What playthrough next?

2025.01.26 07:27 valdonia123 What playthrough next?

I just finished my Authoritarian Run which failed measurably and the economy hit a great depression I also invaded Rumburg and lost so what next?
submitted by valdonia123 to suzerain [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:27 Full_Pirate_7177 Novated Lease - situation

Running the numbers for a novated lease and all looking good. Interested to see if there are considerations I havent investigated.
High level:
Leaning towards a 4 or 5 year period (better off pery calcs) Kia EV5 at circa $56k Salary > $200k Will sell existing car for circa $12.5k and park in offset at 6.2%
Thanks for any takeaways or flags I've not thought of.
submitted by Full_Pirate_7177 to AusFinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:27 Desperate-Dig-9389 Helmet light

I have a Carins 360 helmet. I was wondering if anyone else runs one and uses a helmet light. If so. What light are you running?
submitted by Desperate-Dig-9389 to Firefighting [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:27 SeaworthinessLeft585 Still can't believe my Daisy is gone

I'm back here again i don't feel like eating, sleeping, and going to school it's very hard to accept the fact that my cat isn't coming back.I still feel like I keep seeing her around my house and it hurts a lot. I'm going to miss my Daisy fly high🕊💞
submitted by SeaworthinessLeft585 to Petloss [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:27 itsmarinaag I have problem with my controller 🎼

First of all i accidentally replaced the reload button and i can't reload when i play my hero and after I discovered that the other buttons don't work either, I did reset the settings but they still don't work 😕 (English is not my native language so I apologize if I have any grammatical errors.)
submitted by itsmarinaag to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:27 pokemon-Ultra-666 Pokemon GEN 1 GLITCH TO GEN 2

So However If You Traded Ghost To GEN 2 Title It Turn into Lugia and If Traded kabutops fossil to GEN 2 Title It Turn Into Tyranitar
submitted by pokemon-Ultra-666 to PokemonRG [link] [comments]


submitted by VoidzPlaysThings to SUBREDDITNAME [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:27 KingHuskyPlayz Should I do any of them?!! Let me know Quick!!!

Should I do any of them?!! Let me know Quick!!! submitted by KingHuskyPlayz to adoptmeroblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:27 EEEEEEEEEeeeeeaaAA Anyone have a bloodmoon krip?

Anyone have a bloodmoon krip? submitted by EEEEEEEEEeeeeeaaAA to CreaturesofSonaria [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:27 Odd-Protection1042 O que Ă© isso?

O que Ă© isso? submitted by Odd-Protection1042 to MemesBR [link] [comments]


Why does Google insist on showing me everyone else when I search for Lavenda? Like, sorry but no one can compete with the goddess herself! At this point, I'm considering writing an angry letter to the algorithm. Anyone else feel personally attacked by this betrayal? Let’s fix this, team! đŸ”„
submitted by ramafi to Lavendamonroe [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:27 Substantial_Scratch9 Last minute pick went crazy đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ˜­

Last minute pick went crazy đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ˜­ submitted by Substantial_Scratch9 to PrizePicks [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:27 Revolutionary_Yam_53 Apple or Mac Very new to the scene and have seen some mixed reviews about both just trying to figure it all out

submitted by Revolutionary_Yam_53 to Beatmatch [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:27 dynmiiic 25m looking for someone to stay up and talk to.

Hi, I am looking for someone to stay up with and chat. Some of my interests are video games, anime, working out, and watching scary movies but I am interested in talking about anything!
submitted by dynmiiic to chat [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:27 PoganiAutonomas Kako izvaditi novi zdravstveni karton?

Kada sam dosao sa 15 godina u Beograd, bio sam prvu godinu u domu ucenika srednjih skola. Preneo sam karton u dom zdravlja u Siminoj ulici na decije odeljenje.
Hvala Bogu nisam bio bolestan, nisam isao kod lekara i zaboravio na to.
Otisao sam u inostranstvo posle srednje, vratio se nakon par godina, palo mi na pamet da bi bilo dobro da nadjem karton. Zvao u dom zdravlja u selu, nije tamo, zvao dom zdravlja u opstini, nije tamo. Otisao u Siminu, poslali me u arhivu, ni tamo ne mogu da ga nadju.
Proslo je 4 godine od kako sam bio u Siminoj da trazim karton, zeleo bih da izvadim nov karton ili da nadjem stari.
Imam zdravstvenu knjizicu, osiguran sam zdravstveno na osnovu zaposlenja (ako to ima ilakve veze).
submitted by PoganiAutonomas to AskSerbia [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:27 WalrusIsSolar My Ashened Deck

