fursona adoptables open! all are open except ocean protogen, dm or comment if interested :3

2025.01.25 01:21 That-Speech-7021 fursona adoptables open! all are open except ocean protogen, dm or comment if interested :3

fursona adoptables open! all are open except ocean protogen, dm or comment if interested :3 submitted by That-Speech-7021 to AdoptablesAndOCs [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:21 Caffeinated_Spooks Car accident cedar bluff

If anyone was a witness or has some dashcam of the asshole in the white van that merged into me and fled at middlebrook and old cedar bluff by the horn of plenty I would really appreciate it :/
submitted by Caffeinated_Spooks to Knoxville [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:21 thebattleangel99 Brought Penny to Build a Bear to buy the new cape for her, and to take pictures of her with the Build a Bear Yamper plush to compare!

Brought Penny to Build a Bear to buy the new cape for her, and to take pictures of her with the Build a Bear Yamper plush to compare! submitted by thebattleangel99 to pokeplush [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:21 tylertt3 993274878898 wb dialga

submitted by tylertt3 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:20 SnooCheesecakes7512 How YOU doin'

Hey, what tips or tricks do you all use to stop Bolt from messing with stuff you like when you're just trying to add something new? It's seriously frustrating. Honestly, the UI is what keeps me using Bolt, but I’m about ready to jump ship.
From what I've seen, v0 seems to work better overall, while Bolt nails the UI output. Lately, I’m thinking of just using Bolt to mock up the UI, screenshotting that, and moving it somewhere else for styling and layout tweaks. But man, I really wish Bolt could just do what I need without all the back-and-forth.
Also, what do you think Bolt is actually best for? Any specific use cases where it really shines?
submitted by SnooCheesecakes7512 to boltnewbuilders [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:20 Chicago1981 Exploring Chicago's Haunted Trails

Exploring Chicago's Haunted Trails submitted by Chicago1981 to Destination_StationTv [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:20 goredraid Need selling advice

So I need to get rid of my 2013 Grand Sport, but it needs some work. The shocks are fucked, and the paint is pretty fucked from the automatic car wash. Should I spend money replacing the shocks and have it repainted or just sell it as is? I think it has around 123k miles.
submitted by goredraid to Corvette [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:20 Fluffy_Singer_3007 Christians who vote for Trump are not True Christians.

That's it, that's the post. Anybody who votes for trump is in direct opposition to Jesus.
submitted by Fluffy_Singer_3007 to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:20 No-Weekend-9137 Am I being unfair to my roommate’s cat?

(This is a long post i’m sorry) Hi cat people of reddit! This page is new to me as I am a dog person but really do love all animals. I’ve never grown up with cats & never planned on living with one until one of my roommates decided to adopt one from a shelter. I came to this subreddit to ask if I am being unfair or misinformed and not understanding cats and their behavior.
To back track a tad, one of my roommates decided to randomly come home with a kitten from the shelter one days few years ago. Now I know that any animal who is young is going to be crazy and wild with energy. My family raised all our dogs as puppies so I surely do understand that they simply are babies and do not know any better. But since I have been living with this kitten (now a full grown 4-year old cat) she has made my life so much more difficult. My roommates and I rent a house together and the cat is constantly getting into trouble. She knocked a whole glass of water on my brand new computer and caused me to have to purchase a new one for $2000. She constantly gets into my and my other roommates’ food items and eats it all. She even will go through the dog treats and tear up the bags.
Okay so maybe she’s just food driven… But what really drives me nuts is how she climbs all over the counters and stove top when you’re eating or cooking. (Her human dad feeds her on our kitchen island so maybe that’s why). I mean she is RELENTLESS, you put her on the ground and she’s right back up again. So then cat hair ends up in our freshly washed dishes, wiped countertops, and our food that we cook.
And lastly, this is not really her fault but her litter box is always dirty and she either poops right outside of it or drags it out as well.
I really want to end this long post by saying that I really do love all animals. Big, small, scaly, fluffy. But I have genuinely never felt so much annoyance towards an animal. Also, my three other roommates have sat down with her cat dad and discussed all these things and he basically does not take any accountability for his cat. He basically will just shrug it off.
submitted by No-Weekend-9137 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:20 icelandaboveall after 4 years my trusty computer DIED.

submitted by icelandaboveall to softwaregore [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:20 theRoidianluna Calling all Alessi fans! Which of these artists have you also heard of?

View Poll
submitted by theRoidianluna to AlessiRose [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:20 SpicyCapacitor Distributing a generic Ubuntu OS running on a Raspberry Pi with certain preconfigured software.

Hello, I am wondering what the best way to distribute a generic Ubuntu OS running on a Raspberry Pi with certain preconfigured software is. I have considered imaging the SD card and converting that into an ISO file. I have also considered creating a script upon boot that installs and configures all of the required software. My only issue is I am not sure how I would go about doing that latter. Are there any standard methods to go about doing this?
submitted by SpicyCapacitor to linuxquestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:20 TRASSHI Me sentindo meio mal por uma situação

