shorts Learn essential Spanish words for your hotel stay! Key pairs in this video include: check-in - registro, check-out - salida, ...

2025.01.25 01:00 Lazy_Bug_7452 shorts Learn essential Spanish words for your hotel stay! Key pairs in this video include: check-in - registro, check-out - salida, ...

shorts Learn essential Spanish words for your hotel stay! Key pairs in this video include: check-in - registro, check-out - salida, ... submitted by Lazy_Bug_7452 to Youtubeviews [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:00 etfvfva Measure to make California an independent country cleared to gather signatures

Measure to make California an independent country cleared to gather signatures submitted by etfvfva to politics [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:00 hubofcollection3 REPUBLIC DAY SALE IS LIVE🇮🇳

submitted by hubofcollection3 to anveshijainhub1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:00 Lazy_Bug_7452 shorts Learn essential Spanish words for your hotel stay! Key pairs in this video include: check-in - registro, check-out - salida, ...

shorts Learn essential Spanish words for your hotel stay! Key pairs in this video include: check-in - registro, check-out - salida, ... submitted by Lazy_Bug_7452 to YTPromo [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:00 Legitimate-Step-372 Does this remind yall of anything?
submitted by Legitimate-Step-372 to PantheonShow [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:00 bobblehead8881 [POSITIVE] for /u/ftsleepad [seller]

submitted by bobblehead8881 to PMsFeedback [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:00 Lazy_Bug_7452 shorts Learn essential Spanish words for your hotel stay! Key pairs in this video include: check-in - registro, check-out - salida, ...

shorts Learn essential Spanish words for your hotel stay! Key pairs in this video include: check-in - registro, check-out - salida, ... submitted by Lazy_Bug_7452 to YouTubePromoter [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:00 SSCharles Akira Physics - Tippens Física Conceptos y Aplicaciones Soluciones P2.1 a P2.4 - Sleep Music

Akira Physics - Tippens Física Conceptos y Aplicaciones Soluciones P2.1 a P2.4 - Sleep Music submitted by SSCharles to relaxation [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:00 Clean_Palpitation_24 Named WW1 Webley Semi-Auto Pistol

Named WW1 Webley Semi-Auto Pistol Recently acquired this Webley Pistol named to a W.C. Jennings of the South African Motorcyclist Corps from WW1, this is to be deactivated as per UK law and me not having a section 5 licence.
submitted by Clean_Palpitation_24 to milsurp [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:00 Lazy_Bug_7452 shorts Learn essential Spanish words for your hotel stay! Key pairs in this video include: check-in - registro, check-out - salida, ...

submitted by Lazy_Bug_7452 to YouTubePromo [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:00 deftreckon THE STYLE written by Deft Reckon [PDF] [Final Draft]

submitted by deftreckon to thestyle [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:00 Boc_The_Seamster Ranked adc

Hello last week i won 10 games in a row but now i Just cant win a single game. I play adc. Today I played miss fortune and i got 6/1 until I start dying many times! End of the game normally i am never top damage dealt to champions! Why is that? Why i dont deal dmg? Is it me being caught first on team fights? Or its me being afraid to deal dmg?
submitted by Boc_The_Seamster to summonerschool [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:00 Suspicious-Strain377 Just bought a Supra while still inside my dad's balls!

submitted by Suspicious-Strain377 to Supra [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:00 ltCuddlesz Will The New Packs Be A 3-Pack Combo or Single ?

What are we thinking ?
Is there any info out that defines it being more than 1? I'm assuming so but curious what's around/everyone's thoughts
submitted by ltCuddlesz to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:00 remote_rocketship Goldschmitt and Associates (G&A) is hiring a Angular Frontend Developer in the United States

Goldschmitt and Associates (G&A) is hiring a Angular Frontend Developer in the United States submitted by remote_rocketship to RemoteSoftwareEngJobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:00 Johnnyleaner Second attempt at making a painting reminiscent of something urban would make. How'd I do?