My Ashened Deck What are we thinking?
submitted by WalrusIsSolar to masterduel [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:27 Relevant_Play7440 my sweet boy

my sweet boy submitted by Relevant_Play7440 to RATS [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:27 RobotAboveAll Votre avis sur ce Ioniq 5

Ayant envie de passer Ă  l’électrique, je suis actuellement Ă  la recherche d’une voiture. Ne souhaitant pas mettre une fortune, je me tourne vers l’occasion et je suis tombĂ© il y a peu sur une annonce qui me paraĂźt intĂ©ressante. Il s’agit d’une Hyundai Ioniq 5 73kWh en version executive. Elle date de FĂ©vrier 2022 (elle est donc encore sous garantie constructeur 2 ans si je ne m’abuse) et Ă  85000km. Sur l’annonce, elle a l’air en trĂšs bon Ă©tat au niveau de la carrosserie. Elle est mise en vente au prix de 29850€. J’aurais voulu avoir votre avis. Est-ce une bonne affaire? Dois-je me mĂ©fier de quelque chose? La batterie notamment?
Merci d’avance!
submitted by RobotAboveAll to voiture [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:27 ikarideraider Can’t find help please

Can’t find help please submitted by ikarideraider to ShoeID [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:27 geccow_ Radicality

For me, religion was always a choice, human always have a choice. But there has been soo many abusive muslims that would simply kill anyone that doesn't hear to the things they said.
How many times have we been told not to kill the non believers? Al-Kafirun, Muhammad Al Fatih tolerance when he entered hagia sophia, the past khilafah eras. But some of us just ignores it.
We successfully made some people live a better live, but we forgot about it.
Islam golden era is not dead, it just fainted, and will someday rise again, Just like the Prophet's bisyarah.
This religion never was supposed to harm anyone, it's just a tool for politics nowadays. This religion will rise again, someday.
After all our creators have something that we dont know right? The all-powerful God. This religion genuinely repaired my life.
One day it will repair others too.
submitted by geccow_ to progressive_islam [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:27 sportzdoc Free $5 PayPal with Receipt Hog!

submitted by sportzdoc to SmartStudentDealz [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:27 Normie776 How to beat PotW Hocus Crocus lvl 3

How are you supposed to beat that level? The chickens immediately make me lose my mowers and lose.
submitted by Normie776 to PlantsVSZombies [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:27 Definition_Lost Can I wear this in CAP interview?

Can I wear this in CAP interview? submitted by Definition_Lost to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:27 Cento_Per_Cento Face & Knees

Interested in hearing your thoughts on hitting these two area most effectively.
If I got a 1/2 body panel and sat on the floor in front of it with criss cross knees, I feel like my knees would be missing out, right?
Or, since I’m short (5”2’) would it make more sense to put it up on a stool or something so it was mid shin and up?
do I get one of the mini ones and place it on my kitchen counter when doing my face then say on my coffee table for my knees?
Those are my two biggest areas of concern. My face is just for general anti-aging properties, fine line/wrinkles etc. I have healthy skin and no acne.
I have horrendous arthritis in my knees and would love to see if the RLT helps.
I plan to buy direct from Alibaba, which I feel like I can navigate.
Thanks for your thought on this.
submitted by Cento_Per_Cento to redlighttherapy [link] [comments]

2025.01.26 07:27 throwaway0183823 AIO by getting anxious with my boyfriend's attitude with a girl that might be into him?

My (19F) boyfriend(21M) is currently in someone else's close friend Instagram stories. The woman in question doesn't even know him very well, so it's basically in a flirtatious way, and it's quite typical to have this kind of flirting on my country. So, I'm trying to know if I'm being dramatic by thinking this is a big deal. Maybe it's important to tell that I've learned about this after I've read some messages between him and his best friend. In those messages, he first talked about those two girls that appeared out of nowhere to his friend and then said that the one that caught his attention the most had some nice posts but didn't compare to me. Still, he said he wouldn't block her because it would be "awkward". Also, he works in a field that is related to communication so he actually needs to keep contact with too many people. Am I being stupid? Is this really just something that happens? It's one of my first relationships so I'm really insecure about everything. Sorry in advance, my English is not that good.
submitted by throwaway0183823 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]