Achei um cabeleireiro que é gnt fina, as ideia bate legal, mas o kra trampa no mesmo salão de um outro que eu ja fui cliente, e as ideia não bateu (por vacilos dele) acabou que cortei ele da minha vida.
Ai hoje em específico esse maluco tava la, nois nem se comprimentou, mó clima chato, e esse meu mano que tava cortando meu cabelo tava chapadao kakaka, eu cansado de trampar até mais tarde, meio de ressaca, sinceramente não tava me esforçando mt pra melhorar o clima.
O meu medo é isso ser ruim entre eu o mano. Eu tava pensando em dar um salve nele e trocar uma ideia, mas eu ia acabar falando de um bglh que rolou la, e esse ocorrido reafirma o porque de me afastar desse outro cabeleireiro. Foi uma situação bem constrangedora pra esse meu mano, o kra tirou ele. Aconteceu um bglh com um dos secadores e esse kra tava falando que foi o mano que quebrou, e que ele ia ter que arrumar, mas falando bem no deboche mesmo tlgd, mó bglh feio.
Não sei se eu to chapando e esse meu mano nem vai mais lembrar disso porque tava chapado, e ai eu vou meio que passar uma de "esqueirinho", causador de treta, coisa do tipo.
Cês acham que é melhor ficar quieto e esquecer esse ocorrido ?
submitted by TRASSHI to conversas [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:20 Inevitable_Mud_2679 “coming out” as autistic in the workplace

what do you think about “coming out” as autistic in the workplace (corporate environment)?
I’d like to hear opinions on this topic. I’ve been thinking about coming out to embrace my identity and clarify some of my limitations. My main challenges are: going to the office in person every day (we have an informal hybrid system at my job, and I’d like my fixed work-from-home days to be better accepted) and communication and interaction with my manager and coworkers.
to clarify, my workplace is quite flexible in many ways, and I’ve only heard good things about my new manager being a good leader. still, I feel insecure about her thinking I’m being overly demanding or asking for special treatment, especially since she’s older and kinda workaholic.
submitted by Inevitable_Mud_2679 to autism [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:20 newbaba Mexico has more guts than Vishwaguru, refuses to accept a U.S. deportation flight

Mexico has more guts than Vishwaguru, refuses to accept a U.S. deportation flight submitted by newbaba to india [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:20 macademicnut Should I move to Syracuse?

So I’m potentially getting a job offer with Syracuse University, but I’m unsure if I’d even want to live there. Thought it might be helpful to get some insights on here.
Some context: I’m ~27f, would be moving alone, and the salary would be somewhere between $60-$70k. I’d ideally not want roommates. I’ve heard that it can be difficult to make friends in this area, especially for people around my age. Has anyone else done something similar, and how did it go?
submitted by macademicnut to Syracuse [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:20 Vampireof71 (Fanart) I did another Soul Reaver 1 fanart! The Reaver Bolt ability scene! <3

(Fanart) I did another Soul Reaver 1 fanart! The Reaver Bolt ability scene! <3 submitted by Vampireof71 to LegacyOfKain [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:20 p3fHrjZ55ChAcei 富士山バックにそろい踏み! 海自が誇る「実験開発部隊」が初訓練飛行実施 ここでしか見られない”超レアな光景”とは[乗りものニュース]

富士山バックにそろい踏み! 海自が誇る「実験開発部隊」が初訓練飛行実施 ここでしか見られない”超レアな光景”とは[乗りものニュース] submitted by p3fHrjZ55ChAcei to MILITARY_JP [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:20 NotMeantToWrite How to get rid of bugs quietly

....hi 20f I want to stay private because it's really embarrassing but I was wondering. How do I get rid of gnats. So I've been bed rotting and the thing with me I have roommates I can't eat, clean, throw things away infront of others or when I know others around and because of winter I've gotten a lot worse to the point I have a lot of gnats... it's so embarrassing especially living with 7 others I usually plan everything but some have stayed around more than usual so it's harder to sneak around... I know it sounds weird but I physically can't function around people I was abandoned and before that yelled at for slightest movement I won't say to much I'm not trying to trauma dump but get the understanding why I sneak around. I don't live with my mom cause I was kicked out so now I have roommates and I just feel so strange I feel guilty every day the way my room is. Can I please not get criticism just suggestions to get these gnats out to figure out how to clean up all my clothes and stuff just anything with dealing with bed rot, messiness. It's really embarrassing
submitted by NotMeantToWrite to depression_help [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:20 CantaloupeThen1724 Lex Turner

Lex Turner https://preview.redd.it/8d0mfzclk1fe1.jpg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b79813a01b332338933e3ebac915b2c4190ee326
submitted by CantaloupeThen1724 to HotBabesInsta [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:20 jakethesnake115 Jake Vera - Purgatory

Just released this track today! Thanks in advance for listening!
submitted by jakethesnake115 to shareyourmusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:20 Ajohnson62 My uber driver is salty and me and declined before even picking up

My uber driver is salty and me and declined before even picking up And then he said ‘I think you should tip better too’ well if you think you’re not getting paid enough you’re more than welcome to get a different job. I know at least for door dash they make 14.50 an hour plus tips.
submitted by Ajohnson62 to UberEATS [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:20 drivershi-94 Compartilhamento de filme sem voz, apenas som ambiente

Oie pessoal,
(Primeiramente, coloquei a palavra com números, pois não sei se esse tipo de post pode ser colocado aqui). Estou usando o D1sc0rd para fazer compartilhamento de filmes com meus amigos, mas sai apenas a voz e som ambiente, eles não conseguem ouvir os personagens falando. Alguém sabe como resolver esse problema? Procurei em várias páginas e fóruns, mas não tem resposta. Valeu!
submitted by drivershi-94 to AssistenciaTecnica [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:20 Top_Main_6200 New solana app: magicmint.fun ✨🪄🔮 🚀🛸

I've been working on a new solana app—inspired by the bancor protocol and pump dot fun
Check it out at: magicmint.fun
The faq page explains more about the app
Let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions for improvements 🚀
submitted by Top_Main_6200 to solana [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:20 Available-Season-828 HELP me level up my guild to level 3

HELP me level up my guild to level 3 I have a guild right now with just me and one other person if someone would like to join and help us level up it would be greatly appreciated I’m just trying to unlock the boss battle😂😭
submitted by Available-Season-828 to ArcheroV2 [link] [comments]
