2025.01.26 07:11 Auphorium Aunt tries to ruin my wedding
I’m getting married tomorrow and my narcissistic aunt just tried to ruin my wedding by creating chaos because what else would she do?
This aunt has a long history of accepting invitations to events and then creating some elaborate story days or sometimes hours before to not come. However, she seemed excited enough this time and I thought maybe it was an important enough milestone for me so she will finally show up.
Keep in mind I’ve been talking to her about the wedding frequently. She showed me her dress, asked for directions to find the venue, asked me to invite her sons (originally only her was invited because I don’t have a strong enough relationship with them and because we are having a small wedding). We invited her months ago and until yesterday I would never have guessed what has transpired in the last 24 hours.
My aunt messaged me to ask me to invite her mother, a very ill and fragile lady who’s 92 y/o. I said yes and that I needed to check with the venue to accommodate her. Her mom uses a wheelchair and she travels with a nurse, so it wouldn’t be only her but also the nurse that I had to make room and get food for. I spent hours trying to figure things out with the venue folks, keep in mind this is happening 2 DAYS before the wedding.
After that initial message she then said “no no, sorry for asking it was rude from me to ask you that so close to the date” she went silent (didn’t answer messages or phone calls) for more than 12 hours… but the she sent a message to the group chat with all the guests saying she wouldn’t attend but said nothing to me directly. I message her again thinking something bad happened, I was so worried about her.
Then she finally replies back and tells me that she's deeply offended me could not tolerate anyone making her beg for her mom to attend any event, she never had to beg btw, oh and he adds that she still loves me but that it was a very rude thing for me to do even when i was tolo by her before many many times of the fragile state of her mom and how difficult it was for her to be outside. I told her that I was trying to be mindful of her condition and that it was a very hurtful thing to do that I was disappointed of her actions. She then proceeded to tell me that I was "closed minded" and that she was not going to attend because I didn't not deserved her presence and that I was "not that young anymore".
I should be sleeping right now but needed to write this down somewhere to make sense of what happened.
submitted by Auphorium to EntitledPeople [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:11 DerDork Zu welchem Spiel gehört dieser Würfel?
Meine Kinder liefen heute mit diesem Würfel rum und wir können ihn einfach nicht zuordnen. Google Lens und andere Hilfsmittel haben uns nicht geholfen. Der Würfel ist etwa 8mm hoch und auf den Seiten 2-6 normal, auf der 1 ist das abgebildete Relief zu erkennen. submitted by DerDork to WerWieWas [link] [comments] |
2025.01.26 07:11 EfficientCharacter96 Have/Need
Anyone? Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/XYf5fty1UDA LusciousZebra43 submitted by EfficientCharacter96 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments] |
2025.01.26 07:11 South_Philosopher_92 😮💨
submitted by South_Philosopher_92 to MoaiGreddit [link] [comments] |
2025.01.26 07:11 WireBoy77 Are you kidding me
submitted by WireBoy77 to SuddenlyUltrakill [link] [comments] |
2025.01.26 07:11 froghorn23 caved to eh
I have been honoring my EH for a few weeks and after noticing the weight gain I started to quit but tonight I just ate so much chocolate pastries and cereal and it feels like I’m binging but I just crave them so much. Idk what just happened, is it really that normal to eat like a million bars of chocolate
submitted by froghorn23 to fuckeatingdisorders [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:11 Drakkainenvuko Upgrade from 21 to 22.1? Xiaomi Poco F3
Hey folks, I wanted to get a simple update but it says I need to do it manually.. again.. My question is, how to preserve my data and apps? Do I need to do some proper backups, screenshots of what I have and then reinstall everything after I've done the upgrade? Reading briefly through the manual of upgrade it looks to me like I basically need to install the system almost from 0, so it made me confused if this is almost like factory reset installation...? Thanks for all the help!
submitted by Drakkainenvuko to LineageOS [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:11 FalseSavings1183 Trading/selling
submitted by FalseSavings1183 to DragonAdventures [link] [comments] |
2025.01.26 07:11 Jrockdoe1393 Can anyone help or trade?
I need making memories but I can trade submitted by Jrockdoe1393 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2025.01.26 07:11 beenoiseBZZZZZ Looking for bands to play with 2/6 @ Trans Pecos
Hey guys, I'm from a band called ITTO located at Purchase College, NY. We're planning a show at Trans Pecos in NYC for February 6th and we need other bands to add to the bill. Our main focus is to make sure we sell enough tickets to at least foot the cost of booking the room, which is $400 right now. After that, all ticket sales will be split evenly among the bands. If you feel you could pull ~10 people to an NYC Show then please reach out and we'll add you to the bill. We're also more than fine having you be the headliner and us as the openeone of the openers. We're @ittoband on instagram if you want to check out our music before signing up. Thanks!
submitted by beenoiseBZZZZZ to FindABand [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:11 thatOnefella4 Good for me?
So one of my buds feels really bad that I'm the only person in the friend group who doesn't have a gf. So he's been trying to help me out and got a lead about this girl. Now there are some problems, one of my other buds had sorta stalked her cuz he's just an idiot and didn't think through his actions. They were sorta talking/early dating. Now this girl may be into me so I added her on some socials.
She likes to respond quick on snap but she doesn't really want to hold a conversation. I've also heard some not so great things about her and such. But, yet another one of my buds (it's a big friend group) thinks were perfect for each other. To add I'm not sure she likes me as me and more me for my physical appearance.
