Mom's Oldsmobiles

2025.01.25 01:26 RX-Nate Mom's Oldsmobiles

Mom's Oldsmobiles The 88 Cutlass Calais my Mom factory ordered. She later traded it in for a new 01 Alero in 2000, which we still have, I've always liked the way it drives.
submitted by RX-Nate to Oldsmobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:26 sheffy4 Who are your favorite like-minded YouTubers?

I’m looking for some new YouTube channels to follow and I was wondering what you guys currently watch/listen to and enjoy. Doesn’t have to be a witchy specific channel, but even just channels that have adjacent vibes to sass witchery or similar mindsets to you. And I’m open to all kinds of content - vlogs, educational, how-to, entertainment. Post your favorites and please tell us why you like them!
submitted by sheffy4 to SASSWitches [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:26 goatfuckersupreme me🥰irl

me🥰irl submitted by goatfuckersupreme to me_irl [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:26 somegirrafeinahat It's crazy how detailed the writing in the office is.

This is random but in most lines of the office there are so many details and things that give you random glimpses into the characters opinions and current situations.
Like in a scene where Michael is about to drive to work he looks at Jan and says to the camera with a smile on his face "this is what i have to come home to." And in comparison that is a much more simpler example because I don't want this post to be fourteen paragraphs long.
submitted by somegirrafeinahat to writing [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:26 Brilliant-Roll-2919 My baby ❤️

My baby ❤️ Been playing around with my camera again and I adore these pictures (she had an airtag on if you were wondering)
submitted by Brilliant-Roll-2919 to cats [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:26 CanadaCanuk Big game next wknd

My kid is being recruited by team at Duke and has an “official visit” next weekend. We’re so happy for her! 🤞Any chance they might bring a group for them to the game next wknd? 😬 I know students work so hard to get seats 💙🏀- so maybe not a possibility at all. Either way all good. She has a meeting about the schedule this wk, she’ll know soon though. All good either way! 🥰
submitted by CanadaCanuk to duke [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:26 chiasmatic [Friedman] At this time, there is no extension for Rantanen as part of the deal

submitted by chiasmatic to hockey [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:26 NotALadyOfALake How to get mythic essence?

First time playing league in a bit and a lot has changed. The only skin I'm willing to spend money on, prestige heavenscale exreal, is in the mythic shop now and I have no clue how to get mythic essence anymore. You used to be able to buy the event passes which could get you 125 mythic essence or more, but with the noxus update that doesn't seem to be the case. Is mythic essence purely gacha now?
submitted by NotALadyOfALake to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:26 ttdp17 Best option for moving day

We’re getting ready to move to a new place about a 90 minute drive from our current home. I’ve had my 4 year old male cat since he was 10 weeks old and have moved with him twice before. The first time I moved with him when he was about 1.5 years old went fine; we moved in with my mom and he adjusted very well. The second move was a little over a year later, when we moved into our current apartment, did not go very well; I made the mistake of changing his litter brand too soon after the move and he ended up developing a urinary blockage and was hospitalized for 3 days. We switched him back to his old litter and put him on the prescription diet his vet recommended and he’s been in good health since then. This time, we’re taking the move very slowly; we’re keeping all of his things at our old place until we’re ready to move him and will be setting up a safe space for him with all of his things once we get him there. We’ve been keeping his carrier out for the past few weeks so he can relax in it and got some Gabapentin from the vet for his moving day. The only thing I’m questioning is how we should handle our “big” moving day, when we will be moving out all of our furniture. I’d planned to take him to my mom’s the day before and have her watch him for a couple of days, as he used to live there and has stayed with her a couple of times when we’ve been out of town, but the last time we had him there he was super scared and wouldn’t eat or come out from under the bed. Now I’m wondering if it would be better to keep him in the bathroom at our old place (with his bed, food, water, and litter box) while we move out the furniture, and then once we’ve got the furniture out let him spend the night in our old place before moving him the next day. My partner thinks that an hour or two locked in the bathroom with lots of loud noises will be more stressful than 2 days at my mom’s house, but I’m second guessing myself. Should we take him to my mom’s for a couple of days so he’s not present while we move out the furniture, or should we keep him in the bathroom and move him directly from our old place to the new one?
submitted by ttdp17 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:26 dudumob Conan is in a movie with Rose Byrne?!

i had no idea about this! did he ever talk about it or promote it? this is so cool!!
submitted by dudumob to conan [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:26 Previous_Speaker8408 [WTS] Tudor Black Bay 41 Heritage 79230B - $2050

[WTS] Tudor Black Bay 41 Heritage 79230B - $2050 submitted by Previous_Speaker8408 to Watchexchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:26 Reisen420 Starting the Lantern Rite Quest sure is a blast!

