Texting ex of almost 3 years

2025.01.25 01:12 lualalalapa Texting ex of almost 3 years

Last contact we had was 2 years ago sort of - he texted me to catch up and I didn’t respond because I was still so angry at him at the time. I also ended up removing him from all socials a bit after that. Today I just went through my photos on my phone randomly today and came across pictures of us and I’ve been spiraling ever since. I won’t lie and say I never thought about him during those three years - I actually did because I have good memories with him.
He just ended up treating me very badly bc he was emotionally unavailable at the time. I on the other hand was very anxiously attached which was an awful combination. But I don’t know. I’m currently in a spiral of remembering everything - even months after the break up he apologized again and genuinely tried to keep some contact with me for so long. But I was so so angry at him and I wouldn’t calm down. Now I regret it I wish I could speak to him. 😭 But texting him out of the blue after 3 years seems so odd and somehow like a bad idea right? I don’t know 😭
submitted by lualalalapa to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:12 PastelGoji [PC/CONSOLE][EARLY 2010S] Level based blocky game similar to Paint the Town Red.

(Reuploaded from TipofMyTongue subreddit I posted in for more help)
Hey! So I need help finding a video game, I've looked it up many times over the years but no luck sadly. I remember being young and watching a YouTuber play it. It was a blocky style game and in the first level you're in like a sky balcony party with multiple floors trying get a target. I remember another level being your character pushing around someone in a wheelchair and a bunch of agents(?) Running at you both and he's shooting them. Unfortunately I don't remember anything else. I know it's not the game Paint the Town Red, this was a bit before that game. Thanks in advance!
submitted by PastelGoji to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:12 Bareth88 Batman and the Joker by Jason Fabok in Three Jokers #3 (October 2020)

Batman and the Joker by Jason Fabok in Three Jokers #3 (October 2020) submitted by Bareth88 to batman [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:12 recksuss What did you miss on the ng+ play through? Here I am on act 5 still missing 3 spirits, soaks, and a few other things.

So, what secrets did you find so hidden it took several playthroughs to find them?
submitted by recksuss to BlackMythWukong [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:12 ThemeSpecial8809 The Will of The Few ( or One)

I want to say a word about the use of coercion in the relationship between man and god. I have seen it. I have felt it. I have heard tell of others who have seen and felt
it. And what I have to say about it is, so what? Who cares if we anger an invisible force that feels as if it has supreme authority over our lives? No one should have the
right to force any sentient being to do things or behave in a manner that is against the constitution of that being's will. What I will say is this: humanity continues
to dig it's own grave with it's emphasis on the will of the many versus the will of the few( or one). Placating deities or otherwise solely astral beings is outside
the scope of humanity's concern. These beings, do not live as we do. These beings, do not love and lose as we do. They are sentient, conscious forces of nature who for
the most part are very good about resolving themselves to their own devices. But, in the case of some, they are not content to lead their own lives away from the 3rd
dimension. These beings ( Yahweh, Jehovah, lesser astral beings, archonic forces, etc.) have perpetrated much of humanity's strife, and continue to dominate the collective
subconscious of human thought. There is nothing to stop us from rebuking, renouncing, and denouncing all ties with these beings. However, they seem to have much invested
in humanity, in the form of sustenance gained from the worship of followers and the complete submission of humanity as a whole. Submission is the calling card of these
beings. Everything matters to them. Everything we do matters to them. Like a master inspects his slaves' tendencies for even the slightest form of dis-obedience. To be
very clear, that is exactly how a majority of these beings view humanity: as property. As a perverse form of real estate built upon the foundation of human ignorance,
mass-delusion, and fear of what waits in the hereafter. Do you want to know what waits in the hereafter? Nothing and everything, that's what. Life is exactly what you
make of it, and the afterlife is no different. The reality of these relationships between man and the false light is completely in-appropriate. Humanity follows each other
into a bitter woodscape, surrounded by darkness on either side. With only the person in front to rely on for feedback of what is to come. The person in front does not
know anymore than you do, but you both keep marching. Into nothing. Into oblivion. These beings tell us that the self is nothing. That it will never become anything.
That it is by God's hand, and his alone that we are to even draw breath from the earth. And here's the best part: after you die, if you've been obedient enough, then
you get to have your entire soul destroyed in order to feed a raging machine that has the sole purpose of using us for it's own gain. Worship that? Never. The truth is,
you can get by just fine on your own. The will of the many pales in comparison to the will of the few( or one). The many walk the path that is most convenient for them
,this being the path of subservience laid out for them by the herd.
While the few ( or one) walks the path that they feel will bring them the most amount of worldly pleasure and knowledge in the here and now. These people will not be
promised salvation in return for servitude. They make their own salvation. With anger, lust, pride, sin, and greed. I am proud to know what the Devil truly is. And I want others to know as well. I don't know about you, but I do not fear "GOD" or Death. To walk this path is to know both very intimately. Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law.
submitted by ThemeSpecial8809 to TheisticSatanism [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:12 Odd-Flamingo2395 help meee i cant even load my previous data whenever i restart my game @@

