2025.01.27 04:19 eat-the-cookiez Watch says I’m in Sweden today
Had my watch for over 6 months, today it’s decided that I’m in Stenungsund in Sweden
Tried turning it off and on.
In “find my” it shows my watch at a specific location in Sweden but my other devices in my home (australia) but periodically also in Sweden
The phone Timezone is set correctly, I’ve turned off the “set automatically” slider now.
Any ideas?
submitted by eat-the-cookiez to AppleWatch [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:19 iAmTheRandomRandom Max Hank & 42k account simultaneously
1st max tier (no, Buzzard L for omega box doesn't count) submitted by iAmTheRandomRandom to prawnready [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:19 RotundCorgo This is Skippy. Do you think he’s a rat terrier? He’s a very good boy (:
I just adopted my first dog and he’s unlike any dog dog I’ve ever met haha! I posted him to the ID my dog subreddit about a week ago and they led me here! The shelter listed him as a “terrier mix”, but I’m thinking he’s at least part rattie. He’s about a year old and weighs 19lbs. When we first brought him home, we had just gotten a mouse problem under control. Well, the first thing he did while checking out the house was go into a pointing stance when he found the mouse hole that we had recently filled. Amazing! Especially considering we have a cat, who did absolutely nothing to help with the problem lol (In fact, we actually went to the shelter originally to look for another cat to help us in the future. Came home with Skippy because he was such a good boy, but it ended up working out for us haha!) Needless to say, he seems to have a pretty decent prey drive. He’s also amazingly patient with my two small RAMBUNCTIOUS people! We try our best to teach them to be gentle with him, but sometimes little ones are unpredictable. I watched my 1yo accidentally poke him in the eye TWICE and he didn’t react at all. He’s literally the most patient dog I’ve ever met. He’s great with the kids, the cat, and the other dogs in our neighborhood! My husband described him as a cat-dog (which is hilarious because our cat is very much a dog-cat). He loves to be where everyone else is hanging out, but he doesn’t make much commotion about his presence. He’s not much for food and treats, but he LOVES to cuddle. He’s also taken to licking the inside of my 3yo’s mouth (my son finds it hilarious and keeps letting him, despite my protests lol) He’s super easy to train, and very attentive. Loves praise more than the treats and adores hearing how good of boy he is (: Oh! He also buried a bully stick in the yard the other day. Like, fully dug a hole, put the stick in, and covered it up. I thought that was just a thing dogs did in movies! Lol So, does he fit the description of a rattie? It doesn’t really matter either way, we all love him no matter what hehe it’s just been a fun little mystery to pursue! submitted by RotundCorgo to ratterriers [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:19 Jaime070 This is a v interesting theory! Thoughts??
Has anyone seen the video from Jay Klay on Tiktok connecting the Gulf of Mexico name change, a possible ufo crash containing Vibranium and the drone/ orb situation? I tried to post the video but I can’t without doxxing myself. Does anyone think theres any credibility to this? He said he’s talked to someone “in the know” (I hate it as much as the next person) and the reason the GOM is main topic right now is because they are trying to retrieve it since Mexico doesn’t have the resources or funding & the drones are possibly protecting it.
submitted by Jaime070 to ufo [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:19 always_sunny_fp [WTS] Sailor Professional Gear Cocktail Exclusive Argentina
submitted by always_sunny_fp to penswap [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:19 thehonestthief Always help a friend dump recordings off old discs.
Got paid in a good hang out session, but these were the icing on the cake!! submitted by thehonestthief to minidisc [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:19 Embarrassed-Key-3792 Campaign options
Which faction has good unit variety in the game that's not necessarily a power house
submitted by Embarrassed-Key-3792 to totalwar [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:19 Axxeleraptor Last of the "Top communities" to be listed on Reddit
Here's the proof: Top Communities on Reddit - Page 1347
submitted by Axxeleraptor to Zutarahate [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:19 WhileLongjumping3268 I am a Hindu I am just curious to know what % of Iran is Muslim
Pls re
submitted by WhileLongjumping3268 to exmuslim [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:19 Acceptable-Bug9315 Can I even make it? It’s barely going up please help me 🙏🙏
Can't do it without You! Just a click to accept my invitation! Your Friend Are Grabbing a Free Gift - You Both Deserve Too! Don't Miss Out, Click to Get Your Freebie https://onelink.shein.com/8/4dkn4fdm4rwm submitted by Acceptable-Bug9315 to Shein_PuppyKeep [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:19 winterinthereddit sou babaca por não querer que meus primos morem comigo?