Starting the Lantern Rite Quest sure is a blast! submitted by Reisen420 to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:26 SadlyNotDannyDeVito Palm trees inside are higher than the ones outside

Palm trees inside are higher than the ones outside submitted by SadlyNotDannyDeVito to TVTooHigh [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:26 MarmaladeCrackhead Moving and living alone for the first time

Hello, in about two weeks i'll move a new city for college and as the title mentioned i'll be living alone.
For context I will be leaving for college about 1300km from my home town, and its definitely exciting but scary. So I would like to ask any tips for a straight out of school 18 year old, planning to live alone ?
Should I try to get straight into a new routine such as finding a gym, club to practice my sports, new hobbies ?
submitted by MarmaladeCrackhead to LivingAlone [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:26 Berklingg fgj

fgj submitted by Berklingg to Mishifu [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:26 Austins01WS6 RNG or is the game against you?

I've been getting pretty irritated with the game lately. I know supposedly it's all RNG, but the last two days I've been losing around 80% of my coin tosses. And when I finally win the toss, I'll go first and my opponent always has the outs to stop my yubel starting hand... I've been hard at it now about the last 4 months and can't manage to get past diamond 3. And just today alone, I lost almost all of my games and now I'm back to diamond 5. It just feels like some days no matter what you do, it's absolutely impossible to win and the game literally doesn't want you to play...
I'm getting to the point the game is no longer fun and it's honestly just irritating as F*** and no longer a pleasure to play. Anyone else having any better luck or a similar experience as me?
submitted by Austins01WS6 to masterduel [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:26 MusclesNuclear Finally, more redwood selections in Pennsylvania

At least locally in the southeast, finally we have more choice then just the pipe dream. Picked up emerald giant cask strength for 79.99. Cheers yall.
submitted by MusclesNuclear to whiskey [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:26 Irl_spaceace Is my bird sick?

Hi, So this is my first time on Reddit , n my friend said to post this on here, so basically I just got back from a week away from my parrot (he’s a green cheek conure who’s 4) i left him with my mom since he couldn’t come w me due to dust from a wall that got taken out of my house. Since Ive been back he’s not been able to keep his eyes open :c iv done research n saw this might be a sign of sickness but he’s been acting normal n has been eating n drinking normally, n his poo looks normal n isnt watery/ hard but just can’t keep his eyes open, he’ll alternate from closing just one to both, n kinda fluffing up more then usual (like ruffling his feathers up?). The first day i got back to my mom I noticed his water was all slimy n green like my mom didn’t change it out at all from the time i was gone (I changed it immediately when I got back), my mom also informed me today that she used bleach in the house to clean n there are chemicals out in the open (idk how long they have been out but it guessing just for today). Iv told this to another one of my friends n they said it may just be where he didn’t have clean water from the entire time i was gone n said to see if it clears up in a day or two. Again hes been eating drinking n acting normally since Iv noticed this n this is the only real indication that something maybe wrong with him, this is the first time he’s had something like this happen to him n wanted to get more opinions on this since my mom believes nothing is wrong with him
submitted by Irl_spaceace to parrots [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:26 Acceptable-Reach-316 All jokes aside ik target sick asf rn that dey kilt his lil brother dude probably going insane dis a whole different type of grief

submitted by Acceptable-Reach-316 to DuvalCounty [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:26 dodododadadodo2 [FRESH ALBUM] Vanessa Amara - café LIFE

[FRESH ALBUM] Vanessa Amara - café LIFE submitted by dodododadadodo2 to indieheads [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:26 DreamPirates Nimrat Kaur Indian Actress #NimratKaur

Nimrat Kaur Indian Actress #NimratKaur submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:26 MJReigns Backstreet Boys - Soul Train (Season 27, Episode 11) (Full 1997 Appearance)

Backstreet Boys - Soul Train (Season 27, Episode 11) (Full 1997 Appearance) submitted by MJReigns to rnb [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:26 Elmers04 Are they worth anything?

submitted by Elmers04 to coincollecting [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:26 NomadDaGreatR6 [Ps4] H: Glowing Robot W: Leaders/Rare Apparel

submitted by NomadDaGreatR6 to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:26 Otherwise-Ruin2622 What's the saddest picture of a president?

What's the saddest picture of a president? submitted by Otherwise-Ruin2622 to Presidents [link] [comments]