(PS4) H: rare misc W:Misc List

2025.01.26 07:34 gayboysnuf (PS4) H: rare misc W:Misc List

(PS4) H: rare misc W:Misc List submitted by gayboysnuf to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:34 Negative-Elk9673 suitemates smell bad what do i do.

hi guys, every time my roommate and I step out of our dorm and into the living area, it smells like a spoiled sweaty odor. it's driving us insane. our suitemates are international students from India, and we have no complaints about their personalities, etc. it's just that the smell is sometimes really bad. I'm not sure how to go about this, I am brown myself so this is not racism, it's just I want it to stop. If anyone can leave some suggestions on how to go about this and not hurt their feelings, please let me know.
submitted by Negative-Elk9673 to UCSD [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:34 justonceokay5 Art by @ironlily_art

Art by @ironlily_art submitted by justonceokay5 to ImaginarySoldiers [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:34 Wide-Ad-2297 Top 10 Samoa dishes to have perfected

Want to upgrade my culinary skills need tips on what to upgrade.
submitted by Wide-Ad-2297 to Samoa [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:34 VinnyBean1 Him sitting with his legs crossed🥲

Lookin all sassy😩
submitted by VinnyBean1 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:34 No_Imagination_8174 Unidays newme code

submitted by No_Imagination_8174 to IndianBeautyDeals [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:34 SeesawOk3624 Interview dress code

Guys, can someone please elaborate on dress code for male in b school interviews. Also, please tell if suit or blazer is mandatory?
submitted by SeesawOk3624 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:34 spideysxmen need

need help please
submitted by spideysxmen to BoardKingsTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:34 Forsaken_Error9092 Need Marshadow

Just used to have a Marshadow and would like to relive that
submitted by Forsaken_Error9092 to PokemonSwordAndShield [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:34 Automatic-Bike-2732 Tongue is burnt day after drinking coffee

I didn't feel any burnt sensations on my tongue yesterday when I drank some coffee but when I woke up this morning I felt like my tongue is burnt. Why the delayed reaction from my body?
submitted by Automatic-Bike-2732 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:34 FirewallTwoThousand Survivor.Io got s mind of its own

Survivor.Io got s mind of its own It just randomly happened ig. (I only got 15 Special OP coins)
submitted by FirewallTwoThousand to Survivorio [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:34 Snoo60961 So hot

So hot submitted by Snoo60961 to geraldineviswanathan_ [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:34 JimbyWasTaken Obscure problem on old hardware

Hello all,
To preface this, this is a very obscure problem using obscure hardware, but someone may be able to help.
I have an old Dell PowerVault 770N. It's a deskside NAS server thing that weighs a ton. There is 0 documentation online about it besides original manuals and whatever was produced by Dell at the time for it. Linked here. I have been documenting the entire process so far and will be chopping it and posting it on YouTube for fun if I can get this up and running.
I tried about a year or so back to boot with ~7 OS', Windows Server 2003 was the only one that somewhat worked. I had a SATA PCI-E Expansion card that I connected in the computer with a Kingston 128GB SSD using a Molex -> SATA Power Cable and a SATA cable from the PCI-E Card. I also Ubuntu Server at the time to no avail, and since then I have given up on it.
So comes my question; what would be the most compatible version of Ubuntu Server, or any other Linux Server version or distro to install on this? I'm not scared of a CLI-only distro as well so shoot your best ideas. There is well over 500 pages of documentation that I don't want to sift through either.
My idea at the moment is to try the latest stable build of ReactOS (Reverse Engineered Windows 95/XP) as it says in their documentation that ReactOS SPECIFICALLY supports Windows Server 2003.
Now the restrictions/extra details for those inclined to help:
Wake the fuck up Samurai, I've CD's to burn.

  1. I cannot install this through USB. It must be a CD or Floppy Disk-compatible OS. It only has a USB 1.0 or 2.0 Interface, not sure if the interface matters but it doesn't work so that's my only guess. Or the fact that its Legacy and not UEFI. I could try to jerry rig USB 3.0 to it to see if it works, but that's... more work
  2. System is Legacy and NOT UEFI 3.System is 32x, not 64x... I Believe.
  3. System has 1GB of RAM... Or less. I will (hopefully) be installing more but I believe it needs a BIOS update to support more 512MB RAM chips and 1GB sticks
  4. System is ECC DDR2
  5. I will be using the same PCI-E -> SATA -> HDD method but this time with a 2TB Seagate Barracuda
submitted by JimbyWasTaken to linux [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:34 nyanch I've been away from the game for a while but have enough for a new hero. What's the meta like nowadays?

