Which cities for first time USA visit?

2025.01.25 00:36 Isabellaphant Which cities for first time USA visit?

I’m looking at visiting USA for the first time later in the year. Usa is a pretty large place and I’m looking at spending a month in total.
Which 4 cities/ states would you recommend to spend a week each in? I have zero interest in living there so don’t care for the most liveable cities and am not averse to staying in a dangerous city if there’s also a lively community.
submitted by Isabellaphant to travel [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:36 leaz90 So I decided to check out the newly Thrift store open close to our house. And I found these pieces. They are Sterling silver i believed seeingtheir stamped. Paid them from between $.99 cents to $5.99. Can't believe most of them are Italy. The earings that has 18k gold from Thailand. So insane!🥰

So I decided to check out the newly Thrift store open close to our house. And I found these pieces. They are Sterling silver i believed seeingtheir stamped. Paid them from between $.99 cents to $5.99. Can't believe most of them are Italy. The earings that has 18k gold from Thailand. So insane!🥰 They were not as good looking when I bought them tho they have a lot of tarnished, thats maybe they are cheap. I deep clean them immediately the moment I got home. Overall I only paid like 30bucks for them!
submitted by leaz90 to jewelry [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:36 Next-Ad1838 Need inspiration

Does anyone have their manifestations and terrain done I need some inspiration for mine
submitted by Next-Ad1838 to OrrukWarclans [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:36 PianoAcademic6916 Which are better speakers for Mixing/Mastering?

JBL 104 https://jblpro.com/en-US/products/104
Edifier MR4 https://www.edifier.com/global/p/studio-monitors/mr4
The frequency range for the edified speakers seems to be better but I see the JBL speakers being suggested more often what should I get?
submitted by PianoAcademic6916 to musicproduction [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:36 Severe_Elevator6330 Influencer Sighting

Hi there, my family and I were in Epcot today and sighted this seemingly Italian group of guys being followed around by cameras. One of them was a larger guy with a Japanese headband on that I think he got in the parks. They had their own camera crew and fans. Anyone know who this was? TY!
submitted by Severe_Elevator6330 to WaltDisneyWorld [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:36 Neat-Carpenter4799 [WTS] MDT SRS-XF buttstock. Fits MDT ESS and ACC Chassis. Black. BNIB

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/OT6l5DH
Brand new MDT SRS-XF buttstock. Folding. Fits MDT ESS and ACC chassis systems. Black. Includes install tool.
Payment via PayPal F&F with no notes. Price includes insured shipping. Post then contact me via PM. I will not contact first to avoid scammers.
submitted by Neat-Carpenter4799 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:36 Mummpitz Sorry ladies, but she is mine!

Sorry ladies, but she is mine! submitted by Mummpitz to InfinityNikki [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:36 SaylacoFilms Post Now OR superbowl Sunday?

I have a short in mind for Superbowl Sunday. Should I post it now so it's indexed by game day OR Superbowl Sunday morning, maybe the day before?
So I guess my question is... Post Holiday content on the holiday or whenever so it's indexed
submitted by SaylacoFilms to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:36 jahbariuz87 I got a little fucked up on New Years Eve, and apparently wrote a dissertation on YouTube regarding Adebisi’s musical preferences while raping Schibetta. Here it is:

I’ve often wondered the same thing. Based on a few factors: the time period this takes place in, Adebisi’s Nigerian ancestry and, more subtle, but the way he moves to the music when he’s maybe in the background of a scene, just grooving (I seem to remember an iconic shot of him on the upper level, “sensually” gyrating lol).
These two facts and one sort of innocuous, tiny background scene, have led me to believe that Adebisi was most likely listening to some sort of old school, early 90’s acid house/rave, and definitely it’s Nigerian/African counterparts.
Maybe some Fela Kuti? Man was the James Brown of Nigerian Afrobeat.
But for some reason, (no idea why lol) I definitely picture it being more on the cheesy synths, EDM side (which I love, def not talking shit).
Adebisi is probably not “gay” - I know that sounds crazy but - life sentence no parole + demented, drug addicted psycho. He’s gonna fuck something. The “gays” in the 90’s were definitely heavily associated with electronic music like Cabaret Voltaire, Soft Cell, Underworld, etc.
So yeah; I think adebisi was probably boppin’ (and takin’ cheeks) to some Nigerian meets Pet Shop Boys type vibe.
Maybe something like those wonderfully cheesy 90’s electronic groups Deep Forest or more niche African electronic genres like Kwaito from South Africa, Singeli from Tanzania or Mbaqanga rooted to Zulu culture.
submitted by jahbariuz87 to ozshow [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:36 MacroManJr I'm not even betting and I'm pissed off, just for you folks

This same Trail Blazers team will trip up much better teams, but struggle against a terrible Hornets team that's missing it's only main two players, LaMelo and Bridges?
More evidence that it's not really mattering what kind of betting you do, this year--this NBA season has been complete garbage, outside of OKC.
You can't plan or anticipate this junk at all.
submitted by MacroManJr to fanduel [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:36 Anomyd Why even be a parent?

