Ask Anything Thread

2025.01.27 04:00 AutoModerator Ask Anything Thread

Use this thread to ask anything at all!
submitted by AutoModerator to MFDOOMREMIXES [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 Barbara-Bush-Bot Weekly Discussion Thread - Monday, January 27, 2025

Welcome to /Liberal_Conservatives! what's on your mind? -----------------------------------------------------
Liberal conservatism incorporates the classical liberal view of minimal government intervention in the economy. However, liberal conservatism also holds that individuals cannot be thoroughly depended on to act responsibly in other spheres of life, therefore liberal conservatives believe that a strong state is necessary to ensure law and order and social institutions.
As a user once said: "Liberal conservatism is classical liberal means to conservatism. I.E. more personal freedom in society and freedom of government creates the most social stability."
We welcome all who wish to learn and share our ideology of kindness!
To harbor discussion, boost activity, and generate awareness on the topic of Liberal Conservatism, we have decided to create weekly discussion threads to accomplish these goals.
Past discussion threads.
submitted by Barbara-Bush-Bot to Liberal_Conservatives [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 dmitriR [PC][~2010 availablility] party/character focused RPG

Ok so, something has been bugging me all day and none of my circles can help.
I remember years ago I played a RPG where the basic premise is that in ages past, two great heroes fought. One with an unbreakable shield, the other an unstoppable sword.
The shield broke and the modern plot is that the villain is back with the sword, now we need the shield to stop him etcetc
Does anyone remember what it's called, or am I having a fever dream??? Thanks an advance!
submitted by dmitriR to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 NationalAnything1547 Toronto fashion model @aryabancroft #shorts

Toronto fashion model @aryabancroft #shorts submitted by NationalAnything1547 to TorontoModels [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 Realistic-Cicada981 I request a deck which consists of cards that has the longest animations possible.

Example: multiple Con Man activating abilities while using Regifting and Wormhole Gatekeeper
Zombot Shark activating it's abilities against a full board of around 10 plants.
Attacking (usually for 1 damage) multiple times (with Frenzy) against a Soul Patch.
Stall then spam Viral with or without teachers.
For plants: Cyclecap against a full health Hero
Give me more ideas.
submitted by Realistic-Cicada981 to PvZHeroes [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 Top_Day2394 2 Packs-for iPhone HeadphonesFor USA Testers DM for Info - Thanks

2 Packs-for iPhone HeadphonesFor USA Testers DM for Info - Thanks submitted by Top_Day2394 to AMZreviewTrader [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 AutoModerator Velvet Racing Shoes - Freestyle Footwear

submitted by AutoModerator to Shoes2023 [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 belladdonn Any good tarantula buying sites with shipping to Mexico?

Heyy, first time posting here. Wondering if you guys have some good options for tarantula/spider buying sites that may ship to mexico, I've been looking to buy my first tarantula and after trying to get it from Fear Not Tarantulas I realized they don't do shipping outside the US so if anyone knows about any that can ship over here I would really appreciate the help, also if you guys have any begginer tips I would really like to hear them :)
submitted by belladdonn to tarantulas [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 Confident_Response33 I wanna relapse so bad

I wanna relapse so fucking bad and idk what to do I don't even feel bad I just miss it so bad
submitted by Confident_Response33 to selfharmteens [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 281s U lot parking pass

wanting to split my parking pass from February to April, it's available for Thursdays and Fridays
please message me if interested! :-)
submitted by 281s to umanitoba [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 Relevant_Schedule379 Boat Build

Boat Build Let me know what you guys think and if there’s any questions
submitted by Relevant_Schedule379 to GroundedGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 NationalAnything1547 Hot Model Dancing in Ad For

Hot Model Dancing in Ad For submitted by NationalAnything1547 to PaulMurtonFans [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 Lazy-Effective7986 Just a long ass vent about my life, hoping some of you might understand