Second attempt at making a painting reminiscent of something urban would make. How'd I do? submitted by Johnnyleaner to UrbanSPOOK [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:00 filrabat Why I think freedom is overrated

If you disagree with even one syllable of this, then you admit that some things are more important than freedom.
America stands for freedom But if you think you're free Try walking into a deli And urinating on the cheese!
"Anarchy Burger" The Vandals (1981)
Yes, that's an extreme example but extreme doesn't mean false, merely 'far outside the society's norm'. Look at the word "freedom" itself. A good definition seems to be "the lack of barriers between what you desire and/or need to do or be, and actually gaining what you desire and/or doing it and/or being where you need to be". For the proper imagery, picture these science documentaries showing gas molecules zipping every which way across the screen, never stopping for anything. That seems the truest example of freedom.
Now if a society has rules against urinating on the cheese in a deli, then assuming prompt and adequately painful (emotionally) enforcement of that rule, then that's a barrier that inhibits the average person from acting in that way, i.e., a restriction on your personal freedom. It's irrelevant that it's violating others' rights to being secure in their person, property, or health (physical or mental).
All that matters is that a rule is a restriction on personal freedom. So it seems to me that anybody who shouts from the rooftops "Freedom!" yet supports rules against urinating on a deli's cheese is simply a hypocrite. If we say "but freedom doesn't mean THAT kind of extreme", then you get into a slippery slope. Why not add another law and still call it a free society? And another, and another. In which case I see nothing sensibly preventing us from calling even North Korea a free society. So is "free society" arbitrary, subjective, or independent of what our perceptions of freedom is.
Yet, without rules, we all know how that kind of "everything goes" world would end up - an eternal riot. But eternal riot is the only non-hypocritically free society there is. And that is why I don't value freedom as much as society says I ought to.
submitted by filrabat to TrueUnpopularOpinion [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:00 ItopaDaGreat Rins genius abilities explained and why he is OP

From chapter 289 it has become obvious that Rin is not like other geniuses in blue lock. He is on a whole other level to the point Kaiser, Loki, Isagi and even Noa admitted it. the problem however is Rins talent is not easily explained to us we get hints from when Sae came back and said Rin has the talent to be the best striker unlike him which in hindsight makes sense now why Sae was so angry Rin was wasting his talent.
Or the fact he dominated blue lock and was without any evolutions despite everyone else evolving especially Isagi with multiple evolutions each matchuntil the u20 where he was pressured enough to evolve.
So what separates Rin from other geniuses to the point that Isagi even admitted that Rin is not like Nagi or Barou he is something more. Well let me explain.
Physical Talent This is something most people dont realise about Rin because the author never says it out loud but if you understand sports science you would know that Rin has one of the best abilities an athlete can have. That is a very strong mind body connection.We see hints of it with when he dodged a car about to hit him. Or his calisthenic and yoga practice.
Basically people with this ability have ridiculous reflexes and accuracy by birth. Basically their hand to eye coordination is so special that they can easily do whatever is in their mind with crazy accuracy despite doing it the first time. Sae and Reo have this talent as well. Its also what lets them be so accurate with their shots. Its not just practice its also genetics.
Basically this talent usually manifest in kids in the form of them being really good at any sport they do. I m sure everyone knows that kid from school who for some reason could do every sport with ease and had really good coordination to the point of being the perfect all rounder.
However unlike Sae and Reo who have this talent as well Rin is a genius in this talent because of another reason and that is physique. Unlike Sae and Reo Rin also has a really strong and fast physique unlike say Sae. In fact as far back as when Sae left for spain Rin was already stronger and faster than Sae. That kind of physique combined with that level of mind body coordination is a recipe for peak athletic ability.
Mental Talent Now Rins physical talent unlike other geniuses allows him to be capable of so many techniques compared to other blue locker geniuses like chigiri, barou, nagi, yukimiya and so on. But his mental talent is what truly separates him from them.
Basically Rin has really good football IQ. His football IQ is so high that only Isagi is better than him in that regard. No other genius or talented learner in blue lock has higher IQ than Rin.
Now before the NEL Rin used his IQ the way a talented learner uses it. In a rational manner. However, with destroyer mode he uses it in a more instinctive manner. The difference is unlike talented learners who focus on everything happening with metavision a genius instinctively focuses on what will make him feel good. For Rin its destruction. What we saw in chapter 289 was a destruction of the chemical reaction between Kaiser and Isagi.
Rin was having a problem initially because he was focusing on the wrong thing. But with his IQ he figured what the right thing was to focus on and destroy. This is a problem other geniuses tend to have like Barou or Nagi. Nagi has little experience so he doesnt know what to focus on. Barous issue he is to stubborn to change his focus even Rin was stubborn before he changed it again. Basically, football IQ allows geniuses to know what to obsess over or focus their talent on.
We get hints of this ability when Sae asked Rin what he thinks when playing and Rin said he doesnt think. He instincitively can focus on where to go to destroy the defense and make them panic.
In the end the combination of his physical versatility with his high IQ destructive instincts allows Rin to be capable of almost anything. He has a body capable of multiple techniques and feats and a mind capable of not only understanding the game but also an instinct for destroying what he focuses on.
Destroyer mode only works becaus of all these things. Rin cant play like that without a mind capable of instincitvely understand and create new ways to destroy his targets and a crazy athletic body capable of carrying out those destructive plays and tactics.
submitted by ItopaDaGreat to BlueLock [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:00 NullIsNull- They force me to take medd by torturing me