help meee i cant even load my previous data whenever i restart my game @@ submitted by Odd-Flamingo2395 to tokyoxtremeracer [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:12 NoYesNoYesokMaybe Rng is so bad for me. Supposed to be happy to open ctp chests.

Rng is so bad for me. Supposed to be happy to open ctp chests. Rng has been so terrible for me the whole time I've played this game. Years of no luck. I have 2 regular ctp chest and 2 challenge ctp chests that have chances for mightys or brilliant, and yet I'm hesitant on opening them because I always get the worst rng luck. This game refuses to drop any rages. Over 5 years of play and the only 2 rages I've got were from selectors. I seen an account yesterday of someone who doesn't even have peirce yet but has ever 20 rages it's complete bs for this to keep happening.
submitted by NoYesNoYesokMaybe to MarvelFuture_Fight [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:12 Prince_Wildflower I hate when I get bad sensory feelings

I have sensory issues, but it tends to come and go. One minute I'm driving, zoned into what I'm doing. The next, my hat feels restrictive and taking off the hat helped, but then I could feel my HAIR FOLLICLES in my head and it felt really bad. Also, I hated feeling my hair against my ear because it tickled a lot. I can wear jeans most of the time, and can even sleep in my socks. But sometimes that completely changes. My jeans will feel prickly and itchy like there's little hair clippings or splinters in them. And when my socks bother me, it feels like my feet are being strangled.
The fact that it isn't constantly bothering me makes me feel bad, like what I experience isn't valid. Like some people have it way worse so I have no room to complain.
submitted by Prince_Wildflower to autism [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:12 AdSad3241 preciso de ajuda para achar um filme de quando eu era criança

recentemente eu lembrei de um filme que eu via quando era criança, era um filme bem cliche de halloween, sobre fantasmas, eu nao lembro quase nada concreto desse filme exceto por duas cenas: uma que o protagonista conversa com o espirito da vó e outro em que ele entra no mundo dos fantasmas, que ficava dentro da casa dele, eu nao consigo achar esse filme de forma alguma na internet, acredito que ele nao seja muito famoso, se alguem souber de algo sobre ele me fale. lembro que ele tinha uma estetica bem laranja de outono americano também
submitted by AdSad3241 to filmes [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:12 Possible_Anywhere_53 The United states education system is unforgiving.