To add on top of all that, there's another girl who likes me and for the right reasons, those being my personality. But the cavat to that one is year ANOTHER BUD had an awkward talking stage with her in which he basically cheated. Once again out of his own stupidity and mis communication.
Anyways I need some other outside input on all of this, thanks in advance!
submitted by thatOnefella4 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:11 slugssnailsandtales Did I find a fossil in Lyme Regis?
I have found something that's about 3inches across on a beach in Lyme Regis, Dorset It has this interesting white inside. Any help IDing would be greatly appreciated! submitted by slugssnailsandtales to fossilid [link] [comments] |
2025.01.26 07:11 Individual-Equal9646 Skill based matchmaking
So I’m a previously top 5k player who had left the game for 2 months because of school, and has just come back a week ago, playing every day getting from elite 1 to master 4. I’m obviously too good for my rank, so they are giving me teammates that go negative every single game, and a whole squad of enemies that get over 20 kills each every game. I get about 35 kills a game but don’t win because of the crap squad I get.
I have to say this is a brilliant welcome back to the game by codm. Sure we’re getting free mythics and legendaries, but the gameplay is the most important part of the game.
submitted by Individual-Equal9646 to CallOfDutyMobile [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:11 ouchiefoot I have RSV (?) & newborn twins
I have newborn twins and I just became symptomatic with viral illness my toddler brought home (cough, fever, no appetite, sore throat, we haven’t tested to confirm which virus he has). I developed a sore throat tonight. I have been wearing a mask and washing surfaces/hands etc & so far my 8 week old (unvaccinated, first shots scheduled for next week) twins seem asymptomatic.
Should I have my husband (still asymptomatic) do all newborn care and pump or is there a way I can continue yon care for them safely? If not, for how long do I need to isolate?
submitted by ouchiefoot to newborns [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:11 Hug0San Looking for local allies in west Texas to hang out with and train with.
I'm from the west Texas area and am obviously surrounded by gun nuts on the other side of the aisle. I'm not comfortable with hanging with them or even letting them know more about me or what I have.
I'm wondering if there's any groups or classes in my area.
submitted by Hug0San to liberalgunowners [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:11 theanimalfairy94 How many of you want piyomon as your partner? I know I do 💕😘. If yes why? If no why not?
Let's gen into every aspect of her. Her temperament, evolution lines, strength, crest options, and overall companionship. Lets go. submitted by theanimalfairy94 to digimon [link] [comments] |
2025.01.26 07:11 DazziWins 5 min disappointing p@lestinian 1rl ri$k- need a seriously filthy bud- will answer anything nl
submitted by DazziWins to AbbychampNSFW [link] [comments] |
2025.01.26 07:11 AccomplishedLock6350 I hate change .
Hey guys
I'm 31 years old single male.
I have been very over protected about my friendship with my best friend and his partner.
Alot in life is changing and I feel like as I am getting older and my friends are moving on with life. Like not kicking me out but building a better life for themselves. I am so happy for it . I really am these people are family for me.
I just feel like while I've been protected and kinda been a shelter for me the friendship it's kept me safe it's been my safe place. Now that safe place is changing. I feel worried . Now I don't know what to do .
Is this normal?
submitted by AccomplishedLock6350 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:11 Poutcheki Manifestations à Ourossogui, Oréfondé et Agnam : Les jeunes encor...
submitted by Poutcheki to Seneweb [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:11 ComplainsInGay Update: Lasagna was stunning!
My lasagna - the one I asked about tips earlier - turned out Amazing! My roommates were kind of impatient because it was a long 2hr process, but it was stunning. I could’ve taken about a fourth of the wine out, but other than that, everything was perfect! Thank you all for the tips! I very much appreciate it!
submitted by ComplainsInGay to Cooking [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:11 Glittering_Fact7206 Late night scrolling
Dude the way papa smacked the chair ✨old wubby sounded very Morty like submitted by Glittering_Fact7206 to PaymoneyWubby [link] [comments] |
2025.01.26 07:11 dellavepoke Dialga 1498 8708 6087
First 5
submitted by dellavepoke to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:11 Ok-Apartment-7975 Starting to case digest this sem, can you give me an advise or example how to do well digesting a case?
1st year stud here
submitted by Ok-Apartment-7975 to LawStudentsPH [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:11 Busy_Willingness_ Erfahrung mit Fertighäusern (Allkauf)?
Meine Frau und ich planen, ein Haus zu bauen, und haben uns in diesem Zusammenhang mit dem Thema Fertighäuser beschäftigt. Am Wochenende haben wir die Gelegenheit genutzt, ein Musterhaus der Firma Allkauf zu besichtigen und ein erstes Beratungsgespräch zu führen.
Jetzt würde mich interessieren: Worauf sollte man bei der Auswahl eines Fertighausanbieters besonders achten? Gibt es spezifische Dinge, die bei Allkauf beachtet werden sollten? Außerdem suchen wir nach Empfehlungen für Anbieter, die sich gut eignen, wenn man Eigenleistungen in den Bau einbringen möchte.
Ich freue mich über eure Erfahrungen und Tipps!
submitted by Busy_Willingness_ to Hausbau [link] [comments]
2025.01.26 07:11 Scared_Army39 Class of 3000 (2006-2008)
submitted by Scared_Army39 to ForgottenTV [link] [comments]