Anime future gohan wasn’t weak

2025.01.26 07:10 Fantastic-Escape-335 Anime future gohan wasn’t weak

I realize his manga counterpart is weak, but in the anime continuity he’s actually really strong
In the final battle in the anime, the androids said they’d go all out. There was none of that “only 50%” like in the manga. And despite that, gohan put up a hell of a fight, clearly being stronger than one individual android imo. Some feats: 1) overpowered them together in a beam clash 2) landed more hits in the one on one confrontations, even drew their blood 3) almost evenly matched in the 2v1, landed several hits and dodged several attacks
All that with one arm too. I honestly think if he had both of his arms he might’ve been able to win or at least cause some serious permanent damage to them before dying
submitted by Fantastic-Escape-335 to DragonBallZ [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:10 winterlover23 Can someone please help me understand if my mother is a narc? Please please

I have a rocky relationship with my mother at the moment as I’ve started to realize that the way she treats me and talks to me is just not okay. I’m a 25 F and my mom has never been particularly supportive/sensitive/empathetic to anything unless it’s in alignment with what she wants. She says one thing one day and then if I ask her about it later she completely denies having said the thing and gaslights me at every turn. When I graduated from college I was very anxious about getting a job and instead of reassuring me she said “there’s nobody out there who is waiting to hire you” and that really made me feel inferior and doubt myself. She’s hit me in front of our relatives (yes I’m a brown girl) even when I’m 19/20 years old and it’s humiliated me beyond words and she never apologized. I’ve seen my aunts(her sisters) be so loving and patient w their kids and then there’s my mom-who doesn’t hesitate for a second to put her own daughter down,heck she even does it in front of others. I feel like it’s always gotta be her way or the high way. I was once going thru a breakup and it was hard on me and I made the mistake of going to her for support and instead she started crying(????) and said “oh what has my life come to that I need to hear my daughter talk about boyfriends. Idk where I went wrong as a mother” I sat there in disbelief like how tf is she making my breakup about her?? Even when I was diagnosed with clinical depression I feel like she couldn’t care less about my mental state and continued pushing me to study hardedo this do that. When I called my dad crying one day she said “ask her if she has no ambition” like wtf??? I’m struggling and that’s what you say? (I’m in grad school in the USA and they’re in India). There’s just so many more incidents but it’s so triggering for me to even type it out. She can never take criticism and anyone who disagrees with her point of view is basically an idiot. I’m so sick of her and she loves playing the victim. When I recently confronted her she got angry at me and said “atleast you didn’t lose your dad at 16,I’ve been through so much more than you have”(making me sound ungrateful) like I’m very sorry your dad passed away 40 years ago but what can I do about it? And why are you using that to play victim now? What’s the point? She’s exhausting and now my dad tells me she’s sad I’m not speaking to her but idc because it’s all her own doing. Is she a narc?
submitted by winterlover23 to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:10 namikuya Maid Ganyu by Me

Maid Ganyu by Me submitted by namikuya to Ganyu [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:10 ThatGuyFilms What should I do here?

House extension added to the old house, with a concrete base, but they’ve added a sheet of particle board between the old house and the concrete base, assuming this sits directly onto the foundation.
I’ve had the old hardwood sanded and tidied up but now left with an ugly patch in between. The particle board sits flush with the hardwood and concrete base. Any ideas?
Should I remove the particle board and put in some vinyl timber trying to match the hardwood? Concrete vinyl?
submitted by ThatGuyFilms to Flooring [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:10 dressedsad Terrifying

submitted by dressedsad to comedyheaven [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:10 yoman994 Seriez-vous bloquée à entamer une relation avec un homme alors qu’il vous plaît ?

