My dog is licking her abdomen. What should I do?

2025.01.25 01:11 Jun-Bug-Duck My dog is licking her abdomen. What should I do?

I have her a bath last weekend. Since then she has been licking her abdomen raw. What do I do?
submitted by Jun-Bug-Duck to AskVet [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:11 pinkninja0007 How would you interpret this conversation?

At work I (30f) was taking with other coworkers and a conversation about online dating came up. I asked if it was worth it and my male coworker who I’m friends with (56m) who is single and divorced, got serious and went into a special about how I have to be careful, he wouldn’t want to see me get hurt. He said people online don’t care about your feelings and I’m a good kid, someone will like me. He said I have a good sense of humour and we all like you, everyone likes you. At first I thought he was being just nice but something felt odd because no one else tells me to be careful. In fact my brother and father encourage me to go online. But I’m probably reading too much into it
submitted by pinkninja0007 to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:11 SubstantialPea4171 How to remove this lug nut without damaging the rim

These wheel locking lug nuts weren’t any good and now there all stripped. Will I have to sacrifice my stud ? Or does anyone have any ideas/techniques to remove them?
submitted by SubstantialPea4171 to mechanic [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:11 janups Could not expect getting MK4S would be such an awesome gift for kids.

So we go t the printer in December, and started printing bunch of random stuff. Then it came time for Dummy 13, lots of those my kids gifted to their friends.
At the beginning of January I have showed my older son how to use CAD and got through few tutorials together, guess what happened? A 10yo is now making pocket money designing and printing custom logos and key-chains to kids at school, saving up for MMU3 and second printer because one cannot keep up with his orders, what a guy! xD
And what an awesome thing this printer is - I would never thought he will be so much fun and my kids be interested in it so much, he traded his cartoon and game time for CAD time, could not be more proud of him :-)
It does not matter he is selling it under filament price, the knowledge he gets is crazy, and the designs he does more impressive every time.
I just posted this quickly as I had to order 5 more spools of gold and bronze he needs for next weeks ;-)
submitted by janups to prusa3d [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:11 UhohSantahasdiarrhea What did your last fart sound like?

submitted by UhohSantahasdiarrhea to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:11 Longjumping-Rock-935 Find/ Remember a video??

I was wondering if anyone can find/ even remembers a video of the Flea Market Montgomery ad, BUT SPECIFICALLY the one that someone edited with funny captions throughout on the screen
submitted by Longjumping-Rock-935 to internetarchive [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:11 lss_bvt_ios_03 Post 6

submitted by lss_bvt_ios_03 to moderationV2Events2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:11 Wolfsharkdog J and cyn doodle from a few weeks ago

J and cyn doodle from a few weeks ago submitted by Wolfsharkdog to MurderDrones [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:11 Advanced-Object4117 Is anyone else angry about your ‘wasted years’?

I cannot believe I gave so many years to that awful woman. I’ve been her therapist, sat on the phone for hours, tried to please her. I’ve made decisions that were bad for me because I wanted to stop her criticising me so it was easier to give into what she thought was right.
This was all years of sadness, insecurity, self hate, and for what?? I could have had a different life, a better life without her. It’s too late now, I can’t get the time back.
Also, my mother’s life is now a raging dumpster fire. Rather than acknowledging it and her bad decisions, she’s still meting out the advice and critiques.
submitted by Advanced-Object4117 to NarcissisticMothers [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:11 kk-hope trades ??

trades ?? submitted by kk-hope to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:11 Formal-Weird-3410 Going bowling

submitted by Formal-Weird-3410 to crossdressed50 [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:11 jyourman24 Business insurance for a Doula, midwife marketplace

Hi all. I run a marketplace for doulas, midwives and other birth professionals. I was wondering what kind of business insurance do you believe I’ll need? I’m assuming general liability and cyber insurance. Any suggestions or tips of what to do would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by jyourman24 to llc [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:11 bendyboy9999r I can't tell what this is

I can't tell what this is I found this ring after my grandfather died I think it's an Asian symbol
submitted by bendyboy9999r to language [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:11 oldstuffisrad Authentication Guidance

Authentication Guidance About a year ago, I found a Chelsea third kit from I believe 1999-2000 for Babayaro at a thrift store. As you can see, the front of the jersey is signed by the squad. Any recommendations for how to best identify the signatures and authentic something like this. Thanks!
submitted by oldstuffisrad to SoccerJerseys [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:11 lifeisrhythm Created this little musical aptitude web app!
Hello! thought this community might enjoy my little side project. It's a web app that tests basic musical aptitude without requiring any formal musical education.
Curious to hear what you think, and thanks for stopping by!
submitted by lifeisrhythm to Learnmusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:11 bandit4loboloco IG Stories January 24, 2025 Dressed Up All Fancy

IG Stories January 24, 2025 Dressed Up All Fancy submitted by bandit4loboloco to devinbrugman [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:11 Mystic_Soul8997 Maybe you'll never see this...