I am not saying I don’t want to be, nor am I encouraging others to abandon parenting. But are you REALLY a parent if you don’t want to throw your son/daughteoffspring off the fucking window????? Or is it just me? I am just currently annoyed with my child and my brain and wanted to vent a bit.
Soy sauce
submitted by Anomyd to writingcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:36 hoddyLoverWaitress GTA 2 in real life

submitted by hoddyLoverWaitress to MakeMeSmile [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:36 adulting4kids Lesson 34

Lesson 34: Advanced Interpretation - Subtle Variations in Card Imagery
Explanation: Explore the nuances within different Tarot decks. Each deck may present subtle variations in card imagery. Learn how to interpret these differences and uncover deeper meanings.
Exercise: Compare the same card from two different Tarot decks. Notice the subtle variations in imagery. How do these differences impact your interpretation?
Activity: Select three cards from your preferred deck. Compare their imagery, even if subtle. Interpret each card, considering the nuanced details.
Guided Meditation: Close your eyes, visualize a card from your deck. Explore its imagery with heightened awareness. What subtle details reveal new layers of meaning?
Additional Insight: Diverse decks offer unique perspectives. Embrace the richness of interpretation that arises from exploring variations in card imagery.
submitted by adulting4kids to tarotjourneys [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:36 HowManyTimelines Guess the BJ Song #2 (How Long Does It Take You?)

Guess the BJ Song #2 (How Long Does It Take You?) submitted by HowManyTimelines to BillyJoel [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:36 victorthemad My one man band influenced by Morbid Visions era

My one man band influenced by Morbid Visions era Hi! I know that this may be off topic but i think it could interest some of you but i have a horror themed one man band influenced by Sepultura's Morbid Visions and Bestial Devastation and i think you guys could like my new EP. I hope you take a listen and enjoy the music.
submitted by victorthemad to sepulturaband [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:36 NomadDaGreatR6 H: Reflective Mod W: 40 Leaders

submitted by NomadDaGreatR6 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:36 Old-Web7083 André Ventura usurpou imagem do jornal Expresso para divulgar notícia falsa

André Ventura usurpou imagem do jornal Expresso para divulgar notícia falsa submitted by Old-Web7083 to portugueses [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:36 SittingTonka The granddaughter of Hitler's finance minister, and a member of AfD (current Nazi zionist party) is saying that Muslims are "importing antisemitism." To them antisemitism is just supporting Palestine.

The granddaughter of Hitler's finance minister, and a member of AfD (current Nazi zionist party) is saying that Muslims are submitted by SittingTonka to shitfascistssay [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:36 Vast_Distribution410 What your guys favorite death scream

Mine would have to be when he screams TOOOUCHHH on open casket
submitted by Vast_Distribution410 to DeathBand [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:36 Far-Ad1823 Avocado toast with wilted greens

Avocado toast with wilted greens submitted by Far-Ad1823 to eggs [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:36 Milannabanana Bad teammates?

Playing building 21 with a squad of people I don’t know. We encountered another squad and I got dropped. My teammates waited for me to die, took my loot, and then rezed me. What do y’all think about this?
submitted by Milannabanana to DMZ [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:36 TrackaLackerBot Pokemon Tsareena Ex Premium Collection is in stock at Walmart for $15.00 (Less than MSRP) (originally $39.99)

View current status at https://www.trackalacker.com/products/showcase/pokemon-ex-premium-collections...
As of 01/24/25 07:36 PM EST
submitted by TrackaLackerBot to PokemonRestocks [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:36 kjckountry Diet

I learned today that I have gastroparesis. My docs instructions were to follow the gastroparesis diet, but I was also diagnosed with IBS and was.told to follow that diet. I'm lactose intolerant too. Soo... does anyone else have the same and told to follow more than 1 diet? They seem to contradict each other and for IBS my doc told me to take fiber after my colonoscopy, and for gp it says not to. I'm soo confused! Doctors don't seem to be very concerned with giving patients knowledge these days... any advice would be appreciated!
submitted by kjckountry to Gastroparesis [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:36 Rough_Delay_9013 Morning

Morning submitted by Rough_Delay_9013 to eyesgonemildPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 00:36 bunion_ring Biggest shirts for big comfort. Also to be kind. Because to be kind.

Biggest shirts for big comfort. Also to be kind. Because to be kind. submitted by bunion_ring to swans [link] [comments]