Célibataire depuis récemment (h30), je sors d’une relation de 5 ans avec mon ex avec qui je me suis pacsé il y a 3 ans. Nous avons vécu plus de 3 ans ensemble dans l’appartement que j’ai acheté… la rupture est difficile mais douce et en bon terme.
Mon ex-compagne est en cours de démarche pour l’obtention de son titre de séjour (étant étrangère), j’ai pris l’engagement de ne pas rompre le pacs tout de suite pour ne pas compromettre son dossier car je veux son bonheur et ne pas la mettre dans une situation fragile. Elle cherche un appartement de son côté pour refaire sa vie, mais ses affaires sont encore chez moi. Tout est clair entre nous et notre relation est belle et bien finie.
D’autre part, j’ai rencontré une jeune femme il y a quelques jours qui me plaît énormément. Elle a le physique qui me plaît mais surtout tout ce que je cherche chez une femme. C’est-à-dire, elle est sérieuse, fiable et surtout curieuse. Après avoir parlé avec elle, on se correspond réellement. Bref niveau attentes on est en phase. Le RDV s’est bien passé et il y avait un début de quelque chose de très fort entre nous. Toutefois, par souci d’honnêteté, j’ai dévoilé ma situation actuelle. Donc le pacs et les affaires de mon ex. J’ai été contraint de dire la vérité et de raconter l’histoire vu qu’elle m’a posé la question. Le lendemain du RDV, elle m’a écrit pour me dire que ça la bloquait malgré le super contact et qu’elle m’appréciait déjà énormément. Ça la travaille de fou… Alors que la veille elle m’avait dit avoir adoré le RDV et qu’elle voulait me revoir. Imaginez ma déception alors que je pensais avoir éventuellement trouvé la femme parfaite. Je comprends son point de vue, mais j’en suis réellement déçu alors que je sais que ma situation est temporaire. D’autant plus que je veux aller de l’avant et si c’est avec elle je n’hésiterai pas une seule seconde.
J’ai besoin d’avis féminins sur le sujet car je suis encore extrêmement déçu et ça me donne un moral pourri… merci à toutes celles qui seront honnêtes.
submitted by yoman994 to conseilsrelationnels [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:10 Automatic-Ad943 Kkkkk

Kkkkk submitted by Automatic-Ad943 to MemesBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:10 MillionaireBank Good and hard past 2032

submitted by MillionaireBank to Linda2024 [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:10 BigBottle69 lucky on 1st try 🗿

lucky on 1st try 🗿 stopped playing for a month because of uni, came back to this. tbh i would rather much appreciate the dlq33 more since it has a smoother scope animation and 117 has no advantages😭
submitted by BigBottle69 to CallOfDutyMobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:10 AdonisErle What can I put under this Table?

I was thinking if what i would put under this table right here
submitted by AdonisErle to organizing [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:10 heisenberg1691 Travis Scott x Jumpman Jack Dark Mocha at Steal Pricing.

Travis Scott x Jumpman Jack Dark Mocha at Steal Pricing. Travis Scott x Jumpman Jack Dark Mocha
UK 10, UK 10, UK 10
Price - 34,000 (free shipping)
Paid Legit Done on each pair.
Location - Kolkata
Limited Time Offer
Check out our page on instagram for reference and dm us directly to purchase
submitted by heisenberg1691 to SneakerheadsIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:10 Pristine-Meringue-32 Who can be the Strongest?

Who can be the Strongest? Time limit is 20 Years of Growth
  1. Mahito can fight and watch the others which will stimulate his growth, he can also change his body to rival and even be greater than Sukuna's.
  2. A Yuji with Todo at max efficiency and Choso still alive if you believe that will help, he fully masters BM and Shrine.
  3. Higgy is the same as Mahito he also learns how to target people's lives/techniques/weapons if he wants instead of Judgeman choosing. His domain is also just the fastest ever.
  4. Yuta doesn't have morales anymore, so any way he can copy he will. He also can use binding vows to decrease or increase his time with Rika.
  5. EOS Megumi with all of the shadows still alive, he also gains shrine and can fully master it.
  6. A Takaba that isn't easily afraid and doesn't get startled by anything, he still doesn't find just randomly killing people funny unless he doesn't like them but he has come to find pain can be funny sometimes.
Take your pics, and if you believe someone up here should have something I missed let me know.
submitted by Pristine-Meringue-32 to Jujutsufolk [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:10 fupa16 [PC] Missing 2 nidavellir ore

I found this post on reddit with someone who had the same problem, but they found the ore in the lost and found chest. I had no such luck and I'm stuck at 4/6 ore after completing the mining rig quest. Any advice? Any help is appreciated.
submitted by fupa16 to GodofWarRagnarok [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:10 Uncle_Iroh_007 Robbed !!!