Hi Stranger,
I still don’t know your name, but if you’re the girl some guy out of nowhere once asked, “Aap LinkedIn pe ho kya?" back in March 2023, please message me here. I really wanted to get to know you better but never got the chance, and I couldn’t find you on any social media since I know nothing about you. Nearly two years have passed, and while a lot has changed, I somehow still remember every single moment of the very few times I saw you, and the even fewer words we shared. I still regret not saying more back then.
Just a little text is all I want, it’ll mean peace for me. If you don’t want to talk, that’s fine; just let me know. I won’t even ask for your name...
P.S. : If you happen to be someone who was pursuing your bachelor's around 2023 pleassse share this with your friends.
submitted by Mystic_Soul8997 to Jamshedpur [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:11 berriesnbball_17 Can’t tell parents after giving two weeks?

I’m curious if anyone has run into this, but a teacher at my center recently put in their two weeks notice. Our center is going through some serious turmoil with severe staffing issues and parents are starting to notice and complain. Our director told their teacher that legally they cannot tell the parents they’re leaving until the office decides to ? I am asking on their behalf if this legally enforceable? She thinks the office is going to hang the parents out tk dry and not mention it until they are gone with no heads up. I’m more curious if there could be legal repercussions if they did decide to tell the parents , or would it just be they might get fired? (Which isn’t really a concern more so just getting sued ) I can’t imagine it is enforceable as you I thought you were always at liberty to disclose your employment status and plans. I appreciate any input
submitted by berriesnbball_17 to ECEProfessionals [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:11 xotic6148 H: chainsaw skeptical paint w: rare apperel or cap offer

submitted by xotic6148 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:11 Andrew_Yolo_850 léelo

El Dios mío me oirá.” Miqueas 7: 7.'
Los amigos podrían ser desleales, pero el Señor no se apartará del alma agraciada; por el contrario, Él oirá todos sus deseos. El profeta dice: “De la que duerme a tu lado cuídate, no abras la boca;… y los enemigos del hombre son los de su casa.” Este es un lamentable estado de cosas; pero aun en tales casos el Mejor Amigo permanece fiel, y podemos contarle todo nuestro dolor. Nuestra sabiduría consiste en mirar al Señor, y no altercar con hombres o mujeres. Si nuestras súplicas amorosas son desdeñadas por nuestros propios parientes, confiemos en el Dios de nuestra salvación, pues Él nos oirá. Nos oirá con mayor razón por causa del desafecto y la opresión de los demás, y muy pronto tendremos motivo de clamar: “Tú, enemiga mía, no te alegres de mí.” Puesto que Dios es el Dios vivo, Él puede oír; puesto que es un Dios amante, Él oirá; puesto que Él es el Dios del pacto, se ha obligado a oírnos. Si cada uno de nosotros pudiera dirigirse a Él como “Dios mío”, podríamos decir con absoluta certeza: “El Dios mío me oirá.” ¡Ven, entonces, oh corazón sangrante, y deja que tus tristezas se denuncien solas delante del Señor tu Dios! Voy a arrodillarme en secreto, y a susurrar internamente: “El Dios mío me oirá”.
submitted by Andrew_Yolo_850 to mexico [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:11 BillNyeTheSavage_Guy Star Wars characters as Dracula Flow quotes

submitted by BillNyeTheSavage_Guy to StarWarsCirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:11 CuriousCost9917 Is this normal?

I ordered something coming from Montana that was supposed to arrive a week ago, it stalled in Montana for around 4 days, which, okay, weather delay, I get it. But when it started moving again, it went west to another town in Montana, down to Idaho, and now it's in Utah (and has been for 3 days)? I live in NJ, and this has never happened to me before when ordering packages from the west coast, so is this normal?
submitted by CuriousCost9917 to usps_complaints [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:10 Adept_Salt_3773 anyone know how to fix this red x??

anyone know how to fix this red x?? I just got the 13.3 pro today and I'm still figuring out how to do seperate window displays and for some reason clip studio isn't letting me draw?
It works everywhere else EXCEPT drawing in csp
submitted by Adept_Salt_3773 to XPpen [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:10 Skulduggery204 MSI MPG 271QRX Driver

submitted by Skulduggery204 to pchelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:10 Weird-Pipe3610 Type expert tournament advise

Do yall have any advice for the type expert tournament? Any pokemon you've found are particularly good against their own typing or effective strategies? Just need some ideas so I can form a proper team.
submitted by Weird-Pipe3610 to PokemonBlackandWhite2 [link] [comments]