Is my regulator toast?

IS.MUNI.CZ. IS.MUNI.CZ is operated and developed by the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University since 1999. It supports administration of studies, e-learning, and internal university-wide communication by using a large number of tools; currently, it is widely used by about 30.000 users per day from about 44.000 total active people at the university. IS/LM model - křivka IS se např. při fiskální expanzi posouvá doprava a způsobuje tím vyšší úrokové míry. IS-LM model je makroekonomický model, který zobrazuje vztah peněžního trhu a trhu zboží a služeb.Průnik křivky IS a křivky LM označuje "všeobecný rovnovážný bod", který je rovnovážným bodem všech takových trhů v ekonomice. [1] Jak se přihlásím do systému? Pro přístup k autentizovaným službám potřebujete znát svoje učo (přihlašovací číslo) a tajné heslo. IS.MUNI.CZ. provozuje a vyvíjí Fakulta informatiky Masarykovy univerzity vlastními silami od roku 1999. Podporuje studijní administrativu, e-learning a komunikaci uvnitř školy řadou nástrojů a je masivně využíván asi 30 000 přihlášenými uživateli denně z celkového počtu asi 44 000 aktivních osob na univerzitě. Jak se přihlásím do systému? Pro přístup k autentizovaným službám potřebujete znát své přihlašovací údaje z Centrálního registru osob SU.V případě potíží vám pomohou Správci systému. Island (Is.), any piece of land surrounded by water; Iceland (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code); Israel (NATO country code); Hīt, or Is, an Iraqi town on the Euphrates River; Ys or Is, a mythical city of Brittany; Iași County, Romania, (vehicle registration code); Inverness TMD, a railway traction maintenance depot (depot code); Province of Isernia, Italy (vehicle registration code) Informační systém Vysoké školy polytechnické Jihlava. Zobrazit menu; Uživatelské jméno: Uživatelské jméno: S informačními systémy se nesetkávají jen lidé v roli zákazníků anebo studentů. Prakticky v každém podniku nebo organizaci se v současnosti nějaký informační systém (nebo víc takových systémů) provozuje a velká část zaměstnanců se v rámci své profese stává jejich uživateli.. Neznamená to ovšem, že když někdo v zaměstnání pracuje s počítačem, jedná se ... IDOS umožňuje vyhledání spojení v jízdních řádech vlaků, autobusů, MHD a letadel. Vyhledává spojení různých dopravců a zobrazuje aktuální polohy vlaků a autobusů. Pro vyhledané spojení lze zakoupit jízdenky přímo v aplikaci IDOS. Migrace člena. Jsem stávajícím členem FAČR v původním systému a chci migrovat do nového. MIGROVAT ÚČET

2025.01.25 00:45 gluebabie Is my regulator toast?

Is my regulator toast? Took apart my ninja standard reg for the first time, well, ever, only to be greeted with a sad sight.
Tank is from 2014 and never been serviced, was gonna do a little maintenance on the reg and replace the gauge before getting it hydro’ed for the final time.
There are symmetrical grooves where the bonnet set screws were digging into the body of the regulator, I have no idea how this happened and I’ve never attempted to remove the regulator before so my guess is that maybe it got knocked or something and the set screws dug into it?
The tank was leaking but I was suspected it was from the cracked gauge, now I’m not so sure.
What do you think? I probably wouldn’t buy a new reg for this tank but if that surface damage isn’t critical then I’ll continue with the rebuild.
submitted by gluebabie to paintball [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:45 Ready-Ad-4549 Don't Talk to Strangers, Dio, Tenet Clock 1

submitted by Ready-Ad-4549 to dio [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:45 FlavoredFox 200%

200% submitted by FlavoredFox to brotato [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:45 snipelopez REINFORCE A FUCKING WALL PLEASE

It’s not rocket science.
submitted by snipelopez to RainbowSixSiege [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:45 lonepc 7 Days To Die! Co op Survival Series Ep. 157 - Motel Eight

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2025.01.25 00:45 __mint_tea__ They had him!!!

They had him!!! I was randomly walking my mall and he was out!!
submitted by __mint_tea__ to buildabear [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:45 SMFG_Live Is there network exploits or did I just lose to a bug?