desde o divórcio dos meus pais, que aconteceu quando eu tinha 10 anos (atualmente tenho 17) moro em um apartamento de 3 quartos com a minha mãe, meu irmão, que atualmente tem 7 anos, e dois primos meus, de 20 e poucos anos, beirando a casa dos 30.
No começo, morava apenas eu e minha mãe, mas depois de uns meses, meu primo 1 começou a morar com a gente em nosso ap. Eu tive que dormir com a minha mãe e meu irmão, pois nosso apartamento, na época, tinha só dois quartos e um closet que, um ano depois, reformamos e fizemos meu atual quarto, que por sinal eu ajudei a minha mãe a pagar, tive que usar o dinheiro que ganhei na minha primeira comunhão para pagar os móveis.
Meu primo 1 morou um tempo e depois arrumou um ap pra morar, dividindo as despesas com um estranho, mas, um tempo depois, voltou para a sua cidade e, mais um tempo depois, voltou a morar conosco. O primo 2 começou a morar com a gente no ano passado; ele arranjou um emprego para o primo 1 e os dois trabalham juntos.
Bem, não sei por onde começar minhas reclamações, que para muitos podem ser fúteis, mas para mim já é algo que não suporto mais!
Os meus dois primos pagam, cada um, 800 reais para morarem em nosso ap, já deixando claro que não moram de graça.
Eu sou uma pessoa muito chata com minhas coisas, principalmente coisas pessoais como cobertas, travesseiros, lençóis, fronhas, produtos de higiene, etc. Detesto emprestar minhas coisas e que peguem sem pedir e se sintam os donos.
Meus dois primos que moram comigo SEMPRE pegam todos os itens que citei, e não é por falta de condição financeira para comprar, os dois ganham um salário muito bom, e meu primo 1 já chegou a falar que ganha quase 10mil.
Meus dois primos que moram comigo SEMPRE pegam todos os itens que citei acima, e não faz uma ou duas semanas que isso tem acontecido; isso é algo habitual deles. Pegam minhas coisas sem pedir e se sentem os donos delas. Já reclamei diversas vezes sobre isso com eles e com a minha mãe, mas parece não adiantar. Sempre que volto de viagem ou da casa de meu pai, encontro minhas cobertas jogadas na sala e no quarto dos rapazes.
Meu ap tem dois banheiros: um que fica na sala e outro que fica no quarto de minha mãe. Tenho que ir até o quarto da minha mãe toda vez que quero tomar banho ou usar o banheiro, porque não posso usar o outro. Ele vive sujo, e não é justo comigo ter que limpar o banheiro “dos rapazes”, enquanto não sou a única que uso e não sou eu quem deixa o vaso cheio de urina e não puxa a descarga corretamente. O banheiro fica muito fedido, tornando-se impossível de usar!
Talvez eu adicione mais coisas no relato. Eu não consigo descrever como é ver os meninos usarem as coisas que ganhei ou que comprei com meu pouco dinheiro, mas é horrível, ainda mais para alguém tão mesquinho quanto eu.
Já conversei com a minha mãe sobre a falta de privacidade que é morar com eles e como não me sinto confortável para sair do meu quarto de pijama. Morando com eles, minha mãe simplesmente disse que era para eu colocar um roupão quando saísse de meu quarto. Eu gosto de usar pijamas mais soltos e não tão cobertos em dias de calor. Eu tenho a bexiga de velha, então imagine eu colocar um roupão quente de 5 em 5 minutos só para ir ao banheiro. Não dá, né?
