2025.01.27 17:14 Chubbschalmers Crossfire Episode 34
Watch as we are approaching the One For All Brawl this Saturday when we see a Women's championship title main event, plus Crossfire Champion Liam Dynamite give his veiws on his matcha and sends a message to whoever wins the One For All Brawl submitted by Chubbschalmers to WWE2K23 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 17:14 _rorypower A Hotel/Fashion advert I shot for Olea Hotel, Zakynthos.
submitted by _rorypower to cinematography [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 17:14 SaltyAdminBot This will sounds crazy but I think the ETs have entered the chat room. Also even for me the last week has been a bit much. I want to step back.
I'm glad people are discussing the ontological shock here and embracing the experience, discomfort and all - it is inspiring, and we are on the right track. It's been hard even for me - I'm an experiencer, face to face with NHI. And heavily experienced in the psychic /energetic aspects of human experience and of these beings being physically present here on Earth in numbers that are surprisingly big.
But I'm not here to discuss that - something about this last week feels different. I am deliberately not trying to resolve to ambiguities rn, I'm not even trying to reach definitive conclusions yet about who I think those guys are, and I've got mixed feelings.
For me it's not ontological shock because I already knew a lot of these things are true, on some level, or knew truth adjacent and correlated - but it's more like ontological drift. Like the nature of the reality I knew has changed by the introduction of new data. And this ontology / cosmollogy I constructed through my own efforts and experiences was hard won, I'm cautious to just give it up. But I'm also open to new data - all the time. And there'a s lot this week. I'm scared of the need to have to absorb this new data into what I know, and fine any reconciliation, and to adjust my view. But I guess, I have to do it at some point. But it will take time. And it's not something I can do in public safely - the fear and pain of abusive ridicule as you go through something real and deep is too atroicious. So I have to go away and do it in private. In my own time. I'm okay with that.
But I feel a responsibility as someone far advanced on all this, often helping seed ideas and takes into the discourse here to share the difficulty for me. Maybe that can help people who are similarly invested when their own ideas realize that empahtize that this can be a difficult process for all of us. And maybe seeing someone else go through it as best and as honestly as they can, will help you through it. Back to my mixed feelings, which may just be my own psychological defense to protect my existing ideas or even just the threat of change:
Part of me thinks they are lying to advance an official agenda on this in a way that's not good for us, shaping the narrative with overwhelming force in a coordinated media blitz operation.
Part of me wants to believe the guys are legit, with legit experiences, legit skills and legit claims.
I'm still absorbing. I have tried to use my power to see into the truth of the situation, or resolve really clear details, I have not tried to read them. Sometimes I like to give it time, and play it like a regular person would and just go through the experience, and collect data.
Part of me just feels like I and the whole topic has just taken a massive upgrade in bandwidth and energy and to a certain extent we are all being "Confusion blasted" (basically, alien magic). There's a qualitative difference between a Floridian botfarm lobbing chaos into threads, and what this feels like. So, I say, the NHI have entered the chat! Or at least the chat room. I don't think they're actually here posting rn, but I feel what seems to be their force behind this.
Part of me wonders whether my own resistance to wholeheartedly embrace these new insiders is just my own confirmation bias, my desperate clinging to a worldview of my own . Maybe it's not "who" I wanted to be telling me the story. Maybe it's the particular take the story I like. Maybe it's the bold "the secret keepers are heroes" endorsement of gaslighting, and attempts to justify an agency-removing false-paternalistic attitude for deciding what's best for everyone else in society, and trying to justify that as a good idea that I deeply feel distrust of. Maybe it's the sense that we are being corralled into anointing these guys a new priest class, or an agenda that is not ours bur theirs - and what's worse, it comes with the force of an official imprinter of disclosure write large - it almost feels dangerous, now that the official players have entered the chat with their plan, to contradict their plan.
These are my reflections. I haven't decided anything about it, and I don't need to. Not yet. But I'm going to step back. Not least because the idea of challenging a brave new official vanguard of disclosure, as someone who's been such a thorn in previous failed narrative attempts fo that side, seems unwise. But also just personally for my mental, emotioal and spiritual wellbeing.