Unless I take their medications (that apparently will make my symptoms worse), they wont stop harassing me at home through instrumentalizing my neighbors.
They symptoms i am complaining abput are also sideeffects of the medication. So it can only get worse.
Mental illness is their choice and they can launch or stop it any time...
submitted by NullIsNull- to Antipsychiatry [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:00 hoarseshoe City Council Meeting Agenda, Excerpted (01/27/25)

Just posting this for general awareness. It'll be held at 7:00 P.M at the Yancey Municipal Building, 503 W. Main St. Formatting, verbiage, and spelling taken straight from the published agenda:

submitted by hoarseshoe to waynesboro [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:00 curious1playing Brothers Moving (2020)

Keep On Talking To Yourself Live @ The Junkyard. Denmark
Came across these guys last year and they slipped my mind shortly after. Popped up again today. Don't know too much about them. Native Danish brothers now living in NYC.
submitted by curious1playing to imagican [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:00 Drugantino Noen litt dystre refleksjoner om dagens Norge

Dette kommer fra en som oppriktig elsker landet sitt og ønsker det alt vel. Men i stunder som dette klarer jeg ikke å la være å tenke: hva faen er egentlig poenget med dagens Norge?
For all del, Norge er blant verdens beste land å bo i og alt det der, det er i hvert fall det vi blir fortalt. La gå at staten skal ha over halvparten av hva du tjener i skatt, moms og avgifter, og at de som har betalt mest nå flytter ut av landet for harde livet og skattetrykket blir desto større på resten av oss. La gå at vi ikke klarer å stable på beina noen særlig form for innovasjon utenom olje, gass og fisk. La gå at 20% av folk i arbeidsfør alder står utenfor arbeidslivet. La gå at fødselsraten vår er så lav at den kvalifiserer til utrydningstuende. La gå at det er mørkt, kaldt og vått mesteparten av året, og at landet ikke har hatt reell lønnsøkning på et tiår samtidig som prisene på strøm og matvarer har skutt i været på samme tid. La gå at krona er rekordsvak.
Det vi alltid faller tilbake på er tanken på Norge som et trygt, varmt rettssamfunn der menneskeverdet står i sentrum og i det hele tatt (særlig hvis man unngår å google "Oslo machete" og begynner å tenke for mye på hvor denne utviklingen sannsynligvis er på vei). Så ser man saker som denne, og vet umiddelbart at denne gjengen kommer til å være ute på vift igjen om... tja, skal vi si maksimalt fem år?
Dette ble jævlig mørkt en tilfeldig natt til lørdag, men jeg klarer ikke å gi slipp på følelsen av at vi lever i et samfunn som råtner på rot samtidig som vi ustanselig fremhever hvor fortreffelige og moralske vi er sammenlignet med alle andre folkeslag. Jeg kan nesten garantere at over den neste uka vil nordmenn forsette å brøle ut en hel haug med svulstig retorikk om en sør-afrikansk milliardær på andre siden av atlanteren, samtidig som de holder total kjeft om de groteske overgepene som skjer i sitt eget land.
Jeg håper så jævlig at jeg tar feil, og at dette er en slags siste rest av vinterdepresjon som brått slo inn. Please gjør alt dere kan for å overbevise meg om at så er tilfelle.
submitted by Drugantino to norske [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:00 Fabulous_Island_5621 ¿En qué sabes que eres mejor que el 98% de las personas?

submitted by Fabulous_Island_5621 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:00 Edalyn_Owl I need to know what this is for and if it’s civilian or military

I need to know what this is for and if it’s civilian or military submitted by Edalyn_Owl to Medals [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:00 bethtx23 Mobile App Receipt Uploads

We have one user under the Standard Limited CustomeVendor role who is able to upload receipts for credit cards and complete all the appropriate fields within the web browser (categorize, class, etc). However, using the mobile app, when they try to categorize, it doesn't give them the list of accounts to choose from. Any idea why the web browser gives them more access than the mobile app?
submitted by bethtx23 to QuickBooks [link] [comments]