I am just very tired of my life and I don't know if it will ever get better.
I am a transexual male and I've been on T for a bit over 1 and a half years, currently in the process of getting my documents changed.
If I am being honest I haven't felt any joy in my life for so long I've lost track, I know I should be grateful or happy that I got to start T and all that but I feel nothing at all. Being trans and coming to terms with it has been nothing but a pain in the ass for me and I wouldn't wish this fate upon my worst enemy. Ever since I was a kid I never fit in with anyone, didn't fit in with the women for obvious reasons, they always hated me because I wasn't like them. Didn't fit in with the men either, despite feeling like I was one of them since I was a small child, because at the end of the day I was born a woman. My brain has a very hard time understanding that I am not just like any other guy and every time I look in the mirror I get reminded of it, every time I go to take a piss I get reminded of it, no matter what I do I always get reminded that I am this thing. Before I realised that I was trans or that that was even an option I was very unhappy for pretty much as long as I can remember, something has always felt off when I looked in the mirror. I remember it driving me nuts even when I was just a kid. I was always so angry at everyone and everything growing up. When I was in my early teens and I first learned that transexual people are a thing I didn't think of it much in the beginning but after some time I realised that I might be one of them, I tried to supress these feelings for years even when other people asked me if I was sure that I wasn't a transexual man. When I was about 14 I came to terms with reality because I couldn't keep lying to myself anymore and pretend to be something I never was. When I first came out my parents didn't take it well so I just chose to shut up about it for some time. A couple of months or years(I don't remember) later I met some trans person that was way older than me, we initially hit it off and got along as we had shared hobbies and such. One thing led to another and we started going out. A thing I forgot to mention is that was around the time I hit rock bottom in my life, I was forced to drop out of school because my mental state got so bad that even my parents couldn't ignore it any longer. So I started dating this person at first it was only online but then they ended up moving to my country just 2 months into us being together, so we ended up moving in together. As you might have guessed at this point this relationship was nothing but toxic from the very start as I was a very mentally unstable individual and you could say the same for the other person. About 1 and a half years into our relationship I managed to get my hands on T thanks to that person(that was the only good thing that ever came from that relationship and I wouldn't advice anyone to step into my footsteps, I just did what I had to). When I started taking T I became WAY less mentally unstable and finally for the first time felt like myself. My parents who at that point were somewhat fine with me being a man noticed how I had drastically changed for the better in terms of mental stability and that's all it took for them to fully come to terms with it and become 100% supportive. Fast forward my relationship with that person ended in a very fucked up manner about half a year later, which I wont go into detail about because its somewhat irrelevant and again very fucked up, one of the reasons we broke up tho was because they were somewhat of a tucute and we just didn't see eye to eye. Ever since then I have returned to living my life as a pretty much complete shut in as my dysphoria is and always has been pretty soul crushing, even though I pass all the time and I don't recall being misgenderd in about at least a year I am still so fucking miserable. I will most likely get top surgery this year and after that immediately start the process of getting phallo as I am fortunate enough to have a father who is willing to pay all of it which don't get me wrong I am VERY grateful for but I still am unable to feel any form of excitement about any of those things, if anything I feel nothing but guilt that my parents have to give up a good amount of their money for something that might not even "fix" me, to me those are just things I wish I never had to do and even after I get them done I am unsure if I will ever be happy or at least content with my life as I will always view myself as this unlikeable freak. I wish I could give my opportunities to someone who would be genuinely happy and not so tired and indifferent like me.
Sometimes I wish my parents were as unsupportive as they were in the beginning so I'd at least have a good guilt free reason to end myself.
I am sorry for the long ass vent I just have nobody I can tell any of this to as I have no friends and even if I did I am stealth so id rather get hit by a truck than tell this to anyone.
submitted by Lazy-Effective7986 to truscum [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 Anchovy_paste Best ECG training set?

Is there an app or flashcard set you recommend that I can use to solve EKGs on the go? Thank you
submitted by Anchovy_paste to ECG [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 EngineeringMore5993 NEED SONGS

anyone know songs that sound like take you away, entry 4, cmon just go down that block right there dont be scared, burn, idiot, i miss u
submitted by EngineeringMore5993 to jaydes [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 MariaSuarez578 Hot Model Jamie Grinn Sexy Dance in Sexy Outfit

Hot Model Jamie Grinn Sexy Dance in Sexy Outfit submitted by MariaSuarez578 to JamieGrinnFans [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 Other_Independent_82 VP Death Order

Any guesses? Mine are Darth Vader, Rule 3, Dan Quayle, Al Gore, rule 3 and then rule 3.
submitted by Other_Independent_82 to Presidents [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 Interesting_Sea_6583 Siganme en mi nuevo proyecto

Siganme en mi nuevo proyecto submitted by Interesting_Sea_6583 to YouTuber [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 ethanbull_ Heya, New Members!

Great to have you here! 🙏 As you’re new to the community, please introduce yourself with a light background of how you're interested in TCM while following christ. The option is yours, but be great to have more questions open up in this community!
submitted by ethanbull_ to TCMandChristianity [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 Mangooo256 Framework 16 DRD Type-C

Does our beloved laptop have a functioning DRD/OTG/whadamacalit implementation? I tried looking into it and got really confused at the various descriptions, tables and heaps of strange info. There is an "available" switch in /sys/class/typec/port0/data_role and yet when I try changing it, the operation either timeouts or disconnects the device.
submitted by Mangooo256 to framework [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 HiThereImNewHere Welcome to Media Monday!

This will be taking place of our previous Music Monday!
Media Monday is the space to share what various media you've been into to lately! Got a new show you've been watching? Book that you stayed up until 4am reading because you couldn't put it down? Music that you'll proudly admit to looping? Let's hear your recommendations!
submitted by HiThereImNewHere to bts7 [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 HRJafael Fire hits Leominster commercial building at 78 Marguerite Ave.

Fire hits Leominster commercial building at 78 Marguerite Ave. submitted by HRJafael to LeominsterMass [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 AutoModerator ATTENTION RISING STARS (CONTENT CREATORS!!!)

Join a community of people sharing and engaging in COD Mobile content, providing views, feedback, and subscribers. Read the rules before posting.
submitted by AutoModerator to CODMobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 Extra_Heart_268 Disguised Indy

I have tried sculpting a hat but am not real happy with it. I may just leave him like this as he doesn't have the hat with the missile launcher anyway.
submitted by Extra_Heart_268 to TheAdventureSeries [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:00 user6593a 舔共國民黨支持者,反對兩蔣反共遺志。笑死人!😂

舔共國民黨支持者,反對兩蔣反共遺志。笑死人!😂 submitted by user6593a to Taiwanese [link] [comments]