There has been a huge activation of a new kind of energy in this discourse over the last 7 days and I don't know if i want to be part of it. Honestly, something feels off to me. Is that just my own confirmation bias clashing with a new reality? Maybe. But I feel it's not. Something feels wrong. And I've learned that when I don't trust my intuition things fuck up. So I'm trusting it, and stepping away. And maybe take a peek from a distance.
Please don't do me the disrespect of sharing your take or analysis on my experience, or suggesting you can ridiculously explain what I'm going through - you can't. And sharing this is meant to encourage that non judgmental sharing environment that can be helpful at times like this. Violators of will be treated incredibly harshly and with extreme vindictiveness, so just don't. Just be kind. But I am interested in hearing your own takes on what you are going through. I expose myself like this to help people cope with their own changes - by seeing someone like me, often so confident on these topics, totally don't know what to say this week. Yet anyway. Maybe this post is just more my own expression. Mods please tolerate this during this time.
Hope the share let's you feel heard or gives you courage if you are going through similar. Onward! When you're ready that is lol - and sayonara for a time here. :)
submitted by SaltyAdminBot to UFOs_Archives [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:14 1994Queenie Hidden Mickeys in
Has anyone else noticed that the melted candles on certain angles look like Mickey Mouse lol I’ve been playing for 2 years now and I just noticed 😂😂 submitted by 1994Queenie to DreamlightValley [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 17:14 AnonPinkLady I tried making a soft painterly portrait of my cat
https://preview.redd.it/cldjcc8ikkfe1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=6bdeabe9132010de43f3b36e2587c9413f68febc submitted by AnonPinkLady to AdorableArt [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 17:14 MaxIm6o7 Soo I try to "evolve" my drawing style and you know what I like it.
submitted by MaxIm6o7 to Beginner_Art [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 17:14 UrlBae Simply eSIMs: Seamless Global Connectivity in Your Pocket
Stay connected no matter where your travels take you with Simply eSIMs.
submitted by UrlBae to SimplyeSIM [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:14 Capital-Squirrel21 30M - on the lookout for some new people to chat with!
Just looking to casually chat with some random people. My social circle is basically nonexistent. I just work. Go home. Hang with my wife and kid and go to bed. Rinse repeat. Not a bad way to go about living at all but does leave me wanting some outside chats.
Into most of the stereotypical stuff. Sports. Gaming. Anime. Books. Food. Etc. so if you want to yap away about any of that stuff I’m all ears. Also can be a solid listening ear if you need to vent about something!
submitted by Capital-Squirrel21 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:14 bumblebeezeee my current 4 saved outfits
4th one is from my boyfriend :,) always keeping a slot for his outfits! i really tried to mix and match pieces from different sets and i actually really love them and cant choose which one to run around in :,) submitted by bumblebeezeee to InfinityNikki [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 17:14 Significant-Bag-3375 Guess I'll never climb unless I fork money for miniclip
They need to do many split servers so people have a chance
submitted by Significant-Bag-3375 to 8BallPool [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:14 rondogb200 Am I tripping ?
Usually with 8k your in the top 5. This is crazy man lol submitted by rondogb200 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 17:14 South_Side_3817 How to report staking on taxes.
Hey what's up my people from reddit.I leave in the U.S.A. I have this question started to buy crypto on 2022. Bought BTC, ETH and Solana(ADA). Total on cryto is around $400 dollars I didn't get 1099 last year. I am verly noticing you still have to file taxes for staking. Staking rewards are only from Solana and Tezos. Solana staking rewards are around $6 or $7 dollars it mostly cents $0.01 or sometimes $0.02 cents. Tezos is mostly $0.00 I only have $2.50 worth of tezos. How would I report that on my taxes and if it's wise to amend my tax returns form previous years just to add the cents of staking rewards help. Don't want to have problem with uncle Sam.