Me digam o que posso fazer e como posso tentar falar novamente com a minha mãe. Obrigada por lerem até aqui. Beijos e uma boa semana!
submitted by winterinthereddit to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:19 Only-Weight8450 Rtx 5090 at 1440p vs 4k
Should I get the Msi 1440p oled 480 hz monitor or lg 4k 240hz with 480hz 1080p dual mode. - my use case is a mix of competitive fps games (marvel rivals, overwatch, valorant) and single player games. I’m pretty sensitive to input latency on mouse and keyboard and feel that I would either use controller with gyro or end up lowering settings as needed to achieve stable 150ish fps or higher in single player shooter games like cyberpunk or stalker. And looking at 5090 benchmarks it appears that would take turning down settings a bit at 4k even with dlss4 performance enabled.
2025.01.27 04:19 CarelessCaiden am i able to play smash 4 on a usb stick?
i have the digital game and all but last time if im correct i got the black screen any thoughts if i should do this???
submitted by CarelessCaiden to wiiu [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:19 pootsyone 2025 Temperature blanket colours chosen
I wasn't going to do a temperature blanket this year. I have so many things on my to-do list. Chance would have it however, that I had to have surgery on my foot a week ago and I've already completed 3 x WIPS and started 3 more projects. 😜 Anyway, I was looking at all your blankets/creations and colour inspiration and I just couldn't help myself. I spent yesterday planning and ordering yarn. My husband just went to pick it up now. I am going to complete moss/linen stitch granny squares for each month and my yarn is Lionbrand Color Theory. I will be helped along with Toni from TLYC. https://youtu.be/zwF0kKtJBD0?si=wULULzvfDTKDH2Lq submitted by pootsyone to temperatureblanket [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:19 Ripred177 New graphics dropped today they look wild!
submitted by Ripred177 to 2007scape [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:19 Le_Fete_Triste13 Looking for punk/goth/alternative dude I saw in old sac on 1/10/2025
You were tall, pale, shaved head,all black, nice boots (well dressed) huge septum and very cute. Me and my friend caught you checking me out but I could tell that you're nervous and very shy. Hoping to cross paths again 🍕
submitted by Le_Fete_Triste13 to Sacramento [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:19 mekukun0pp41 Is this really a Haworth Zody?
Found an ads selling this Haworth Zody @ $120. It doesn't look like a label sticker I'd see on another Zody on Youtube/Google. But I live in Malaysia so could it be that this label sticker is region-specific? submitted by mekukun0pp41 to OfficeChairs [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:19 60TIMESREDACTED You can buy a coke at this vending machine for the low low price of $655.30!
Sounds like a bargain to me!
submitted by 60TIMESREDACTED to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:19 Late-Station3033 XLRI Interview Experience..
submitted by Late-Station3033 to CATStudyRoom [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:19 satvision83 Florida Democratic Party official arrested on child porn charges
submitted by satvision83 to LGBTnews [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 04:19 catmegazord Alright y’all, bets are open.
submitted by catmegazord to ChasersRiseUp [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:19 folkingwiccan vguc brown medium crescent for sale 🐌🤎🍄🟫
Asking for 35 plus shipping (shipping from Missouri)! Also open to trades. Trying to curate my collection to stuff I love only :) Just cleaned for its new home! will trade for: navy medium crescent cypress medium crescent navy green check medium crescent moon phase go pouches/dopp kits/flat pouches submitted by folkingwiccan to BAGGU [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:19 mariposa-night222 Just a 1,300 coin fit 🥲💖 Any outfit inspo to share?
I’m glad to find a forum of c*nty fits as I wasn’t sure if I should ask for trainer styles inspo in the main PoGo community 😭 I love the matching-buddy outfit idea! submitted by mariposa-night222 to PoGoFashion [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:19 fafsdfasfaffaafdsaf What his aslume name?
submitted by fafsdfasfaffaafdsaf to BatmanArkham [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 04:19 Johnnycakess43 🤞🏼
If this hits $.01 imma rename my cat toshi
submitted by Johnnycakess43 to toshicoin [link] [comments]