Robbed !!! submitted by Uncle_Iroh_007 to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:10 Mosmasdero5 51 state United States flag

51 state United States flag submitted by Mosmasdero5 to vexillology [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:10 willis7747 Chinese AI "DeepSeek" is far superior to ChatGPT for job seekers - A comparison of job search advice, resume analysis and optimization, and cover letter generation reveals that DeepSeek provides far more precise results - Just use a dummy email or phone number to address privacy concerns

submitted by willis7747 to jobsearchhacks [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:10 newreditig Trade Realm beggars need to be delt with

I just block stupid people that run around asking for "any free specs" or asking people to "donate mush" or w/e. But they still get on my nerves. there are so. many. of these fucking people.
Just play the fucking game and earn your own mush ffs. you literally waste MORE time and energy sitting in a server where you earn NOTHING spamming "dancing for mush" then you would waste just playing the fucking game and making idle mush or god forbid putting effort into ACTUALLY earning mush (region missions, nesting for traits/muts to sell, earning time points + selling time creatures, etc.)
Ig they dont deserve to be banned. They arent really scamming or anything. I just know MOST people find them super annoying + i wish COS would implement something to prevent them from asking for free shit from ppl.
submitted by newreditig to CoSRants [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:10 Far-Championship4516 Went through my husbands phone bc i found scrunchies

Im someone who has adhd and can forget things but at the same time I have my spots that i know very well.
I found a black scrunchie last week in a drawer I go in every day. I thought it was weird but thought maybe i got it with something else and forgot. Ive been using it since!
Today, went into that drawer multiple times. Went out for a few hours and when I got home and washed my face, I found a second scrunchie in the same drawer.
I was shocked, bc the first one was a shock and i deff didnt see a 2nd one when I found the first. It was also like on top/in front of something I used before I left
So i cant sleep bc now im paranoid my husband is cheating and the girl is leaving scrunchies behind to let me know. So i went through his phone.
I cant find a single thing indicating he is cheating. I found but dont really understand it to know if that helps hide things
Hes smart enough to do things through a private browser and not login if possible. I know this bc I know he likes tumblr for “alone time”
But now i feel terrible and like im just crazy. I have no idea where these scrunchies came from and now im a paranoid phone sleuth and i hate it
submitted by Far-Championship4516 to Vent [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:10 qwenmn GF SAID SHE WILL ONLY GO HOLIDAY WITH BF IF HE BOOKED SIA FLIGHTS, "NO BUDGET" My Girlfriend Is Spoiled, and I'm Payin...

submitted by qwenmn to sporeuncensored [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:10 Roud22 Which one should I go for?

Which one should I go for? So I am looking for a formal watch and my budget is around 2500. These are some watches I found online and I can't choose one, your opinions would be appreciated. Recommendations are welcomed too. Thanks
submitted by Roud22 to watchesindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:10 unknown_40888 Horny asf who trynna get their throat or ass fucked

East side San Jose
submitted by unknown_40888 to DLsanjosegay [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:10 Horror_Season4390 116979

116979 submitted by Horror_Season4390 to CountOnceADay [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:10 leilaglam Damn, my voice is gooood

Damn, my voice is gooood submitted by leilaglam to Memes_Of_The_Dank [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:10 jjanowary (Linux) Vulkan smoke glitch still persists today...

(Linux) Vulkan smoke glitch still persists today... submitted by jjanowary to GlobalOffensive [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:10 Dry-Acanthaceae8411 Fragen zur iptv

Guten Tag, ich konnte gestern nicht auf mein iptv zugreifen. Hebe herausgefunden das jemand meine mac Nummer benutzt. Meine Frage ist? Und auch Nur eine Vermutung. Wen jemand von meiner iptv app die mac Nummer aufschreibet und um dan bei sich sie zu verwendet. Ist das möglich?
submitted by Dry-Acanthaceae8411 to TiviMate [link] [comments]