I've been away from the game for a while but have enough for a new hero. What's the meta like nowadays? submitted by nyanch to forhonor [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:34 animeocarl Pydio Home vs Pydio Connect

Hello. Anyone using Pydio here?
Here are the questions: 1. Can I still use Pydio Connect in our Linux Server?

  1. How many users can it accommodate?
  2. Do I need to pay? Or what features will I be able to utilize before I need to pay?
Thank you.
submitted by animeocarl to selfhosted [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:34 Spiritual_Bell Salomon binding straps compatibility

I need to replace some straps on my Salomon Highlander bindings. I'm particular the ladder ankle straps (the ones that slide into the buckle rachats) and toe straps (the actual toe cap straps).
I wonder if anyone know if Burton toe caps can be used here? Or Burton ladder straps? Or universal straps?
I ask about Burton because they are the easiest to buy parts for. Even aftermarket parts.
submitted by Spiritual_Bell to snowboarding [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:34 Pristine-Sir-8344 I sent a long comment but it didn't appear - Maybe browser failed

Is there any way to automatically safe unfinished and unsent comments and texts?
So I don't have to constantly keep copying them.
submitted by Pristine-Sir-8344 to help [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:34 Positive_Tap_8666 are these the same?

are these the same? T
submitted by Positive_Tap_8666 to yeezy [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:34 Lazy-Organization563 How can I update my room to look more cozy and less bare

How can I update my room to look more cozy and less bare I moved into this house the beginning of this school year so it's still pretty new. I bought small posters to put above the futon, I just haven't set them up yet, also I think I might get different pillows for the futon as well, other than that, I need some advice for what else to add.
submitted by Lazy-Organization563 to interiordecorating [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:34 Radiant-North-8519 what's one time you actually locked in on something?

my grades were actually fucking cooked last semester holy-
submitted by Radiant-North-8519 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:34 RonnieJamesDionysos Hitster: Movies and Soundtracks

Hoi allemaal! Ik heb een vraagje over Hitster: Movies and Soundtracks
Wordt voor de bepaling van het jaartal het jaar van het uitkomen van de film gebruikt, of dat van het uitkomen van het nummer? En als een nummer voor meerdere media is gebruikt, worden die dan ook goedgerekend? En voor meerdere films of een serie? B.v. Bad Boys van Inner Circle is voor het eerst uitgebracht in 1987, en gebruikt voor Cops (1989 tot nu) en Bad Boys (1995, 2003, 2020, 2024).
submitted by RonnieJamesDionysos to BordspelNederland [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:34 Daavih cumpleaños penca

hoy estoy de cumpleaños, trabajo en un hotel y ahora estoy trabajando y a lo lejos se escucha una fiesta, y le acaban de cantar el cumpleaños feliz al de la fiesta y me bajonie arto, la única persona que me ha dicho algo ha sido mi mamá, me siento más solo que la chucha, llevo muchos años sin celebrar mi cumpleaños en unos días se cumplen 7 años del fallecimiento de mi abuela, esa mujer fue la que me crío y estas fechas me ponen mal, la vi agonizar para mi cumpleaños, estaba tan medicada que me canto 3 veces el cumpleaños feliz, fecha de mierda como la detesto cumplí 21 y llevo estos últimos 7 años en una decadencia terrible no tengo valor para suicidarme ni para seguir adelante, solo existo.
submitted by Daavih to RepublicadeChile [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:34 Ok_Emu3545 New player

Had some questions recently have been wanting to get into an MMOVR game and I’m wondering if people still play this game still
submitted by Ok_Emu3545 to orbusvr [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:34 FairPlatypus5699 Custom lego Hatsune Miku

Custom lego Hatsune Miku Also lego ninjago mech that has been repurposed into a hatsune mech
submitted by FairPlatypus5699 to hatsunemiku [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:34 MurphDawg655 So I’m in a 1QB Ten team start 8 got this offer for Jets and just won the chip. More context in post. $1k total pot league.

So I’m in a 1QB Ten team start 8 got this offer for Jets and just won the chip. More context in post. $1k total pot league. Other manager definitely offered me this knowing I have no interest in trading him. (Vikings fan) and have told him multiple times he’s not on the block. My WR’s are Jets, CD, Nico, Garret Wilson and Rome. Am I being ridiculous if I don’t take this? Throughout the whole league only 70 Non QB players can start each week. How big of an advantage is having Jefferson? I normally Auto decline but this is still pending as of now. Thanks for any input.
submitted by MurphDawg655 to DynastyFFTradeAdvice [link] [comments]