In the United States, the college application process is comprehensive and competitive. For most universities, all four years of high school grades, 9 10, 11, and 12 are included when calculating your overall GPA. Every class and grade from those years contributes to your final GPA. Extracurricular activities are also an important part of the application. Whether it’s sports, clubs, volunteering, or leadership roles, having strong involvement outside of academics is often necessary to be considered for admission at a good college or university.
In Canada, the process is quite different and less complex in some ways. Canadian universities don’t rely on standardized testing. Instead, they focus mainly on grades. Grade 11 marks are sometimes used for early applications, but they don’t have much weight in the final decision. Admissions are based primarily on your grade 12 marks. Grade 11 grades can’t lead to outright rejection, as they are used for early decisions while universities wait for your grade 12 results.
Most Canadian universities do not place much importance on extracurricular activities. The majority of schools focus solely on academic performance. However, there are exceptions. Universities like McMaster, the University of Waterloo, the University of Toronto, and Schulich do take extracurricular activities into account, and their admissions processes can be as competitive as those of top U.S. universities but they do not require essays. Top programs at Canadian schools are not that easy to enter, I'm drawing parallels between the education systems.
The U.S. system, by comparison, feels much harsher. It doesn’t leave much room for growth or redemption if you stumble early on. The Canadian system, while still demanding for top programs, at least allows students to recover from a bad start and prove themselves through their most recent achievements. For someone who’s been through both systems, I can’t help but feel that the Canadian approach is more forgiving and, frankly, more fair.
Coming, from a student who got 70's in grade 9 & 10 which is a C, and having 90's in junior year I'm set for getting at a top program.
submitted by Possible_Anywhere_53 to OntarioGrade12s [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:12 Possible_Anywhere_53 The United states education system is unforgiving.

In the United States, the college application process is comprehensive and competitive. For most universities, all four years of high school grades, 9 10, 11, and 12 are included when calculating your overall GPA. Every class and grade from those years contributes to your final GPA. Extracurricular activities are also an important part of the application. Whether it’s sports, clubs, volunteering, or leadership roles, having strong involvement outside of academics is often necessary to be considered for admission at a good college or university.
In Canada, the process is quite different and less complex in some ways. Canadian universities don’t rely on standardized testing. Instead, they focus mainly on grades. Grade 11 marks are sometimes used for early applications, but they don’t have much weight in the final decision. Admissions are based primarily on your grade 12 marks. Grade 11 grades can’t lead to outright rejection, as they are used for early decisions while universities wait for your grade 12 results.
Most Canadian universities do not place much importance on extracurricular activities. The majority of schools focus solely on academic performance. However, there are exceptions. Universities like McMaster, the University of Waterloo, the University of Toronto, and Schulich do take extracurricular activities into account, and their admissions processes can be as competitive as those of top U.S. universities but they do not require essays. Top programs at Canadian schools are not that easy to enter, I'm drawing parallels between the education systems.
The U.S. system, by comparison, feels much harsher. It doesn’t leave much room for growth or redemption if you stumble early on. The Canadian system, while still demanding for top programs, at least allows students to recover from a bad start and prove themselves through their most recent achievements. For someone who’s been through both systems, I can’t help but feel that the Canadian approach is more forgiving and, frankly, more fair.
Coming, from a student who got 70's in grade 9 & 10 which is a C, and having 90's in junior year I'm set for getting at a top program.
submitted by Possible_Anywhere_53 to OntarioGrade12s [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:12 billyandteddy The wood split, can it be fixed?

submitted by billyandteddy to pencils [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:12 IntrovertedIntrovert Wilderness Shwarzkopf Wildcat

Wilderness Shwarzkopf Wildcat submitted by IntrovertedIntrovert to PlanetCoaster [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:12 petraepikusgamer Nem használnak a bőrgyógyászok

Sziasztok! Azzal fordulnék hozzátok, hogy az elmúlt fél évben 2 magán bőrgyógyásznál is voltam. Kezdjük azzal, hogy a kettő teljesen mást mondott arról, hogy mit kéne használnom az arcomra. Szedek gyógyszert. használtok krémeket is de még csak egy MINIMÁLIS változást se látok az arcomon. Mindkettőhöz csak bementem és 1 perc alatt csak simán lerendeztek és szerintem 25 ezért szerintem több is beleférne mivel ez nem kevés pénz. Nem vizsgáltak meg rendesen vagy hasonló bár nem tudom itt mi számít rendes vizsgálatnak ebben az esetben. Nagyon felvagyok háborodva, mert én tényleg mindent megteszek, hogy jobb legyen de semmi nem segít.
submitted by petraepikusgamer to csakcsajok [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:12 Electrical_Claim_963 I guess it's never too late... Happy New Year!

