [link] [comments]