submitted by South_Side_3817 to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:14 gayroma Haideti sa va spun un secret pe care pentru multi dintre voi nu mai este secret probabil legat de "droguri"
Foarte multe medicamente au cantitati de "droguri" in ele adica mai concret de diferite substante psihoactive, iar rationamentul este urmatorul. Pe de o parte regleaza partea psihica, il face pe pacient sa se simta bine, mai echilibrat ceea ce duce la o stare in care medicamentul activ principal si nonpsihoactiv este absorbit mai bine de organism si doi efectul placebo: pacientul daca se simte bine cu atat da indicatii corpului sa se simta mai bine, sporind eficacitatea medicamentului. Orice medicament are doua parti, partea obiectiva (substantele in sine) si partea subiectiva (in care este inclus si efectul placebo).
Argumentul pentru care f multe medicamente au "droguri" in ele este si de natura economica, pacientul care se simte mai bine subiectiv trece mai usor peste efectele adverse inerente oricarui medicament (dureri de stomac, etc), ceea ce face medicamentul mai atractiv dpdv economic.
Tot marketingul medicamentelor este ca "te fac sa te simti bine dupa", evident nici un producator nu ar pune in fata faptul ca asta e medicamentele au efecte adverse si nu prea te simti bine de la ele, asta e faza.
Oamenii obisnuiti care striga drog nu isi dau seama ca ei au luat, iau sau vor lua tot droguri, deci si ei sunt niste "drogati" sa folosim un termen peiorativ
submitted by gayroma to buruieni [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:14 PixelNymph22 Manin tattoo
Sent my tattooist a bunch of descriptions on Manon. This is what she came up with. I absolutely love her. 😍 She's my third addition to my book sleeve 🤍 Any other throne of glass tattoos? submitted by PixelNymph22 to throneofglassseries [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 17:14 Unusual-Disk-486 Looking for Resources on Analog Electronics
Hi! I'm looking for online courses or resources that cover topics similar to this outline on analog electronic circuits. Any recommendations?
2025.01.27 17:14 Any-Reindeer-8150 Issue with Signing Up for QuickBooks Online – Error Code 25625
Hi everyone,
I’m trying to sign up for QuickBooks Online and ran into an issue; "The feature you've requested is temporarily unavailable. Reference code: 25625."
Has anyone else faced this issue before? I tried reaching out to contact customer support but they were of no help, they just kept sharing the Sign up link again for Pakistan (I'm from Pakistan), Is this something that resolves itself after some time?
I’d really appreciate any advice or insights from the community. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Any-Reindeer-8150 to Bookkeeping [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:14 andrewfrance Haven’t seen this one on here yet
submitted by andrewfrance to ManualTransmissions [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:14 Ezio-0 DeepSeek says it's temporarily limiting new user registrations "due to large-scale malicious attacks" on its services (Hayden Field/CNBC)
submitted by Ezio-0 to Techmemefeed [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 17:14 BourgeoisMystics [DFT] Riptide Gearhulk
submitted by BourgeoisMystics to PioneerMTG [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:14 AutoNewspaperAdmin [National] - Southern California rain helps fight fires but causes mudflows, boosting toxic ash runoff risk | PBS
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 17:14 Retro_Vista Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 & Warzone - Season 02 Blackcell Trailer
submitted by Retro_Vista to PS5 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 17:14 Educational_Cod7478 Triceps pump
submitted by Educational_Cod7478 to indianfitness [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 17:14 Additional-Ad2514 Anyone know what the next prime is gonna be?
submitted by Additional-Ad2514 to Warframe [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:14 VinsWie Have you been to your country's national capital?
View Poll
submitted by VinsWie to Teenager_Polls [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 17:14 Illustrious-Sign7541 I have been buying or funding, non profits. AMA
I talk to the people there and, sometimes i need to look in to people who work and are there. And that creates a new problem aka "how could this be fixed", the social distrust is a problem eventually. I talk with farm's and see how they transport things, some can't talk some won't talk, but its part of the industry, but i take some action, when it comes to availability.
You can suggest your favorite, nonprofits, kitchens and buildings.
submitted by Illustrious-Sign7541 to AMA [link] [comments]