I've been grinding out PvP matches out of boredom, and experimenting with decks for fun, and I just had an experience unlike anything else and I am trying to figure out if I am paranoid or if some sort of network interruption caused the game to bug.
Basically, my opponent took their turn, I got a "Unstable Connection" indicator for about 10 seconds, the when the game reconnected my opponent was taking a second turn.
I could understand if there was a connection error for the 90 seconds it takes to take a turn, and I lost my turn because of bad public wifi, but to lose connection for 10 seconds, then to lose my whole turn because of it?
This seems suspicious to me.
submitted by SMFG_Live to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:45 Anon_Ymou5 Chilling by artist Grickle (Graham Annable)

submitted by Anon_Ymou5 to ImaginarySliceOfLife [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:45 AK_g0ddess If I didn't love you

submitted by AK_g0ddess to LettersAnswered [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:45 Kametza1 Thinking about to shave the side part.

Thinking about to shave the side part. submitted by Kametza1 to gaybrosgonemild [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:45 IntelligentPoet7654 Trump reiterates tariff threat, calls Canada 'nasty' on trade | CBC News - why is Canada ‘nasty’ if Canadians and Canadian companies are broke and don’t own much?

Trump reiterates tariff threat, calls Canada 'nasty' on trade | CBC News - why is Canada ‘nasty’ if Canadians and Canadian companies are broke and don’t own much? submitted by IntelligentPoet7654 to AskCanada [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:45 Adventurous-Ask3092 27M Travel Paramedic. One of my best paychecks but California taxes are BRUTAL 😭

27M Travel Paramedic. One of my best paychecks but California taxes are BRUTAL 😭 submitted by Adventurous-Ask3092 to Salary [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:45 Long-Education7728 Screen protector gonna dead

My screen protector started to peel off from the fold area. What material is most recommended for replacing said screen protector? I don't have a warranty with Samsung so I couldn't exchange it with them.
submitted by Long-Education7728 to galaxyzflip [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:45 gostymane what kind of music do I play?

what kind of music do I play? submitted by gostymane to drums [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:45 Purple_Error4537 Daca eu candidez la presedintie, ma votati poate 1 procent de pe reddit

Ati vrea sa facem un experiment? Candidez eu si ma votati voi pe mine si eu voi fi suta la suta sincer cu voi daca ajung la putere va spun ce pot face si ce nu pot face. Pot aduna 200 de mii de semnaturi din partea voastra sau doar visez?
submitted by Purple_Error4537 to Roumanie [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:45 Yesyour4ouner Possible object show :D

Battle for the giant copper Mickey. (Whoever guesses who the host is wins.)
submitted by Yesyour4ouner to ObjectShows [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:45 tomboyzsapphic I picked these flowers.... but nobody to give them to <3

submitted by tomboyzsapphic to Tomboys [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:45 HurryObjective5561 Wallet

Made my 4th wallet. By far the best I’ve done but not perfect by any means.
submitted by HurryObjective5561 to Leathercraft [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:45 WeebusTheThirtyFirst Why’s my cats belly fur curly?

submitted by WeebusTheThirtyFirst to cats [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:45 E-Man081 Moon Knight needs to be fixed.

Like why the hell am I clearly standing outside of his area of effect and it’s still somehow landing hits through his Ankh. It’s complete nonsense, of all characters that needed a buff HE WAS NOT ONE. HE WAS FINE BEFORE, I know because I often used him.
submitted by E-Man081 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:45 BigBambuSeventyTwo Orders From Daliban Global Operations!

submitted by BigBambuSeventyTwo to uncensorstiny [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:45 Obi-Wan-Oblivious Comfy spots?

Comfy spots? He loves it.
submitted by Obi-Wan-Oblivious to corgi [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:45 Pibrebaut 790126898835 or 118783930323 Dialga 4 local party power

790126898835 or 118783930323 Dialga 4 local party power submitted by Pibrebaut to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]


HOLY MOLY, WAIT SEAN, I HAVEN'T EVEN FINISHED THE CURRENT REDUX EXPEDITION submitted by Fast_Improvement282 to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:45 SLim3ycreeper School doodles (Feat. 2.5 boykissers) :3

School doodles (Feat. 2.5 boykissers) :3 The gang is all here! Dont ask about the bottom left corner of the page.
submitted by SLim3ycreeper to boykisser [link] [comments]