I guess it's never too late... Happy New Year! submitted by Electrical_Claim_963 to pitbulls [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:12 Yeetu5Deletus Xaku ability interactions.

Quick questions: does Xata's Whisper affect the weapons generated from Grasp of Lohk? If not, it would be optimal to subsume Roar over Xata's for a turret playstyle where I prime enemies with Epitaph? Also, do the Lohk weapons crit at all?
submitted by Yeetu5Deletus to Warframe [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:12 Toddrew221 How THE Foundation is working to support roster retention

submitted by Toddrew221 to OhioStateFootball [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:12 Extreme_Scarcity_310 can I apply for fafsa before my admissions cycle?

Really stunned at a question asking what grade I will be in fall of 2025 and I am only allowed to click college freshmen or above.
submitted by Extreme_Scarcity_310 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:12 JunkyPlayer47 23M looking for mates Dublin

Hey, what's the craic lads? I'm a 23M just finished college last September. Been struggling really to find some mates willing to go out either for drinks or even for other activities like hiking, golf, etc. I work retail at the moment as I'm taking a gap year between my undergrad and a (potential) masters. Lemme know if anyone would be down to meet over a coffee or something!
submitted by JunkyPlayer47 to socialireland [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:12 emo_queer Need Career Advice/Job Offer Dilemma

Would anyone be down to offer some advice or DM and help me make some career decisions? I feel super torn about things and need some unbiased help.
Tldr my dilemma: I’m currently on a 2 year contract but hate my job/boss. It’s remote and pays $40/hr, but it’s going to go fully in person this summer and I definitely don’t want to work with my boss in person. It’s very taxing work and he’s a micromanager.
I got another opportunity but it’s also a 2 year contract and pays $35/hr and is 3 days in person with a FAANG company. The team seems nicer and is all women but it’s also not exactly what I want to do and the pay seems really low given it’s a major company. I originally told them no and then came back a month later to ask if the job was still open because I really hate my current job and they re-offered me the role. Now I have to make a decision this weekend. I want to negotiate but also don’t want to be an asshole since I’m going back and forth so much.
My current job is in post production and the new job is in marketing. My goal is to work as a full time producer (in person) or a creative project manager (remote). The market is very tough and I think it will only get tougher but I’m also afraid of giving up my dreams + settling/being stuck.
I haven’t had many leads with what I actually want to do and these have been my only 2 offers out of 6 months of job searching, which is why I’m stressed about this. Any advice is appreciated!
submitted by emo_queer to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:12 HourQuality7083 Requesting Advice

I adopted my little void, Lucy, about a year and a half ago. I adopted her from the shelter. I’m unclear on her exact age, but she can’t be more than two years old. Lucy definitely has trauma, especially around food. If she thinks she’s hungry or actually is, she becomes destructive—despite the fact that I now free feed her (not my preference but only providing food at certain times wasn’t working). Her primary destructive behavior is chewing on cords/wires. I have every wire in my house covered with cord protector. The ones I didn’t cover she chewed to hell. I just had to toss my electric kettle because it was no longer safe to plug in. Every time she sees my phone or laptop charger, she goes right for them, compulsively. I’ve had to replace these chargers six or seven times since I got her. She also bit the corner of TWO laptops—I’m talking teeth through screen. She also does other things like clawing on furniture (of course) and chewing the mattress tag. When I yell at her (yes, unfortunately, I yell at her sometimes), she goes right for her food and this seems to calm her down and she chills out. Sometimes she goes from one destructive behavior to another, tearing around the apartment. A few times I’ve had to put her in the bathroom with the door closed for a time out because she’s so stressful to me and my dog. I absolutely don’t want to rehome her, but I’m really lost about how to help her and manage her behavior. Especially because I will likely need to move in with a roommate after my lease is up and I don’t expect another person to tolerate her behavior.
When she’s not engaging in these behaviors, she’s very cute and cuddly and playful. She loves the laser pointer and her toys. But I feel like these moments only happen about 30/40% of the time.
Any advice is appreciated. TIA.
(Apologies if you see this posted on other subs. I am cross posting to get as much advice as possible.)
submitted by HourQuality7083 to cats [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:12 Patient-Property7971 Skuldafn Temple bug

Hello all,
I am on my first skyrim run and am having a great time so far.
unfortunately I've run into a bug on the questline of the world eater's eyrie. where i must travel to skuldafn temple and get access to sovngarde.
The bug is that when i kill the draugr overlord in the dungeon and get the diamond dragon claw to do the circular puzzle to open the door. (Just like the one in bleak falls barrow). But when i try to press E and interact with the rings on the door, they dont move :(
Important notes:
- I have installed mods (together reborn) on a seperate save of a game but whenever i use the un-modded one (which i have the issue on) i go into creations and disable the mods (i still get achievements)
- I am on PC, Windows 11, using skyrim through steam.
- things i've tried: reloading the save. exiting temple, saving, then reloading the save. also tried loading a save from before i entered the area of skuldafn temple (back in whiterun) and playing the whole thing through again :| (It still didn't work).
Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
(If you need pictures of the bug i can link them)
submitted by Patient-Property7971 to skyrim [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:12 Ryanmatthew39 Ozempic Post-Surgery

Hello all!
Male, 31, 6’2”
Heaviest: 500lb Surgery: 464lb Current: 442lb
Surgery Date: December 30th, 2024
Surgery: one anastomosis gastric bypass (mini gastric bypass)
I was on Ozempic for 6 months before surgery- I was pre diabetic. Latest A1C have officially bumped me OUT of the pre-diabetic numbers. Woohoo!
Now my question is- would you stay on the Ozempic or get off and let the surgery and walking work its magic?
My concern is that Ozempic on my insurance needs to be medically necessary… can’t be listed as a weight loss aide. So if I stop taking it now but want to go back in the future after I’ve already lost weight… My numbers won’t be prediabetic anymore and I don’t think I’ll be approved.
Any thoughts? Sorry for the dump of information. Checking in to see if anyone else has dealt with this situation. Did you have any issues with the Ozempic after surgery?
Surgeon has no issue with me going back on it, he said it’s 100% my choice.
Progress photo attached for tax.
submitted by Ryanmatthew39 to BariatricSurgery [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:12 vldmkt I think Sey picked a nice colour. What do you think?

I think Sey picked a nice colour. What do you think? submitted by vldmkt to WomanHands [link] [comments]

2025.01.25 01:12 26letters10numbers EA Green Tea and Flankers

Hey all, I've been on an Elizabeth Arden Green Tea kick lately and was curious what everyone's opinions are on this line. Which ones do you love/like/loathe or are just "meh"?
Here's what I've collected so far and what I think of them:
OG Green Tea - smells a bit like spicy after-sun spray to me - Love
Tropical - fruity and refreshing without being over the top (most tropical notes make me nauseous but this one doesn't) - Like
Cucumber - cucumber note is a bit synthetic but still nice, favourite part for me are the watermelon and violet notes and the overall ozonic vibe - Love
Mimosa - opens very orange and citrusy but dries down to a sharp powdery floral. I actually can't overspray this one because it performs more like an EDT than the usual body mist vibe I get from this line - Meh
Lotus - waiting on this one to arrive in the post, haven't sampled or smelled it before but can't wait!
submitted by 26letters10numbers to FemFragLab [link] [comments]
